• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!


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Shawn Thomas of The Tabletop Adventure is suing Geek Therapeutics and its founder, Dr. Anthony Bean, for "libel, slander and copyright infringement".
Keep track of what's coming up and when!
How does a company go from over twenty core staff to just six in the space of a few weeks?
More successful campaigns but smaller shares of the pie!
Might be negotiating video gaming licenses, but is not selling D&D to Chinese company Tencent.
No game forthcoming; retailer pre-orders to be refunded.
Who's this year's winner?
Legendary game designer and artist passes away at the age of 68.
It seems like AI art is going to be a recurring news theme this year. While this is Magic: the Gathering news rather than D&D or TTRPG news, WotC and AI art has been a hot topic a few times recently. When MtG community members observed that a promotional image looked like it was made with AI, WotC denied that was the case, saying in a now-deleted tweet "We understand confusion by fans given...
Author of 'Slaying the Dragon' predicts an end to the current boom.
As we do every year, it's time to vote for the most anticipated tabletop roleplaying game of the coming year!
It's Friday 15th December, and time for the video summary of This Week in TTRPG.
It's that time of year again--what's your most anticipated TTRPG of next year?
"Layoffs, when handed poorly ... are failings of character."
Reports of D&D staff losses start to emerge.
Who has raised the most via crowdfunding... ever?

This Week in TTRPG


Put the players within spitting distance of the fall of House Atreides and the rise of Muad’Dib.
For its first book of D&D's 50th anniversary year, Wizards is going big with a multiverse-spanning, multiverse-threatening adventure where players will face off against one of the game’s most legendary villains.
A great monster book on its own but also useful as a supplemental guide to pre-existing fantasy worlds.
Play a vampire and kill nazis in WW2!

Dungeons & Dragons

The 2024 DMG cover has been revealed by the UK's Mirror newspaper.
For the small price of accepting a bit of healing from its quirky host you too can stay in this aged and storied temple.
Gold dragons no longer have wings--just like they used to be!
Hasbro CEO plays in an Eastern Adventures D&D campaign.
Figments of imagination that make for deadly encounters or very, very cool familiars.
For its first book of D&D's 50th anniversary year, Wizards is going big with a multiverse-spanning, multiverse-threatening adventure where players will face off against one of the game’s most legendary villains.

Industry News

D&D-powered cartoon fun from Cryptozoic Entertainment.
Developer tool released under Open RPG Creator (ORC) License.
SRD 5.2 will be released under Creative Commons next year.
One of only two TTRPG creators with four separate million dollar Kickstarters!
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