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D&D 5E Rhenny's PotA Campaign Session 6 Update


Session 6

PCs (3rd Level)

Pate the Half-Elven Bard (in possession of a map that shows the Sumber Hills perhaps an area where an elemental node exists)
Zeed the Arakocra Rogue (fearful of hippogriff riders who have attacked in the area – also hopeful to find more Arakocra in the Dessarin Valley)
Hundar the Half-Orc Fighter (Tracking Gar Shatterkeep, who sunk the ship Hundar sailed on)
Turytopple the Gnome Paladin (A gnome trying to fight evil)
Kippipop the Gnome Sorcerer (Looking for mystery and lore)
Namfoodle “Foo” the Gnome Rogue (Trying to find riches)

“Shallow Graves and the Lord of Lance Rock”

The party got back together at the Swinging Sword Inn, and in the morning, they spoke with Kaylessa. Pate warmed himself to her and offered to play on evenings when he was in town, and Kaylessa was so impressed with his instrumental prowess that she took him up on the offer. She liked the idea that one of the new heroes would be a regular feature at her place so she even let the bard and his companions stay in one of the bunkrooms upstairs for at least the next few weeks.

At breakfast, the party overheard an old man named Larmon tell about a shallow grave he found just the other evening while he was letting his sheep graze east of the town near the Sumber Hills. They also saw and heard a priest of Lathander speak to Kalyessa about the missing delegation from Mirabar. He had seen them a few 10 day back in Beliard, but they never made it to The Summit Hall to the south. He was a bit worried because he knew that the Dwarves in the Mirabaren party even talked about stopping at Red Larch.

Since Zeed, Tury, Kippi and Foo were going to continue helping Constable Harburk with the “Believers” proceedings, Pate and Hundar struck up a conversation with Larmon to find out more about the graves. He told them were to go, but he didn’t want to go back so soon. Fresh graves gave him the hibby-jeebies.

Pate and Hundar set out to investigate at about 8 am. They found the grave site in a few hours, but to their surprise the graves seemed to be dug up. After inspecting the open hole, they found a few bits of ripped cloth about 100 feet from the graves, along with a trail of blood, scratch marks, more tattered clothing and even a few bones here and there. They followed the trail to a cave opening on the edge of the Sumber Hills, and they boldly ventured inside.

Inside the dark part of the first cave area, the duo saw a body in the middle of a tunnel leading deeper into the cave. Hundar moved up to it and gave it a gentle kick. The body tried to grab on to the half-orc, but Hundar pulled his boot away in time. Then the shambling corpse rose and attacked. The zombie was slow and pretty ineffective against Hundar and Pate, and soon, even after the zombie fell and rose a number of times, the duo finally laid it to rest.

Moving deeper into the cave, the duo was surprised when rocks tumbled down upon them from above another cavern entrance. Hundar made it past the falling debris, but Pate got struck by it. Then two zombies jumped down to attack the adventurers. This battle was a little more difficult, mostly due to the fact that the zombies just would not go down. Pate struck one through the eye with his rapier, and Hundar smashed it with his warhammer, but on multiple occasions, the zombies would keep up the fight. Eventually, the adventurers overcame them and were able to see a rock in the room with dried blood atop it. The blood trailed to the west and through a very narrow tunnel that had jagged protrusions on the walls, and blood splashed upon the very same walls.

Carefully, Hundar and Pate moved deeper into the tunnel area. After about 120’ of winding they came to a star shaped cave and to their surprise they saw three zombies in there doing some dances. One was dressed like a bear, another was dressed like a woman with make-up and lipstick too, and the third was dressed as a jester with bells on his outfit and shoes. Hundar braced himself in the tunnel entrance and waited for the zombies to attack. The zombies hesitated, but then the one dressed as a bear moved in. During the fight, a few of the zombies tried to drag Hundar to the center of the room, but Pate’s musical inspiration helped Hunder escape their grasp. Hundar got hurt a bit, but Pate began casting thunderclap to injure the zombies. Hundar also took up a new tactic. He dropped his shield and warhammer in favor of a great axe he had found earlier. When he started to get the feel for the great weapon, he started putting the zombies down more reliably, although it wasn’t easy. After this battle, the adventurers heard a voice from somewhere deeper in the caves uttering, “how dare you interfere with the Lord of Lance Rock.” The duo could not tell exactly where the voice was coming from. Pate healed Hundar and then they continued through a westerly tunnel.

After winding around from west to north, Hundar and Pate peered into a very large cave. There were three stone slabs only 20’ from the mouth of the cave, and each of the slabs had arms, legs and hands of humanoid creatures littering them. On the third slab rested a cloaked figure. Pate charged the cloaked figure, and Hundar followed. When Pate struck it, he found that it was another zombie. Just then, lots of the hands on the tables began crawling toward Hundar and Pate. Five of the living hands attacked; Hundar had his hands full. Throughout the fight, Hundar suffered a number of small wounds and Pate was battered substantially by the zombie. Using his thunderclap, Pate took down a number of the crawling hands. That’s when the duo heard bone scraping on the ground from the north, and the voice from earlier threatened that he would soon add these foolish adventurers to his body of work.

Before the skeletons arrived, Pate and Hundar dispatched the hands and the zombie. Then they fought two skeletons that moved toward them with short swords and shields. At that point, the necromancer poked out from behind some rocks and animated the fallen zombie; then he poked back into hiding. Hundar used his second wind, and was able to finish off the skeletons with Pate’s help. Then he charged for the necromancer. As he came close, the necromancer fired a sickly green ray that didn’t hit Hundar. Pate was able to see the necromancer and get off a hold person spell that worked! Then Hundar attacked and attacked again, hurting the necromancer, but not as badly as the Half-Orc had expected. Soon after, the necromancer broke the hold, but by this time, both Hundar and Pate were very weary. Fearing for his life, the necromancer, continued to control the zombie even after getting injured, and he disengaged with Hundar and moved to the west side of the cave. His zombie bashed at Pate and landed a serious blow (crit!). Pate was near unconsciousness and Hundar was not so far from it as well. Hundar was able to smash the necromancer with his warhammer one more time before the necromancer reached out to touch him with his hands. Spell energy crackled (Vampiric Touch), but the necromancer was unable to grasp Hundar. The zombie missed Pate as Pate moved back to be more defensive. With what most likely would have been their last chance, Hundar swung a blow and crumpled the necromancer, who instantaneously burned to black ash on the ground before them. The zombie also crumpled.

Before searching the rest of the cave, the duo rested for an hour and restored their health as best they could. In the deeper part of the cave, they found a tapestry on a wall. They also saw a glowing orb resting on a hideous pedestal that looked like three claws grasping the orb. They also saw some more freshly killed bodies, the ones from the shallow grave. There was a Dwarf with the Mirabar coat of arms on his shield and tunic. There was a human fighter as well. There was an Earth Cultist dressed in the same rock encrusted leather armor that the group had seen earlier and they also saw a human male dressed in a robe of black feathers. All seemed to be killed by puncture wounds.

Behind the tapestry, Pate found a small stash of gold and silver, 4 gems and a wand.

As the duo exited the caves they caught glimpse of a large bird flying overhead. It looked as if it was a huge vulture with a human dressed in feathered armor riding it. It was up nearly 100’ and seemed to be moving fast to the east into the Sumber Hills. Pate tried to lay low and keep from being seen. Hundar threw a hand axe up into the sky, but the projectile was way off the mark, and the vulture nor its rider saw them.

Within an hour, Hundar and Pate made it back to The Swinging Sword. The next morning, Pate was able to find that the wand was a wand of magic missiles. The orb was a driftglobe. He kept both of those and gave the gems to Hundar as well as ½ of the gold and silver.


We played for about 2 1/2 hours.

Only 2 players tonight, but I didn’t alter the encounters of the adventure (Lord of Lance Rock) until the last one. It was tough for two pcs and if the necromancer used magic missile in the end it would have been game over for the duo, but after suffering over half of his hit points from one attack, the necromancer played it more defensively. I also took 2 skeletons away (and didn’t have them fire bows).

You would not believe how many times the zombies died, but then kept going. My dice were on fire when rolling saving throws for them.

Both Pate and Hundar did very well with their talents and abilities and now the story of the cultists and the Mirabar party is unraveling a bit more.

Oh...I also changed the story about the shallow graves and intertwined it with the Lord of Lance Rock (changing its location as well).

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