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D&D 5E [Rogues Gallery] Exodus

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First Post
[sblock=Sato Ryota]

43 year old human male
EVA Specialist and Flight Engineer
9 Strength
14 Dexterity
16 Constitution
13 Intelligence
12 Wisdom
12 Charisma

HP 7
AC 12
Prof +2
Initiative +3

Race : Variant Human - +1 dex, +1 con.
Feats: Linguist (See below, Can create cyphers. +1 int).

Languages: Japanese, English, Spanish, Russian, 2 reserved. .


Tool Proficiency: Vechicle: EVA, Vehicle: Spacecraft

Background: Spacer
Feature: Cosmonauts Reckoning. You have an excellent memory for orbital mechanics and system charts, and you can always recall the interactions between both human-scale and solar system-scale objects, whether in orbit or under power. You are an excellent scrounger, and can usually scavenge together spare parts and supplies sufficient to jury rig life support or power to a room sized ship system for a few days, at least. (reworked Outlander background).

Personality Trait: Safety saves lives - I never forget it for others, and I'm constantly checking the safety measures of those around me. But, like I say, do as I say, not as I do...
Ideal: Teams are people that respect one another enough that hierarchy and seniority are natural, rather than assigned.
Bond: I got this job because one of the projects architects was an old friend of mine - I'm determined to protect his legacy.
Flaw: The loss of Earth broke something inside me - I'm running out of reasons to keep on living.[/sblock]
[sblock=Backstory & Personality Notes]
Ryota is a virtual dinosaur in spacer terms. He was young when the big push into orbit happened, and he - buoyed up by above-average scores in math and science - rode the wave into a job as a shuttle pilot. He transitioned from there to working in orbit full time, alternating between a berth as an EVA technician and as a pilot. He married, had children, but neither of those things kept him on the ground long. He was proud to work as a construction tech on the Mars vehicle, and he would have retired after it's launch had an old friend not contacted him about a job. A position as an on-call technician, serving in some deeply classified but probably totally unnecessary program involving multiple governments and a shocking amount of cash. Ryota saw it as the best of both worlds: keeping his toes in the game as a pilot and astronaut, while having time and income to spend time with his family.

Of course, then the dragons came.

Ryota was, of course, assigned to one of the ARK's, working as a crewman. Initially assigned as a maintainence and EVA tech, his broad experience - particularly his shuttle piloting skills - see him working more as a troubleshooter, working for whatever branch of the military or science division has a need of his skills most. His skill in languages - a hobby of nessecity in the multicultural world of orbital construction - also makes him ideal for this position.

Ryota is a slim, wiry man with somewhat haggard features and salt-and-pepper hair. He speaks English clearly, but with a notable accent, and still uses Japanese when he talks to himself. He is remarkably tough - the main thing that has kept him in his job, and seen him advance so far - combined with being even-tempered, bright, careful with his tools and the safety of those around him, and easy to get along with. He doesn't tell jokes very often, but he laughs ("like a donkey", in his own words) at those of his friends.

Ryota lost his wife and teenaged son in the fall of Earth.

Reference photo [/sblock] [/sblock]
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First Post
[sblock=Juno Reyes]Juno Reyes
Human Ranger 1
Background: Marine

Str 12 +1 4
Dex 16 +3 9
Con 14 +2 5
Int 10 +0 2
Wis 14 +2 5
Cha 10 +0 2

HP 14
AC 13
Prof Bonus +2
Init +3

+1 to Dex and Con
Bonus feat
Bonus skill training

Skills: Athletics, Perception
Tools: Modern Weapons
Feature: Jarhead (bonus hitpoints)
Personality: Never turn your back on your squad; Work hard, play hard
Ideal: We have to survive and get strong, so we can take this fight back to the monsters who started it.
Bond: I fight for those who cannot fight for themselves.
Flaw: The monstrous enemy we faced still leaves me quivering in fear.

Class Abilities
Favored Enemy
- Dragons
Natural Explorer
- Buildings/Structures

Trained Skills
Athletics +3
Perception +4
Insight +4
Intimidation +2
Stealth +5
Survival +4

Languages: English, Spanish, Draconic

B - Resilient (Constitution): +1 Constitution and gain Proficiency in Constitution saves.[/sblock]

[sblock=Background]Juno was a marine assigned to security detail on the research expedition to Mars that accidentally resulted in the Dragon Empire being alerted to the meddling of human beings in their affairs. She was one of the first humans ever to fight the minions of the Empire, and one of the only to have faced a dragon and lived. Which sounds very impressive, until you factor in that she only lived because another squad showed up right after it bit off her arm, and distracted it long enough for a couple of her own squaddies managed to drag her away while it was roasting the others. The unheroic particulars aside, she became something of a celebrated 'face of the war' for a little while; something she disliked intensely. That didn't stop her from cashing in on that status to get a position on one of the colony ships leaving Earth though.

The flight from Earth was in some ways worse than the panicked infighting on Mars. There she'd at least been able to fight back. Here, she was strapped into an acceleration couch, watching helplessly through a viewscreen as bizarre spacecraft and eldiritch horrors attached vessels full of civilians as they tried to escape certain destruction.

To say that Juno now nurses a grudge is an understatement that is itself hard to understate. Not just because of the friends she lost to them, and not just because of the violence done to herself by them, and not even just because of the atrocities she witnessed them perform...but because deep inside she wonders if she played some part in them being here at all. Could she have stopped it from happening? Had she missed some sign, ignored some intuition or impulse? The only peace she can find from the nightmares and cold sweat when she relives that attack is to silently promise herself that this is a tactical withdrawl, not a retreat. Humanity would be back, and next time it would be the lizards running.[/sblock]
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[sblock=Doctor Emma Sanduine]
32 year old female
Background in Historical Theory and Archaeology
(Scientist background, historian specialty)
9 Strength
16 Dexterity
14 Constitution
16 Intelligence
9 Wisdom
14 Charisma
(+1 to all stats from human race is included)
6 hit points
13 armor class

Academic Training:
+5 History
+5 Investigate
All her life, Emma had studied for this. She just didn't know it.

She had always been the sort to value books and information more than people. She focused in on her work with a frenetic energy, and wouldn't stop until she got results. Her passion was always for discovering the reasons for a place. Discovering its function.

Despite her obliviousness to people, Emma had an odd effect on them. Her enthusiasm for archaeology and history was catching. It didn't hurt that she was a looker, either. Before long, she became a minor celebrity in her field, and was gifted with all the grant money she would ever need. She worked long years in the mountains of Peru, deciphering the mysteries of the Incans.

The invitation to board the Ark came nearly at the last minute. Somebody thought she would be useful. If they were to encounter the remnants of an alien civilization, somebody would need to piece together the story of the place. And that would be Emma.

Lacking for alien civilizations, she could always become a clerk.
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First Post
[SBLOCK=Airman Babington] US Air Force Senior Airman (SRA) Mike Babington
Race/Sex= Human Male
Ability Scores= STR 11 (+0), DEX 15 (+2), CON 13 (+1), INT 15 (+2), WIS 14 (+2), CHA 11 (+0) (Including Human +1 to all)
Saves= STR +0, DEX +2, CON +1, INT +4*, WIS +4*, CHA +0
Size= Medium
Speed= 30ft
AC= 12/15 with Mage Armor active
HP= 7
Alignment= NG
Age= 25
Languages known= English, Latin
Proficiency Bonus= +2 (Not positive if we get this yet or not, but putting it here to not forget for later)

-Automatic Pistol: +4 ATK, 1d6 piercing, Ammunition (range 80/320), loading* *pistols use a cartridge that contains 15 rounds of ammunition. Characters can take their normal number of attacks, but must use a Standard Action to load a new cartridge once ammunition is used up. Loading a cartridge 2 rounds.
-Automatic Rifle: +4 ATK, 1d10 piercing damage, Ammunition (range 150/600), heavy, loading*, two-handed *as pistol above except 30 rounds of ammunition. Rifles can be set to fire multiple rounds of ammunition with one attack. Roll up to five attack rolls (expending a single round of ammunition with each roll), but all rolls used with this attack have Disadvantage.
-Shocking Grasp: +4 ATK (w/ Advantage if target wearing metal armor), Range=Touch, 1d8 Lightning damage and target hit can't take reactions until the start of it's next turn. Damage = 2d8@5th, 3d8@11th, and 4d8@17th level.
-Fire Bolt: +4 ATK, Range=120', 1d10 Fire damage (and flammable object hit ignites if not being worn or carried). Damage= 2d10@5th, 3d10@11th, and 4d10@17th level.
Magic Missile: Range= 120', 1d4+1 force damage/dart. AHL: Damage= +1 dart per Spell Slot above 1st.
Sleep: Range= 90', Targets within 20' of point within range are affected in ascending order from lowest current HP total upwards. Roll 5d8 to get total number of HP's affected in group. AHL: +2d8 HP's per slot above 1st used.

Background= Soldier (Enlisted, Comunications Speciality)
Skill Profs= Athletics, Computers
Tool Profs= Modern Weapons
Starting Equipment
Feature= Military Rank
Personality= I'm always polite and respectful.
Ideal= Greater Good - Our lot is to lay down our lives in defense of others (Good).
Bond= I fight for those who can't fight for themselves - like my wife and children.
Flaw= I'm haunted by the terrible mistake I made in battle that cost many lives - and I would give anything to keep that mistake a secret. (He mishandled a communication during the exodus that he believes led to the delay and destruction of at least one other Ark!)

Family= Wife of 5 years, Cheryl. 2 sons: James (5 years old) and Nathan (2 years old).

Wizard 1
XP: 150 / 300
HD: 1d6
HP: 7/7
-Spellcasting: (Ability=INT, Spell Save DC= 12, Spell Attack Bonus= +4)
-Arcane Recovery: (Once per day after short rest, recover expended spell slots= 1/1 available)
Cantrips known:
-Fire Bolt
-Shocking Grasp
-True Strike
Level 1 Spells known: (1st level slots per day= 3/3, *=Prepared Spells)
-Comprehend Languages (R)
-Detect Magic (R)
-Identify (R)
-Mage Armor*
-Magic Missile*
Class Proficiencies= No armor, Dagger, Darts, Sling, Quarterstaff, Light Crossbow???
Class Skill Proficiencies= Arcana, Investigation
Saving Throw Proficiencies= INT, WIS
Arcane Focus= Crystal
Ritual Casting

Skills: (Proficient in BOLD)
Mod (Attribute) Name of Skill
+2 (dex) Acrobatics
+2 (wis) Animal Handling
+4 (int) Arcana
+2 (str) Athletics
+4 (int) Computers
+0 (cha) Deception
+2 (int) History
+4 (wis) Insight
+0 (cha) Intimidation
+2 (int) Investigation
+2 (wis) Medicine
+2 (int) Nature
+2 (wis) Perception
+0 (cha) Performance
+0 (cha) Persuasion
+2 (int) Religion
+2 (dex) Sleight of Hand
+2 (dex) Stealth
+2 (wis) Survival
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Brother Dave

First Post
[sblock=Dr. Trace Martin-Davies]
[sblock=Picture] biologist.jpg[/sblock]
[sblock=Stat Block]
Dr. Trace Martin-Davies

NG Human Male, Age 35
6’ 0”, 190 lbs


AC 10
HP 6 (4 +2 con)


Speed: 30ft
Melee (Unarmed Strike) +1 ATK, 2 Bludgeoning


Str 12 (+1) Save +1
Dex 10 (+0) Save +0
Con 14 (+2) Save +2
Int 14 (+2) Save +2
Wis 14 (+2) Save +2
Cha 12 (+1) Save +1


Traits:I’m used to helping out those who aren’t as smart as I am, and I patiently explain anything and everything to others. I’m willing to listen to every side of an argument before I make my own judgment.
Ideal: Nature. The natural beauty of life is the true legacy of the universe. Life always finds a way to win out.
Bond: My young cousin is the only other member of my family on this ship, and possibly the only one left alive anywhere. I will do whatever I have to do to protect him.
Flaw: I am easily distracted by the promise of new information – especially a new form of plant or animal life.

Proficiencies & Languages

Skill Proficiencies: Investigation, Nature, Medicine
Tool Proficiencies: Computers, Bio Lab Equipment
Languages: English, Latin

Racial Features: Human

  • Ability Score Increase: +1 to Wisdom, +1 to Constitution
  • Languages: Speak, read, and write English and Latin.
  • Skill Proficiency: Medicine
  • Feat: Healer

Background Features: Scientist (Biologist)

  • Skill Proficiencies: Investigation, Nature
  • Tool Proficiencies: Computers, Bio Lab Equipment
  • Languages: None
  • Feature: Researcher. When you attempt to learn or recall a piece of information, if you do not know that information, you often know where and from whom you can obtain it.

Feat: Healer

You are an able physician, allowing you to mend wounds quickly and get your allies back in the fight. You gain the following benefits:
  • When you use a first aid kit to stabilize a dying creature, that creature also regains 1 hit point
  • As an action, you can spend one use of a first aid kit to tend to a creature and restore 1d6+4 hit points to it, plus additional hit points equal to the creatures maximum number of Hit Dice. The creature can't regain hit points from this feat again until it finishes a short or long rest.
Trace hugged the young man – still a boy, really, at 19 – standing in his quarters, then slipped a couple of ration bars into the his hand, watching as the boy quickly pocketed the treasures. “I’m afraid that’s all I could get this time, son. Better than nothing, though.” He stood back and stared into the boy’s brown eyes. “Sooner or later you’re going to have to turn yourself in. You can’t keep living in nooks and crannies and scrounging food. It’ll go worse for you if you get caught, you know.” He smiled. “And what do you think they’re going to do – put you off at the next stop? Likely they’ll keep you in Iso for a couple of days, and then put you to work. You know I’ll put in a good word for you. Like it or not, you’re part of this expedition now.” The boy simply shrugged, and Trace sighed. “You’re as stubborn as your Father, aren’t you? Carter, I’m worried about you. Just…be careful, okay? You’re the only family I have on this ship.” Giving in to the inevitable, Trace motioned the boy back, then opened his door and stuck his head out into the corridor. “Okay, looks clear.” The boy darted out into the corridor, quickly making his way to the nearest access panel. Trace watched after him until he was out of sight before slowly closing his door. He walked over to his bunk and sank down, putting his chin in his hand and staring at the wall. When did everything get so complicated?

Trace had always been laid back. He took life as it came, went along with other peoples’ expectations of him, and generally didn’t make waves. He was born to wealthy parents who had their own ideas about how his life should go, and Trace was only too happy to let them guide his life. He did well in school, joined all the right clubs, attended all the right parties; his future seemed set.

His mother’s death in a terrorist attack and his father’s subsequent heart attack on the day of his graduation changed everything.

Suddenly set adrift in life, he floundered. Recognizing that he lacked direction, he eventually sought it out and joined the Army. Four long years spent as a combat medic turned his life around. Travelling to exotic locales and getting up close and personal with the wilds sparked a previously unknown interest in the natural world and an appreciation for all things living. He finally knew what he wanted to do with his life, and as soon as he was able he got out of the Army and went back to school, this time to study biology. He eventually earned his PhD and his own lab in a large corporation.

Over the years he developed a reputation as a solid, dependable – though not exceptional – researcher, and his willingness to patiently explain his work made him popular with management. So when his corporation got involved with the Ark project, his name was one of the first put forward to join what was effectively the Xenobiology team on Ark 17. With limited space available, versatility was an asset, and his experience as an army medic was enough to solidify his position. His lack of familial ties made his decision to go that much easier; he had been married for a brief time shortly after earning his PhD, but that only lasted a year with no children to show for it, and his only other living relatives were his cousin Ronnie Davies and Ronnie’s son Carter.

Trace never expected to see any of his family again, but life has a funny way of playing tricks on people. Shortly before departure, his cousin Ronnie was arrested for murder. Busy with the flurry of preparations for their long journey and unable to receive outside communications due to security concerns, Trace remained unaware of the increasingly frantic attempts by Ronnie’s son Carter to contact him for help. Desperate to do something, Carter took a chance and managed to sneak into the port complex, only to get lost in the confusion of corridors, equipment, supplies, and hundreds of people. Disguised as a loading tech, he managed to hide in a cargo shuttle, hoping that once the furor died down he would be able to slip out and find his cousin. But time was not on his side, and before he realized what was happening the shuttle launched with him on board. After a bruising ride, the shuttle finally docked with the Ark, and he was able to slip out undetected in the ensuing chaos of unloading.

Luck had placed Carter on Ark 17 - the same Ark Trace was assigned to - and he eventually located and managed to contact his older cousin. Carter was devastated when he realized he would never see his father again, and that because of his foolishness there would be no one to help him. Trace tried his best to console his cousin, but knew only time would heal that wound. He made a vow to himself to protect Carter, has been helping him with food, schematics, and pilfered supplies ever since.

[sblock=Carter Davies (NPC)]
[sblock=Stat Block]
Carter Davies

CG Human Male, Age 19
5’ 10”, 170 lbs


AC 13 (10 +3 dex)
HP 6 (4 +2 con)


Speed: 30ft
Melee (Unarmed Strike) +2 ATK, 3 Bludgeoning


Str 14 (+2) Save +2
Dex 16 (+3) Save +3
Con 14 (+2) Save +2
Int 12 (+1) Save +1
9 (-1)
Save -1
Cha 14 (+2) Save +2


Traits: I sleep with my back to a wall, with everything I own wrapped in a bundle in my arms. I hide scraps of food and trinkets away in my pockets.
Ideal: Independence. I am a free spirit - no one tells me what to do.
Bond: My father is in jail back on Earth for a crime he didn't commit - he might even be dead by now - and I'm stuck on this ship unable to help him. My older cousin is here too, and part of me blames him for not being there for my dad. But I love him - he might be the only family I have left - and I need his help to survive and stay hidden. And I think he needs me too.
Flaw: I will never fully trust anyone other than myself. I've been down that road, and only gotten hurt.

Proficiencies & Languages

Skill Proficiencies: Slight of Hand, Stealth
Tool Proficiencies: Disguise Kit (?), Lockpicks (or their electronic equivalent?)
Languages: English, ??

Racial Features: Human

  • Ability Score Increase: +1 to each
  • Languages: Speak, read, and write English and ??.

Background Features: Stowaway

  • Skill Proficiencies: Sleight of Hand, Stealth
  • Tool Proficiencies: Disguise Kit (?), Lockpicks (or their electronic equivalent?)
  • Languages: None
  • Feature: Ship Secrets. You know the corridors and access ways of the ship like the back of your hand, and can find passageways others would miss. When you are not in combat, you (and companions you lead) can travel between any two locations on the ship twice as fast as your speed would normally allow.
Not yet finished
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Akemi Jordan


Character Name: Akemi Okamoto
Gender/Race: Female Human
Age: 22
Class: Fighter
Role: Shooter

Character Sheet

Attractive woman with slightly tanned skin and partial Asian heritage.
She needs little make-up and often doesn't wear anything that isn't very subtle.
Slender athletic build, small breasts and looks good in tight form fitting clothing.
Hazel green eyes and hair naturally brown, but dyed blond, with dark roots.
Hair is often kept pinned up and profession from her days on the force, but when loose, hangs just past her shoulders.
Good physical conditioning and agile.

She’s analytical and somewhat mistrustful when judging the intentions of others.
She will speak her mind if necessary and will stick up for herself.
Has a wry sense of humor and will crack wise once she opens up.
She has a healthy sexual appetite, but so far no romantic attachments.
She believes in mission accomplishment is not afraid to get her hands dirty on the tough decisions to get things done.

Akemi Jordan was born in the U.S. but is half-Japanese by her mother. Her father was in the military and stationed in Japan when he met and married her mother. She was raised by her father in the U.S. after her mother died when she was a girl. She was fully bilingual, but her Japanese vocabulary was limited due to lack of exposure to adult words after her mother dies. She was mostly raised by a single father who worked all of the time. After leaving the military during her early teenage years, Akemi's father settled down working law enforcement.

Growing up a petite girl, her father insisted that she learn to use a handgun to be able to defend herself once she became a teenager. She did not have a typical childhood that most girls her age had. Without the influence of a mother she was more interested in activities that she could do with her father when he was around. Due to his line of work, she was exposed to the harsh realities of the world and even some of it's violence. With such exposure, playing with dolls and cheer-leading just did not have much appeal. She was a little quiet, mainly thoughtful and analytical about her situation. She was very athletic and played sports in school.

Akemi went to college and was intending to eventually enter the policy academy to follow in her father's footsteps. She had every intention of becoming a SWAT team member. However after 6 months into school she suffered the tragic loss of her father. He was violently killed in the line of duty, or so the official report says. She dropped out of school and spent 6 months drinking and nearly killed herself.


After hitting rock bottom, Akemi pulled herself together and enlisted in the Navy instead and soon realized that she still wanted to be one of the elite. She applied and earned her spot in BUDS and became a Navy SEAL. On her first tour, her team was shipped out on one of the Arks to provide specialized security and operations expertise.


First Post
Gwen "Joy" Jackson- IN PROGRESS

Gwendolyn Joyce Jackson (“Joy”)

[sblock= Character sheet]
>Race/Gender: Human; Female
>Age: 30
Class/Level: Bard 1
Background: Field scientist (Outlander)
Alignment: N
Type (subtype): Humanoid (human)
Size: Medium
Initiative: +1
Speed: 30 feet
Senses: N/A
Passive Perception: 15

>Hit points: 9 (8 +1 CON)
>AC: 12 (Leather/11 +1 DEX)
>Saves: DEX, CHA

>Melee: Dagger +3, 1d4+1 piercing
>Ranged: Speargun (light crossbow) +3; 1d8+1 piercing
>Spell: Vicious mockery, WIS save DC 13; 1d4 psychic +Disadvantage on next attack roll.

STR 9 (-1)/Save -1
CON 12 (+1)/Save +1
DEX 12 (+1)/Save +3
INT 12 (+1)/Save +1
WIS 14 (+2)/Save +2
CHA 16 (+3)/Save +5

>Trait: I can stare down a hellhound without flinching.
>Trait: I like learning new things- and teaching those new things to other people.
>Ideal: (Knowledge) The path to power and self-improvement is through knowledge. (And it is knowledge, science, and study that will save humanity- not bigger guns or tougher soldiers)
>Bond: I will bring a terrible wrath down on the evildoers who destroyed my homeland/world. (Humanity IS going to win this war, and I want to be one of the reasons why).
>Flaw: Most people scream and run when the see a demon/dragon. I stop to take notes on its anatomy, or maybe get a tissue sample, or a measurement of its bite radius. (Obsessed with predators, the larger/more dangerous/more exotic the better.)

Skills and Languages:
Acrobatics +1
*Animal handling +4
Arcana +1
*Athletics +1
Deception +3
*History +3
Insight +2
Intimidation +3
*Investigation +3
*Medicine +4
*Nature +3
*Perception +4
*Performance +5
Persuasion +3
Religion +1
Sleight of hand +1
Stealth +1
*Survival +4

Languages: English (Common), Maori, Japanese

Tools: Water vehicles, Maori flute, guitar, video/holo recorder

Racial features (Human/feat variant):
>Size: Medium; Base speed 30 feet
>Languages: Common (English), one other (Maori)
>+1 to any two ability scores, +1 extra skill (Perception), +1 bonus feat (Skilled)

>Human: Skilled

Class features (Bard):
>Proficiencies: Light armor; Simple weapons, hand crossbow, longsword, rapier, shortsword; Three musical instruments; Any three skills; DEX and CHA saves.
>Spellcasting (includes ritual casting)
>Bardic inspiration: 3x per long rest, 1d6

Background features (Outlander/field researcher):
>Feature: Wanderer
>Proficiencies: Athletics skill, Survival skill, one language (Japanese); Water vehicles (replaces musical instrument)

>Cantrips (2): Prestidigitation, vicious mockery
>Level 1 (4): Speak with animals (r), comprehend languages (r), unseen servant (r), healing word

>Spells per day: Level 1= 2

>Hunting knife (Dagger)
>Light crossbow (Speargun)(Locked up in her cabin, probably)
>Maori flute
>Video/holo recorder (with editing suite on her iPadX)
>Hiking clothes (3 sets)(Kevlar/ballistic weave for durability and hostile terrain)
>Leather jacket
>Necklace with crocodile teeth.
>Survival backpack (the high-tech, ultra-light version of an explorer’s pack)

[sblock= Background]
Description: Gwen is a tiny slip of a woman, just barely five feet tall and barely a hundred pounds in weight, with the wiry build of a distance runner. She has dark brown eyes, black hair cut into a pixie style (more for utility than looks), and the well-tanned skin of someone who has spent almost her entire life out-of-doors. She has Maori-style tattoos along both arms and across her shoulders, and tends to dress in durable, practical clothes (hiking boots, cargo pants, etc.). She typically has a small backpack loaded with survival gear with her most of the time- just in case.

History: Six years ago, Xenobiology was essentially a theoretical field of study- until the Mars expedition... Gwen Jackson was a budding field biologist- while her initial thesis had been on the adaptational changes in saltwater crocodiles in response to climate change, she had studied large predators from the arctic to the savannahs of Africa. She had also begun to make a name for herself in producing video/holo productions of field work- sometimes for the studies themselves, sometimes to sell to audiences to fund more studies. After the Mars encounter, she was drafted into the multinational task force that was developed to cope with humanity’s new enemies- and if she hadn’t been drafted, she would have fought her way onto the team.

Born in New Zealand to a Kiwi father and a Maori mother, “Joy” was introduced to dangerous animals at a young age- when she was six she was playing with her dog at the beach when the pet wandered too far out into the surf and was snatched by a bull shark. It was an early lesson that there are creatures which are bigger and meaner than people. She had a very physical, outdoorsy life, despite her small stature, and she was particularly at home in the water, either swimming or in small watercraft (surfboard, kayak, jet-ski, etc.). She also learned the traditions of her mother’s ancestors, which only reinforced her love of the world, especially its oceans. She also had an almost morbid fascination with predatory animals- the larger and more dangerous the better. She was particularly interested in reptiles- komodo dragons, saltwater crocodiles, and other fearsome beasts.
When the response task force was formed, Joy was recruited, but so were many other scientists with far more experience. She had interesting ideas, and her knowledge of predator behavior was useful, but she was still pretty low in the power structure, so she rarely had primary access to new material. She worked with data, video/holo footage, and second-hand abstracts of tissue samples- but what she saw was utterly fascinating. The dragons seemed to be incredibly advanced and powerful, but they still had certain similarities to familiar beasts; if only she could study them more closely. As the launch of the arks drew closer, she delved more deeply into her studies- she shut out the realities of the war, the invasion, and humanity’s desperate evacuation in favor of more research, and had to be almost bodily dragged into her shuttle. And then things got really weird…
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