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World information for Enigmatica

Nonlethal Force

First Post
Organizations: Military

There are several organizations built directly into the territorial structure of Enigmatica. These organizations would be the very military system of each country that is required to man the borders, maintain the peace, go on the offensive, and hold on the defensive. Each of the armies listed below are generic in terminology. That is, any soldier within the army would recognize the name and would be under this name regardless of their race, class, or rank. Within each army there is specialization within corps that might handle magic use, cavalry, siege warfare, etc. For the sake of convenience, the individual corps will not be discussed here – although the players should realize that the army is broken down into corps and divisions within each corps. In fact, the armies are broken down all the way to individual 100 man squadrons; but I see little need to go into that great of detail!

There are no class or racial restrictions upon being a member of the general army of a land except that citizenship must be within the land (unless serving as a paid mercenary) and loyalty must be sworn to one of the significant powers (land owners) within the region. (King, Lord, Duke, Earl, Baron, etc.) The designated sub-groups within the regional army that are listed below have a character level minimum of 5 as a prerequisite to entry into one of the sub-groups. Admission into the general army may be assumed at the time of character generation and in this case should at least be noted in the character background. Of course, entry can occur as a roleplaying element within the context of the game as well. Entry into a military subgroup listed below must be roleplayed in-game (or detailed thoroughly in the character background if the character begins at a character level equal to or higher than 5).

Note on organizational names:
[Sblock]A student of the ancient languages of Latin and Greek will recognize these names and at least their construction. While these specific names were most likely never used in real life; the names are derived out of the Latin and Greek languages nonetheless. Spelling has been slightly altered in some cases for appearance or ease of pronunciation. These so called misspellings are intentional on my behalf.

Also, while in Latin the “v” is pronounced like a “w,” “c” is pronounced like a “k,” and other variations exist; the pronunciations listed will be clearly Anglicized. This is because while it does sound macho to think of Julius Ceaser standing before the troops and shouting “Veni, Vidi, Veci” … it is rather silly to imagine him standing atop a hillside and saying it using the traditional Latin Pronunciation which would be “Weni, Widi, Weci.” For some reason, softening the “v” to a “w” seems to make it lose some of its oomph. I realize that is my opinion, of course. :) [/Sblock]

Stratia Ouranios: (Pronunciation: STRA-tee-ah ooh-RAWN-ee-ahs)
Literal Meaning of the Name: Army of the Heavens
Region of Activity: National Army of Barghost
Standard: Male angel with wings unfurled, hovering in mid-air, holding a heavy mace in the right hand, and with a radiant orb of some kind hovering over his open left hand
Color: Purple

This is the king’s army – protectors of Barghost. The majority of the army is made up of those who favor physical prowess, brute force, strong morals, and divine magic. This does not mean that stealth and arcane magic do not have their place, for most corps have a small squadron of scouts attached to their ranks and there are several corps completely composed of pure arcane masters. The arcane spell casters are made up into their own corps because most pure weilders of the arcane are simply too fragile to occupy the same positions as a regular corps. Those who focus on combat prowess and have only a limited ability in the arcane are sometimes found among the ranks of the regular corps. This force is primarily concerned with the protection of the physical borders of Barghost and ensuring that no property is lost due to humanoid or extra-planar means.

Those who serve the army are most typically proud of there association to the force and the service that they provide for the citizens of Barghost. Most citizens are kindly disposed to the regular military personnel and often offer discounts for things like lodging, meals, and entertainment.

Serving in the army offers one significant benefit over and above civilian lifestyle. Military service enables any soldier to train with any weapon that they desire. Furthermore, the majority of the most skilled blacksmiths in the land contract work through the army at least part time. Thus, a member of the army is always guaranteed to have access to any weapon of Masterwork quality so long as they are able to pay for it and wait for it to be constructed should the item not be on hand in the local barracks. In addition, the arcane corps of the military are saddled with the burden of enchanting weaponry in order to raise funding for their own spell research. In this manner, the arcane corps have become greatly self-sufficient in economic terms, much to the delight of the regular army. Assuming a soldier has the funding to pay for the enchantment to be cast, most military arcane casters are willing to do any enchantments that are within their power. Speaking in meta-gaming terms, the typical arcane caster within the army is capable of enchanting up to a +2 enchantment. Enchantments whose cost exceeds +2 must often find non-military means through which to get their items enhanced.

Dikaiontos: (Pronunciation: dih-KAI-on-toss)
Literal Meaning of the Name: The Ones Who Render Justice
Region of Activity: Barghost
Standard: Same as Stratia Ouranios
Color: Purple with Gold Stripe

The Dikaiontos are a special sub-group of the Stratia Ouranios. Many of the members of this group take their fighting prowess to a much more personal level. It is not enough to protect the land; instead the members of the Dikaiontos feel the need to personally touch the lives of those to whom they provide help. Many of the members of this sub-group spend time on special quests (sometimes solitary and sometimes with a group – possibly with a group of non-Dikaiontos even).

Often, but not always, the Dikaiontos feel compelled to take a more personal approach to their service out of a deep commitment to their deity. While not all are evangelists, most of them receive some satisfaction of seeing themselves as an emissary of their deity. Most of the Dikaiontos would receive great pleasure if someone they provide help to were to convert to worshipping their own deity.

The Dikaiontos also see themselves as the last bastion of defense should the Stratia Ouranios ever be compromised from an enemy threat. The Dikaiontos each pledge ultimate loyalty to their king, so long as their king acts in an upright manner. In many cases, the personal bodyguards are chosen from the ranks of the Dikaiontos, although this is certainly not true for everyone. The Dikaiontos see sacrificing their own lives for a righteous cause as a worthwhile investment in their quest for serving those around them.

The Dikaiontos share the same privileges with regard to barrack benefits (availability of items and weapon enhancements) as the Stratia Ouranios. Often, these groups share space in the same fortifications. The Dikaiontos do not see themselves as superior to the Stratia Ouranios; instead they see them as specially trained servants for a very special duty.

Exerkitus Multorum: (Pronunciation: ex-ER-kih-tuss mul-TOR-uhm)
Literal Meaning of the Name: Army of the Many
Region of Activity: National Army of Tongra
Standard: Rampant griffon standing atop a cliff
Color: Orange

The Exerkitus Multorum is the national army of Tongra. The army falls under command of the king, with each division of troops being donated to the king’s service by the respective lord, duke, etc of the land. In times of war, the king gives the orders to the lords, dukes, etc who then relay those orders to their own troops. In this manner, the only troops that have a true loyalty to the king are those who come from the king’s land. All other troops have a loyalty to their own duke, lord, etc before their loyalty to the king. While this is important to note, this seldom arises to the level of a problem. Tongra has enough difficulty fending off the threats of Quehalost; it does not have the manpower to support infighting among the troops and leaders.

The members of the Exerkitus Multorum are at the mercy of their leader and the wealth that leader represents. Often, those soldiers who come from the more wealthy area of Tongra have access to masterwork items and even a few wizards to enchant those items for the standard price. Those who come from the more poor areas of Tongra cannot depend on their leader’s ability to provide such services and often they must find these items and services on their own. Those who often fight along the Tongra-Quehalost border are accustomed to fighting with whatever weapon they can carry into battle regardless of its quality.

In spite of what might be assumed, however, the Exerkitus Multorum is not an inefficient body. They have grown accustomed to their unique method of dealing with a chain of command and therefore handle their situation with relative speed. Living under the constant threat of invasion from Quehalost has also made the individual soldiers more brave, strong, and resourceful than one might expect. There is a significant amount of pride in belonging to the Exerkitus Multorum.

The country is largely supportive of those troops that serve the same power as is in power for their area. The kings troops are largely supported by the people when they are in the king’s lands, but when they head into the lands of a duke, lord, etc they cannot count on the support being as demonstrative. It is rare, however, to find any troop ever abused by anyone in Tongra – even if they are not in the region that is native to them. The citizens of Tongra are keenly aware of the protective service the military provides. Thus, most citizens treat the whole military with respect but only bend over backwards in support of their own troops.

The ranks of the Exerkitus Multorum are well blended. There is a great need for stealth, magic, and divine power along the Quehalost border. There is as much of a need for soldiers of a brute force mentality to keep the Barghost army in check as well. Nearly anyone who desires to put their services to work in the Exerkitus Multorum can find a role to play.

Contra Vili: (Pronunciation: CON-trah VIL-ee)
Literal Meaning of the Name: In Opposition to the Vile
Region of Activity: Tongra
Standard: Same as Exerkitus Multorum
Color: Orange with Red Stripe

The Contra Vili is a sub-group of the Exerkitus Multorum. Where the Exerkitus Multorum is the standard military operatives, the Contra Vili are specifically trained for service on the Tongra-Quehalost border. Members of this sub-group consider any embodiment of evil to fall under the category of vile. This does not imply that the members of the Contra Vili are self-righteous or even holy. Instead, it implies that they understand the seriousness of the threat that lies across the border and how important it is to keep that threat in check.

Many of the members of the Contra Vili are specially trained exorcists, fiend hunters, and general bane to the undead. Many of these special forces are skilled hunters and trackers. It goes without saying that both arcane and divine casters are not only welcomed but highly valued within the Contra Vili. In general, this sub-group tends to emphasize stealth over brute force, although a good sword arm is always appreciated by the ranks of the mages.

The members of the Contra Vili rarely spend time around the Exertikus Multorum. The Exerkitus are charged with focusing primarily on protecting the borders of Tongra while the Contra Vili train for excursions into Quehalost. The leaders of the Contra Vili strongly believe that the best defense is a good offense. Because of this, the members of the Contra Vili realize the importance of teamwork and cooperation. They generally have little time for those who are not a part of their immediate combat team. In many respects they consider themselves shock troopers, and they know the danger that such a distinction brings upon their head.

In certain cases, a member of the Contra Vili will be dispatched from their unit for a special quest away from the Tongra-Quehalost border. This typically happens when reinforcements are desperately needed, recruitments need to be made, the divine (or a magic item) needs to be sought out, or other such reasons. These assignments are not treated as punishments. Instead, those chosen for these special assignments are looked upon by the members of the Contra Vili as courageous heroes.

Kenturia Dunatou: (Pronunciation: ken-TOUR-ee-ah DO-nah-too)
Literal Meaning of the Name: Centurion of the Powerful
Region of Activity: National Army of Fenneress
Standard: Human male in full platemail armor with visor down who is standing with a greatsword drawn so that the tip is pointing into the ground and both of the man’s hands grip the hilt
Color: Green

The Kenturia Dunatou is the general designation for the national army of Fenneress. Of course, like the Exerkitus Multorum, each Baron’s troops are more loyal to their Baron than the Chief Baron, but this issue of loyalty seldom arises for the same reason as in Tongra. The Kenturia Dunatou typically has enough to worry about with the border between Fenneress and Quehalost to ensure that they do not have the energy to worry about infighting.

Each member of the Kenturia Dunatou is dependant upon finding their own means to provide armor, weapons, and enhancements for themselves. As with the Exerkitus Multorum, those fighters along the Fenneress-Quehalost border typically are willing to fight with anything that can be brought into combat.

The people of the land are largely supportive of the military troops, regardless of the area from which the come. The military is organized so that the troops are stationed in their home land. In general the citizens of Fenneress feel as though the military is doing its part - especially with the troops of the Chief Baron filling in wherever needed. This generous feeling on behalf of the people means that in most cases a soldier will be given the benefit of the doubt until they prove otherwise unworthy of such a benefit.

Nearly any class can find a role to play in the Kenturia Dunatou. Many melee swordsmen find a place on either border. Arcane casters are often called upon in the struggle against Quehalost. Characters with a strong sense of the divine are used as powerful agents against the demons, devils, and undead in Quehalost as well as diplomats to the more self-righteous kingdom of Barghost. Those skilled in tracking and sneaking are easily employed along either border.

Kata Ruparohn: (Pronunciation: KAH-tah ROO-par-ohn)
Literal Meaning of the Name: Against the Morally Defiled
Region of Activity: Feneress
Standard: Same as Kenturion Dunatou
Color: Green with Black Stripe

The Kata Ruparohn are the Alliance of Fenneress’ equivalent to the Contra Vili of the Confederacy of Tongra. The Kata Ruparohn are strictly assigned to the Fenneress-Quehalost border as troops specially trained to fight against demons, devils, and undead. Their means and methods vary greatly with each individual squadron, however. Many squadrons employ divine agents; but some squadrons are designed to enter Quehalost in a mode of stealth while other squadrons are designed to challenge their foe head-on.

The Kata Ruparohn tend to be proud on the average, but they do not consider themselves above the commoner. Whenever possible, the members of the Kata Ruparohn take time to encourage and support the communities in which they serve. They often also focus on attempting to subvert the evil dominating the parts of Quehalost in which the scout. The Kata Ruparohn are active in creating pockets within Quehalost where those of a good heart can find refuge and possibly even a way out of Quehalost if so desired. In many respects, the Kata Ruparohn can become like smugglers as they work against the governments and powers in place within Quehalost.

Nearly any class or race can find an important role within the Kata Ruparohn, although those with a divine connection, those who specialize in illusion or stealth magic, and those who are trained to track and hide in natural environments are commonly found among their ranks. Typically, the Kata Ruparohn can be classified as intelligent above and beyond being strong.
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Nonlethal Force

First Post
Cross-Territorial Organizations

The following organizations represent the most popular cross-territorial organizations of the land. There are others that could be added to the list, but these are the ones that the characters are most likely to have heard of in their lives. Each of these organizations has a commonality that brings the members together into community. These organizations may be further divided into subgroups based on geographic location within the group, although a member from one locale would honor the membership of a person from another locale.

Each of these organizations has requirements for entry. Some of these organizations are quite public and entrance is based upon certain abilities (often character level or other attainable/demonstrable goal). Other organizations are quite secretive and have membership requirements that are attained purely by invitation only.

Grammateuss: (Pronunciation: gramm-ah-TAY-uss)
Literal Meaning of the Name: One Distinguished for Learning
Entry Requirement: Able to cast spells like a wizard or use powers like a psion/psychic warrior

The Grammateuss are the independent wizard’s guild among the land. Many of the most powerful wizards who are good or neutrally aligned and not a part of the military belong to this guild. The homes and studies of the Grammateuss are often tall spires of magically or psionically constructed rock. The rock is typically selected to be natural to the area in which the wizard lives. Members of the Grammateuss can live in the open country if they are interested in seclusion, but most Grammateuss live in cities. Within these cities the Grammateuss is in an environment where their magic or mental abilities can be put to good use, where there is an ample workforce to maintain their libraries and collections, and where there is the greatest possibility for recruitment.

The Grammateuss spend much of their time in recruitment and training of younger apprentices. More than likely, this is because most Grammateuss were taught the arts when they were but an apprentice to a member of the Grammateuss order themselves. This process of recruitment tends to create very loyal members who understand the importance of fostering interest in the magical and psionic arts within the next generation.

The typical Grammateuss home is composed of several layers. The bottom level typically consists of the servant’s living quarters, workrooms (kitchen, pantry, etc) and any rooms used to entertain guests. The second level is usually the private residences of the Grammateuss and any apprentices they desire to take on. Attached to each room is a personal study for the time to quietly reflect upon the magical or psionic arts. The third level – and by far the tallest level – is the Grammateuss’ personal library. Most Grammateuss’ are so devoted to their art and training of the next generations that much of their personal resources go towards maintaining their library. It is commonly assumed that any spell or power that a Grammateuss is capable of casting or manifesting can be found within their personal library. In fact, this is a matter of pride among the Grammateuss; who would be horrified if their library was found incomplete.

The Grammateuss take their libraries so seriously that they go to extreme measures to ensure that entrance to their libraries can only be accomplished through the residence’s mundane secret door. The walls are typically constructed so as to redirect any planar or ethereal travelers to the current location of the Grammateuss. Most Grammateuss who have a library worth breaking into also have this redirection on a time delay, allowing the Grammateuss several moments to prepare for those who would be arriving by such means. Most Grammateuss’ consider this kind of attempted entry into any known library a declaration of war against the Grammateuss order themselves. Therefore, the would-be thieves often find themselves being redirected directly into some kind of cage where they await trial. The jury for such an intruder is composed of any other willing Grammateuss who would desire to serve. Typically, members of the Grammateuss order consider this kind of duty a pleasure and are quite creative in determining the punishment for such a trespasser. Punishment rarely consists of death, although a permanent polymorph into a harmless form such as a frog is considered fair and just. Other mages or psionicists who are caught making such an entry are often locked in prisons and secured with antimagic shackles (or antipsionic shackles).

The Grammateuss’ libraries are themselves a thing of wonder. While the library seems to extend upward into the heavens, one merely needs to stand within a silver circle inscribed upon the floor to find access to a given spell or power. If the Grammateuss is an arcanist, each spell is contained within a book (there may be more than one spell per book). If the Grammateuss is a psionicist each power is encrypted within a crystal that is itself capable of either creating tattoos (for the right price given to the Grammateuss) or teaching the power directly to the individual if they are allowed to do so. Once within the circle, one only needs to speak the name or description of the desired spell or power aloud. What appears to be an unseen force finds the spell or power off of the high library shelves and magically brings the desired spell or power downward for the use of the person within the circle. Spells are frequently copied into the spellbooks of those who have been granted access while powers are often simply memorized. Of course, the unseen magical servants within the library are equipped with identification procedures. The Grammateuss must verbally grant a clearance level to anyone allowed into the library. The library only functions in retrieving spells or powers up to the granted level for any given individual.

An apprentice usually enters the Grammateuss society at a beginner’s level, although it is not unheard of for a Grammateuss to become fond of a tested, yet lower level, caster or psionicist. In either case, if the Grammateuss is interested the lower level caster may be taken under the tutelage of the higher level Grammateuss. A member of the Grammateuss order is allowed to establish their own libraries (thus becoming a master) and take on apprentices only once they have demonstrated the ability to defend such a creation as well as create the majority of magical effects within the library. [Typically, able to cast 5th level spells or manifest 5th level powers] It is not uncommon for the old master Grammateuss to help their new graduate with the construction of their library – and even supply some of the necessary tomes for the library as well as a magical or psionic form of protection not yet available to the new master. Grammateuss apprentices typically stay loyal to thei masters even once they become masters themselves.

Pharmakoss: (Pronunciation: FAR-mah-kahs)
Literal Meaning of the Name: Those of unexplainable powers
Entry Requirement: Cast spells like a sorcerer or manifest power like a wilder/warlock

The Pharmakoss are as loosely organized as the Grammateuss are rigidly structured in their diligent study. The Pharmakoss are a collection of people whose seemingly supernatural abilities come to them naturally without need for study. These powers may be arcane, divine, or psionic in nature.

The Pharmakoss typically are loyal to one another in so much as they enjoy the challenge of pitting their own power against one another in non-lethal combat. This is not to say that the damage must be non-lethal in nature; instead it implies that the premise is not to kill one another. Like warriors who train with wooden weapons to ensure their partner is not maimed – the Pharmakoss often thrill in challenging one another to the same kind of matches with magic and psionics as the weapons. The Pharmakoss believe that the ability to grow in one’s power only comes about by flexing one’s mental muscles and practicing those powers that seem to flow out of one’s personality.

The Pharmakoss gather together merely for this odd kind of companionship. They are quick to admit that they do not fit into the organized structure of the Grammateuss or the militaries of the land. Rather than marching to the beat of another’s drummer, they prefer to admit their uniqueness and identify with other people in the world who pride themselves in their unique combination of abilities. The association exists purely to challenge one another in a competitive quest for growth.

Occasionally, a member of the Pharmakoss will take up a quest with an adventuring party. These Pharmakoss may even adventure in hopes of accomplishing a greater communal purpose. However, even if the Pharmakoss member is adventuring for a more pure reason, there is always a part of the rationale for adventure that hopes for personal advancement as well. Additionally, it is also not uncommon for a member of the Pharmakoss to adventure in an attempt to prove themselves (and their spontaneous collection of powers) to the world.

To join the Pharmakoss society, an application must be made through a current member. Often, this means a member of the Pharmakos must be found in the first place. The entrance rite consists of several relatively basic magical and/or psionic tasks that demonstrate a worthy innate ability. After these rites are performed, the application is finalized by pitting the applicant against a far superior member of the Pharmakoss. The applicant is expected to lose. Thus, the applicant is not being judged on their ability to win – just their ability to fight creatively and use all their abilities. It is hoped that this superior challenge will help the applicant grow and perhaps begin the path to discovering new talents as they fight.

En Phusis: (Pronunciation: EN FOO-sis)
Literal Meaning of the Name: Among the Prescribed Order of Nature
Entry Requirement: At least one level of Druid

The En Phusis are the protectors of the wild. There is no other way of putting it than that. The En Phusis are not interested in lifting up one part of nature over the other – they are merely interested in maintaining the order of nature against the ever encroaching civilization.

Most members of the En Phusis live in groves far outside the civilized areas. Typically they live in seclusion, choosing the companionship of their animals over that of other people. These druidic groves are nearly impenetrable due to magical plant growth, although the druids who live within the groves can pass freely and allow those chosen to enter freely as well.

Occasionally a significant threat to nature comes along and members of the En Phusis band together as well as call in favors from rangers and fighters who are approved to hunt and care for the land. These bands are typically short-lived, lasting only as long as the threat against which they formed. Once the threat has passed, the members of the En Phusis go their separate ways.

Members of the En Phusis are typically on neutral terms with on another. There is little competition involved – for there always seems to be plenty of land to protect and there are an increasing number of threats encroaching outward from the larger towns. In spite of this encroachment, though, the members of the En Phusis are not often antagonistic to those who live in the towns. Instead, they attempt to treat all with respect so long as the natural laws of the land are likewise respected.

Entrance into the order of the En Phusis can be accomplished by spending time in nature and showing reverence for the wild around the person. Sometimes, it takes weeks for an En Phusis protector to take notice of a reverential participant, but if a person is persistant enough the attention of the local druid protector can be earned. If this attention is deemed sincere, testing and rites are performed. Assuming the rites and the testing are accomplished positively the fledgling member is admitted into the order. The local En Phusis protector is responsible for introducing the fledgling into the power of nature. Once properly introduced on a most basic level, the new En Phusis member is pushed back out into nature to find their own area to protect. From that area the new member is to learn from the nature around them in order to advance in their Nature-derived powers.

Eiss Nukti: (Pronunciation: ACE nook-TEE)
Literal Meaning of the Name: Into the Moral Darkness
Entry Requirement: Approached by an Eiss Nukti member.

The Eiss Nukti are an organization that exists only within other secular organizations. They do not operate openly in the world, but they secretly train and organize and infiltrate as many areas of evil as possible. Sometimes their tactics are subtle, but often their tactics are straightforward and violent once they have infiltrated an evil organization and have legitimate proof of who owns the responsibility for the evil. They are renowned for providing aide spontaneously and without being asked. However, because of their incredibly secretive nature they are impossible to ask for help because nobody knows who belongs except those in the order. Help is often only received when an Eiss Nukti member perceives a need and acts upon it out of a feeling of charity. Many in the order are highly religious and worship any good god (or St. Cuthbert) although being religious is certainly not a prerequisite.

Eiss Nukti lairs are difficult to penetrate into unless permission is granted from a current member. Eiss Nukti members can identify the location of lairs by landmarks, although it is certainly not easy – even for an Eiss Nukti member. Finding the location of a lair is a multi-step process which in itself may take many days – or even up to a week if the city is large.

Each Eiss Nukti lair has a subterranean armory. Obviously, the wealthier the town is the more complete the armory will be. No Eis Nukti armory contains magical weapons, however. This is because the Eiss Nukti do not want their own possessions to bolster the enemy should an Eiss Nukti armory be compromised. Eiss Nukti typically do not store magical items they cannot keep on their possession. Mundane stores may be kept even in vast quantities; but magical items are kept close at hand at all times. Along with the armory, each Eiss Nukti lair has a training facility. The training facility, called the sparring ring, is magically soundproofed to allow full combat training without alerting any residents who may live around the lair. All who are granted access to the lair are allowed into these two areas.

Above the armory and sparring ring is the location of the intelligence quarters. There can be any number of meeting rooms where the leader of the lair and his chosen intelligence squad gather to identify threats that need to be stopped. Each leader, or commander, of a lair has a single sub-commander. These are the only two people of rank within a lair. The leader and his sub-commander have the responsibility of selecting their intelligence squad. Nobody outside of this special intelligence squad is allowed in the upper level of the Eiss Nukti lair. There are no exceptions to this rule. General meetings within the lair with all members (or at least with a group that includes members besides the lairs intelligence squad) are held in the sparring ring.

It is not known how many Eiss Nukti lairs there are across Enigmatica. There may be some in the Eiss Nukti who know the master number of lairs, but even that is doubtful. Eiss Nukti are by their very nature secretive about their agency and thus new lairs are established without many of the existing lairs having that knowledge. The only way to identify a lair is through the secretive method known only to the Eiss Nukti. There are Eiss Nukti operations within the Kingdom of Barghost, the Alliance of Fenneress, and the Confederacy of Tongra. It is assumed that the Eiss Nukti have lairs within Quehalost, but their location is very secretly guarded and unknown by most outside of Quehalost. Very few Eiss Nukti outside of Quehalost are aware of the existence of any Eiss Nukti lairs within Quehalost.

Adversari Mortuum: (Pronunciation: ad-ver-SAHR-ee mor-TOO-uhm)
Literal Meaning of the Name: To Be Agaisnt the Dead
Entry Requirement: Swear an Oath to protect the living from the undead

The Adversari Mortuum are a unique band of fighters. The majority of the Adversari Mortuum are actually fighter, paladins, specialized rangers, or clerics. There are rogues and spellcasters among their number, but the fragility of these classes does not often align such classes with the rigors of hunting the undead threats across the land.

The Adversari Mortuum as a collective do not limit themselves to a single deity – they accept worship of any deity who asserts the needs of the living above the desires of the undead. Most commonly worshipped among the Adversari Mortuum are Pelor, Ehlonna, Heironeous, and Pholtus. Most of the members of the Adversari Mortuum are religiously faithful to at least one deity, however. The faith of the Adversari Mortuum is one of the few tools that the cold evil of undeath cannot penetrate.

The Adversari Mortuum do have headquarters, usually in the capitols of each land. The individual fighters sent out against the undead are usually dispatched from these headquarters. The Adversari Mortuum make little effort to hide their locations because they believe that their known presence can bring strength to the people of the land.

The Adversari Mortuum value life more than they hate undeath. It is unacceptable to the code of the Adversari Mortuum to take an innocent life in the pursuit of undeath. Occasionally this code is accidentally broken, and atonement is provided for those fighters who are caught in such dire circumstances. However, such atonements are provided sparingly – any agent who requires too much atonement in this regard will be dismissed from the order and forced to take up their fight on their own.

When an undead threat is identified, the Adversari Mortuum charge themselves with the utter destruction of the threat. Turning the undead is not an acceptable option unless it directly leads to their destruction. Undead who flee are hunted until their destruction can be confirmed. The greatest Adversari Mortuum honor is bestowed upon those who answer the call to destroy one of the greatest undead threats throughout the land: the destruction of a Great Lich Phylactery. The second greatest honor is bestowed upon those who destroy a Barat and their clan of Baratzu. [Barat are evil vampires, Baratzu are Vampire Spawn]

Ephistaemi: (Pronunciation: eh-phi-STAY-me)
Literal Meaning of the Name: To approach suddenly and without warning
Entry Requirement: 1 Rank in any skill of this list: Disable Device, Forgery, or Open Lock

The Ephistaemi pride themselves on being able to get into places of which other people intend to keep them out. However, they are not all evil, greedy, self-motivated pilferers as one might suspect. The driving force of the Ephistaemi is the ability to defeat the challenge – and earn the rewards. Sometimes their skills are hired legitimately, and there are those among their ranks who take less than upstanding jobs on the side.

Ephistaemi organize themselves as a thieving guild in a particular city and its suburbs. Typically there is only one Ephistaemi branch in a city. Each Ephistaemi guild typically seeks out the services of a reputable arms and tool supplier through which they purchase the tools needed for their tasks. Each Ephistaemi guild also seeks out a few barkeepers and innkeepers through whom their services can be made know to people who need them. Of course, most of these barkeepers and innkeepers are rogues themselves and perhaps they even worked their way up the ranks of the Ephistaemi and sought a more stable life as they aged. It can be assumed, however, that the city officials have little knowledge about where one would go to hire a team of Ephistaemi rogues.

Admission to the order demands ultimate secrecy. Thus, typically only the Ephistaemi know who each other are. Like Druids who teach a non-druid the Druidic language, anyone caught revealing the location of the Ephistaemi base of operations or the identity of one of another member of the guild is at the least shunned. If the Ephistaemi guild is lead by a more militant leader, the violator may even find themselves waking up to a torture squad or even the wrong end of a poisoned dagger.

The Ephistaemi have an official rank when they join the order. In order for an Ephistaemi member to increase in rank, the apprentice must beat his master in two out of three arenas of contest – none of them lethal. The first test is often fun regardless of who the victor is and is meant to simulate dungeon exploration. Both the master and the initiate are separately sent into a timed obstacle course. The obstacles are traps and various locked doors. The winner of the challenge is the one who makes it through in the least amount of time regardless of how many traps are set off in the process. For this test, the traps are meant to slow the participant down, not injure them substantially. The second test is a simultaneous race against one another. Both the apprentice and his master are given locked chests; and each chest has a minimum of 5 locks that need to be sprung to open the chest. Both the master and the apprentice must overcome the exact same locks. Each of the locks is known to be trapped. There are two ways to win. The winner must either beat his opponent by 5 minutes of time or set the fewest number of traps off in opening the chest. If one participant takes more than 5 minutes longer than the other, they automatically lose regardless of how many traps are sprung. The third test is one of combat. Each Ephistaemi guild has a set of four specialized merciful daggers for the purposes of this final test. Each combatant is given two of the daggers, and these daggers are the only weapons allowed to be used. The victor is the one left standing. Should the apprentice best his master, the apprentice is given a new master while the old master receives no punishment for losing. Once achieved, ranks in the Ephistaemi cannot be lost unless one is forcibly removed

There are no religious affiliations that the Ephistaemi adhere to. Some of them worship Olidammara or Xan Yae quite openly. A few even go so far as to worship Kurtlemak. There are many who opt to not revere any deity at all.

While it may seem like the Ephistaemi are indeed self-centered and desiring only to increase their own wealth, there are a number of other reasons that people join the Ephistaemi. Many whose families are touched by the dreadful consequences of an evil dragon raid seek out the Ephistaemi to learn to infiltrate the dragon’s lair and exact revenge either by stealing its horde or even slaying the beast. There are some Ephistaemi who seek to use their talents to aid nobles in demonstrating just how insecure their valuables and safety really are. Some Ephistaemi double as personalized scouts: hired hands for arties venturing into dungeons that are presumed to either be locked or trapped, or both. There are even a few Ephistaemi who join because they have had enough of the wealthy flaunting their wealth and thus they enter the wealthy homes only to distribute their wealth to the poor outside. Many seek to learn the art so that they can create better ways to protect their own wealth. However, there are evil reasons for joining the Ephistaemi as well. There are of course those who merely desire to get rich. There are many who enter the guild to learn the arts of becoming a hired assassin. One never knows the true intent of any member of the Ephistaemi as their guild is open to all who desire to practice and teach each other this particular form of art.
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