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VA, Leesburg 3.5 D&D game (need one more player)

Troll Wizard

First Post
Ongoing campaign needs one more player

Next Game Date: Dec 5 2008
Frequency: Every other Friday
Time: 6:30pm - 10:30pm
Location: Leesburg, Virginia (about 1 mile from Leesburg Airport)

Currently we have 1 DM (myself) and 6 players, unfortunately when you get a bunch of late 20s to early 40s, attendance can vary due to RL pressures, so we are looking for one more player to maintain a quorum of four players regularly. The party is currently at 6th level.
1 Gnoll Ranger
1 Human Sorcerer
1 Human Barbarian
1 Human Cleric
1 Human Samuari
1 Human Bard

The game is scheduled every other Friday night (next game is Dec 5, then Dec 19, Jan 2, Jan 16, etc.)

We primarily play in Leesburg as myself and two other players live in town. One player lives in WV, one in MD, one Vienna (sometimes play here), one in Falls Church, and one plays via SkYPE from Japan currently.

Interested? Post here if you have any questions or email me at troll_mage at yahoo dot com

The campaign details follow, if you are interested thus far read on...

Adventures in the Northern Reach (Leesburg Virginia)

Far to the north of the Barquetith plains lay the lands of the Wolfgarie people. Wolfgarie are human barbarians that make their homes in the valley and slopes of the Wolff Mountains. Not only do they endure, they thrive in the harsh environment of the long winters in the north. Not only is the environment a challenge, they must also struggle against orcs, frost & hill giants, yeti, and numerous other foes for precious resources. Yet the Wolfgarie do not stand alone, Arakhan dwarves from the southeast bring caravans of trade goods, gnome traders push up from the south, Zekaria (human barbarians and half-orc) refugees stake their claims, Silvaron elven knights patrol the southern borderlands and perhaps they may be more allies to find.

The adventures will feature mountain treks with all the hazards that will incur, deep valleys with cold swift and powerful rivers, avalanches (mud slides and snow fall), bitter frostfell winters, with hidden tombs and remains of ancient civilizations to find. Pushing northward you will find the tundra plains (un-named at this time), to the east across an immense grassy plain are the lands of the hill dwarves and other peoples. To the south you will run into the lands of the Zekaria barbarians that reside in the Alderon Mountains and wage a war of vengeance against the mountain dwarves. Travel across this rugged land is always difficult in the best of time, so travelers and adventurers have always best be prepared, else come spring thaw it may be their frozen corpse that the village dogs gnaw on.

Barbarians, rangers, druids, fighters, and rogues will feature greatly. The Wolfgarie are not by their nature spell-casters or even very religious. Their few priests follow the gods of the hunt, winter, war, honor, earth, mountains, and a few other aspects that may affect them.

Character Creation
Stat Generation: 28 Point Buy (Heroforge Excel Character Generator recommended)
Starting Level: 6 (current level of party)
Starting Funds: DMG guidelines for 6th level or DM's pool of items
Book: Player's Handbook 3.5
Recommended: Frostburn
Optional - Permitted: Player's Handbook 2, Complete Warrior, Divine, Adventurer, Arcane, Heroes of Battle, Heroes of Horror, Libris Mortis, Miniatures Handbook

Some notes below from the initial posting to start the campaign;

Role-playing style? Informal, I guess would be a valid description. No one gets into "voice", but more like my character does this and that... On the hand, several players do develop set codes of conduct in battle/RP situations that they typically and consistently follow, the knight that is always jumping in front of any injured party member, even at his own peril; the self-perservation centered sorcerer (rightfully so due to his low hit points), yet was the power gun of the party; hard charging running jumping monk that had a weakness toward fireballs, come to mind from the last campaign.

I run much more of a mean and gritty campaign, well at least that's my aim. So typically all encounters, have elements of terrain factors and hazards that must be considered. This is even more so in the upcoming frostfell campaign. Magic is close to baseline, but often hovers a bit low for a time and then suddenly a bit above. Also I much prefer to place unique magic items versus the standard mundane items i.e., +1 ring of resistence.

The books permitted are listed above. "Most" of the classes are available from those books, just no evil classes. The races are on the campaign website and include a couple of human barbaric tribes, dwarf, gnome, elf, gnoll and half-orcs, with a couple of campaign specific mods to reflect their culture and location.

This campaign setting is old, started in 1989 within 2nd edition, upgraded to 3.0 and later to 3.5.

My email is troll_mage at yahoo dot com

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