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[News] Pathfinder Playtest Materials Without Your Name On It

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But maybe it isn’t.

In any case I hope they get it resolved. I do wonder why they took the link to the playtest off of it.

If I could get to their website, I might be able to find the quote, but Vic Wertz replied directly to this question [edit: well, to the question of "why are the playtest docs name imprinted if they're free?"] once. Paraphrasing, he said "Just because it's free doesn't mean we don't want to control it".


My thought is that someone REALLY REALLY doesn't like the Playtest and keeps hacking the site just to be malicious or something.

I can't figure why they'd have their site down that much, otherwise.

All I can say is it is not I. We are playing an 11th level 5e game currently, with no intention on playing either PF1 or PF2.

However, from how much it seems like Paizo's site has been down, it seems like it is far more than what anyone would want it to be down, especially Paizo.

It does make me curious. I'm done with the Pathfinder 2 playest, but still wanted to get some pawns from Paizo and keep up with their miniature news. Their website being down for so long is unfortunate.

It's easy to see conspiracy theories.
They website is being hit by DoS attacks because people don't like the playtest.
Paizo is keeping the website down to pause the conversations and let people calm down, so they'll be nice to their game, as well as stymie negative publicity.

I don't think it's people downloading the playtest. That killed it the first day, but after that demand would slow. They could be having issues with how it watermarks the documents and working on that, but that doesn't seem something they'd put the whole site down for. They'd just remove the watermarking like they did now.

My guess is it has to do with the backend code of the website itself.
The Paizo site just got a new facelift, but that was pretty much just a cosmetic tweak of the old site, and a lot of old elements and formatting bled through, and all the old content was retained. They didn't want a hard reboot that removed all the old blogs or wiped the forums.
But given they were running a site that hadn't really been update for a good decade and then added a lot of extra stuff on top, that probably made the code unstable. I know the site was slower than the old and finicky. I kept finding dead links and poor redirects. Navigation was not easy.


Yeah - their entire storefront being down cannot possibly be "by choice" guys. No company would do that - it's got to be killing them that they can't make sales through the website while its down like this.

(If it were just the forums that were down then sure - it might be a choice to avoid something. But this is their entire website including their storefront. Something bad has to have happened on the back end for them to keep their storefront offline for days like this).


About the conspiracy I have an adage: Don't ascribe to malice that which can be adequately explained by incompetence.

I think Paizo just pushed the website problem ahead of them, like humans do, and it came back to bite them now that they had extra traffic because of the playtest.

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