TMP Timezone



It really is quite simple.

The Wizards! Live chat site is in PST.

New York, where TMP is set is in EST.

Currently, because we've been dealing with PST for like forever, TMP setting time has been assumed as the same as the time command, ie PST.

If we switched the IC time to EST, we'd have events announced in both, but the day would effectively be accepted as 3 hours later than it currently is.

What do you think?

- Pounamu

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Jaya Ballard Balla'th

NYC's EST. Should be EST. I think that assumption would just make it easier to deal with on a constant IC basis.




EST is definately better. There's enough people who play in TMP, too, that are in the Eastern time zone that if people aren't sure what time it is, all they have to do is privately poke someone and ask.


Seloy Bronson

Annoy the iChat folks, I'm sure they could figure out a way to make /time display multiple timezones.



I believe that Ichat does not service our site, the WotC company techs do. It was WotC that set it to PST, because it is based in PST.

So far they haven't offered to add the timezone to the site during our own discussions. I'll ask, but I suspect that it is a "one timezone" situation for the site program...

I'll wait for a week to have passed since my original message before trying to set this in stone. ;)

- Pounamu



Ok. Displaying multiple timezones is out. There's no current way for that and they don't want to mess with the code too much because let's face it, the chat gets unstable enough as it is! :rolleyes:

I'm going to request that a note be put into the room desc, that intro you get when you go into the chat room. We can use EST times but WotC requires that we also have PST when used for advertising etc.

So really the change depends on us playing with the time, ie refering to current time est in chat. Because that's the best way to get it through to other players. ;)

- Pounamu



Note added to Chat

Welcome to The Meeting Place nightclub, New York City in the year 2030; a D20 Modern In Character Room. The Setting timezone is EST (/time + 3)

WizO Adele has kindly added our EST note to TMP's room description. (That thing that comes up when you go into the room) At least, I'm pretty sure it was her that did it... :angel:


- Pounamu

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