The Storm



*a veluptuous young female human with long brown hair, approaches the thorn tree. Sandals of leather seem to scuff at the grass beneath them. A hand withdrawls a small folded parchment from a pocket of her breeches. The woman unfolds the parchment with slow care, hair wafts into her eyes, but goes without notice. She searches for a small unoccupied thorn, and peirces the top of the parchment, shortly after. Turning slowly, the woman seems uncertain of her very footsteps, as she departs. The parchment flutters slightly, in a variant breeze, before coming to rest upon it's final destination..a thorn.*

*it seems to be written in a caligraphy styled common, with an ink that seems to contantly change from black to gold to black to silver, to black once again. At the bottom, a simple "M" is scrawled*

*the parchment reads as follows:*

~The Storm

Black clouds forming
the air grows still
thunder claps
sunlight killed
the rain it falls
she walks barefoot
crawls forward still
her past grabbing her ankles
pulling her back again
she cries out
but no sound is heard
claws at the mud
fights and struggles free
it lets her go
but not with out a cost
you see
her heart lays broken
slumped, in the rain
tears fall from the sky
but all of them
in vain
cradles it like a child
wounded from a fall
it breaks in tiny peices
unrecognizable at all
tears flooding her eyes
she backs away in horror
scrambles to her feet
and searches for the door
she wants out
the key is in your hand
her life ticks away
like so many grains of sand
collapses to the ground
in a small cold puddle
her pain screams out
her wish has been granted
she falls limp
a chilled breeze stirs


*the ink seems to have been smudged a bit in the processes of writing. A slight scent of jasmine and lavender could be noticed, on the parchment itself.*

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