[FR] Heroes of the Vilhon Reach I

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2-4,Marponeth, 1372 Quest for the Snails part IV, Scene 3: We're outta here!

The rest of the day and the night is uneventful. The Company of the Blue Snail decides to head south along the trail following a tip from one of the goblin women that Aris questioned [DM note: Aris speaks goblin] that the old shaman Herruk found when exploring to the south beyond the lake in some ruins and came back with the demon.

They pass a lake and continue to follow the trail southward to a grassy meadow where they see ruins breaking the dull landscape. Balin discovers a secret door after a quick examination of the structures and the party enters. They find an old tomb, a broken magic circle, oddly colored mushrooms--one type matches the color of the oily liquid they found among Herruck's possessions and coating the darts of the shamans blowgun. Aris also learned from the warrior goblin whom they made chieftan that the poison of the shaman made people crazy. The party also comes across four giant centipedes which they make short work of. However, it does bite a few people with its noxious poison. After this encounter, the party decides to name the valley the Valley of Poison since every encounter, and seemingly every animal injected or secreted something foul on them.

Leaving the tomb, the party continues south and reaches the cliff. Here they find a rope ladder and decide to climb at this location instead of travelling back along the trail to the cavern that they used to get into the valley. Aris levitates up the cliff with Jazzad.
Alberia demands that they return to rescue Slovack and the party complies. Making their way along the top edge of the cliff out of the valley, the companions arrive at the field in front of the cave shortly. In the distance they see a large hulking figure attempting to enter the cave. Slovack whinnies in fear and Alberia, without hesitation runs to rescue him. Ellysidel follows and passes her up stopping to shoot what he realizes is an ogre. He nails the creature squarely in the chest. The ogre bellows in pain. Aris has to convince Nosr to help out the paladin and her horse so lags slightly behind Benito and Mourn who catch up to Ellysidel. Missle fire from Benito, Aris, Balin, Ellysidel, and Mourn, and a reluctantly cast magic missle from Nosr, injures the creature greatly so that when Alberia charges--fortunately turning back the mighty club of the ogre with her shield--and slashes the ogre with her longsword across the abdomen, the beast doubles over and falls to the ground, dead. Slovack is unharmed.

The party makes its way without incident back to Starfall Stream Pool where they take Jazzad to Ryan Tollocke and give him all the poison goodies that they recovered in the valley. Jazzad recovers over the next two days as Tollocke is able to make an antidote from some of the mushrooms. Jazzad is very greatful and he agrees to train Aris in the ways of woodcraft. He also presents him with one of his finely crafted handaxes and apologizes profusely for the injuries the adventurers suffered at his hands.
He is easily forgiven by all except Nosr who broods and remembers that the woodsman almost killed him.

Ryan, also greatful for the return of his friend give the party three potions that he has brewed. All would seem well with the heroes triumphant. Unfortunately, this satisfaction of victory does not last. Aris, Mourn, and Ellysidel become ill with fever. Alberia becomes restless to pursue her quest for her father. Benito is feeling agraphobic in the Turmish countryside and longs to be quickly back in Alaghon. Balin wishes to depart also and return to Xorthun. Finally, word comes from nearby Blisingdell that orc raids have increased and some farmers have been kidnapped.
Decisions, decisions...what will the newly formed Company of the Blue Snails do?

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Character Update!

Here is the much anticipated update on the characters!

The Company of the Blue Snail [their unofficial name, which Aris's character really has a probelem with and will probably change] lists as follows:

Aris Cloud-dancer of Tethyr: male air genasi 1st level fighter/1st level ranger. After helping with Jazzad's recuperation, Aris finishes learning basic ranger skills from the woodsman during a week of downtime in Starfall stream pool. He is definitely heading to a larger town after his training ends. Alaghon would be ideal, but nearby Blasingdell may be alright. The company needs a place to make money. Plus, he has heard of dwarven treasure in the Orsauns and wants to explore the mystery of the increased orc raids in the area.

Alberia Dorthansdotter, House Lhal : female aasimar 2nd level paladin. Alberia wants to leave right away to Blasingdell as no one in SSPool has heard of her father. Maybe the larger town will reveal something. Plus, there are orcs to slay so it seems. She definitely does not want to go all the way back to Alaghon which would greatly distract her from her quest.

Balin of Xorthun: male moon elf 2nd level rogue. Balin wants to go back to Xorthun, but the lure of treasure in the mountains has enticed him to stay with the company for one more adventure. He does not want to stay in SSPool, and welcomes the oppurtunity to get to a bigger place quickly even if that means going with the Tyrites...

Benito Moltos of Alaghon : male human 3rd level cleric of Tyr. Benito wants to get out of the backwater town as quickly as possible. He wants to not wait for the others and leave post-haste.

Ellysidel of Chondalwood: male wild elf 3rd level barbarian. The barbarian does not feel too good. Some of the bites from the over-sized rats have become infected and the infection has spread. He is not going anywhere soon. Hopefully, he will get better so he can pick up some lore from Jazzad. He would wait for Aris even if he were not ill.

Mourn of Evereksa: male sun elf 2nd level bard/1st level fighter. Mourn has been inclined to hone his singing and magic skills after the harrowing ordeal of the Forest of Shadows and its Valley of Poison. He has been laid low with the same fever that Ellysidel contracted from the rats. It is not fun at all.

Nosr of Starmantle: male half-elf 3rd level sorcerer. Nosr chooses to stay with Aris, Ellysidel, and Mourn if the party must split so he can meditate and learn better what to do in life.

*DM note: Aris and Alberia are ECL 3 due to their being planetouched.


On the Road

Marponeth 5-16, 1372 Starfall Stream Pool to Blasingdell Scene 1: Filth fever and Robbers

Most of the Heroes rest and train after their first major adventure underneath the boughs of the Shadow Wood and its Valley of Poison. Mourn and Ellysidel succumb to the filth feaver. While Mourn beats the infection in 2 days, Ellysidel fights and fights for 9 days until the evil manesfestation is conquered by his body. Fortunately, Benito is by his bedside using the blessings of Tyr to sustain his constitution so that he does not die. However, by the end of the ordeal, Ellysidel is very slowed and weakend from his former spry self.

Meanwhile, other members of Heroes of the Vilhon Reach busily increase their abilities as adventurers. Aris, under the tutelage of Jazzad, learns to be a tracker and woodsman. Mourn and Benito as well as work on their own personal advancement, learn to scribe scrolls and create wondrous items from the sorcerer/alchemist Ryan Tollocke. Mourn prepares many of these from newly discovered spells that form is his mind. Benito actually creates two items with Tollocke: A bag that summons a celestial dog, and a hat of disguise for a half-elf fugitive fleeing from evil Westgate to the north. Nosr toys with the idea of becoming a cleric but his innate arcane-ness draws him to further explore his gifts. In fact he begins to feel a power that he has not felt before. However, he keeps these revelations to himself for now. Balin, the vengeful elf, leaves town one night, stealing Benito's horse. The Heroes, although angered by the betrayl, decide not to pursue the rogue.

Finally, the Heroes depart Starfall Stream Pool with their wagon and horses. After lunch, they come to a roadblock.
Aris and Benito recognize a woman who holds them at bay with her crossbow.

Sighing, and shaking her head, the woman says, "I hate to be cliche', but, your money or your life..."

Benito and Alberia look at each other and decide for the party that they will not put up with extortion. They begin to argue with the bandit who tries to debate the merits of highwayman-ship to deaf ears. Then the party hears a battle cry to their left and see a half-orc with a great sword charge, "I tire of this talk,let's fight!"

Aris acknowledges his request with crossbow blot ladden with blue snail poison. It seems to slow the half-orc a little as Benito rides up to him and blesses him with Mano de la Justicia leaving a nasty wound across his upper chest and shoulder. The orc responds with a hack from his greatsword the almost topples Benito from his horse. A javelin comes flying at Mourn and Nosr, but hits inbetween them sticking on the wagon bench. Mourn immediately jumps to the ground and incants a spell to increase the power of his hymns of courage. Nosr retaliates with a new spell he learned and blasts the retreating javelin-thrower, who wears a black mask and clothing, with an ice dagger. Ellysidel spurs his horse to charge the black-clad adversary down,but his horse balks and he can only trot towards him. Aris and the woman trade crossbow shots, but both fail to connect. Alberia charges at the half-orc and slices into him with her sword.
With Mourn now in full song, the Heroes are bolstered with courage and battle-fervor. However, Alberia and Benito hear a voice in their heads, Help me , it says and they believe it comes in the direction of the wagon. They stick to the task at hand and finish the half-orc. Aris directs his horse towards the barricade and the woman shoots and misses him again. Nosr finishes her with two magic missles and Ellysidel catches up to the javelin-man. The humanoid turns around and punches the wild elf in the ribs with suprising force. As usual Ellysidel shrugs off the damage, and the man looks up seeing his doom. He whispers, "Mercy..." Without a word, the wild elf cleaves him from shoulder to chest with his greatsword leaving his arm dangling and blood spurting amidst the underbrush.

Nosr also hears a voice behind him, "Die fool," it says and Nosr feels much pain as a sword and dagger pierce him from behind.

The sorcerer cries for help. Alberia seeing her companion in trouble spurs Slovack towards the wagon, leaps off and attempts to strike through the canvas as this new adversary, a feral looking dwarf with a desicated, clawed hand hanging from his neck. Unfortunately, the tangle of items and cloth from the wagon deflect the blow and the evil dwarf lives. Aris also rides towards the wagon to help Nosr. While his scimitar wreaks havoc against the wagon, it again is caught up in cloth and the dwarf is unharmed. Nosr attempts to cast a spell in desparation trying to dodge the bloody dwarf. He fails and is cut down.

"Malar take thee all," yells the dwarf.

Benito then flies into the fray on the wagon further disrupting its contents,but unable to strike a telling blow on the servant of Malar. Mourn draws first blood and slices with his longsword against him.

"Is that all you got, boy?" asks the dwarf.

However, Mourn's tactic is to distract and with no more of the wagon's canvas to conceal the dwarf, Aris slices him with scimitar and finishes him with a handaxe to the chest. The dwarf falls, and the party sees that he wields a rather nice weapon--a longsword with the hilt carved in the shape of a dragon having rubies for eyes.

Nosr is stabilized and Alberia and Benito hear the voice in their head again. Thank you, it says. They begin to speak to the sword, but receive no reply.

They discover that the woman is still alive, manacle her and continue onward towards Blasingdell after Mourn loots and the party conceals and burys the bodies.

[Hey all! there's more to come. This is just the first scene!]


Marponeth 5-16, 1372 Starfall Stream Pool to Blasingdell, Scene 2: The Dark Gargoyle

Veshru the quasit flew as fast as his tiny demon wings could take him before that nasty, ugly elf sent him back to the Abyss. Veshru could not go back to the Abyss. He shuddered and flew faster. The quasit could not remember how far he flew, but then he regained his senses and started plotting like a good (well..bad) little demon. He decided to fly back down and saw a cliff and more forest and mountains. Mountains mean big, powerful, nasty monsters that are ahem...easily influenced.

Revenge for Herruk! Revenge for his plans thwarted and hurting stinkin' humans and their stinkin' goody, goody town! That smelly cleric, that ugly elf, that beau..No, no that tainted female with god's blood.

Veshru flew all day and all night. Near dawn he saw his tool of vengeance, a Kir-lanan doing majestic loops.

Veshru revealed itself and proclaimed, "I offer you glory against the creatures of light! Against the god-pawns!" (You see, the quasit was a master diplomat and really knew how to cater to the relegious fervor of its "masters")

The kir-lanan stopped and hovered, "Iit is easy prey. What's in it for you, demonette?" The voice cut like claws scraping on glass.
Veshru, winced and almost became angry, but he saw a tool for revenge in this beast. He could withstand some insults and pretend to cower. So he did.

"Oh, mighty and dark servant of shadows, I seek only to be your humble servant so that you may advance your own, and your might," said Veshru fighting back the nausea.

"A familiar with no cost and no attachment. You intrigue, me quasit. Let us be quick"

Well, revenge required patience, so the quasit and its new dupe...err "master" flew towards the human town that would one day be levelled, maybe by more of these dark gargolyes....They waited at its outskirts and finally saw the smelly cleric, ugly elf, tainted one and the rest of the future dead foes leave the town. They followed at a good distance coming upon the destruction of other useless natives along the road. Finally, they camped and Veshru and the kir-lanan formed their plan...

For the Heroes, the rest of the day is uneventful and they camp without incident. The first watch also is dull. It is during the second watch that evil arrives. Mourn sees a dark shape flying through the trees. Benito wakes Ellysidel. As soon as Ellysidel awakens, the three companions feel an un-natural fear creep upon them. Ellysidel is the only one not to resist and he flees into the woods. The dark shape swoops down at him and the rest of the party is pulled from their slumber by Ellysidel's screams of pain and horror. Benito opens his lantern and the this humanoid, winged shape is revealed. It's body seems to absorb the light and it reeks of evil. They see it hover and try to follow the barbarian to deal him more hurt. Benito chases after the wild elf. Attempting to distract the foul creature from pursuing the wounded barbarian, Benito calls out to the dark gargoyle.

"If you wish for a fight come to me foul beast ! I will eat your entrails for breakfast and wear the skins of your children as boots while I hunt down the wretched creature that gave you life and place her head upon a pike as a warning to all who oppose Tyr's will !"

It stops and shoots a black ray at the cleric. He wills his strength not to leave him.

"I will tear your heart from your body and give it as a gift to my kin," hisses the kir-lanan.

"No, foul beast, Tyr will give ME the power to send you back to your dark hole!"

Aris comes to join Benito to guard against the gargoyle's swoops while Mourn stirs up a rousing song to inspire the Heroes. Almost as soon as he begins to sing a dire rat appears from nowhere and attacks Mourn with claws and its bite.

"Revenge for Herruk!" cries the dire rat,which startles the bard and Alberia who comes forward to attack the giant rat.

Nosr fires a magic missle at the gargoyle and it is absorbed by some arcane shield. Mourn fires a bolt and it bounces off. He then drops his crossbow and draws his sword to fend off the talking dire rat which disappears as it dodges the attacks of the paladin.
Aris and Benito continue to wait for the kir-lanan to attack. It only fires another ray at them. Nosr throws his ice spell at the flying creature striking it for apparently to good effect. The sorcerer then moves towards Aris and Benito taking a claw from the giant rat as it appears between Mourn and Alberia. Aris levitates up, tiring of the gargoyle's unchallenged spellcasting.

His scimitar and handaxe fail to penetrate the gargoyles defenses for several rounds as they dance in midair in the melee. The kir-lanan misses with its attacks as well, failing to discharge an evil looking spell manifesting in its hand as a dark swirling globe. Alberia and Mourn also have trouble hitting the dire rat. Alberia and the rat trade insults. When Mourn finally hits with his longsword, the wound quickly heals. Nosr throws his javelin at the gargoyle and slices it across the back near the base of its wings.

Finally, Aris connects and the gargoyle plummets to the ground, sliced across its abdomen with a scimitar. Benito hearing the struggles and frustration of Mourn and Alberia charges the dire rat with the dragon-hilted sword. He connects with fearsome force cutting the beast in half!

"NOOOOOOO!" screams the dire rat ( Veshru sees his pitiful existence become even more pitiful...he will become a manes for 100 years as he sees his evil essence sucked from this plane back into the Abyss...)

It explodes into evil, green goo and the night becomes silent as Ellysidel returns to the camp, thick branch in hand ready to fight, but seeing business taken care of already. He silently moves to the edge of the camp, consumed with guilt at letting down his fellow adventurers....

[Next time: the Heroes arrive in Blasingdell, antagonize the locals, find out about the raiding orcsand where they lair!]


Marponeth 16-22, 1372 In Blasingdell

The heroes again fear that they have let another prisoner escape, not finding the rogue that they manacled earlier. Benito and Aris scream bloody murder, but Alberia tempers their hasty judgements. A quick search finds the prisoner huddled under a bush, shaking in fear of the dark gargoyle. Nothing untoward occurs the rest of the night, and the company force marches to Blasingdell the next day not wanting to take any more chances in the hilly and wooded terrain in the foothills of the Orsauns.

"Nothing happens in Turmish, hmmm? The roads are safe...indeed. I will have to talk to a few mercenary captains when we return to Alaghon," comments Aris.

Arriving in Blasingdell, the Heroes of the Vilhon Reach take quarters at the local inn, the Griffon's Rest. Benito, Nosr and Mourn find a visiting mage named Waldo the brave and pay him to grant insight on the dragon-hilted longsword. Mourn and Nosr stay with the mage while he perfoms his divinations while Benito accompanies Aris and Alberia to turn over the prisoner. Ellysidel remains at the inn attempting to be inconspicuous to protect his elven brethren in the event of trouble.

Benito, being his fervant and charasmatic self antagonizes the captain of the guard, a half-orc when they discuss the merits of followers of Malar. Meanwhile, Aris and Alberia hand over the prisoner. Sir Miles Berrick, appointee of the Assembly of Stars to oversee the town and its mining operations, promises that she will be tried and hung if found guilty of banditry and forgery (she had a false writ of permission from him to 'collect tolls'). Sir Berrick also relates of the bounty on orcs at 25gp/head (well he'll settle for pairs of ears) and the orcish prisoner in their dungeon. Aris interrogates the prisoner and finds out the the tribe holds out at a rocky hill called the Stone Tooth and are led by an ogre named Great Ulfe. Aris is also pushed by some weird Tethyrian or genasi sense of honor (in Benito's mind) to allow the orc trial by combat. An arguement ensues among Alberia, Benito, and Aris about semantics--armor or no armor for the orc. Aris gives in and lets the orc wear his battered scale mail. The combat is short. Aris slays the orc in less than 4 heartbeats, and tries to collect a bounty for the ears but is unsuccessful.

Returning to the inn, Benito hears of the powers of the sword--it can locate treasure and it summons a dragon!. There is also a curious and strong divination magic on the sword that defies Waldo's probes. During the investigation process of the sword, Nosr also gets a chance to tell Waldo of his strange magical powers. He tells the mage that he had the urge to want to take the brunt of the dark gargoyle's magic attacks and that these attacks, he felt instinctively, would not hurt him. Mourn is suprised by this revelation. Has the half-elf become mad? It must be his human side! I will definitely have to teach him more about his sane ancestors! thinks the bard.

Waldo only responds by rubbing his chin, "Interesting...." but makes no further comment nor gives the young sorcerer any insight.

Benito wants to sell the sword, but the next day, when visiting Sir Berrick is unable to reach a negotiated price. Not another poor town ! thinks the cleric of Tyr. Sir Berrick also rebukes the acolyte of Tyr for antagonizing his watch-captain. Benito apologizes but also realizes that the damage is already done. During the course of the next five days he and Aris have a hard time getting commissions for weapons and armor.

During the next few days, Benito and Mourn scribe scrolls for the journey into the mountains. Mourn also learns of the history of the Stone Tooth from the locals. It used to be a stronghold of the dwarven smith Durgeddin and was called Khundrukar. About 100 or so years ago, the smithy's hold was overrun by orcs. The presence of the humanoids has waxed and waned over the years and recently, has become a threat again.

Aris and Ellysidel purchase mighty composite longbows to enhance the power of their arrow attacks. Benito and Aris also manage to purchase the equipment for and construct a set of masterwork full plate armor for the paladin. Alberia learns that her father travelled into the mountains as well, but he did not give his destination. The innkeep suspects he too went to explore the dwarven ruin.

Strangely, the mage leaves the day after talking with Benito, Mourn, and Nosr. Aris follows his tracks towards the north, but discover that Waldo doubled-back and ultimately headed south.
In any case, after five days of resting (by this time Ellysidel has recovered fully from the filth feaver) the Heroes journey to the Stone Tooth and Khundrukar to kill orcs and search for the legacy of Durgeddin's Forge of Fury.....

[Next time: Onto the Forge!]



23-26 Marponeth, 1372 Khundrukar, Scene 1: Alberia, the graceful

[DM note and SPOILER warning: I am using the Forge of Fury module with very limited changes for the next set of adventures

The journey to the Stone Tooth is uneventful as militia from Blasingdell increase their patrols to curb orcish raiding of outlying farms and thorps. When the Heroes arrive at the tooth they see a trail leading up the mountain and a spiral of smoke coming from somewhere near the Tooth's slopes. They make a basecamp a few hundred yards south of the beginning of the trail and rest. Aris, Ellysidel and Mourn decide to investigate the slope and find the source of the smoke.

After two hours of scouring the dense foliage and rocky terrain and some successful readjustment of direction (where Aris decided to levitate to the top of a bluff to reorient the scouting party) they discover a natural chimney that leads into the bowels of the Stone Tooth. Securing rope to Ellysidel and some sturdy rocks, Aris climbs down to investigate and discovers a hearth of coals at the bottom in an empty room and a passage leading deeper into some creature's lair. He climbs back up and the scouts return to the base camp to retrieve the rest of the heroes.
An hour later, they arrive and relate what was discovered. The horses are left behind with Slovack in charge and the party reaches the chiminey again by late afternoon. Aris goes down first, followed by Ellysidel and Mourn while Alberia and Benito remove their armor to prepare for the ardorous repel of about 80 feet. The first three have no problems and spread out in the room watching the entry passage--Aris and El with bows readied, Mourn with his wand. Benito follows easily and takes up a position in the corner aiming a crossbow at the entry.
A rough-looking humanoid, that the heroes recognize as an orc, enters the room and stirs the coals, apparently not seeing anyone amidst the gloom. Not taking chances, Aris and Ellysidel drill him with their mighty composite bows dropping him before he can react. First blood is drawn.

The Heroes wait before tugging on the rope for Nosr and Alberia and their gear to be lowered down. It is quiet for some time and then a yell comes from somewhere beyond the passage.

"Grungar, hurry up in there! What's takin' ya so long?" in orcish.

Benito responds hoping his own study of orcish language at the Temple of Justice is adequate, "Just throwin' some meat on the fire. Be right there."

He shrugs his shoulders and looks at Aris who glares at him at first but then nods in approval as a response comes, "Well throw some on for us, pig-face or we'll thrash ya!"

The other orcs seem satisfied, but Ellysidel, Mourn and Aris remain vigilant and tighten the grips on their weapons. Benito tugs the rope to signal for the next Hero to climb down. Nosr makes his way down the chiminey with ease using the rope as a guide. Next Alberia ties together the bundles of armor and other gear of the heroes to send it on down. Unfortunately, her rope skills are sub-par. The knots holding Benito and Alberia's armor unravels on the way down and comes crashing down the chiminey making noise to wake the dead or at least alert the orcs. Nosr and Benito look up and try to avoid the falling debris.

"Not again," says the sorcerer as he looks up and does not jump out of the way in time getting smashed by the pieces of Benito's and Alberia's heavy metal armor. Needless to say, orcs come storming into the room to investigate.

Mourn downs two with his wand of color spray and yells, "There's one more!"

Aris shoots that one as it turns to flee, not downing him, but Ellysidel moves to the entry and shoots it again in the back of the neck before it can cry out. Meanwhile, Nosr recovers and rolls out of the way. Up top, Alberia, hearing the clang of the armor waking every monster up for miles, decides to SLIDE down the rope. Her skill with climbing matches her knot-tieing ability and she cannot gain a good purchase of the rope scraping and banging against the rock half-way down. Again she is unable to grab the rope and sees her death in a bed of coals below. Fortunately, she is able to concentrate enough so that as she falls the last 40 feet she is able to hold true to the adage, "Paladin, Heal thyself!". Benito, hearing his fellow Tyrite in trouble and calling for help stands a-ready and times it just right, so that when Alberia tumbles from the ceiling he is able to knock her aside, breaking her fall, and preventing her from landing in the bed of coals. They end up in a tangled heap of arms, legs, and tarnished and blackened, metal armor both injured, not as severely as they could have been, and more importantly, not dead.

Events with the orcs proceed while the graceful Alberia takes her chimney-dive. Mourn and Nosr make sure that the unconscious orcs are dead while Aris and Ellysidel move forward. El drags the body of the dead orc into the room, while Aris moves ahead to investigate. He spies an orc hiding amidst crates in the next room. He also hears booted feet leaving the room to the north. He discovers that the room has four exits (including the one that leads to the room with the chiminey). He fires an arrow at the hiding orc and downs him with a penetrating shot to the chest. He also hears a gasp and stealthily creeps around the boxes and crates to see two prisoners held in a jail.

"Please, rescue us. Save us. Thank Chauntea that you are here!"

Aris shushes them and attempts to hack through the bars made of thick saplings with his scimitar. Ellysidel has also come forward and picking up a great axe from one of the downed orcs and hacks through the bars in one mighty swing. The prisoners are grateful, but are smart enough to remain quiet especially when Aris gives them that narrow-eyed glare and puts a finger to his mouth indicating them to not talk.

With as much haste as possible, Alberia and Benito begin to don on their armor, even though some of it is uncomfortably warm as they fish it from the bed of coals. Mourn and Nosr eventually help. Ellysidel and Aris watch in the supply room. Two exits lead generally north and northeast and are five feet wide. One is 10 feet wide and ends in a set of double doors to the west. Aris lays down caltrops in that corridor and while he is doing so, an orc wielding a flail comes charging down one of the northern passeges. Ellysidel drills him with and arrow and the caves are quiet again.

By this time Alberia and Benito have put on their armor and the party makes their way to the supply room where Aris and Ellysidel cautiously watch the approaches.

As the heroes are deciding what to do next an orc calls out to them from the corridor that leads north, "Surrender now and Great Ulfe will let you live!"

Benito the diplomat, replies in orcish "What are your terms? We are from the Stinky Bearfeet tribe and your tribe is weak. We smelled food and me and my family climbed down your chiminey. We met some of your orcs and slew them easily and ate your food."

"I have never heard of the Stinky Bearfeet tribe."

"Ummm, we are new. My woman and I and our childeren are just passing through. We will leave now..."

Alberia also joins in broken orcish to help give credibility to Benio's tale but also decides to barricade the north passage just in case Benito's diplomacy fails. Benito also lays down caltrops to the northeast. Two javelins are thrown down the corridor, but deflect harmlessly from Alberia's new armor. No orcs pour into the room, however, and seemingly, a detente settles in.

Aris and Ellysidel begin to clear the way to the west. The doors open and an orc sticks his head through apparently wondering what all the commotion was about. The orc's eyes widen, but before he can act, he is dropped by the mighty bowmen, Aris and Ellysidel.

Alberia and Benito smoke the room with smokesticks as they begin to pull back, but before they do, Benito tells the freed prisoners where the exit lies, "Return to Blasingdell. There are horses at the base of the trail. Tell everyone that you were freed by the Heroes of the Vilhon Reach !"

They leave with heartfelt handshakes. Aris and Ellysidel investigate the room beyond the double doors to see two orcs. One on the other side of of a chasm spanned by a precarious rope bridge and the other one half-way across the chasm on the bridge. Using the dead orc for a shield, Aris and Ellysidel move forward and cut one end of the bride. Nosr and Mourn follow behind and exchange missle fire with the orc. The other orc hurriedly crosses the bridge amidst the fire, but is subsequently killed by the Heroes with multiple missle wounds from arrows and bolts. The first orc retreats past another set of really large doors, beyond the chasm, and shuts them. He is wounded, but not slain. Aris cuts the bridge away, preventing anyone from crossing. The remnant slaps against the far side of the chasm reminding the party that now there is no way out in that direction. Then the adventurers regroup in the hallway that led to this room, closing and blocking the door behind them.

The decision is made to move forward with the assault of the orc lair. Mourn and Nosr begin to clear a path through the caltrops blocking the northeast passage and the others tighten grips on their weapons and check bow strings for the inevitability of a hard fight ahead....


The Death of Mourn

26 Marponeth, 1372 Khundrukar, Scene 2: Sacrifice

Moving quietly and trying to hide as best as possible Mourn takes the lead follwed by Aris as they move up the northeast passageway. The way is narrow, forcing the heroes to move single file. The tunnel turns southeast and opens into a larger room. Mourn scans the area and sees a cistern or well close to the far wall and a passage that continues southeast. He also sees several orcs attempting to hide behind the well and some rocks. They see him also, but he fires his wand of color spray before they can act.

Events happen quickly. An orcish female charges at Mourn and Aris and connects with her mace against the elven bard. Both Mourn and Aris feel a wave of tiredness come over them, but their adrenalin and force of will staves it off.

"Spellcaster!" yells the genasi as he fires at the only target he sees, an orc male with a wicked greataxe. He hits, but does not drop the orc. Benito moves up to help Mourn, pushing him to the ground to deal with the the female orc. With a mighty battle cry, the wounded male orc charges the cleric of Tyr and slices his shoulder and upper chest with the greataxe spraying his blood on the heroes and orcs alike. The female orc screams bloody battle and slams her mace into Aris's chest. Ellysidel,eager to join the battle looses an arrow and almost hits Benito instead. Aris strikes back at the female orc, slicing her across her arm, but the slash is not fatal. Benito fails to connect against his opponent. Mourn attempts to subdue the spellcasting orc and fires his wand from his prone position, between the legs of his comrades, in the direction of the well. The orcs holding the line fail to down the heroes as Benito and Aris dodge and manuever to avoid mace or axe. Alberia then pushes her way safely past the bottleneck into open space. When this happens two orcs, previously undetected, charge her from somewhere else in the room. Fortunately, only one gets past her shield defense smashing into her abdomen with a heavy flail. Blood begins to make the battleground slick and the heroes and orcs fight desparately for their lives.
Ellysidel tires of trying to get a shot at orcs fighting his companions. He drops his bow and knocks Benito aside to cleave the male orc from shoulder to chest with his greatsword. Ripping the sword free, he is able to continue the lateral slice and gut the female orc, spilling her entrails in the corridor and defeating the bottleneck.

Aris charges the spellcasting orc whom he discovers to be an old crone of an orc. He cuts into her with his scimitar but the slice is not deep. Benito follows close on Aris's heels to bring Mano de la Justicia down on the orc. While bloodied and staggered, she does not go down. Aris and Benito look at each other suprised that the orc still stands. They are even more suprised when she manages to cast a spell. An irrational fear comes over them, but only briefly. They press the attack. Mourn also moves forward and finds an unconscious female orc behind the well and pulls out a dagger to send her to Grummsh still wincing from the blow of the other female orc. He looks up and sees an orc charging down a previously unseen corridor to the northwest followed by three large wolves.

Nosr adds his magical power. An ice dagger blows a hole in the charging orcs chest and causes one of the wolves to yelp from collateral frost damage and frozen orc parts. Meanwhile, Alberia and the orcs clang sword and shield and flail failing to injure one another. Ellysidel remedies the stalemate. The wild elf weighs in with his greatsword, splitting the first orc's skull like a ripe melon. He misses the second orc with an awkward backhand.
"This one is mine!" shouts a frustrated paladin. "Take care of the wolves!"

Aris crouches and slices upward with his scimitar follwing with cross slice of his handaxe, but the crone is already dead after the scimitar slices her face open and she falls backwards.
"Secure that corridor," Aris says pointing to the passageway where the wolves came from.

Benito goes to the next target, moving tactically to deal with one fo the wolves. His longsword strikes a fatal blow against the beast and it falls. Looking up the corridor, Benito sees his life flash before him as six orcs move down the corridor.
"We must block the corridor!"

Mourn steps up and blasts the group with his wand. Two fall. Nosr casts a spell of sleep. Two more fall. The last two charge Benito. HIs shield absorbs the axe chop of the first orc and he sidesteps the downward cleave of the second. Sparks fly from the ground.

"Quickly, I need assistance!"

Alberia slices her foe across the neck. The orc crumples to the ground, clutching his neck and gurggling as he chokes on his own blood. Ellysidel tries to make short work of the wolves as one bites him on the arm and tries to drag him to the ground. He slices down at the creature but fails to slay it.

That is when the force of doom enters the fray. Benito hears a booming voice from up the corridor and sees an ogre wielding a large two-handed axe stepping over the fallen orcs and charging down at the acolyte. "Great Ulfe kill!"

The ogre chops down at Benito. Benito's blood flies everywhere as his armor is sundered and the axe slices him deeply from chest to abdomen. He crumples to the ground crying out weakly, "Run my friends..." His life begins to flee as the wounds continue to bleed profusely and Benito slides into unconsciousness.

Aris drops his weapons and quickly swings his crossbow into a firing position. He tags Great Ulfe, who laughs and points at the genasi, "You are next!"

Mourn makes sure that the unconscious female orc stays down and slices her neck, already shaking his head in shock at seeing his companion Benito fall, and looking for the nearest exit, since he is actually the closet hero to the bloody ogre. Nosr fires magic missles at the ogre. Ulfe laughs some more, pointing at Nosr, "Then I break your bones and use you for stew!"

Alberia cries, "Benito!" and charges the ogre, but her swing of the longsword fails to penetrate Ulfe's over-sized scale armor. Ulfe retaliates and slices Alberia across the shoulders tearing through her armor like paper with the force of his attack, opening gaping wounds across her shoulders and chest. The paladin drops.

The situation worsens as a two hand-axe wielding orc joins the fray. He tosses one throwing axe at Mourn, but the haft bounces off his shoulder. Ellysidel seeing the desperation of the situation, redoubles his attacks at the wolves. He cuts the first one in twain and and then slices laterally again with his greatsword at the next foe. He smashes the wolf in face. Teeth and hair and half of the skull of the wolf go flying as it becomes a dead heap.

Mourn seeing the life ebbing from Alberia mutters under his breath, "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one." He moves forward towards the ogre to cast a spell of healing on the dying paladin.

"No Mourn, No!Stay back!" yells Aris.

Ulfe is ready. As Mourn successfully pumps life-saving healing magic into Alberia, he leaves himself defenseless, and looks up, helpless, at the ogre. Great Ulfe pulls back his great axe and swings, connecting. The heroes hear a sick THUNK as Mourn is cut in half and the two parts fly across the room spattering blood and guts. Ulfe grins broadly and waits for the next victim.

Aris, seeing the pile of bodies form at the feet of Great Ulfe, and his party being rapidly decimated, attacks one of the orcs at the ogre's side with resolve and vengeance. He disembowels the adversary. The hand axe wielding orc throws an axe at Aris, but misses. He then closes to help Ulfe against the genasi. Ulfe wanting increase his pile swings at Aris, but fortunately for the genasi,misses. Ellysidel cannot take it any longer. He goes into a rage and charges the ogre. The greatsword bites into the ogre and Ulfe stops laughing. Nosr wants to even the odds and casts his magic missle at the last orc guarding Ulfe's side. The orc is blasted backwards twice in the chest and slumps to the ground.
Now the battle becomes a two on two contest. Aris slices and hacks into the last orc connecting and slowing the orc down, but not finishing him. Ulfe misses the wild elf again. The elf does not. Faking a slice, Ellysidel is able to get under Ulfe's guard and stabs the ogre deeply in the abdomen. He twists and rips and continues his frenzied attack against the other orc. He misses. However, the last orc is distracted by the fall of the ogre. That orc does not know what hits him as his head is removed from his body by a mighty blow from Aris's scimitar. As the headless body tumbles to the ground and the head bounces across the stone floor the battle ends. There is a silent pause.

Nosr tries to maintains composure,but cannot believe what has happened. He runs to the upper half of Mourn's body, drags it to where the lower half lays and tries to reconnect the body. Aris sighs deeply and runs a bloody hand through his hair, weapon still in hand, and Ellysidel comes down from the rage and rests. Aris goes over to Nosr who is trying to stuff intestines back into Mourns body or tie them together.

Aris puts a hand on his shoulder, "Nosr, he's gone. Take his backpack. There are scrolls. Take care of the others."

Nosr, blinking back tears, wipes his bloodied hands on his clothing and tracks down Mourn's pack which was also separated from his body by Ulfe's axe. He rifles through the pack and digs out the arcane healing scrolls to revive Benito and Alberia who still cling to life.

Aris and Ellysidel get to the bloody and gristly task of finishing off the unconscious and dying orcs......

[Whoa! What a battle! Alberia and Benito still live! Mourn is dead! There is more of this tale to tell from the last session....stay tuned true believers!!!]


Marponeth 26-Uktar 17, 1372 Khundrukar: Interlude Wherein the heroes learn of the importance of rogues, how to pickle elves, and of the beauty creating wondrous items….sweet

The gristly task gets more gruesome as Aris proceeds to cut off the ears of the slain orcs and behead Great Ulfe with one of his minion’s greataxe. Ellysidel watches the passageway leading towards the Hero’s escape route after laying down caltrops. Meanwhile, Nosr shows his adeptness with magic. Using his arcane spells to unscramble Mourn’s magic script, he then proceeds to revive first Benito and then Alberia.

“What happened?” asks a groggy, bloody and stiff Benito.

“Mourn is dead. He saved Alberia’s life. The battle is won. Both you and Alberia were nearly killed by the ogre,” reports Nosr stoically, having regained his composure to complete the magicks necessary to help his companions.

Looking around, Benito spies the rent body of Mourn nearby and can only shake his head and sigh. “Nosr, I hold you and your ability to cast magic in high regard,” he says feeling another healing scroll of Mourn’s work wonders on his axe-torn flesh.

Then Nosr and Benito heal Alberia, who holds back tears when she hears of Mourn’s sacrifice to save her. What prompted him to do that for ME! Did I deserve life while he is dead?

While in her thoughts, she is brought back to reality by the sound of orcish boots, cries of pain, Aris and Ellysidel’s shouts and their subsequent bow fire as two more orcs are slain and fall amidst the caltrops.

“That’s 50 more gold,” says Aris with surprisingly renewed callousness.

They hear the last orc run away and decide not to give chase shouting after him that Ulfe is dead and their leader is now an elf. To get their minds off the loss of their companion, the Heroes proceed to ransack the room where the battle took place. Aris examines the weapons of the orcs and discovers that the two-weapon orc fighter had a handaxe made of a light, silvery metal, possibly mithral that has Durgeddin’s mark. Benito uses the sword to detect and find a stash of gold. After the brief treasure hunt, they feel exhaustion set in and decide to rest. During the night, Benito hears a booming, like the closing of a great door echo from somewhere in Khundrukar, but the rest of the night passes by uneventfully.

In the morning, Aris shares with the group, “We are going to return to Alaghon to raise Mourn. I have contingency funds there, and anyway….he still owes me money.”

Several of the Heroes bite their tongue at this blatant display of greed and a lack of respect for the dead, but everyone wants to see the shining bard back, so they hold their comments.

“Let us at least make sure that this orc lair is cleared of evil,” argues Benito.

After a brief discussion, they decide to explore. They find a good amount of treasure and the way out on one foray and no orcs. Returning to the battle room they explore in another direction and find the way down, a rift with a natural stair in a large room with dead bodies and two doors. The room is blocked by a porticullus and the passage to the room was hidden behind crates and sacks that seemingly, were purposely stuffed there to form a barricade. They decide not to bust through the bars and explore some more, finding the lair of the old crone and another way into the rift room. Upon crossing the lair they are attacked by bird-bat things with large proboscis. One attacks Aris, one lands upon Ellysidel, and one hits upon Benito, digging their modified beak into them and draining their blood. The rest of the heroes attack them splattering the engorging creatures and the blood that they just drained in short order. However, the three that were hit feel very weak.

“Do you want to continue?” asks Aris, now very irritated. “I hate stirges!”

“Just one more door,” begs Benito, pointing to the door in the north wall with a leering dwarven face.

Aris examines the orcish bodies near the door and sees that the bones have been scorched and the wood from their weapons turned to ash. He points this out to the Tyrites. Benito as a precaution casts a spell that he believes will protect him from small fires. Aris, Ellyisidel and Nosr, back up a good ways while Alberia and Benito flank the door. Benito opens the door and he and Alberia are engulfed in flames as the jets of fire stream from the door and from the walls to either side. Shouts of pain ensue and realizing that they are on fire, Alberia and Benito stop, drop and roll. The other adventurers run up to help. Alberia is the worse off and her backpack with its contents (4 potions!) is destroyed. Benito is slightly injured.

And the door closes before anyone can see what’s beyond!

“That’s it. We can’t continue without an expert trap-finder. We’re out of here!” decides Aris.

The rest of the heroes agree and gathering all the discovered treasure and the halves of Mourn’s body, leave through a previously discovered secret passage that places them at the front door. The walk down the path to the horse camp and see the freed prisoners watching over their gear.

“Orcs, lots of them. They left last evening and headed into the mountains,” they relate.

It is only mid-morning so the Heroes of the Vilhon Reach hoof it to Blasingdell. The day the night and the following day are uneventful as they force march the second day into town. Spending the next day there, Aris and Ellysidel take care of the business of rewards, Alberia and Nosr return the rescued prisoners (and are rewarded with 4 potions to replace those that the paladin lost!), and Benito, feeling enlightenment from Tyr uses divine power to preserve Mourn’s corpse as well as see to his own personal busisness. The cleric also learns that an ore-laden caravan leaves for Alaghon the next day. The Heroes sign on and high-tail it out of Blasingdell. The journey takes eight days and the mercenaries that guard the caravan are generally rude to everyone except Alberia. Having Ellysidel, Benito, Aris as big brothers keeps them at a distance (not that Alberia would need it ) . Alberia and Nosr also pass the time sewing up Mourn’s body for a better presentation to the clerics at the Temple of Justice where Aris pre-paid for raising insurance. The trip is without incident as the caravan gives the Ruins of Ironcloak a wide berth, adding an extra day to get to Turmish’s capital.

In Alaghon, the Heroes do much in the span of a tenday. First, Mourn is raised. He decides that adventuring is not for him. Aris and Mourn then go looking for property and over the course of the next few days purchase an acre of land and a house with plans to expand the place into a tavern and inn tentatively called the Great Axe Inn (with Great Ulfe’s axe hung over the bar) south of Alaghon with a great ocean view. At the Temple of Justice, Ellysidel, Alberia and Nosr complete their training to advance in spellcasting ablility, martial prowess, and divine might. Benito refines his ability to create magical items: he makes gauntlets of Tyr’s divine strength*, soliettes of striding and springing*, boots of striding and springing * for Aris , and a bag of celestial dog summoning for the Red Wizard’s Enclave to make some extra money. Hinnar is glad to see him and says that the offer to work for them still stands. Other bands of adventurers seem not to be coming back. He offers to make some soliettes for Alberia, but she refuses on principle, since the scrolls for the spells required were purchased at the Red Wizard’s Enclave. Benito also trades in the sword that summons dragons* in exchange for making "Mano de la Justicia" into a holy sword*. The process will take almost two tendays, so Benito will not see the sword until his return. In the meantime, he will hold on to the magical sword the detects coins and summons dragons. Aris also repairs the damage armor and weapons of the group as well as create armor and weapon wares to sell from the Great Axe . He trades a magical rapier found in Khundrukar for a magical scimitar*. Fully outfitted and ready to go, the Heroes gather at the future tavern to be called the Great Axe, have a great meal and toast to their companions. Mourn performs an inspiring rendition of a great epic from elven days long past to encourage the Heroes and the night passes peacefully to a crisp Uktar morning as the Heroes of the Vilhon Reach set their minds and hearts to what awaits them in the bowels of Khudrukar.

Magical notes: the gauntlets are gauntlets of ogre strength keyed to lawful good. The soliettes and boots are keyed to lawful good and rangers.
The mysterious sword is Hordemaster from the Gordalgond’s Gauntlet adventure taken from the evil dwarven ranger. There is my own backstory,trust me.
Mano will become a +1 holy longsword
Aris gets a scimitar +1
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Character update!

Long live the Heroes of the Vilhon Reach !

Aris Cloud-dancer of Tethyr is now a 2nd level fighter/1st level ranger. Aris is happy at the new purchase of land and a house to make into a tavern for Mourn to run. He is eager to return to Khundrukar and find more mithral and maybe other exotic metals. "Blue Destiny...you are in my sights!"

Alberia Dorthansdotter, House Lhal of Suzail is now a 3rd level paladin. Alberia wants to leave right away to Blasingdell and the Stone Tooth. She finally had a lead about her missing father and now has to wait. She grateful that Mourn is alive again as it alleviates her conscious, but now that business is done, "Let's get goin'!"

Benito Moltos of Alaghon has become a 4th level cleric of Tyr. He is now juiced up with magic and even without a much improved Mano de la Justicia is a force to be reckoned with. "Malarites beware!"

Ellysidel of Chondalwood has risen to a 4th level barbarian. He's with Alberia. Let's get back and quickly. "Send the enemies of good and of elves my way and let them be cleaved!"

Nosr of Starmantle has decided to go straight arcane and is now a 4th level sorcerer. The previously unknown manifestation of power is growing. "Hmmm...We need to test it out and soon."

Mourn of Evereksa has retired as a 2nd level bard/1st level fighter/1st level expert. He will now run and sing in his own place. Who said Tel'Quessir from a disgraced house did not have a sense of self-sacrifice? Honor is redeemed. "How fortunes turn...how they turn indeed!"

*DM note: Aris and Alberia are ECL 4 due to their being planetouched.
**Did you notice that Mourn's updates always have a question in them?


Player comments

originally posted by honorwolf--

Aris speaks:
When will they learn to listen to Aris? The loss of Mourn will have far reaching effects on the taciturn leader. Aris, more than anybody else ,will miss the elf's wise words and beautiful songs that often drove away the dark mood, that constantly swirls around the brusque genasi. Aris has lost a friend and confident on these adventures. Ever the voice of reason Mourn would give quiet but good counsel to the genasi. Mourn was the only one who knew what Aris truly is. Aris sees that setting up Mourn, with the Great Axe Inn/Tavern will continue that trust and confidence, plus give the party a place to call home. Mourn by virtue of being elven can understand Aris' longterm plans and goals. Can anyone understand the loss of a comrade to this genasi warrior. It remains to be seen if Aris can talk Mourn to once more go back , "Once more to the breach dear friends... once more.."

While back in Alaghon, Mourn,Aris, and Nosr begin to search and gather information about certain items and metals. They begin laying down the groundworks for the plan that Aris has revealed to them. Before leaving Alaghon, Aris makes another arrangement with the senior brother of Tyr, Gipetto and thanks him for the return of Mourn. More preparations are made: repair of arms and armour, scrolls and potions, food and supplies for the coming winter, and mountaineering gear. All the while Aris,Mourn, Nosr, and Ellysidell search for a expert trap finder and scout for hire. That is all for now as Aris patiently waits for the rest of the party to conclude their business.

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