What would be the necessary number....


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....of letters, numbers, and/or other characters which, when put into one continuous (IE: spaceless) string, would be EXACTLY as long as the normal width of these pages?

The reason I ask is this: in an upcoming plot that may or may not be happening over @ Fight Club, someone may wind up gaining a relic which, when s/he gains it for the first time, causes this someone an amount of agony sufficient to cause his/her thought process to devolve rapidly (until the pain finally ends, of course), from coherent sentences to semi-coherent mental babbling....kinda like the tape of an audio cassette spinning out every which way, just before the tape player "eats" it. *chucklez*

So....how many would it take, anyway?

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Sorry, but there's no way to tell. It depends on the monitor's resolution, on the browser being used, on the settings of said browser, and on the characters you are using to make that line ('iiii' is shorter than 'mmmm' or 'iiii'). While the last problem can be solved by using a fixed-width font, there's nothing you can do about the rest.

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