The Acrimonious Adventurer Association

I think I'm being followed

After hearing Turgar’s report from the Courts, Xanthos narrows his focus down to Lord Burghondy. The party gathers to decide what to do with the statue of Lord Palmere, give him to the courts as is, beg the Kadors to restore him and then escort him to the courts, take him as is to the Park of Obscene Statues and set him up in there somewhere.

“I don’t think Lord Palmere had anything to do with this, I think it was a frame job all the way.” Kessen intones

“Why was Lord Palmere throwing the party anyway?” Xanthos asks aloud

“He had secured a trade agreement with a Virdistan merchant, which is a first under the current Overlord and was throwing the party to gloat.” Helle advises

Xanthos scowls in mock pain, “Were there more than one suitor for the merchant? I wonder if Lord Burghondy got slighted and took out his frustrations on Palmere? What happened to the visiting merchant? Did he get stoned as well?”

“Too late to find out know, with the constables and the School all over the crime scene, if he was there they’ve got him now. I wouldn’t put it past the Overlord to want this merchant for his information and Palmere was a stooge all along.” Helle offers

“There were quite a few assassination attempts and people who didn’t belong. It could be any number of factions that wanted the Virdistan dead.” Haimish offers

“I think I’m going to go visit this Lord Burghondy and see if my elven noble can coax anything out of him.” Xanthos advises and gets up to leave.

“You need some muscle?” Kessen asks

“No, I’ll be fine. As long as he thinks I’m a noble I think I’ll be okay.” Xanthos declines and exits the temple

Haimish raps his fingers across his forehead and stops abruptly and rises, “I’ll be back.” The trueborn announces and exits the temple as well.

Haimish nearly collides with Xanthos who was heading back into the temple, “Forget something?”

“Sort of, Lord Burghondy’s address.” Xanthos explains

“Well come with me, maybe I can give you some more background on Burghondy before you reach him?” Haimish offers

“Do tell.” Xanthos follows as Haimish leads him to the Bardic College and asks for an audience with the teacher he met a few days earlier, the pair are escorted in and given seats in a vacant auditorium.

“What is it that I can do for you?” Professor Brown asks as a middle aged man of fifty years enters the auditorium amidst a flurry of cloaks and scarves.

“We need some information on Lord Burghondy, I’ve come with payment.” Haimish relates. Xanthos shifts nervously in his seat eyeballing the exit hoping Haimish didn’t mean to trade him for the info.

“And what sort of news do you bring?” Professor Brown inquires

Haimish retells the story of Doopa and Menthos holding Kalen and jamming the liquid sun down the vampire’s throat. Even going so far as to have Xanthos turn into a living replica of Kalen and demonstrating on him. The performance is well received and Professor Brown elects to part with some knowledge of Lord Burghondy.

“The visiting Virdistan merchant did not stay with Lord Palmere last night, he stayed with Lord Burghondy and is still there this morning. Whatever deal was being brokered, it involved the movement of millions of platinum and pounds of diamonds. In all my years I have never seen such an amassment of wealth in one place.” Professor Brown concludes

“How do you know all of this?” Xanthos inquires

“I’m a bard we defeat our enemies by knowing their weaknesses much in the same way I already know yours.” Professor Brown explains to Xanthos, who them turns to face Haimish who gives back a sheepish grin.

“Where does Lord Burghondy reside?” Haimish asks

“In the northwest quarter by the docks, which is convenient considering the payment is due to leave the docks later tonight.” Professor Brown explains

Xanthos and Haimish are led out of the college where Xanthos asks, “What did you tell them about me?”

“It wasn’t just you, and nothing anybody who pays attention to you long enough couldn’t figure out anyway. All I did was save them the trouble of having to find it out themselves.” Haimish explains

“I’m going to still have that chat with Burghondy, and then I’ll…. Do something else.” Xanthos advises, trying to be not as forthcoming with his whereabouts as he just added Haimish to the short list of people who were likely not to be trusted, Menthos being the other person on that list.

“Sure thing, I’ll be expecting the unexpected then.” Haimish responds with a smile and bounds away down the street whistling along.

Xanthos sighed heavily, his indoctrination into the civilized lands was fraught deceptions and half-truths, as someone used to the exacting way of nature it didn’t sit well with the shifter. It wasn’t until after he had transformed into his elven noble role did Xanthos realize he too was playing something he’s not, but his own eyes he was being true to himself and nature and he wondered to what Menthos and Haimish were true to.

Xanthos was met at the entrance to the gated estate by a contingent of well armed mercenaries. After asking to speak with Lord Burghondy, a house slave is sent to speak with Xanthos.

“What do you want?” the slave inquires

“Where’s Lord Burghondy?” Xanthos asks

“Performing his duties as a merchant lord.” The slave replies

“Where was Lord Burghondy last night?” Xanthos prods

“Why? Did you have a meeting scheduled? I’m pretty sure he cleared his calendar for last night, I’m sorry if you didn’t receive notice. Leave me your name and I’ll have you contacted for a replacement session.” The slave offers

“No I didn’t have an appointment, can I get one? When do you expect him to return?” Xanthos asks

“I am not privy to the whims of my master, what is your name and what is the meeting regarding?” the slave inquires

“Tymoult Eveningstar, and it’s regarding the massacre at Lord Palmere’s party last night, I’m just researching some loose ends.” Xanthos explains

“And you think Lord Burghondy had some kind of role in that? It is not Lord Burghondy’s fault Jin Palmere was out of his league and couldn’t close the deal. Maybe you’re playing for the wrong team?” the slave relates and leaves Xanthos standing at the gate as he retreats to the estate.

Convinced ever more firmly now that Lord Burghondy had offed Lord Palmere, Xanthos also noted how the slave did not refer to him as Lord Palmere but used what sounded like his non-titled name, as if Lord Burghondy’s house knew how the court proceedings were going to play out.

Xanthos raced back to the Temple of Kador to meet with the party to discuss plans for Lord Palmere.

“I say we keep him like this until we get proof on Lord Burghondy and spring the trap then.” Kessen offers

“Doopa thinks we should throw statue at Lord Birkenstock and kill both with one throw.” Doopa proudly announces

“I think we should raid that barge and steal the money for ourselves.” Chimed in Turgar

“I think both are bad ideas, if you think that barge won’t be guarded by things that would ensure a safe journey for tens of millions of gold then I want what you’re smoking and showing up with a fugitive from the Courts of Maal will just get you thrown in jail along with Lord Palmere.” Haimish advises

“Why would that be? We’re bringing him in for justice, why arrest us?” Xanthos asks

“The Overlord isn’t rational it’s all law all the time. If you show up on with him in tow then obviously we were harboring a known fugitive from the law.” Haimish explains

“We could say we found him and were bringing him in.” Xanthos offers

“Better to let the authorities find him and bring him in, if you go down there now Lord Burghondy will have you arrested as well.” Helle offers

“What is with you guys? After I came back with my news from Lord Burghondy’s place you’ve all turned gutless. I’m no fan of the law just like the rest of you, but this is bordering on oppressive paranoia.” Xanthos relates

“It matters not now; I’ve had the package delivered.” Statinisor explains

“I guess he’s right it doesn’t matter now.” Kessen sighs annoyed the option was removed by someone other than himself

Statinisor and Helle begin to leave as Xanthos shouts back at them, “And were your handlers arrested?! And were they arrested?!” Xanthos throws his hands down in exasperation as the rest of the party stares at him.

“What?!” Xanthos shouts

“I don’t think you’re thinking clearly.” Menthos offers his only part in the conversation

“Oooh the temple’s whipping boy speaks.” Xanthos responds

“I don’t think you’re being careful.” Haimish replies

Menthos and Haimish get up to follow the two priests; they are then followed by Doopa, leaving Xanthos, Kessen and Turgar to ponder in silence.

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Mark of an Assassin

“Pfft, we don’t need those guys. I think we can cause enough chaos at the docks to get us some of that platinum before anyone realizes it’s missing.” Kessen advises Xanthos and Turgar

“I could transform into a dolphin or a rock crab and work loose some ties or create a leak and we can loot the sunken barge further down the river.” Xanthos suggests

“I say we go for it, agreed?” Kessen asks

Xanthos readily accepts, but Turgar find it difficult to shake what the people who’ve spent the most time in Highcastle have been saying, plus the reasoning that the barge would be guarded extremely well, began to wedge it’s way back into Turgar’s psyche.

“I’ve changed my mind, I’m going sewer sweeping with them.” Turgar finally said and headed off to follow the other half of the party

“Well, more for us I guess and after this score we won’t need them anymore anyway.” Kessen advises

Turgar catches up as Menthos is explaining the duties to everyone.

“They lost two groups of priests; both groups had six members in them. The first group they sent down four days ago, the second group two days ago, nothing has been heard from them since. We’re likely to come across various members of other churches and maybe a patrol or two from the Overlord. None of them should be there and if no one in those groups returns to their point of origin alive we needn’t have to worry about repercussions if you catch my drift.” Menthos says winking

The party nods and heads down a set of ancient stone steps that descend at a steep angle underneath the temple. As they progress along the steps the party feels a weight they hadn’t noticed before lifted from their shoulders momentarily and replaced with another different weight. The procession of warriors stopped as in unison they noticed the subtle change, all but Menthos who noticed not a lifting of weight but the placement of it.

“Whew, it’s oppressive down here, who in their right mind would want to be down here anyway?” Menthos states

“I rather find it calming like a warm blanket, albeit a huge sized and heavy one.” Haimish notes

“I’d say the same thing, like going from anxiety to a gregarious seizure.” Turgar adds

“Doopa think it smell funny.” The ogre wades into the conversation

As the party reaches the bottom of the stairs, in the middle of a great room, a grand mosaic is displayed along the walls and floor of the room depicting primitive humanoids receiving the gift of fire from a human shaped being with a living flame atop his head. Reluctant at first to accept the gift the races eventually relent and are seen cooking their food, lighting their caves, walking beneath stars, and fending off wild beasts. Eventually the gift is seen as leading the races to settle down and build cities.

“This Kador guy is sure full of himself, no mention at all about the role dragons played in prying you people from the muck of humanity.” Turgar says inferring to Haimish

Haimish observes that the ceiling at one time had a mosaic as well, but he paint has flaked off and the faint outline remaining is too dim to make out any longer.

The room has three exits one to the west, one to the north, and the last to the northeast. They decide to head north first and after short twenty foot walk down the north corridor, they come to a closed heavy wooden door. Haimish places an ear to the door, but alas Doopa’s stomach fails to keep quiet and Haimish hears nothing from the other side of the door. Giving the ogre a displeasured look, Haimish backs away and tells Doopa to listen.

“Doopa not hear anything with door closed.” And the barbarian promptly heaves the door open, tearing it off its hinges in the process. Splinters of dirt and metal hinges go flying back down the corridor to the great room.

“EEEEYYYYEEE, keep the horses away form me!” A voice shouts from within the room

“Are you from the lost Kador search party?” Haimish asks to no response

“Are from the lost Donner party?” Menthos asks to no response either

“Are you even lost?” Turgar asks to no response

“Do you hear anything now?” Doopa shouts

The party enters the room and spies a huddled man in ragged clothes crouched against the back wall opposite the door.

“Keep the horses away from me!” The man shouts

“What horses? We don’t have any.” Haimish replies

As the light from the great room begins to disperse some of the darkness in this room, the party can make out the unkempt beaded face of a man.

“Doopa say we kill him if he not from temple.” The ogre announces

“Wait, I don’t think he’s a threat. Sure he looks haggard, but those eyes speak to me of a soul in torment and the way the sweat beads on his brow suggests a man who’s spent his entire life laboring under the suns rays.” Haimish explains

“What kind of crap was that? You heard the priests, if his not one of them, kill it.” Menthos reminds the bard

Haimish ignores the warlock and approaches the scared man, “would you like some cheese or a piece of bread?” Haimish produces both from inside his cloak

“Doopa wise enough to know you don’t feed the wild animals, you kill them and then you feed the wild animals to your stomach.” Doopa advises

“I do not wish this poor soul harmed while I yet live, I will get him to leave and not bother the priests, you need not worry about him he’s not going anywhere.” Haimish announces

“That’s mighty pretentious of one, what makes you think I won’t kill him?” Menthos inquires

“The downside of being better than everyone else is that people tend to assume you're pretentious.” Haimish responds

“You’re full of crap.” Menthos informs Haimish

After waiting for Haimish to feed the unstable man, the party returns to the great room and heads to the west exit.

“If he’s gone when we come back, you’ll have to explain that to Statinisor, because I sure am not.” Menthos states

“He’ll be there.” Haimish responds

The west corridor goes thirty feet then turns south for twenty feet then back west and ends in a door. Haimish hands Doopa the rest of his bread and waits for the ogre’s stomach to stop complaining before listening to this door as well. The bard picks up a distinctive hissing sound.

“Snakes.” Haimish speaks aloud

“Yummy.” Doopa replies

Haimish looks back at Turgar and Menthos who shrug their shoulders, he then turns to Doopa and bows away from the door, offering the obstacle to the ogre. Doopa grabs his club and smashes down the down with one swing. His proud demeanor is reduced to astonishment as twin daggers are plunged into Doopa’s back and a giant snake head lashes from beyond the doorway and plants it’s fangs into Doopa’s left shoulder.

Menthos and Turgar leap back as Haimish slams his shield at the head of the snake; however a leathery wing slips in front of his blow and takes the full brunt of Haimish’s slam. Doopa twists away from the bite and the snake tears away a hunk of muscle from Doopa’s shoulder.

Menthos launches an eldritch blast into the snake’s head as the settling debris brings the body of the snake in focus. The thing flies with the aid of two massive leather wings, two short arms sprout from the body, and each wields a wickedly curved dagger. The eyes of the thing are not reptile like but are red and irisless not unlike a demon’s.

Turgar quickly brings up his helpful aura and steps in to take Doopa’s place in front of the creature. Menthos watches as the color from Doopa’s face drains away and realizes he’s been poisoned.

“The bite and maybe the daggers are poisonous.” The teifling explains

Haimish blocks both dagger thrusts from the snake with his shield, then dodges the bite as he slams his shield into the midsection of the snake and then slashes his blade across it’s “belly”.

The thing wails in pain as it buffets the bard with its wings and snaps its tail at Haimish’s shield and wrapping its tail around the shield wrist of the bard. Doopa swings weakly at the creature, missing it however, but forcing it to turn sideways in the door and dragging Haimish between it and Doopa as it turns. Menthos sends another blast into the creature, as Turgar hacks at the thing’s tail, trying to get it to release Haimish’s shield arm.

Haimish lets momentum carry him into the room so he is now flanking the creature with Turgar and Haimish swings at the snake’s head. Doopa collapses to the floor and his breathing becomes laborious as blood weeps from his shoulder like a cracked dam.

The snake spins it’s tail in a tight circle and flings Haimish into the center of the room, it then turns it’s attentions to Turgar who drops his healing aura for a protection one just as it snakes twin daggers slash just short of the dragon shaman, the head however bites deeply into Turgar’s arm and thrashes back and forth ripping the flesh as it spills it’s venom into the wound.

Using the preoccupation the snake was having with Turgar’s arm, Menthos launches an eldritch blast into the left eye of the snake thing and it immediately lets go of Turgar’s arm. Haimish gets up and pounces on the snake ramming his shield’s lower point into it’s back and in a powerful slash he cuts off the right arm of the snake.

Bleeding and disorientated, the snake creature tries to back up against a wall, but its flight wavers as Turgar cuts off a wing and Menthos uses the flanking ogre and human to deliver the death blow with an eldritch blast down the thing’s mouth, destroying the lower jaw.

The heroes pick up Doopa and race back to the stairs to return to the temple for some healing for Doopa.

Meanwhile Xanthos and Kessen circle the exterior of Highcastle until they can spot the docks from across the estuary. Ogres and minotaurs each baring the symbol of Carnack load crates unto a huge barge parked at the end of the Burghondy’s dock. Dozens of scrags patrol the water around the barge; Xanthos spots a wyvern attempting to camouflage itself in the thickets on the far side of the estuary from where he and Kessen crouched.

“How do you want to do this? I should fire some flame arrows unto the barge and then you swim underneath it?” Kessen asks

“We’re woefully unprepared for this, I think we should wait and see have much of those are part of the traveling retinue.” Xanthos responds

“Chaos works best when it’s not planned, the longer we wait the greater the chance we’ll be found out.” Kessen advises

“Still I… Did you feel that?” Xanthos stops mid thought and asks as he feels the presence of someone else, only not physically, more like a mental brush stroke.

“Feel what?” Kessen replies

“We need to get out of here, now!” Xanthos states as he grabs Kessen’s hand and drags him away from the water’s edge.

The shifter doesn’t let up until they are back inside Highcastle’s walls, “What was that for? I thought we were on the same page?” Kessen asks

“Our position was compromised, no matter what we tried to do; I don’t think it would’ve surprised them at all.” Xanthos warns

“That sucks, it was a great plan. How do I know you didn’t get cold feet? Or that you’re not planning to go back there later?” Kessen demands

“You don’t but feel free to get yourself killed, I’m not going back.” Xanthos states and walks away heading for the inn where he agreed to meet with who he hoped were members of the assassin’s guild.

Dejected, Kessen however returned to the Temple of Kador, where he hoped the party he tried to leave was having a good adventure. He would make them see they needed a scout’s skills.

Xanthos waited out the night in the inn anticipating his meeting but no one ever showed, depressed and downtrodden, Xanthos reluctantly returned to the temple to rejoin the rest of the party, unaware that for the entire night doppelgangers monitored his every move, and two master assassins waited outside his door for the chance to surprise the shifter when he left his room. When Xanthos opened his door in the morning there was no evidence anything was amiss.

Birth of a devil

Doopa’s weighty limp body is dumped upon the stone floor of the rectory after being dragged up a flight of steep steps by the party.

“Rats too big for you?” Helle asks as he looks over the greenish ogre

“More like flying snakes with wings and daggers, I’ve heard of alligators in the sewers before growing to huge size, but never snakes in the cellars sprouting wings and using daggers.” Haimish advises

“Interesting, so you found the lost priests then?” Helle inquires

“No, we found an idiot who has Equinophobia, other than that the snake thing was the next thing we found.” Haimish relates amid a surprised look from Turgar and Menthos at the word Equinophobia.

“The crazed individual is dead then?” Helle asks

“Sure, and if he’s not I’ll draw a picture of a horse on the inside of the door and he’ll starve himself.” Haimish states

“Can we get a little poison removal for the pitiful ogre there? He was showboating and got stabbed during the performance.” Turgar relates

Helle removes the poison from Doopa’s veins; Doopa gives the priest a “thanks” and to test out his muscles, punches Turgar in the face, breaking his nose. The two ogres lock themselves in hand-to-hand combat as the rest of the party filters out of the room and shut the door behind them.

“Any damage they do comes out of your pay.” Helle eyes Menthos

“It’s good for them, we only need one ogre anyway, besides there can be only one alpha male so I don’t know why they’re fighting for breeding rights we don’t have any females in the party. Not even Xanthos will go there.” Menthos states

“Anyway, your scout returned while you were down there. I guess he missed your smile, there was no sign of the shifter though.” Helle advises

“The more the merrier, I feel a song coming on.” Haimish announces as he clears his throat.

Menthos however shoves his hand over Haimish’s mouth, “Not now, I’m hungry and I don’t want to lose my appetite.”

Kessen is led to the party as the rectory door flings open and a haggard Doopa staggers through the portal and collapses after a few shaky steps. Turgar follows soon after, his dragon aura glowing through the billowing dust cloud between the two combatants, “Ha! I can go all night, next time you want to do this again, let me know.” Turgar says to the beaten Doopa.

“What did I miss?” Kessen asks

“Ogre mating ritual, looks like Turgar won. But I think the real winner is Doopa.” Menthos says with a toothy smile

“Well then looks like I was wise to study ogre anatomy in case I need to take one down with one arrow shot.” Kessen responds

“I’m not healing him again.” Helle states and leads the two humans and the teifling to the second floor of the temple, “The high priest has invited you to stay the night here, feel free to use the facilities to better prepare yourselves for tomorrow’s foray.”

Haimish and Kessen claim their rooms as Helle holds Menthos back, “Your room is not on this floor.” The pyromancer states

Helle leads Menthos to the opposite side of the temple and then descends two flights of stairs, passing through the acolyte’s area and beyond a laboratory. To finally a large opulent bedroom, “this will be your room for the evening.”

A shocked Menthos is stunned to speechlessness as he stammers through a thanks and runs to the bed to leap upon it.

“I’ll definitely be sleeping good tonight, the ogres snore too much for anyone to get a good night’s rest. Except maybe Xanthos when he turns himself deaf.” Menthos relates

“I don’t think you’ll be sleeping in here that well tonight though.” Helle smirks as he slips from the room and closes the door behind him.

Menthos races for the door, only to find his side of the door contains no handle or knob with which to use to open the door. The teifling begins banging on the door screaming for Helle, Haimish, even Doopa. To no avail. After an hour of fruitless shouting, Menthos retreats form the door and begins to search the room. He uncovers symbols etched into the floor and into the ceiling above the bed.

Using his warlock senses he discovers all of the symbols radiate magic, and that there are a couple invisible symbols that float in midair near the bed. Studying them closely, Menthos is unable to determine their nature or function. After another hour the door opens and Fyrhe steps through. Menthos bull rushes her out of the way trying to reach the door, but it is pulled shut as his fingernails scrape against the side of the door.

“Why do you want out?” Fyrhe

“I’m trapped in here, there’s no way out. Unless you know how to…” It was then that Menthos noticed Fyhre wore no clothing

“The yelling has ceased, I believe the plan is commencing.” Helle reports to Statinisor

“Excellent, make sure the gate preparation are proceeding as planned. I don’t want to lose another one to miscalculations.” The high priest grits through his teeth.

As the sun rose above the city of Highcastle, Menthos awoke to the rays warming his forehead and small horns. He shot up in bed and raced to the window to view the courtyard below, wondering if last night had been all a dream. He chuckled thinking he had dreamt the whole affair, it wasn’t until he raises his hands to his face to run his hair back that his nose told him it wasn’t a dream. His nose smelled her, smelled her on his fingertips, his arms, his hair.

Anger boiled up inside him at the thought of his imprisonment, then subsided at the thoughts of his “cellmate”, as if on cue, the door to his room was opened and Helle walked in bearing a plate of fruits and breakfast meats.

“You’re probably famished after last night, so here’s a few things to regain your strength.” Helle says

“What was last night all about?” Menthos questions

“You performed a great service for Kador, one that you shall be rewarded with in time.” Helle says

“What? You’re running a brothel out of here?” Menthos inquires

“Hardly, there are a number of ways my deity expands his armies. Last night you participated in one of the ways. You should be proud to have been chosen to perform such a duty, I only hope to be chosen for a role.” Helle relates

“What happened to Fyhre?” Menthos asks

“You’ll see her again, in her new incarnation and then your greatest wish will be answered.” Helle replies

“That makes no sense and you sound like that damnable Haimish when you talk like that.” Menthos responds angrily

“Your anger is misplaced, you should be more worried about yourself or any of your other compatriots.” Helle advises

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Menthos demands

“The assassin’s guild is hunting your shifter, normally I’d tell you if you needed his body for something to seek out the morgue, however he showed up here just this hour and is talking with the dragon shaman as we speak. If he goes back out into the city he’ll be killed. It matters not to us which way you prefer him, considers this my attempt to allay your suspicions about last night.” Helle relates

“How do you know this?” Menthos asks

“Also if he leaves and you follow him or try to protect him, expect to have to deal with the assassins as well.” Helle says ignoring Menthos’ question

“That’s not what I asked.” Menthos states

Helle finishes dispensing some wine and excuses himself from the room refusing to answer any more of Menthos’ questions.

In the bowels of the temple in a room adorned with divine symbols and a one-way gate with the receiving end set up in the room, a nude creature claws it’s way to a open exit. Statinisor admires the creature’s determination as the female’s face rears up at the high priest, pleading for the pain to stop. Statinisor presses his index finger to his lips to hush the woman.

Two short tears appear on the woman’s back and a shower of blood sprays across the ceiling, two black leathery wings erupt from the open wounds and unfold stretching their newly formed muscles. The woman’s nails lengthen and blacken, in an instant, forming claws that will rip through wood as if it were papyrus. The woman’s pained eyes redden as her irises turn blood red and bleed into her pupils.

A burst of flames pulses from her form and the body collapses amid the steam and soot of the transformation. Statinisor orders some accompanying pyromancers into the room to retrieve. He stops them as they reach him to pass into the hallway. Statinisor raises the head of the creature and admires how much more beautiful the former Fyhre has become.

“Take her to the Sun Aerie, tonight we celebrate!” Statinisor commands

Jon Potter

First Post
Hairy Minotaur said:
“Ogre mating ritual, looks like Turgar won. But I think the real winner is Doopa.” Menthos says with a toothy smile

That's hilarious! I wish my own games had as many memorable quotes as yours...

What about Bob?

Menthos gets dressed and joins the rest of the party who are eating breakfast, he grabs an empty chair and forces his way in-between Haimish and Kessen.

“What is your problem?” Kessen rattles off

Ignoring him Menthos whispers to Haimish, “We have a problem.”

“Yeah? You want to do this now? Can I get my shield and sword upstairs first or are you going to make me kick your ass barehanded?” Haimish responds softly

“What?” Menthos blurts, taken aback by the bard’s comment

“I’m just joking with you, you know? I’m a bard I tell jokes and juggle things for money, I’m no paladin.” Haimish answers

“Well, you might want to look into it; Xanthos is being hunted by the assassin’s guild.” Menthos lays it out for Haimish

“Pfft. Big surprise there, Lord Burghondy probably contracted the entire guild after him.” Haimish replied

Although Menthos hadn’t said it yet, Haimish’s mind had already worked out what Menthos replied with, “There is no collateral damage cap for that guild, if you’re with him when they strike, you’ll be killed as well.” Menthos retorted

“MM HMM, does he know?” Haimish inquires

“I don’t think so, but I do think they know where he is.” Menthos responds

“Wait, how do you know about this?” Haimish asks

“Helle told me.” Menthos answers

“How does he know?” Haimish asks, he voice getting louder with each reply

“Good question, however I really didn’t want to explore that line of questioning with him in light of recent events.” Menthos answers

Haimish stares into the teifling’s red coal eyes, hoping for an elaboration. When it becomes apparent none would be forthcoming, Haimish lowers his eyes and replies, “We’ll have to make a decision.”

“I’ve already made mine; you can form one on your own. I’m not living my life scared spitless inside this temple waiting for them to pick me off.” Menthos states

“You’re going to fight them then?” Haimish inquires, impressed with the warlock’s bravado

“Hell no, I’m getting out of this town.” Menthos answers then unseats himself and finds a washroom to clean himself up in.

Haimish stands up at the table and clears his throat to address the remaining party members, “Friends, acquaintances, people who I only know by smell, it has come to my attention that one of us has been marked for death. While some of you may or may not be surprised by that, I assure you that it’s probably not who you think it is.” Haimish says staring at Kessen

“If we leave here with the marked person, we’ll all be killed if we get in the way.” Haimish continues

“Uh, shouldn’t we be going to the Courts with this information?” Xanthos asks

“Why? If it’s a legal contract then the judge would have you executed while you stand in his courtroom and you would have only saved the guild the trouble of finding you.” Helle interjects

“What kind of justice is that? Seems heavy handed to me.” Turgar speaks

“Welcome to Maal.” Answers Helle

“Who is it? Who’s do I need to push Menthos in front of so he gets killed as well?” Kessen inquires

“Does it matter? We’ve all known each other long enough that I think we would not want something bad to happen to any one of us.” Haimish advises

“Well, if it’s Menthos, I’m all for alerting the guild of his exact bedroom location.” Kessen announces

“As do I, his friends leave a burning taste in the mouth.” Xanthos adds

“That’s surprising, considering it was Menthos who told me the guild was looking for you Xanthos.” Haimish gushes before his brain can get his mouth closed

“What! Me? Why would they be looking for me unless one of you has been backstabbing us all along?” Xanthos erupts from his chair and slams his fist to the table

“Are you serious? Who went and tried to talk to the platinum lord? Who’s been talking to the constables? Who tried to get a meeting set up with the thieves’ guild? Not any of the rest of us.” Haimish answers

“Yeah, even Doopa know you don’t poke snake then blame it when you get bit. ‘Course Doopa smash snake after it bites, but not out of disbelief of its actions.” Doopa states

“When did you grow a brain?” Kessen says to Doopa, “Besides, you should all feel grateful that Xanthos had the courage to follow up on those leads. While you guys were all hawing over your kill, Xanthos was out there trying to find the why.” Kessen defends the shifter

Menthos however could not locate a washroom; he did however find a small tub of water on an altar in a priest’s room and washed his face and hands in that water. He then made his way back to the group and found them arguing amongst themselves.

“Who’s up for some more searches and rescues?” Menthos announces

Haimish acknowledges the warlock and leave the argument, soon followed by the rest of the party one by one.

“Where did you go this morning? Off to tell the assassin’s guild where Xanthos is?” Kessen accuses

Menthos stops in his tracks and turns on Kessen, “No, I had to wash my face, it took a while to find a basin of water, luckily some priest had a bowl up on his personal altar in his room.”

“You realize that was holy water you just ruined?” Turgar asks

“Really? I wondered why it tingled a little; I probably shouldn’t have rinsed my mouth out with the water then. Or used his raiment to wash some body parts clean.” Menthos admits

“You’re going to hell with open arms.” Kessen points out

“If it gives good hugs, I’m there!” Menthos admits

The party makes their way down to the cellars and locates two surviving members of one of the initial Kador search parties that were trapped by the flying snake creature. The party points out the way to the exit and continues onward, finally locating another set of stairs going further down. They traverse these stairs and come upon a twisting mass of catacombs that stretch out like impact fractures.

“This looks like a sewer system, smells like one too.” Kessen advises

“Are you sure this is under Kador control? This seems like a sewer just as Kessen states.” Xanthos adds

“Why would they lie? Besides I’m committed to finding the second group of priests anyway.” Menthos replies

The party lets Kessen, the scout, randomly pick a tunnel as the seepage has ruined any tracks he might have been able to find. Heading off in that direction the party passes up several intersections and causeways that give Xanthos a growing feeling of concern.

“Shouldn’t we be marking which tunnels we’re in so we don’t keep going in circles?” The shifter asks

“Why? Don’t trust the scout to know where he’s going?” Kessen lashes back

“It’s not that, just that all of these tunnels look alike, I can’t tell which way is north.” Xanthos admits

“You don’t need to know which way is north, only which way is up. That’s the most important.” Kessen advises

“Well, what if you want to know which way is out?” Turgar asks

“That’s back that way.” A strange voice announces

The party scrambles for defensive positioning as Menthos runs to the side of the party opposite from where the voice came from and Kessen draws two arrow and pulls back on the bowstring ready to let them fly. Xanthos shifts into a tiger ready to pounce on whatever moves. The two ogres both try to charge the voice, however their girths won’t fit in the tunnel simultaneously and they get stuck as a green skinned reptile eyed male steps forward.

“Do not be alarmed, I merely seek to leave this wretched place as well.” The stranger states

“We’re under orders, to whom are you affiliated with?” Menthos asks

“I own allegiance only to myself, perhaps we can find the way together?” the stranger says

“Who is it you know the way but can’t find it?” Haimish asks

“Ooh, good question Hammy.” Menthos says

“Your party seems lacking in the trap removal skill set, maybe we started out on the wrong foot? Hello, my name is Bob and I am a fellow traveler.” Bob offers his hand to shake

“Well, you seem trustworthy, join our cause.” Xanthos states

“Really?” Bob answers shockingly

“No. Kill the assassin!” Xanthos screams as a black whip cracks from behind the party, ripping into Haimish’s chain shirt and gouging out a trench in his back.

“Ambush!” Haimish gets out as a greataxe wielding, silver haired orc rushes the two ogres. The orc slams the weapon into the shoulder of Turgar and the dragon shaman is forcibly dislodged from his stuck position next to Doopa.

“Protect Xanthos!” Kessen calls out and lets his arrows fly towards the orc. The beast swats them aside with his axe.

Bob casts light and illuminates the passageway, revealing the wielder of the whip as a drow dressed in all black. The drow covers his eyes from the glow and shadow jumps next to Xanthos and jabs a dripping dagger into the shifter’s ribs. The world spins as the poison takes hold and Xanthos passes out.

Turgar grasps his shoulder and activates his healing aura, long enough to get slow the blood flow before the orc brings his axe to bear upon Turgar’s shoulder again, this time cutting all the way to the bone and rendering Turgar’s right arm useless.

Doopa sets up to meet the orc threat, “Hey, silverback. I got a banana for you.” Doopa’s club slams into the left knee of the orc and bounces off in a sick thud. Doopa could almost imagine the bruise forming from the internal bleeding and a prideful smile broke out upon his face. Until the drow shadow jumped again into the back of Doopa with another dagger, Doopa tried to wrench the blade from his back but couldn’t quite reach it.

This of course caused his attentions to turn away from the orc and his massive cutting tool that it used to plow a row through Doopa’s abdomen. Doopa tried to double over in pain, but the placement of the dagger caused him to tear through back muscles as he bent over, sending pain up through his back and forcing him to stand straight up again and pump even more blood from his stomach wound.

Menthos fired off an eldritch blast into the orc, as Kessen launched two more arrows, both hit this time. Haimish charged the drow and managed to whack it’s face with his shield, causing the assassin to shadow jump back behind the orc and crack it’s whip into the shoulder of the upright Doopa, the whip was fashioned with barbs, glass, small razors, and thorns and tore off flesh as it retreated back to the drow. Doopa slumped against the near wall as the he felt the strength drain away from his back and stomach and now his shoulder burned hot with the open wound caused by the whip.

Jon Potter

First Post

And I thought some of my ambushes were cruel...

That was a thing of beauty. :cool:

Hairy Monotaur said:
“Yeah, even Doopa know you don’t poke snake then blame it when you get bit".

I love this variation on the Benjamin Franklin quote in your sig. Every time I read that I think that there's got to be a way to incorporate it into my game.

Nudge, nudge. Wink, wink.

Bob reaches out and presses his hand into the wound on Doopa’s shoulder, Doopa quickly reaches up to shove the hand away however another assault by the orc assassin causes Doopa to deflect the battle axe blow instead. Warm healing magic pours into the wound and soon the shoulder is nearly healed.

Menthos launches another eldritch blast into the burly orc, giving the beast a clear burn mark in the middle of its abdomen just above the navel. Haimish advances to Xanthos and staunches the bleeding as best he can.

The drow shadow jumps to the rear of the party again and lashes at Menthos, but fails to connect. Haimish moves on to Turgar and tourniquets his shoulder and gives the ogre mouth to mouth trying to resuscitate the dragon shaman. Doopa feels his strength return in his damaged shoulder and switches on his internal rage-o-meter into high gear. His breaths come in greats heaves and he begins to foam at the mouth as his chest puffs up like a toad’s throat as it calls for his mate, so does the barbarian call for his – War.

Doopa begins swinging wildly across the corridor, catching the orc off guard. The assassin begins to back peddle and recognizing his vulnerability, using his knowledge of tender spots, Menthos slams another eldritch blast into the face of the orc this time. Temporarily blinding the assassin, that’s all the opening Doopa needed as the ogre soon reduces the orc to a bloody pool of pus.

“AAARRRGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!! Doopa is mightiest!!!!” The ogre shouts

Haimish and Menthos quickly search for the drow who seems for the moment to have retreated, they’ve also lost sight of Bob. Soon Xanthos is brought back to consciousness and he heals himself and then heals Turgar enough to bring him to the point where the dragon shaman can help himself.

“You guys should go on without me” Xanthos advises

“What do you mean? We just kicked their ass. I bet that drow is running back to it’s mommy right now. Reminds of that time I had two hands in the bush and didn’t know my feet were trampled.” Haimish replies

“I beg to differ, they’ll be back stronger and with more of them. None of us are safe, I agree with the tree humper he should stay behind so that the rest of us can live.” Menthos argues

“You’d sacrifice him?” Turgar asks in disbelief

“What? It’s win-win, they get their mark and we get to live, personally I see nothing wrong with cutting loose the corpse before it starts stinking.” Menthos answers

“You’re a heartless bastard.” Turgar responds

“So?” Menthos replies

“Somebody dead?” Doopa interjects

“No, nobody died. Xanthos you can’t just stay here and wait for death, you’ve already accomplished so much. Besides I don’t know how to write a good tragedy, so you’re going to have to stick around so I can give you a proper dirge.” Haimish explains

“How about we kill the warlock and then offer him up as Xanthos.” Kessen says notching an arrow at Menthos

“Bah! That would only prolong the inevitable and make me the tragic hero, and your feeble ego couldn’t take that.” Menthos advises

“I don’t want any of you to die because they want me. I only wish I could meet Lord Burghondy and roast him slowly over a candle for weeks on end.” Xanthos relates

“Well, now you’re speaking my language.” Menthos states

“What language is that, regret?” Kessen asks

“No, I say we conceal him and leave the orc here in the passage after we strip the beast, then we make our way back to the surface and burn down the assassin’s guild. Who’s with me!” Menthos rants

“I saw your ego flee about half an hour ago, and by the looks of it your pride is packing up for a similar trip.” Turgar says

“Doopa likes trips, Doopa took trip to Highcastle once.” The ogre announces

“You’re still here too.” Turgar advises him

“I don’t want to burden you if keeping me around is going to bring you certain death, if it means that much to you Menthos and I can find the last of the lost priests.” Xanthos offers

“Whoa, whoa, whoa there horsy. Unless you’re going to practice your female, hot, busty, dawn elf form, then I’m not interested in doing anything with the words you and ! in the title.” Menthos counters

“Well, whatever we decide to do, that’s decide quickly before that drow comes back, it had a nasty whip that I don’t want to feel on my skin.” Haimish advises

“Xanthos stay close to me I will protect you, on my word as the son of Gnashdrool the Shaky, you will not die today!” Turgar shouts

“Gnashdrool? Gnashdrool died after falling 4 miles off a cliff after slipping in own feces. Doopa tribe throw big party after that.” Doopa announces

Turgar slams his fist into Doopa’s face and their fight that started upstairs moves into round two.

“Guys, break it up or get a room. This touch fest is making me uncomfortable.” Menthos advises

“Those two are going to kill each other before long, see we need you to come along Xanthos, otherwise we lose most of our toe-to-toe offense.” Kessen reasons

“Pfft, who needs offense when you have my abilities, I want you to come along because every stand up guy needs a good straight man.” Menthos answers

“Hey, quit shoe horning your way into my act.” Haimish rebuts

“Come along with us at least until we try to get you out of this predicament.” Kessen pleads

Xanthos agrees and breaks apart the two battling ogres. The party soon finds the remnants of the last missing priests and leads them back to the surface. The Kadorians are overjoyed that they didn’t totally lose either group. Haimish tells Xanthos he wants to try something first and heads off to start his plan, meanwhile Menthos meets with Helle over the situation with Xanthos.

“So, you found out about the contract. How can he get out of it? The rest of the group wants to drag him along, probably because it annoys me, and constantly having to look over my shoulder for assassination attempts is going to give me a nasty crick in my neck.” Menthos advises

“You could buyout the contract, likely for ten thousand gold. Otherwise you’re going to need to give the guild something that the originator of the contract cannot.” Helle advises

“What would that be? We already know it’s got to be Lord Burghondy who wants Xanthos dead. What do I have that Lord Burghondy cannot give?” Menthos asks

“Your soul upon death.” Helle answers

“What? That’s a little steep there do you think?” Menthos replies

“When money can buy you any material possession, you have to give something money can’t buy.” Helle answers

“Well, it’s not going to be that or the ten thousand, and why would ten thousand work anyway?” Menthos inquires

“It would bribe an assassin to stage his death and deliver a mutilated head in place of the real mark. Assassins like it as they get all the money for doing none of the work, takes the danger out of it.” Helle replies

“I’ll have to see what everybody else’s monetary situation is like.” Menthos responds

“Sure, just don’t take too long.” Helle advises

Haimish makes his way quickly to the College of the Bard, he requests to speak with the Head Master and waits only a half hour before ushered back to meet with him.

Haimish spills the current situation to the Head Master replete with embellishes and exaggerations.

“That’s a mighty fine tale you tell, and I do have something that will help you. But it’s going to cost an awful lot, information like this in the right hands can sunder nations.” The Head Master tells

“How much will it be this time?” Haimish inquires

“Oh it’ll cost you nothing that you will miss. When you’re a bard, you get to see things and speak to people that wizards and faiths often ignore or bypass completely. There’s always a story to be told, a myth to weave, or a tradition to hand down. It is within these that the bard gains his power, each of us has a story to tell and some of us get to tell many stories.” The Master Bard explains

“I don’t follow.” Haimish replies

“Eh, to each his own, do you want the information or not? Secrets are only good until they become known, and this secret won’t stay buried with one man’s death or a thousand men’s deaths.” The Master Bard advises

“What do I have to pay?” Haimish asks

“Come my dear boy, sing me a song of tragic death or maybe a good joke that gets these olds rattling again.” The Head Master slaps Haimish on the back and leads him to the auditorium

Back at the temple, Menthos relates what Helle explained to him about the assassin options.

“Well, that settles it. I’m going to march out there and demand they show themselves and go down with a fight!” Xanthos exclaims

“Wait, Haimish hasn’t returned yet, maybe he’ll bring good news?” Kessen advises

“Doesn’t matter, I feel destined to die at the end of an assassin’s blade.” Xanthos bemoans

“Well, look on the bright side, most people go through life never knowing what their destiny is. You on the other hand know full well you’re going to die a horrible decapitated death at the hands of some filthy orc or drow or maybe even something far worse.” Menthos attempts to cheer up Xanthos

“You’re not helpful at all.” Xanthos replies

“If you were a woman, I could help you go out with a bang.” Menthos answers

“There’s got to be a spell to take care of that.” Turgar asks aloud to no one in particular

“No, but there is a belt of femininity. At least that would keep him preoccupied with himself instead of us.” Kessen answers laughing

“Vaudeville man back” Doopa shouts as Haimish returns

“Well?” Xanthos says barely able to contain his wonder

“I have the solution.” Haimish explains

Jon Potter

First Post
Well? What is it?

What a way to end the post, HM! You're killing me!

Oh, and:

Hairy Minotaur said:
“Gnashdrool? Gnashdrool died after falling 4 miles off a cliff after slipping in own feces. Doopa tribe throw big party after that.” Doopa announces

I love Doopa.

The voice of (a) God

“You need to go to the Overlord.” Haimish explains

“Really, that’s all? What for, if that’s your advice why not just come out and tell him to kill himself? It’s the same thing.” Kessen responds

“Let me finish.” Haimish starts, “Lord Palmere was not the poor victim we all think he was. He had preliminarily reached an agreement with a Virdistan merchant to receive half a ton of a new metal recently unearthed near there. Apparently this unscrupulous merchant decided he’d hedge his bet and also contacted a few other Highcastle merchants, at least one of them replied back. Lord Burghondy, upset he had lost the initial bid, planned to buy into the game again and eliminate the apparently only threat to him winning the bid. Hence Burghondy eliminates Palmere and has him brought up on charges as well, stemming from the demons that ran amok from his abode. Lord Burghondy was wining and dining the Virdistan merchant away from Lord Palmere while we were at the party.”

“What’s so special about the metal that Burghondy would pay millions for it?” Xanthos asks

“It ignores all other metal, so someone could create arrow out of this stuff that would ignore tower shields and full plate and hit the wearer as if he was naked.” Haimish reveals

“You could start a coup with that stuff; you could eliminate most of the city’s forces before anybody could react to what’s happening.” Turgar commented

“Exactly, so you take this info to the Overlord that Lord Burghondy plans to overthrow him. The Overlord is so reactionary; he’ll investigate regardless of whether you have any actual proof. He’ll find the proof and you’ll be a hero and Burghondy will die horribly.” Haimish concludes

“Can we free Lord Palmere with this information?” Xanthos inquires

“Well, you might get his name cleared, but they beheaded Lord Palmere yesterday. The Maalites don’t let people take up space in the jail for long. Then there’s always the matter of informing the Judge he made a mistake, which would most likely be the hardest part of the endeavor.” Haimish states

“That’s not justice.” Xanthos objects

“No, but unless you want to end up like Palmere, I suggest you find a constable quickly and get to passing along this info.” Haimish answers

“You make it sound as if I have no say in how this information is to be used, I think we could get the assassin’s guild to turn on Burghondy and kill him for us.” Xanthos speculates

“Would you rather have this metal in the hands of assassins?” Haimish asks

“At this point I don’t see a difference, a ruthless overlord or a heartless organization, either is bad in my book.” Xanthos answers

“Doopa thinks books are bad too, Doopa not learn anything from book that man selling book couldn’t tell Doopa when Doopa grabbed man by throat.” The ogre smiles

“Extortions and intimidation are not the way things get done in a civilized land.” Turgar huffs

“Doopa not know what ex-tortoise shins have to do with Gnashdrool son’s speech but Doopa likes intimidation. Two thumbs up worth.” Doopa agrees

“The assassins are killers, the Overlord is containable and plus travel options are limited, the doppelgangers could go anywhere. Plus who would you rather have as a buddy, the assassin’s guild or the ruler of the city?” Haimish counters

Xanthos mulls it over and decides he would do as Haimish has suggested and give this information to the Overlord, he leaves alone to find a constable amid requests to the contrary from Kessen and Turgar.

Menthos is called to meet with Statinisor regarding the job the party did below the temple.

“Please sit down, Helle informed me you were able to retrieve some members of each priest unit that was lost below in the catacombs. Excellent work, as a reward I offer you this Fire Ruby, please do be careful not to drop it in a place you hold dear. It tends to have an explosive nature about it.” The head Kador states

Menthos accepts the ruby and notes it is hot to the touch and places in an insulated pouch on his belt.

“Helle has also told me of your shifter’s troubles with the assassin’s guild. We could help you out with that, and even get you out of the city while we worked on that. Does this seem like a solution you might explore?” Statinisor asks

“I think so; I could use some fresh faces and cleaner air.” Menthos advises

“Excellent, the temple has recently acquired a crumbling border fortress on the southern edge of the Majestics. We’ve instilled a quickly rising warrior within the temple to serve as overseer of the rebuilding project. Recently the keep has been beset with bands of scavenging goblins. This has caused half of the work force to muster into a defensive unit. We’d like for you to help rid the surrounding land of the goblins so that the keep can focus on rebuilding rather than repelling.” The high priest relates

“Goblins you say? That’s more my speed. Where exactly is this keep?” Menthos inquires

“About three days travel north from Bulwark, Kindoras Keep was raised by Highcastle eighty years ago to assist the small towns of the northern plains in defense against raiding barbarians. After the barbarians were defeated by a gaggle of squirrels, chipmunks, and mice with their forest preserve leaders, their threat greatly diminished and the keep fell out of repair. We acquired the property from the Overlord and here we are.” Statinisor answers

“Sounds like a good deal, I’m up for it.” Menthos accepts

“Excellent, we will let Alenia know that you are coming and to prepare your room.” Statinisor states

“What about the rest of my guys?” Menthos asks

“What about them? They seem to lack a fire you possess; they can pitch a tent like the rest of the defenders do. You however get four walls and a leak proof roof, as well as a bed. Free accommodations for as long as your stay warrants, hopefully you’ll be able to stay through the completion of our new defensive weapon we are going to field test at Kindoras? It will be especially handy against those beings that prefer a colder environment.” The high priest responds

“Frost giants? You didn’t say anything about frost giants. Suddenly this sounds like a bait and switch tactic here and a pretty lame one at that, almost as if you were a used cart salesman. In fact my brother mentioned somebody with your description selling him a lousy cart that broke down after two city blocks, that wouldn’t be you would it?” Menthos asks

“Your paranoia knows no bounds, there hasn’t been a frost giant sighting south of Omen in centuries. I see no need for that trend to discontinue.” Statinisor replies

“Then why the need to field test this new weapon array?” Menthos inquires

“You seem to have the ability to ask the right questions little one don’t you? I have another gift I’d like to impart upon you, I think you’ll it’s utilitarian nature useful in many ways.” Statinisor offers

“I already posses the gifts of gab and a great physique, not to mention I drive the ladies wild. I don’t need think I could stand another boon, it might make me irresistible.” Menthos answers sarcastically

“Oh I’m sure of that; here take hold of my mantle. The destination we are traveling to would take months on foot.” Statinisor replies

Skeptic but nonetheless intrigued, Menthos takes hold of Statinisor’s robe and watches the smile brighten on Helle’s face just as the room gains an airiness quality and then without moving themselves, Menthos and Statinisor “fly” through the room then the temple, then the city flies past them, soon Menthos watches as the land south of Highcastle whizzes past. Strange foreign lands come and go; even an expansive jungle passes them by until, minutes later they stop in the middle of a dark cave.

“Kind of spooky in here.” Menthos’ voice echoes through the chamber

“Soon you will here the voice of my deity, stand strong against the words and listen to the enunciation, for there is power in the words.” Statinisor states

“What kind of quackery is this? I’m no god fearing man.” Menthos objects, but soon realizes that Statinisor has abandoned him here alone.

“Hey!, Hello? Anybody in here?” This time however no echo is heard from Menthos’ words

Silence prevails as sweat begins to bead upon the teifling’s brow. Then a cascade of vulgarity and vileness assails Menthos’ ears, he clamps his hands over his ears but to no effect. The sounds tear through his flesh defense as if he had no hands with which to hold to his ears. Panic erupted in Menthos’ mind as fear clawed it’s way across his brain to squeeze the very reasoning from it. Unable to resist the power of the words, Menthos through his will against the voice in an attempt to push them sounds from his mind. Slowly the stream of hellish insults reduced themselves to a mere trickle as Menthos was able to pluck out of the stream of vile four words in infernal that repeated themselves over and over again. Menthos soon found himself repeating the sounds, those sounds then became words, the words became power, the power became an understanding, and the understanding became a mastering. *

Hours passed and soon a haggard Menthos, bleeding from his ears and eyes stumbled out of a cave hundreds of miles south of Highcastle, collapsed into the waiting arms of Statinisor high priest of Kador. In the time it took for Statinisor to speak his word of recall the two men were transported back to the Temple of Kador in Highcastle. Menthos tried to sleep soundly that night but his dreams were filled with visions of burning souls and flayed bodies of those that were not worthy enough to swim in the lake of fire. Usually these nightmares brought Menthos to a waking sweat filled with gasping breaths, tonight however they merely annoyed him as if he’d rather be dreaming of his fantasy harem, and he seemed to tolerate the fire dreams this time. Maybe they held less scare power over him he thought, whatever the case he relished not having to rouse himself from sleep for it.

That morning at breakfast, Turgar was the first to notice something different about the teifling. Nothing visually apparent, just the air about him seemed ancient, the dragon shaman made a mental note to try and determine what exactly Menthos was doing with the Kadors.

Haimish too noticed it, when the warlock sat down to eat, Haimish made an observation that this person was trouble, which seemed odd as he’d known Menthos for weeks now and while he had gotten that impression before it had seemed to wane in the coming days as Menthos had gotten Haimish out of his stoning and had been able to provider the party with a free place to sleep and eat. This morning however the feeling was back again and no longer an impression but a certainty that this man was trouble waiting to happen.

“I’m headed north soon, I accepted a job for the temple to help them deal with some goblins that are harassing a keep they have. If any of you want to come along and play with some inferior creatures, I certainly wouldn’t fault you for coming along.” Menthos announces as he tears into a chunk of grapefruit.

“Goblins? Doopa will bring roasting sticks and basting sauce!” The ogre excitedly announces

“Totally uncouth, why on earth would you eat one? You live with them.” Turgar inquires

“Why you think that is? Less energy spent chasing small goblin mean more energy spent eating.” So speaks the wise Doopa

Turgar realized that while Doopa may not be the sharpest vorpal blade in the bunch, but his limited weapons could get the job done. He would not be taking Doopa lightly anymore, too many times his understanding of a given situation outshine his dimwittedness.

“I could use some easy hunting, I’ll go north with you.” Haimish announced

Turgar accepted as well, more out of not wanting Doopa to get any glory than for a desire to travel with the warlock any further.

Kessen decided he would wait on Xanthos, he wasn’t going anywhere with these people unless he could count a friend among the ranks.

*Menthos now has use of Dark Speech from the BoVD

Jon Potter

First Post
Hairy Minotaur said:
Menthos now has use of Dark Speech from the BoVD


I don't have my BoVD in front of me, but I wonder: does that require an Evil alignment?

Menthos could certainly have been Evil from the beginning, but an alignement shift would explain Haimish's uncomfortableness around the tiefling.

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