Murder is the Pits


The man with the probe
Kahuna Burger said:
Vanitri : matches are usually fairly close odds, and the difference in ranking indicates how much of a profit (or loss) you can make on a bet. (if you bet on a lower ranked combatant against a higher one you could make a profit greater than your 'investment' amount, for instance). The rankings are kept at the betting office, and Lenc (as it turns out your new friend is named) offers to show you how to read the charts in the morning.

"Well, Lenc, I appreciate it. Let me buy you a drink." Vanitri will buy Lenc any reasonably priced drink he asks for. "Any other tips for life in the pits my friend?"

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Kahuna Burger said:
Micheal : you feel fine after the wine and detect no poison in it. Well, aside from alcohol, but you know how to compensate for that particular poison. ;)

Hey! The unfortunate incident at the Red Dragon Inn was completely due to the combination of pint glasses and dwarf whiskey.
Stuff sneaks up on you...

Michael sits down with Vanitri and crowd watches, making the occasional Sense Motive check to see if people are generally trustworthy or not. His Sense Motive check is at +3.
If necessary, he aids another to help Vanitri's pumping for information with his Diplomacy Skill. His Diplomacy is at +5.
As he sits down, he makes sure his medical kit is prominently displayed.
Periodically he hums a tune that that might be recognized as an old song called "Duck on the Rock" if a bard was generous in matters of pitch and rhythym.


First Post
Kahuna Burger said:
Rosalynn : After a while, the two 'elves' go back to sparring, and you quickly realize that they are not competing per se, but practicing a mock combat of sorts. You get the impression that the older and more expereinced gladiators don't respect them much, but most of the men enjoy watching them. The woman practicing with the quarterstaff eventual takes a break and notices you. After sizing you up for a moment, she walks over and offers her hand. "Herron, of Utopia."

Rosalynn takes her hand and shakes it politely, smiling a little. Rosalynn of the Freefolk." She responds. "Nice to meet you."


The man with the probe
OOC: Kahuna, don't forget to update the character tracking sheet (I see you have a post there, but we're not in it)


The man with the probe
Vanitri would like to check and see if he's scheduled for any upcoming fights when he gets a chance as well.


If the sparring goes well, Ironwolf will towel off some of the sweat after the match and sit down while catching his breath. He talks little, but listens much. If anyone starts up a conversation with him, he will try to express a friendly interest in whatever they are talking about. He will ask questions that seem apropriate to the conversation, and try to encourage conversation.

He will ask no questions directly relevant to the investigation, but instead directs his inquiry at trivia such as where individual gladiators grew up, any hobbies they might have, and stuff of that sort. He judges it too early to begin a direct inquiry, and simply wants to be seen as aproachable and friendly. While his stern demeanor (i.e. low charisma score) tends to get in his way, he does the best he can.


The man with the probe
"Do you think we should have watches tonight, just to be safe?" Vanitri asks his compatriots.

OOC: Bump. Did we loose you Kahuna?


Bront said:
"Do you think we should have watches tonight, just to be safe?" Vanitri asks his compatriots.
OOC: Bump. Did we loose you Kahuna?

Michael smiles grimly and mentions in passing that he's a very deep sleeper, particularly after a long day of travel.
"I very much hope so."
Let this business be done quickly.


The man with the probe
"Well, how about Ironwolf, you take the first watch, I'll take the second watch, Michael, you can take the third watch, and Ros, you get the fourth watch?"

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