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Void Empires : 2750 - early version now available (and Free)


Good evening all,

I would like to invite you all to critique, play, enjoy, complain and use Void Empires : 2750 - a sci fi space opera style RPG - in which ever way you want!

Like many of you, I got into tabletop roleplaying games many years ago. After years of GMing and playing many different tabletop RPGs, I found myself play-testing, then contributing and finally even authoring on a couple of major Mongoose Traveller 2e products. At the conclusion of that positive experience, I realised that despite the amount of sci-fi RPGs out there, I (and my gaming crew) felt that something was missing. We wanted something that combined many of the tropes, systems and customization we loved from what existed, into one neat system. Let me give you the top three … intentions / design principles I went for, in no particular order, that I felt I could improve upon from other games:

  1. Simple system, deep customization. 5 attributes, 2d6 plus modifiers vs Target for almost everything. However, there are tons of options for customization - from skills to augmentation to craft. So hopefully, you’re not feeling like a redundant role if there are 3 or even 5 other players. Many times I felt a system gave you simplicity at the cost of character/class/role identity and customization. I tried to avoid that.
  2. Meaningful options. Whether in sci fi or fantasy, we’ve all seen games with lots of character options where you feel many are sub par. I can say that I’ve put in a lot of effort into creating a wide variety of meaningful choices. These choices extend from skills, equipment, augmentation to psionics, spacecraft choices and so on. Whether it is combat or otherwise, I’ve tried to expand the “meta” so it’s not just “pick x y and z options and everything else is a trap… “. You can play space Gandalf/super psionicist , an ex-life coach with a super human charisma and a new found career in stellar trade, with grizzled veteran ex space marine sniper and it is my hope that they will all have a mechanical impact on the game. The same for space combat, I tried to get many roles involved.
  3. Tropes and consistency. So I wanted a lot of tropes from classic space opera - things many of us grew up with. Cybertech, psionics, space ships, shields, fighters, battleships, mechs, Wild West space scifi etc… and yet, avoid the things that made you pause and go hmm? You could call it internal consistency (some call it hard sci fi but some consider hard sci fi as in not too far removed from our current understanding of today’s science)
Direct Link to the PDF:

Character Generator (WIP): Void Empires

Discord: Discord - A New Way to Chat with Friends & Communities
Facebook: Void Empires : 2750
Email: void2750@gmail.com

I welcome all your critique, advice, notes on what you like and what you don't! Feel free to provide them here or to email me at void2750@gmail.com

Thanks and Enjoy!
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I recently had the pleasure of being interviewed by Mildra, the Gaming Monk himself! Thank you Mildra for the opportunity!

You can find the interview here:

I will be launching a discord channel soon for the game where interested parties can drop by and chat! Thank you all for the positive feedback and critique!


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