
Mayu Amakura

*the young woman moves to the bords and places up the following note:*

We have the child known as Ta-ke. Such a pretty little girl, and her insides look even better. Her death will be slow and painfull, as will anyone else who opposes us.


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Kirion Violatta

First Post
A celestial wanders to the boards and lofts abrow eyeing the post leaving one of his own behind.

Why is it that one must kill a child? I know I can't remeber who I am or what is happening around here but I know it isn't right ot open someone up to see their insides...

Lost Celestial


First Post
-A piece of parchment dyed entirely black is neatly pinned near the note most recently posted, and on it reads in what appears to be white ink...-

Is it so necessary to make such a distasteful message available for others to read? It seems to me that you would rather litter these boards with information no being needs to know, than to make real use of your spare time. In complete honesty, the only notes I have read under your name were disgusting assemblies of words. I request a reply only if you do not heed my suggestion, and cleanse your mouth and hands before you do so.

-The note is marked with a single, vertical yellow line. It glows softly.-


Artwork copyright © 2003, Gordon R. Quigley

Small assassin’s blade can be seen stuck to a roughly written scrap paper.
On closer inspection it says the following

Tis a shameful thing ye do!
I may not be known for me kind heart or good looks
Yet know this....I vow to see this child free or thy flee bitten self in dungeon

But thy days are numbered for thou shall not walk the realms unhindered
I be the famed bounty hunter of the Northern Lands and now I be making me mark here on thyn own head

(+) Bounty Hunters Guild
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