George Lucas Plans 'Star Wars' TV Series

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Dude, stuff like this has been floating around since RoTS came out. I'll stop holding my breath when I actually see live action Star Wars on my TV.


I saw that the other day, and thought it was old news? Didn't he start talking about it just after RoTS came out?

Supposed to be a transition between that movie and ANH. Which is a shame, since I'd really love to see a Lando Calrissian TV show.

trancejeremy said:
I saw that the other day, and thought it was old news? Didn't he start talking about it just after RoTS came out?

Supposed to be a transition between that movie and ANH. Which is a shame, since I'd really love to see a Lando Calrissian TV show.
Yeah...its pretty much two year old news at this point.

For some reason its suddenly picked up in the news circuits like its new, though.


There's actually some work going on now though. Lucas is evidently meeting with a pool of writers next week to choose writers for the first season. They hope to start filming in 2009, and seem to be looking at a 13 episode season. All this comes from the's TV series info page.


The nice thing about this, though, is hopefully it won't erase previous canon (like the special editions) but simply explore the Star Wars universe more. And he won't be writing it himself. He's got great ideas, but his writing (at least in the most recent films) could have used some more polish.

James Heard

Personally I think that they if they did an Old Republic series it might work (and especially "work" in a financial sense if they ever pull their heads out of their behinds and release KOTOR3) but I think there's just a lot about "Lucas Star Wars" right now that still leaves a bad taste in people's mouths. Han shoots first. Prequel trilogy. Jar Jar.

I don't think for a minute that people are tired of the mythos, but the films really took a beating.

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