The Lion of the White Sky, the Hyperborean High Legionarre

The Hyperboreans have their soldiers, powerful fighters able to tangle with Demiurges, then they have their Legionnaires. These unfathomable beings lead vast armies, legions if you will, of Hyperborean Soldiers on campaigns throughout the Pleroma. They are considered to be some of the fiercest beings in White Space who's vast power makes them able to demolish almost any threat from mighty Nehaschimic Dragons to the swarms of Neutronium Golems of the Insurmountable Time Lords, few things would welcome an encounter on the wrong side of these juggernauts as in nearly any scenario it would spell certain doom.

Narahsa, The Hyperborean High Legionnaire

“The Last Bastion, The Unyielding Ones, The Lions of the White Sky”


A Brilliant flash of light and suddenly before you stands a mighty Spartanesque bearded lion man with rippling muscle and flowing jet black hair not unlike a lion’s mane, He stands a foot taller than the largest man you've ever seen and his physique is flawless,, he is jeweled in fine orichalcum and massive fist sized gems, and is dressed in flowing silken monk like pants but wears no shirt, and wears no shoes, on his fists he wears plated knuckles of bubbling gray non Newtonian metal, burning with strange light, however, his massive rippling muscles and gaudy jewelry utterly fails to impress in comparison to the palpable aura of gravitic force and spacial distortion surrounding him that makes his edges blur into a blinding corona of light not unlike the corona of light surrounding a black hole that has recently swallowed a star. The light of his aura dances upon his gems.. It’s hard to look at him as if his energy threatens to burn your eyes from your head, the energy around him seems to pucker space-time, though through this all, you see his dark and piercing eyes, burning with absolute might, intensity, and fury.

He looks through you, seeming to size you up, a disappointed smirk crosses over his face followed by a cruel grin.

"You might make for an adequate plaything..." The beastman says with a dangerous and cooing tone. He sneers with a mix of sadness and mockery, as his burning eyes narrow, he takes a fighting pose, and the energy around him brightens sharply puckering spacetime, and begins to tear at and rend the universe itself to pieces.

Large Augmented Humanoid

Hit Dice:
1000d1000+ 200,000 +41,000 x100 (184,100,000 hp)
Initiative: Always First
Speed: Superluminal
Armor Class: ∞/ 8,300 (+4,000 natural, +1,200 Deflection, +200 Perfection, +250 dodge, +1,200 Deflection, +1,200 (+600 Defending Kestus x2)) 4,300 Touch, 7,800 Flat Footed

Base Attack/Grapple: 1000/ 2400
-+600 5 Strike Neutronium Kestus of Defending and Impact: Always Hits: x2 (+8,600 Melee) 10,000d1000 +1200 str, +250d1000x4 Prana Strike x12 (492,000,000 damage)

-Prana Ray: Always Hits: (+7,050 Ranged Touch) 500d1000 x24 (12,000,000 x Telluric Effect damage)

Full Attack: 400 attacks (200 attacks each arm), + 1 Ray (x2 Time Dilation), or 3 Prana Rays (x2 Time Dilation)

Special Attacks: Prana Blast. Wish
Special Qualities: Damage Reduction 1,000,000/-, SR 1200, Adaption, Regeneration 500, Immunity to Elemental Damage and Magic, Starflight

Saves: Fort +6,400, Ref +5,850, Will +5900
Abilities: Str 2400, Dex 500, Con 1600, Int 600, Wis 600, Cha 2400

Skills: All skills are at 1200+ relevant ability modifier.
Feats: Anyfeat x5
Epic Feats: Combat Mastery, Haleness, Inedia, Insomnious, Sixth Sense, Reflect Arrows, Infinite Deflection, Exceptional Deflection, Perfect Two-Weapon Fighting, Epic Toughness

Divine Abilities: Amaranthine Mind, Amaranthine Spirit, Amaranthine Soul, Third Eye, Anyfeat x5, Divine Dodge, Enlarge Aura x20, Invincibility, Quantum Effect, Soldier of Fortune, Uncanny Whirlwind Attack, Seventh Sense (200), Regeneration, X-Ray Vision, Perfect Initiative, Telluric Effect, Telelocation, Beautiful Mind, Beautiful Soul, Beautiful Spirit, Heavenly Mind, Heavenly Soul, Heavenly Spirit, Chaotic Mind, Chaotic Soul, Chaotic Spirit, Heavy Handed, Strong Mind, Strong Spirit, Strong Soul, Uncanny Kinetic Effect

Cosmic Abilities: Slipstream, Abrogate, Cosmic Consciousness, Assimilate, Cosmic String, Oblique Strike, Learned Ability Immunity, Lord of Individuality, Inner Eye, Elusion, Perfect Critical Multiplier, Slipstream, Sophism, Eighth Sense, Time Dilation, Total Strength, Unearthly Weapon Focus, Unearthly Weapon Specialization, Unearthly Reach, Unearthly Effect, Apostasy, Hyperostosis, Dominance

Transcendental Abilities: Legendary Strength, Legendary Charisma, Perfect Defense, Ultimate Weapon Focus, Amaranthine, Greater Dominance, Transmortality, Ultimate Weapon Specialization

Environment: The Ivory Infinity of the Pleroma
Organization: Solitary, Pair, Scout (1 High Legionnaire +1d4 Soldiers) or Squad (2d20 Soldiers+1d4 High Legionnaires)
Challenge Rating: (official CR 1300)

Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Unaligned
Effective Class Level: 2000

Combat: The Hyperborean High Legion represent their strongest single soldiers besides the Hierarchs, the leaders of Hyperborea. They are master tacticians and each one has varied abilities and tactics suited for each of their purposes. Narahsa, the Legionnaire presented here commands an army of over 20 legions of Soldiers (100,000), each soldier presides over a single galaxy in Universal (non Pleromic) space.

Narahsa's tactics are brutal and effective focusing on straight combat, though other Legionnaire's tactics will vary. He takes full advantage of his Third Eye, Inner Eye, Quantum Effect, Ultimate Weapon Focus, Perfect Critical Multiplier and Unearthly Effect abilities. Allowing him to deal x6 damage with each hit, and x4 again after that. Against anything less than Stage 3 Demiurges, he simply cannot easily lose and knows this strength and takes advantage of this fully. He wields twin Neutronium Kestuses, severed hands, torn from the arms of the first Neutronium Golem he defeated in single combat. Against Stage 3 Demiurges and Nehaschimic dragons, he simply closes with them, neutralizes their greatest ability with Abrogate and beats them to a pulp with a barrage of massive attacks with his Neutronium Kestuses, against foes too slippery to fight so straight forwardly he uses his Prana Blasts to soften up foes from a distance and Oblique strike to simply target something else as the massive hp damage he deals is usually too much to handle for most creatures.

Like other Hyperboreans, his Unearthly Weapon Specialization, Unearthly Reach, Elusion, Uncanny Whirlwind Attack, Anyfeat, Perfect Defense and other defensive and offensive capabilities abilities allow him to crush most foes, including massive armies arrayed against them, in seconds. Even a Time Lord itself would find itself worried when faced with a High Legionnaire, though such an encounter would be suicide for the Legionnaire by itself unless the conditions were right.

In the rare instance he is able to be defeated or destroyed, he relies on his regeneration to bring him back from the brink and his

Prana Blast (Su): Treated as the Uncanny Omnific Effect (d1000s) however unlike the standard Transcendental Damage, it does not instantly destroy shields or defenses. It does, however blind foes for 500 rounds on a failed Fort save of 7,500. His Enlarge Aura Divine ability taken 20 times extends many of these effects to a range of roughly 8,750,000 miles. His Kinetic effect applies to his Prana Blast, knocking foes back 10ft per hd of the Legionnaire and dealing an amount of extra blud/slsh/prc damage, His choice, equal in d6s to the dice numbers written below.

Beam (Ray) 1000d1000x 24 (6 Unearthly Weapon Spec x4 Quantum Effect) (24,000,000) Line of Sight range

Blast 500d1000x4 (2,000,000) 8,750,000 mile range./ 2600ft radius blast, Standard action DC 7,500/half

Blood 250d1000x4 (1,000,000) Melee Free action DC 7,500/half

Breath* 1000d1000x4 (4,000,000) 8,750,000 mile range (cone) Line of Sight. (line) Standard 7,500/half

Hand 1500d1000x24 (36,000,000) Melee Touch

Immolation 1500d1000x4 (6,000,000) 8,750,000 mile range. radius Free 7,500/half

Storm 250d1000x4 (2,000,000) 8,750,000 mile range. radius Free -

Strike 250d1000x24 (6,000,000) Melee (bonus) Free -

Wrath (Gaze) 500d1000x4 (4,000,000) 8,750,000 mile range, Both 7,500/none

Unearthly Reach (Ex): Your reach is equal to the range of your divine aura,

Unearthly Effect (Ex): All Effect powers ranges are increased to the range of your divine aura. Lines and ray effect powers have a range equal to line of sight. This coupled with Cosmic Consciousness gives effect power ray and lines Infinite range.

Starflight(Sp): Can reach any place in the multiverse in 3d20 days.

Adaption (Ex): Immune to damaging natural effects and you can no longer die from natural aging, however he is affected normally by non damaging effects. With enough time, he can adapt to any environment.

Legendary Strength: Str is doubled

Legendary Cha: Cha is doubled.

Perfect Defense: Infinite AC

Elusion: Ref save to avoid any damage

Ultimate Weapon Focus: Infinite Attack Bonus

Oblique Strike: Can foil an opponent's defenses by hitting something else.

Time Dialtion: Double actions every round

Inner Eye: Always rolling maximum on all dice rolls

Quantum Effect: Variable damage with attacks. (x4 permanently with Inner Eye)

Unearthly Weapon Focus: Only need to roll touch to hit with melee.

Unearthly Weapon Specialization: Damage multiplied by crit multiplier.

Dominance: Creatures with less than half The Legionnaire’s HD fail all saves against his attacks.

Apostasy: You are beyond alignment. He is not affected by Alignment based attacks and cannot be undermined though alignment based means.

Perfect Critical Multiplier: +4 crit multiplier steps

-Wish: at will, Caster Level equal to 20+ HD+ Perfection Bonus


New Transcendental Ability:

Amaranthine: You possess an unyielding physical exterior that is nearly indestructible.
Gain Natural AC = to 4x hit dice and all DR is considered /--.
Prerequisite: Hyperostosis
Normal: gain ¼ hit dice to AC
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I know this is a really old thread but: since you started making stats for materials denser than neutronium (such a quark and strange), would you change his kestus to one of those?

I know this is a really old thread but: since you started making stats for materials denser than neutronium (such a quark and strange), would you change his kestus to one of those?
Hmm 🤔 ... I'm not sure, I'd probably keep this one as is, as frankly I don't know if this guy could defeat like a Quark Matter golem or Strange Matter golem, but theoretically it would possibly make more sense. I'll have to think about it. I might come back and do that, that would be pretty cool.

The Obsidian Sentry, a 6k HD Hyperborean Highlord killer might have some strange matter armor or weapons to be sure, maybe I'll go back and dust that old half done creation off and finish it.

Hmm 🤔 ... I'm not sure, I'd probably keep this one as is, as frankly I don't know if this guy could defeat like a Quark Matter golem or Strange Matter golem, but theoretically it would possibly make more sense. I'll have to think about it. I might come back and do that, that would be pretty cool.

The Obsidian Sentry, a 6k HD Hyperborean Highlord killer might have some strange matter armor or weapons to be sure, maybe I'll go back and dust that old half done creation off and finish it.

Sounds amazing Beefy!

Coincidentally I have been fleshing out my top, top tiers lately and come up with some crazy ideas myself. I'm thinking even though I am limited to the current monster list in this next book that I may have some random encounter tables for the higher dimensions thrown in there - even though I plan to detail all these monsters eventually - with my track record goodness knows when that will be so maybe getting the ideas out there will at least give you guys cool adventure ideas.

Sounds amazing Beefy!

Coincidentally I have been fleshing out my top, top tiers lately and come up with some crazy ideas myself. I'm thinking even though I am limited to the current monster list in this next book that I may have some random encounter tables for the higher dimensions thrown in there - even though I plan to detail all these monsters eventually - with my track record goodness knows when that will be so maybe getting the ideas out there will at least give you guys cool adventure ideas.
Hey Krusty, thanks. I'm really looking forward to seeing how you handled 5th edition epic and cosmic stuff, I'm literally stoked.

Hey Krusty, thanks. I'm really looking forward to seeing how you handled 5th edition epic and cosmic stuff, I'm literally stoked.

I'm glancing over a few lists here and I basically have approx. 40-50 entries (some of which are races/groups) for the Demiurge tiers, another 40-50 for the Time Lord Tiers and another 40-50 for the Supernal tiers (some of which may* be more powerful than the Supreme Being) about triple that for the Immortal and Sidereal tiers. That's a lot to get to even if I can somehow get multiple books finished. So I might do one page random encounter tables for each tier and have the name and maybe one sentence outlining what it is and just consider these pages glorified Adventure Ideas.

*its complicated. ;)

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