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Pathfinder Lost Omens Tian Xia World Guide

Pathfinder Pathfinder Lost Omens Tian Xia World Guide

Pathfinder Lost Omens Tian Xia World Guide
Tian Xia: a continent of Golarion inspired by Asian folklore.
April 24th
Dragons once served as the stewards of this land, commanded by Heavenly decree. Can you live up to their lofty expectations, or will you flounder and fail like countless kingdoms before you? Prophecy is dead and history hangs on a feather; even the slightest breath might change the course of peoples and nations. Strike out and seize your destiny in an uncertain future!

This massive 304-page gazetteer features a look at the history, cultures, and peoples of Tian Xia, with summaries of over 20 distinct nations and kingdoms on, above, and under the continent. It’s accompanied by a giant poster map displaying this region of the Pathfinder setting in beautiful detail.

“To make our big Second Edition showcase of Tian Xia as exciting as possible, we knew it would be key to contact writers and designers with a wide variety of experiences from across Asia and the Asian diaspora,” said Case, “Since many Asian cultures celebrate Lunar New Year this weekend (Feb 10), we thought this would be a fun time to kick off Tian Xia’s promotion cycle by looking at just a few of the 26 regions in the Tian Xia World Guide.”

The project’s co-leads, Pathfinder Senior Designer James Case and Senior Developer Eleanor Ferron, were joined by freelance contributors Grady Wang, Hiromi Cota, and Jeremy Blum. The livestream focused on several regions from the upcoming Tian Xia World Guide:Bachuan, Chu Ye, Kwanlai, and Linvarre. Bachuan was once a nation that suffered under crushing Imperial oppression only to give way to an equally oppressive revolutionary regime. A charismatic envoy, promises of foreign investment, and the magical return of various time-displaced peoples by a powerful sorceress have now led to an era of cautious change. To the north, Chu Ye still struggles under the yoke of its oni conquerors, while its human and kitsune rebels are pushed to ever more extreme methods to try to win their freedom. Kwanlai'snative tengu work with the descendants of Imperial exiles to overcome their nation's poverty, while trying to forge a home from their own squabbling factions. Meanwhile, Linvarre is fresh from declaring independence from their mother nation of Taldor, ready to present its own unique identity to the world at large.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens Tian Xia World Guide
April 24 2024
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