Looking for Stories



D'win gets up from her stop where she was sitting and moves to a new lighted table. Hoping that a few might hear her and see her as she makes an annoncment, as well as leaves a note.

To those who wish to have their stories heard, told and read, see and visit me. I am D'win collecter of the Stories of Fallen Angels as well as the Keeper of the Sotries of Mortals. I am collecting these stories for future use and study and your stories would be most appreciated.

Turning back to her table, D'win sits down takes out her pen and books, and calls for a picher of her best wine to be brought out of the celler. She also calls for extra glasses to be brought out, all while waiting for the first person to come.

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Lord Chaynal

I have many stories, but none of them are finished. Would you like a small portion of what has been written, or everything I have written, or nothing at all?


Sir Trystan Gabriel

While walking through the tavern, spots D'win and nods politely toward her.........then strides purposefully out the door.



Smiles gladly as Chaynal approchs her with her offer of stories. Then seeing Trystan she smiles at him as he walks out the door. "He did not want to share his new story this time. Maybe another time would be better for him."
Then turning to Chaynal she greets her.

Greetings and Good Day. I am D'win and you would be.....? Then smiling the smile that has gotten her into trouble a few times she continues. I would be very greatfull to hear your stories, but I must ask you one question first. Are they all true stories or our life? I do not mean to be rude, but that is what I collect. That way others may one day read these stories and now what they might be doing wrong or be able to look through and see what we did wrong.

Pouring Chaynal a glass of the wine, D'win offers it to her and then pours herself a glass, waiting for the answer to her question.


Lord Chaynal

*Chaynal takes a sip of his wine. He then turns toward D'win.*
All of the stories are true (OOC: Not RL true).



Noticing that the person she is talking to is a guy, D'win blushes a bit. "I thought I was in the company of a woman." Then settling herself, she flips open her Book of Mortals, she picks up her pen.

Well, my first person of the month to give me some stories. Tell me Sir, whould you mind if I put your name down, that way others would be able to see who told such wonderful stories. I am quite glad that the stories are true. I have always loved a great true story. I would love them more if I myself were in one. But the Keeper is never in the story and I have always wanted to be in one that was vrey grand.

Calming herself down and taking a drink, D'win waits for the reply of Chaynal.

((OOC: I just wanted to know if they were true for the thread, I know that these stories are just fake. To the Mods, this will be my last OOC, I hope.))


Lord Chaynal

Chaynal smiles.

"As soon as I can find them. I sometimes lose many of my writings in my home library. Hopefully I will find them soon, for I thoroughly enjoy sharing my work!"

With one more big smile, Chaynal leaves for his library.



D'win smiles. "This man will provide me with many good stories and he seems very kind. I hope he is not long." Nodding as he leaves, she smiles once more. Then looking around the Tavern she makes another annocment.

For those of you who still have stories that you still wish to tell I am here. I will gladly take your stories, as long as they are true happenings.

Looking around once more she hopes that the Lord Chaynal is not long and that he can find his stories.



Looks around the lonely Inn and prays to her God that some of her old friends might show up. But she has never gotten her hopes high, for she rarly got to see her friends. She really did miss them and her new friend was late in his coming and she was starting to get bored.

'Maybe he can not find his stories, as long as he brings me at least one I will be a happy person. And even if he doesn't bring me one, I will still be happy."

Looking around once more she works on the pages in her two books and hopes that she will one day be able to be allowed back into her old home.


Lord Chaynal

Chaynal walks in.

"Sorry I took so long. I had to find a non-fictional story for you. Here you go:"

Chaynal drops a pad of paper on a table.

Chapter 1
Rhox’s Encounter.
Rhox shuddered. He couldn’t think a logical thought because it was so cold today. He wished he could just have some coffee and a fire in front of him. He looked toward the dark, sinister-looking town to his right. Should he go there? Or should he go west to Seyda Neen?
A tall dark figure approached him. His eyes glowed red, and his waving in the soft breeze. His black tunic and cloak made it seem as if he were from the Dark Brotherhood. The man drew a knife, and the knife glowed red as his eyes did, and he attacked.
Rhox jumped up, and fought back with his lashknife. The long retractable knife always did come in handy when an assassin attacks you, Rhox thought.
The man jumped back into the shadows. Rhox ran toward Seyda Neen, hoping to find an Imperial Guard that could tell him where to find someone that has adequate information about the Dark Brotherhood, and where they hid, where they communicated, and where they lived. Unfortunately, no one knew.
He took the Silt Strider to Balmora, and jumped down onto his house, right under the passenger platform. His house was hidden from everyone so he could have privacy and peace. Sometimes, though, a salesman found his house. The salesman had to meet an unfortunate end.
Rhox walked in, and fell on his bed. Another long day…
He fell asleep.

Chapter 2
Tallain’s Beginning.
Tallain looked at his opponent. He wore a long dark cloak, with a dark tunic, and dark leggings. It was a cold day, and Tallain was tired of fighting off these assassins. The assassin drew his red glowing dagger and lunged for Tallain. Tallain sidestepped, and punched the guy in the back of the head.
“Back off, idiot. You are not welcome in my Guild again, Outlander,” Tallain growled.
The assassin ran away into the shadows, muttering something under his breath. Fighting isn’t like it used to be, Tallain thought, People fight to kill, and not for fun. Friendly fighting becomes a grudge match, and that leads to a death match.
Tallain walked out of the alleyway he was fighting in, and went to the inn. The rosy cheeked bartender smiled warmly at Tallain; Tallain smiled back. A woman in the corner turned her head, and smiled even more warmly than the bartender.
“There you are, Tallain. I’ve been looking everywhere for you.”
Tallain forced a smile at her; he was too tired for chitchat right now, he just wanted to get to bed and sleep. Unfortunately, he wouldn’t get much sleep because of the assassins.
“The Dark Brotherhood has attacked all of the pit fighters in Morrowind, and-“
“You think?” Tallain snapped. “Sorry… I’m just not in the mood to talk right now; there are too many assassins about. It’s hard to keep control of them, especially when you are an Imperial Guard.”
“That’s what I am talking about. Listen to me. The Dark Brotherhood attacked and gained control of Fort Moonmoth. The Guards were overwhelmed by the power of the Brotherhood.”
Tallain thought for a moment.
“I’ll think about what to do, but for now, I just need some sleep.”

Chapter 3
Kerluthan and Kazander
The Fighters Guild was packed with fighters from other Provinces of Tamriel. A short elf was drinking from a large tankard. Kerluthan wasn’t at the Guild for a drink; he was here to find a good challenge. He went to the small back room, which was filled with antique weapons and old tomes.
A small man leaned forward in his chair, which was in the corner of the room. The room darkened, and the doors closed. The man got out of his rocker, and walked up to Kerluthan, looking like a midget by the towering man.
“What do you want, Kerluthan?” the small man asked.
“You, Kazander,” Kerluthan growled.
Kazander walked back to his rocker to think for a moment. Should he ask why Kerluthan wanted to fight him? Or should he just tell Kerluthan that he is too busy to schedule a fight in the near future? Kerluthan always wanted a good fight, and not even Kazander was a match for him, and Kazander owned all of the Fighters Guilds in Morrowind.
“Now, or next year? One of these seasons you will have to fight me again,” Kerluthan said, and examined a Masamune near him.
“Not now, Kerluthan. I have too much to do. Next season,” Kazander said.
Kerluthan left the room, and sat by a High Elf in the bar. Soon, he thought, soon I will have the Dark Brotherhood bow before the Comona Tong; soon I will have my revenge.

Chapter Four
The Dark Brotherhood

The assassin bowed before his master, and his master gestured for him to stand. The assassin was unlike most of the other Brothers, mainly because he did much of his work at the Camona Tong, where he spied on some of the Balmora assassins.
“You have gone too far, Jeffer. I am not pleased with your last attempt at assassination. Rhox almost told an Imperial,” the Master said.
“I am sorry, Master Brother. I did not intend for him to escape,” Jeffer lied.
“If it happens again, we will expel you from the Brotherhood. I know you won’t want that.” The Master grinned.
Jeffer walked out of the large dark building and his brother, Ander, ran to his side. Jeffer tried to ignore his brother; he was always a pest. Ander hurried away, eager to see the new arrivals from the West Continent. The West Continent is a manmade continent, filled with the only real Hammirs left. Hammirs are people that have technology five thousand years ahead of their time. The Dark Brotherhood despised them for not having weapons, for they did not believe in war, but they enjoyed the technology that they shared.
Jeffer was glad that his brother left, but quickly ran to his house in fear that the Hammirs would see him. He was afraid of Hammirs because of their excellent technology, and even better skills with weapons. They have natural abilities; they only train when they think it is absolutely necessary.
A large ship landed; it looked like it could use a new paint job. The ship was shaped for travelling quickly; it looked like a large needle when it was up in the sky. Despite it’s thinness, many people could fit inside the ship. Large - not very large - needles stuck out from the sides of the ship. The needles were for people to sleep in, and for people to play games in.
Jeffer finally got to his house, but he saw nothing. His house was demolished to make room for a new Brotherhood House. He might be the Master Brother in this Brotherhood Building. Jeffer walked away, in high hopes.

Chapter Five:
A Death

The assassin removed his helmet. His red eyes seemed to pierce Tallain’s soul and mind; they seemed to be reading his mind.
“You won’t win this, Jeffer. This fight is useless, unless you have your Master Brother here with you,” Tallain said fiercely.
“You are wrong, cousin. I will win this fight and control the Fighters Guild. Once I own that, I will become a Master Brother and receive all of the necessary training I need for Magik,” Jeffer said, and grinned.
Tallain stood up; blood was gushing out of the wound on his back.
“You won’t win,” he muttered.
“Oh, but I will.”
Jeffer killed Tallain quickly and mercilessly.

Tallain woke with a start. The dream seemed so real; he thought it was actually happening. He climbed out f his bed, and quickly pulled on some clothes as Alexa, the woman from the bar, walked in.
“Hi. I heard that you nearly lost a fight yesterday. That must have hurt; some one must have been pretty strong to beat you,” she said.
Tallain walked over to the mirror. He saw bruises up and down his face, his body, and his arms.
“Yeah… I guess you’re right…” Tallain muttered.
“Well… I have to go to get more of those assassins. You know that I only do this for money.”
Alexa nodded.

Chapter Six:
Enter Karluthian

The Riff Cannon was launched out of the bay for the smugglers of the Dark Brotherhood. The long, dark ship was so large that the fact that the docking bay could hold it was amazing. There was a dome in the front for pilots and their small house, and a dome in back for the engine.
Kerluthan walked down the dark corridors of the interior of the ship. He stopped by his door, hesitated, then entered. His roommate, Karluthian, looked up at him blankly. He smiled and looked away, as if he was nervous. Kerluthan walked over to his computer, where Karluthian was just at before Kerluthan got inside the room.
Kerluthan hacked into the database of the supercomputer that controlled the M-Ship, the ship that controls all of the battlecruisers that are owned by the S-Ms. The S-Ms are the smugglers that have a place in the Dark Brotherhood, and a place as a Hammir. Kerluthan and Karluthian were both S-Ms. The S-M that controlled the ship was really a robot, named Jack.
“Are you gonna go to the Brotherhood Meeting at Balmora, or are you going to stay here on the ship?” Karluthian asked Kerluthan.
“Well… I am going to stay here and tease the scared people…” They both smiled. “Actually, I have t stay here to study before I go to the Brotherhood, because I have to join first, and they have a ritual to do first, so I have to do it and learn. Or learn to do it,” Kerluthan lied.
Karluthian looked up at Kerluthan and nodded. Kerluthan felt something at the back of his mind, something like a bad memory that refuses to go away.
Kerluthan left the room and walked down the hallway. He looked at the people as he passed them; some of them looked scared, others confident, and others even confused. He remembered what it was like when he first got on the Riff Cannon… five years ago. Kerluthan was proud that he survived the trip without hitting anyone, stealing from anyone, or something worse…. He looked at the people as he passed them; some of them looked scared, others confident, and others even confused. He remembered what it was like when he first got on the Riff Cannon… five years ago. Kerluthan was proud that he survived the trip without hitting anyone, stealing from anyone, or something worse....

Chapter Seven
The End

Rhox flipped through his book of quotes from the gods. He smiled at some and almost yelled at others. The book was as big as a small table, with large inscrptions on the front, stating that it was a book of quotes.
He put the book down, not wanting to read anymore. He was getting tired of every-day activities; he wanted some adventure and suspence, not an old book that didn’t do anything but sit there, doing absolutely nothing. He left outside.
The town of Seyda Neen was large and strange, but it was a good place for a home. Especially for Rhox. He smiled at some friends as he passed by them, not wanting to talk to them in fear that he would start a conversation.
The cave of Addamasartus was north-west from him, but he no longer wanted to go there because he encountered the same things every time: Rats, giant spiders, criminals, slaughterfish, and nix hounds. The same old, boring creatures.
He continued west toward the place he had never been to before: The town of the Dark Brotherhood.
When he got there he saw nothing but black buildings and dead animals. He thought that he wazs going to encounter someone here, not see a bunch of dead things. He was disappointed.
He continued walking, more, and more, until he saw someone. The person disappeared in a second.
The last thing Rhox remembered was seeing a very bright light and feeling a sharp pain in his neck.

Chapter Eight
Tallain’s Discovery

Tallain had always thought that he was special in some way. In reality, he was, but others thought that he was just self centered like a lot of the people on the world they currently live in. If only they would have known about Tallain’s discovery…
He was inside a Riff Cannon, held captive by the Dark Brotherhood. The Brother that was holding him captive was really not a Brother, and he really wasn;t holding him captive, either. Tallain wondered what king of Brother he was.
“Let’s get this straight, okay? I am not a member of the Dark Brotherhood, I am a spy for the Camona Tong,” the ‘captivator’ said.
“So? Both of the guilds are for assassins.”
“I’m not really an assassin either. I was brought up by one, and in return for that man’s hospittsality, I do non-violent quests, like the one I am doing now.”
“What’s your name, anyway?”
“Do you really need to know?”
“…interesting name…”
“Better than yours, Tallain.” Kerluthan grinned.
“So… long time no see, old friend.”
“Indeed. Fifteen years was it?”
“Sorry, I haven’t really kept track of the years.”
The next few hours was spent telling eachother about the things that had happened over the years. Who they met. What they did. Why they did it. Everything there was to know about eachother was told then and there.
“We have really changed,” Tallain said after their conversation.
“Yeah. I have some things that you might like. Do you want to go and see them?”
And so they left.

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