4th Edition Bard


First Post
This is a repost of my bard on the wotc forums. I just wanted to get more critique and feedback. Hope you guys like it.

For those who wish to just see a pdf you can download the class at this link. http://www.badongo.com/file/9985993 The pdf contains the most current version of the class.

Update- June 27, 2008: After collecting errata and some suggestions, I've compiled them into a new pdf. I've also included a new epic destiny and the npc template for dm's who wish to use bard for nefarious deeds. Thanks again everyone for the feedback.
You can get the new pdf at the following sites:

Update- September 20, 2008: After some free time I finally managed to glance over the bard again and tweaked it a little bit. Among the changes are addition of armor proficiency (chain), removal of the rapier, and an assortment of critical corrections to power attack types. A few powers changed slightly such as bardic music being streamlined and some of them moving to feats. Thanks again everyone for the feedback.

You can get the new pdf at the following site

“Legends are forged through the sound of music and prose.”

Class Traits
Role: Leader. You lead by singing or playing music, and casting potent magic spells that aid your allies and hinder your opponents.
Power Source: Arcane. You have mastered the art of magic through song and music.
Key Abilities: Charisma, Dexterity, Intelligence
Armor Proficiencies: Cloth, Leather, Hide
Weapon Proficiency: Simple Melee, simple Ranged, longsword, short sword, shortbow
Implement: Bardic Instrument
Bonus to Defense: +1 Will, +1 Reflex

Hit Points at 1st Level: 12 + Constitution score
Hit points per Level Gained: 5
Healing Surges per Day: 6 + Constitution modifier

Trained Skills: Streetwise (Cha) and Arcana (Int).
Choose any three other skills except Endurance (Con)

Build Options: Musician, Spellblade
Class Features: Bardic Knowledge, Cantrips, Bardic Music, Healing Hymn

Bards are the quintessential companions. Traveling the land and picking up a variety of tricks, stories and magic enables Bards to aid their allies with sound advice or inspiring music. A true trickster at heart, Bards have a strong tie to illusory magic, which confuses their foes and sometimes entertains audiences. Inspiring the masses with a masterful song or poem, the Bard is a confident and capable leader.
A Bard is a jack-of-all-trades, using his music to fill in a variety of roles if need be. An aspiring bard could be a simple minstrel, an accomplished thief who covers up his capers with his performances, a devoted sage or a competent swordsman.
Bards are a mystery all unto themselves, using their abilities for their own benefit or for others. In the end the decision is up to you, to be a dashing hero or an unscrupulous scoundrel.

Creating a Bard
The Bard has two basic builds to start: The Musician and the Spell Blade.

The Musician
You are the center of attention, bursting into song or playing a fine medley, you grant powerful effects to your allies. This build usually is in the back lines, supporting your allies and hindering your foes with mind affecting effects. To this end, choose powers that give your allies the upper hand or heal them. Using your offensive songs at the right time can also turn the tide of a battle in your favor. Make Charisma your primary score and Dexterity as your secondary and intelligence as your tertiary score.
Suggested Feat: Skill Focus, Alertness
Suggested Skills: Perception, Insight, Diplomacy
Suggested At-Will Powers: Inhibiting Song, Warning Yell
Suggested Encounter Power: Distracting Shout
Suggested Daily Power: Burst of Awe

The Spell Blade
Using a myriad of special abilities you've picked up on your way through the world, your attacks flourish with arcane might. You strike swiftly with deadly effect. This build focuses mostly on melee combat and usually plays mind games with those you face. Assign your highest ability score to Dexterity, and your secondary score to Charisma. Apply your tertiary score to Intelligence.

Suggested Feat: Nimble Blade (Human feat: Toughness)
Suggested Skills: Acrobatics, Athletics, Perception, Bluff
Suggested At-Will Powers: Improvised Jab, Insightful Strike
Suggested Encounter Power: Critical Strike
Suggested Daily Power: Accelerated Strike

Bard Overview
Characteristics: You are a jack of multiple trades, with a good combination of Melee and Ranged powers. Most of your attacks deal a reasonable amount of damage but they usually grant bonuses to your allies. Some of your powers also can fool or Incapacitate opponents, giving you control over the battlefield for the short time. Some of your powers can also be used to heal your allies effectively.
Religion: Bards usually can be found worshiping any deity, however most gravitate to Avandra, Erathis, or Ioun. Evil bards usually worship Vecna, Lolth or Zehir.
Races: Halflings are almost perfect bards having a mix of trickery and wit to get by. Half-Elves also make excellent Bards, using their strong personalities to great effect with their music and relations with other people. All other races usually some historical or musical tradition, which many do very well at.

Bards make use of instruments to help channel and direct their arcane powers. A bard holding a magic bardic instrument can add its enhancement bonus to the attack rolls and the damage rolls of bard powers, as well as bard paragon path powers that have the implement keyword. Without a bardic instrument, a bard can still use these powers but he or she doesn’t gain the bonus provide by the magic implement.

A typical Bardic instrument costs about as much as a holy symbol.

Bard Class Features
All bards have these class features.

Bardic Knowledge
A bard picks up obscure stories and legends from other bards and people. As a result, a bard knows a little bit about almost everything gaining a +2 to all knowledge checks.

A bard has minor training in the arcane arts and as a result, can choose 2 cantrips from the wizard list and can use them as At Will powers.

Bardic music
Once per encounter you can play or sing a Bardic song, inspiring your allies to greater deeds, or confusing your opponents. Regardless of how many different uses you have for Bardic Song, you can use only one such ability per encounter. The special ability or power you invoke works just like your other powers. A starting bard can choose two of the following musical options;

Bardic Music: Countersong - Bard Feature
You sing and play at your highest notes trying to mask the sounds of battle.
Encounter ✦ Arcane
Immediate Interrupt Close
burst 5 (10 at 11th, 15 at 21st)
Trigger: You or one of your allies is attacked by an effect with the thunder or charm keyword.
Target: All allies within burst
Effect: Against an effect with the thunder or charm keyword, the target gains resist 5. This effect lasts until the end of your next turn.
In addition, if the triggering attack has a lingering effect, the target gets an immediate save to remove the effect.
The bonus increases to resist 10 at 11th level, and 15 at 21st level.

Bardic Music: Inspire Courage - Bard Feature
You quickly chant a song of bravery, and raise your allies’ morale for a few seconds.
Encounter ✦ Arcane
Standard Action Close
burst 5 (10 at 11th, 15 at 21st)
Target: All allies within burst
Effect: Target gains a +1 power bonus to attack and damage rolls. In addition, if the target is subjected to or currently affected by an effect with the fear keyword it gets an immediate save to remove it. This effect lasts until the end of your next turn.
The bonus increases to +2 at 11th level and +3 at 21st level.

Bardic Music: Fascinating Song - Bard Feature
A strange but soothing melody erupts from you, enthralling your enemies in their steps.
Encounter ✦ Arcane, Charm, Implement
Standard Action Ranged
Target: One creature within range (2 creatures at 11th level, 3 creatures at 21st level)
Attack: Charisma vs. Will.
Hit: Target is restrained and can't take attacks against you until the end of your next turn (save ends). If you or your allies attack the target, this effect ends immediately.
Special: You can activate Healing Hymn and it sustains the effect until the end of your next turn.

Bardic Music: Inspire Competence - Bard Feature
A mellow melody motivates your allies to try their best.
Encounter ✦ Arcane, Implement
Standard Action Close
burst 10
Target: All allies within burst
Effect: Your allies gain a +2 power bonus to their skill checks until the start of your next turn. The bonus increases to +3 at level 11, +4 at level 21, +5 at level 30.
Special: You can activate Healing Hymn and it sustains the song until the end of your next turn.

Healing Hymn
Using the healing hymn power, bards can heal their allies with mystic songs.

Healing Hymn - Bard Feature
You hum or play a musical note that soothes an ally's pain.
Encounter ✦ (Special) Arcane, Healing
Special: You can use this power twice per encounter, but only once per round. At 16th level you can use this power three times per encounter.
Minor Action Close burst 5 (10 at 11th level, 15 at 21st level)
Target: You or one ally
Effect: The target can spend a healing surge and regain an additional 1d6 hit points. The amount of additional hit points regained is 2d6 at 6th level, 3d6 at 11th level, 4d6 at 16th level, 5d6 at 21st level and 6d6 at 26th level.
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First Post
Heroic Powers

Bard Powers
Your bard powers are called spellsongs. Some are better for the musician and some are better for the spellblade. But a bard can choose any power when making a power selection.

Level 1 At-Will Spellsongs

Inciting Strike - Bard Attack 1
By striking in a skilled fashion, your allies are inspired to fight longer.

At Will ✦ Arcane, Weapon
Standard Action Melee
Target: One creature
Attack: Dexterity vs. AC
Hit: 1[w]+Dexterity modifier damage, and one ally you can see gains temporary hit points equal to your Intelligence modifier + one-half your level.
Increase damage to 2[w]+ dexterity modifier at 21st level.

Improvised Jab - Bard Attack 1
You attack your foe in an unorthodox manner, allowing one of your comrades to take advantage of the situation.

At Will ✦ Arcane, Weapon
Standard Action Melee
Target: One creature
Attack: Dexterity vs. AC
Hit: 1[w] + Dexterity modifier damage. One ally within 5 squares gains a power bonus to on its next attack roll against the target equal to your Dexterity modifier.
Increase damage to 2[w]+ dexterity modifier at 21st level.

Inhibiting Song - Bard Attack 1
You sing or play a strange verse, distracting your foe's attention from your allies.

At Will ✦ Arcane, Thunder, Implement
Standard Action Ranged
Target: One creature
Attack: Charisma vs. Will
Hit: Deal damage equal to your Charisma modifier, target takes a penalty to attack rolls equal to your Intelligence modifier.

Warning Yell - Bard Attack 1
You shout at your opponent, giving your ally enough time to recover.

At Will ✦ Arcane, Thunder, Implement
Standard Action Ranged
Target: One creature
Attack: Charisma vs. Reflex
Hit: 1d8+ Charisma modifier thunder damage and one ally within 5 squares of you can make a saving throw.
2d8 + Charisma modifier at 21st level.

Level 1 Encounter Spellsongs

Distracting Shout - Bard Attack 1
By yelling an insult or just making a loud noise, your opponent lowers his guard for a second. Just enough time for your ally to take advantage.

Encounter ✦ Arcane, Implement, Thunder
Standard Action Ranged
Target: One creature.
Attack: Charisma vs. Will.
Hit: 1d10+Charisma modifier thunder damage, one ally adjacent to the target gets a basic melee attack against it as a free action. Your ally adds your Intelligence modifier to the damage.

Critical Strike - Bard Attack 1
By seizing the moment to attack, you motivate your allies to press on and rout your opponent.

Encounter ✦ Arcane, Weapon
Standard Action Melee
Target: One creature
Attack: Dexterity vs. AC
Special: Must be flanking while making this attack.
Hit: 1 [w] + dexterity modifier damage, and all allies within 3 squares gain a +2 power bonus to attack rolls against the target until the end of your next turn. In addition, one ally within 5 squares can spend a healing surge.

Amplifying Verse - Bard Attack 1
As you strike, you chant a heroic motto that allows you and your ally to concentrate on the flow of battle.

Encounter ✦ Arcane, Weapon
Standard Action Melee
Target: One creature
Attack: Dexterity vs. AC
Hit: 1 [w] +Dexterity modifier damage, you and one ally within 5 squares gain +1 power bonus to attack and defenses until the end of your next turn. In addition, your ally gains temporary hit points equal to your Intelligence modifier + one-half your level.

Phantom Blow - Bard Attack 1
After you strike, your foe sees shadows approaching at every angle, opening up potential assaults.

Encounter ✦ Arcane, Weapon, Illusion
Standard Action Melee
Target: One creature
Attack: Dexterity vs. AC.
Hit: 1 [w] + Dexterity modifier damage and target is considered flanked until the end of your next turn.

Level 1 Daily Spellsongs

Burst of Awe - Bard Attack 1
With a flick of your wrist and an intoned word, a burst of light staggers your foes and gives your allies new hope.

Daily ✦ Arcane, Implement, Thunder
Standard action Close
burst 2
Target: Each enemy in burst
Attack: Charisma vs. Will.
Hit: The target is dazed until the end of its next turn.
Effect: You and all your allies in the burst regain 5 hit points and receive 5 temporary hit points + your Charisma modifier.

Accelerated Strike - Bard Attack 1
You strike hard and fast, inciting your allies to follow your example.

Daily ✦ Arcane, Weapon
Standard Action Melee
Target: One creature
Attack: Dexterity vs. AC
Hit: 3[w] + Dexterity modifier.
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, you and your allies within 5 squares can shift as a minor action.

Tasha's Hideous Laughter - Bard Attack 1
With a twist of your fingers and a quick joke, an opponent falls to the ground laughing uncontrollably, uplifting the chaos of combat if but for a few seconds.

Daily ✦ Arcane, Implement, Charm
Standard Action Ranged
Target: One creature
Attack: Charisma vs. Will
Hit: Target falls prone and is stunned (save ends)
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, you and each ally within sight, gain a +2 power bonus to attack rolls against the target.
Special:If the target is of a different race, it gains a +2 bonus to its save because humor doesn't translate well.

Shadow Image - Bard Attack 1
You close your eyes and imagine a goblin walking across the bridge.

Daily ✦ Arcane, Implement, Illusion
Standard Action Ranged
1 square within 10 squares
Target: One square (see below)
Attack: Charisma vs. Will.
Hit: 1d6+ Charisma modifier damage (only when illusion attacks)
Miss: Target realizes its an illusion and is now immune to the spell.
Effect: You make a visual illusion of an object or creature or force that occupies a square. The illusion cannot go further than 10 squares from you or out of line of sight.
You can move your image up to 6 squares as a minor action and make it attack as a move action. if you make your image attack or the image is attacked by a foe, you must make a attack roll against the creature the illusion attacked or which attacked the illusion. This illusion lasts until the end of your next turn.
Sustain Standard: Illusion lasts until the end of your next turn up to a maximum of 5 minutes.

Grease - Bard Attack 1
By either humming a tune or chanting mystical words, you conjure a field of an oil-like substance, which covers a creature or the ground beneath your opponents.

Daily ✦ Arcane, Implement
Standard Action Ranged
burst 2 within 10 squares
Target: Each creature in burst or one creature
Attack: Charisma vs. Reflex
Hit (burst): Target is knocked prone. This power lasts until the end of your next turn. Any creature that enters the area is subject to another attack. You can dismiss this effect as a minor action.
Hit: (creature):Drop one item to the ground that is in target’s hands, your choice. The target is so slippery that he or she gains a +4 power bonus to escape grabs, and a -4 penalty for attempting grabs. This effect lasts until the end of your next turn.

Level 2 Utility Spellsongs

Refreshing Song - Bard Utility 2
You hum a simple tune of encouragement putting your ally's mind at ease.

Daily ✦ Arcane, Healing
Standard Action Melee
Target: You or one creature
Effect: The target gains the effect of a second wind. Add your Intelligence modifier to the hit points regained.
Special: This power's effect does not count as the target's second wind for the encounter.

Improvisation - Bard Utility 2
Hit him with the chair!

Encounter ✦ Arcane
Minor Action Ranged
Targets: You or one creature
Effect: The target gains a power bonus to attack rolls and skill checks equal to your Intelligence modifier until the end of your next turn.

Inspirational Boost - Bard Utility 2
With an encouraging medley, you give your allies a renewed resolve.

Encounter ✦ Arcane Minor Action Close burst 5
Target: You and each ally in burst
Effect: The targets gain a +2 power bonus to their attack rolls and defenses until the end of your next turn.

Lively Step - Bard Utility 2
A quick fanfare is all it takes to march faster.

Encounter ✦ Arcane
Minor Action Close
burst 6
Targets: You and each ally in burst
Effect: Until the end of your next turn, the targets speed increases by 2 squares.

Level 3 Encounter Spellsongs

Bladeweave - Bard Attack 3
Your blade shifts and weaves, dizzying your opponent as you strike.

Encounter ✦ Arcane, Weapon, Illusion
Standard Action Melee
Target: One creature
Attack: Dexterity vs. AC
Hit: 2 [w] + Dexterity modifier and the target is dazed until the end of your next turn.

Ironthunder Horn - Bard Attack 3
You blow an eldritch horn that appears, pointing it at a foe in the distance, knocking him to the ground.

Encounter ✦ Arcane, Implement, Thunder
Standard Action Ranged
Target: One creature
Attack: Charisma vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2d10 + Charisma modifier thunder damage and knocks the target prone.

Pyrotechnics - Bard Attack 3
With a wave of the hand and a snap of your fingers, a flash of light bursts in an opponent's eyes.

Encounter ✦ Arcane, Implement, Radiant
Standard Action Ranged
Target: One creature.
Attack: Charisma vs. Will.
Hit: 1d10+ charisma modifier radiant damage. Target is dazed until the end of your next turn.

Distorting Strike - Bard Attack 3
You mutter a spell under your breath and strike with your weapon, sapping the strength from your opponent.

Encounter ✦ Arcane, Weapon
Standard Action Melee
Target: One creature
Attack: Dexterity vs. AC.
Hit: 2 [w] + weakened until the end of its next turn.

Bard Daily Spellsongs 5

Glitterdust - Bard Attack 5
You throw a stream of shining purple dust that sticks to your foe's armor and eyes.

Daily ✦ Arcane, Implement
Standard Action Ranged
burst 2 within 20 squares
Target: Each creature in burst
Attack: Charisma vs. Will
Hit: Target is blinded. (save ends), suffer a -5 penalty to stealth checks until the end of the encounter, outlines invisibility.
Miss: suffer a -5 to stealth checks until the end of the encounter, outlines invisibility.

Wave of Grief - Bard Attack 5
With a cry of sorrow your foes start to believe the fight is hopeless.

Daily ✦ Arcane, Implement
Standard Action Ranged
Blast 3
Target: Each creature in blast
Attack: Charisma vs. Will
Hit: Until the end of the encounter, the target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls and defenses. (save ends). If the target fails its save, the target becomes restrained.

Battle Hymn - Bard Attack 5
Singing a heroic song of battle, you wade into combat, inspiring an ally to continue the fight.

Daily ✦ Arcane, Weapon
Standard Action Melee
Target: One creature
Attack: Dexterity vs. AC
Hit: 2 [w] + Charisma modifier damage. One ally within 5 squares makes a saving throw, with a +2 power bonus.
Miss: One ally within 5 squares makes a saving throw against one effect that the target caused and that a save can end.

Sonic Weapon - Bard Attack 5
Your weapon roars with a thunderclap.

Daily ✦ Arcane, Thunder, Weapon
Minor Action Melee
Target: One held weapon
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, all attacks made with the weapon deal an extra 1d6 thunder damage. When the weapon hits an enemy, the enemy takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls until the end of the weapon wielder's next turn.

Level 6 Utility Spellsongs

Swift Invisibility - Bard Utility 6
You sing a quick verse and you are concealed for a few seconds from your foes.

Encounter ✦Arcane, Illusion
Minor Action Personal

Effect: You are invisible until the start of your next turn. If you attack, you become visible.

Rage - Bard Utility 6
With a steady beat, you whip your allies into a frenzy.

Daily ✦ Arcane
Standard Action Close
burst 5
Target: You and each ally in burst
Effect: The target gains temporary hit points equal to half your character level. In addition, the target gains a +1 power bonus to attack, damage and Will defense. However, the target suffers a -1 penalty to AC. All of these benefits and penalties last until the end of the encounter.

Combined Talent - Bard Utility 6
You exhort your allies to work together, guiding their actions in song.

Encounter ✦ Arcane
Minor Action Close
burst 5
Target: You and each ally in burst
Effect: Until the end of your next turn, aiding another is a minor action and the bonus granted is +3 rather than +2.

Soothing Touch - Bard Utility 6
Whispering ancient words you touch your ally on the shoulder reinvigorating him.

Daily ✦ Arcane, Healing
Standard Action Melee
Target: You or one creature
Effect: The target regains hit points as if spent a healing surge, and the target may use a second wind as an immediate action. Add your Intelligence Modifier to the hit points regained.
Special:: This power's effect does not count as the target's second wind for the encounter.

Heroism - Bard Utility 6
With a word of encouragement, you or your ally unlocks their heroic potential.

Daily ✦ Arcane, Healing
Standard Action Melee
Target: You or one creature
Effect: The target regains hit points as if it had spent a healing surge and a +2 power bonus on attack rolls, skill checks and saves until the end of the encounter.

Level 7 Encounter Spellsongs

Hold Creature - Bard Attack 7
With a piercing gaze, you assault the mind of your foe, making him freeze in his steps.

Daily ✦ Arcane, Implement, Charm
Standard Action Ranged
Target: One creature
Attack: Charisma vs. Will
Hit: 2d8+Charisma modifier psychic damage, target is restrained until the end of your next turn.

Deafening Blast - Bard Attack 7
The sound of an explosion ripples out from the location you point at.

Encounter ✦ Arcane, Implement, Thunder
Standard Action Ranged
burst 2 within 10 squares
Target: All creatures within blast
Attack: Charisma vs. Fortitude
Hit: 3d6 + Charisma modifier thunder damage, target is deafened. (save ends)

Echoing strike - Bard Attack 7
With a swift blow, the sound of thunder echoes in your foe's ear.

Encounter ✦ Arcane, Weapon, Thunder
Standard Action Melee
Target: One creature
Attack: Dexterity vs. AC
Hit: 1[w] + Dexterity modifier and takes 5 ongoing thunder damage (save ends), One ally within 5 squares can spend a healing surge. Add your Intelligence modifier to the hit points regained.

Tactical Precision - Bard Attack 7
You strike at the right time, encouraging your allies to work as a team.

Encounter ✦ Arcane, Weapon
Standard Action Melee
Target: One creature
Attack: Dexterity vs. AC
Hit: 2[w] + Dexterity modifier.
Effect: You and all allies within 5 squares gain a +2 power bonus to attack rolls and an additional 1d6 damage when attacking a creature that is granting combat advantage. This lasts until the end of your next turn.

Level 9 Daily Spellsongs

Dirge of Discord - Bard Attack 9
You play an eerie song of death that sows confusion among your foes.

Daily ✦ Arcane, Implement, Necrotic
Standard Action Ranged
burst 2 within 5 squares
Target: All creatures within burst
Attack: Charisma vs. Will
Hit: 3d6+Charisma modifier necrotic damage, target is slowed and takes a -2 penalty on attack rolls and AC (save ends)
Miss: half damage, target is slowed and takes a -2 penalty on attack rolls and AC until the start of your next turn.

Whirling Blade - Bard Attack 9
You extend a hand and toss your blade out, surprising your enemies as it spins and cuts all in its path.

Daily ✦Arcane, Weapon
Standard Action Close
blast 3
Target: Each enemy in blast
Attack: Dexterity vs. AC
Hit: 2 [w] + Dexterity modifier damage, target grants combat advantage until the end of your next turn.

Sound Burst - Bard Attack 9
The roaring sound of a furious thunderstorm explodes at your command, leaving your foes reeling in pain.

Daily ✦ Arcane, Implement, Thunder
Standard Action Ranged
Burst 2 within 20 squares
Target: Each creature in burst
Attack: Strength vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2d10+ Thunder damage, target is stunned (save ends).
Miss: Half damage.

War Cry - Bard Attack 9
With a loud battleshout and a heroic charge, your foes flee before you as your allies follow your lead.

Daily ✦ Arcane, Weapon
Standard Action Melee
Target: One creature
Attack: Dexterity vs. AC
Special: You must charge as part of this attack.
Hit: 2[w]+cha modifier the target moves its speed + your charisma modifier away from you. The fleeing target avoids unsafe squares and difficult terrain if it can. This movement provokes opportunity attacks.
Effect: All allies within sight can spend a healing surge.

Level 10 Utility Spellsongs

Victorious Song - Bard Utility 10
Playing the anthem of ancient empires, you boost your allies’ morale to win the fight.

Daily ✦ Arcane
Standard Action Ranged
burst 6
Target: You and all allies within hearing range.
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, the target gains a +2 power bonus to attack rolls, skill checks, saves and damage rolls.

Lingering Chorus - Bard Utility 10
Spectral voices continue to echo your song.

Daily ✦ Arcane
Free action Personal

Effect: You do not need to sustain any of your Bardic Music for the rest of the encounter. In addition, the bonus or number of targets for your Bardic Music increases by 1 until the end of the encounter.

Recovering song - Bard Utility 10
You start to chant an elven lullaby, granting peace for a few seconds in a pitched battle.

Daily ✦ Arcane, Healing
Standard Action Close
burst 5
Targets: You and each ally in burst
Effect: Each target can activate their second wind. Add your Intelligence modifier to the hit points recovered. This use does not count as the target's second wind for the encounter. In addition, each target gains a +2 power bonus on its saves until the end of your next turn.

G'elsewhere Chant - Bard Utility 10
As you chant and touch your ally's hand, golden sparks fly out as he appears a distance away in relative safety.

Daily ✦ Arcane, Teleportation
Move Action Melee
Target: You, one ally, or one unattended object
Effect: The target teleports 10 squares away in a random direction and must end up further away from all enemies.
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First Post
Paragon Tier Powers

Level 13 Encounter Spellsongs

Haunting Tune - Bard Attack 13
You sing a grim chorus and your foes shudder in fear.

Encounter ✦ Arcane, Fear
Standard Action Ranged
burst 2 within 10 squares
Target: All creatures in burst
Attack: Charisma vs. Will
Hit: 2d10 + Charisma modifier psychic damage. The target receives a -2 penalty to attack rolls and defenses until the end of your next turn.

Dissonant Chord - Bard Attack 13
You play a loud note which is atrocious to hear, driving your enemies back.
Encounter ✦ Arcane, Implement, Thunder
Standard Action Close
burst 2
Target: Each enemy in burst
Attack: Charisma vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2d8 + charisma modifier thunder damage, and you slide the target out of the burst area.

Wounding Lunge - Bard Attack 13
You swing or thrust your weapon as hard as you can, drawing blood from your foe.

Encounter ✦ Arcane, Weapon
Standard Action Melee
Target: One creature
Attack: Dexterity vs. AC.
Hit: 3 [w] + dexterity modifier damage, target is considered bloodied to you and your allies until the start of your next turn.

Shadowmend - Bard Attack 13
As you strike your foe you are covered in shadows. The resulting shadows casts over your allies and heals them.

Encounter ✦ Arcane, Weapon, Illusion, Healing
Standard Action Melee
Target: One creature
Attack: Dexterity vs. AC
Hit: 2 [w] + dexterity modifier damage and any ally within 5 squares can spend a healing surge.
Effect: You gain concealment until the end of your next turn.

Level 15 Daily Spellsongs

Misfortune's Curse - Bard Attack 15
You curse the foe and laugh at how unlucky he is to face you in combat.

Daily ✦ Arcane, Implement, Charm
Standard Action Ranged
Target: One creature
Attack: Charisma vs. Will
Hit: Until the end of the encounter, the target must re-roll any roll it makes and take the lowest result. (save ends).
Miss: Until the end of the encounter, the target takes a -2 penalty to all rolls it makes. (save ends)

Puppeteer - Bard Attack 15
With a chuckle and the movement of your fingers, your foe grimaces in pain and then falls under your control as if it were a puppet.

Daily ✦ Arcane, Implement, Charm, Psychic
Standard Action Ranged
Target: One creature
Attack: Charisma vs. Will
Hit: 4d8+ Charisma modifier psychic damage. In addition, the target is dominated until the end of your next turn (save ends). Suicidal actions grant an immediate saving throw to remove the effect.
Miss: Half damage and target is immobilized until the end of your next turn
Sustain Minor:The effect persists until the end of your next turn, up till a maximum of 5 minutes.

Otto's Imperative Ambulation - Bard Attack 15
After you strike, your foe feels compelled to move recklessly.

Daily ✦ Martial, Weapon, Charm
Standard Action Melee
Target: One creature
Attack: Dexterity vs. Will
Hit: 3 [w] + Dexterity Modifier damage. Until the end of the encounter, the target must first move 2 squares before taking any action. (save ends)

Menacing Shade - Bard Attack 15
You close your eyes and imagine an ogre smashing your foes under its foot.

Daily ✦ Arcane, Implement, Illusion
Standard Action Ranged
4 squares within 10 squares
Target: Up to four squares (see below)
Attack: Charisma vs. Will.
Hit: 3d6 + Charisma modifier damage (only when illusion attacks)
Miss: Target realizes its an illusion and is now immune to the spell.
Effect: You make a visual illusion of an object, creature or force that occupies up to four squares. The illusion cannot go further than 10 squares from you or out of line of sight.
You can move your image up to 6 squares as a minor action and make it attack as a move action. if you make your image attack or the image is attacked by a foe, you must make a attack roll against the creature the illusion attacked or which attacked the illusion. This illusion lasts until the end of your next turn.
Sustain Standard: The Illusion lasts until the end of your next turn up to a maximum of 5 minutes.

Dolorous Blow - Bard Attack 15
You strike your opponent in the head, impairing his judgment when avoiding deadly blows.

Daily ✦ Arcane, Weapon
Standard Action Melee
Target: One creature
Attack: Dexterity vs. AC
Hit: 3[w] + dexterity modifier damage. Until the end of the encounter, any attack roll against the target can score a critical hit on a roll of 19-20.
Miss: half damage.

Level 16 Utility Spellsongs
Protégé - Bard Utility 16
With a slap on the back, you hand an ally a harp, and he starts to play a masterpiece.

Daily ✦ Arcane
Standard Action Melee
Target: One ally
Effect: The target gains the power to use Bardic songs and Healing Hymn as if he were a bard of half your level. In addition, he gains a +2 power bonus on reflex and will defenses. These effects last until the end of the encounter.

Ruin-Delvers Fortune - Bard Utility 16
The mistakes of the past will not be repeated.

Daily ✦ Arcane
Immediate Interrupt Ranged
Trigger: A creature attacks you or your ally
Effect: The target gains a power bonus to all defenses equal to your Charisma modifier against the attack. In addition, the target takes no damage or ill effect on a miss.

Song of Grace - Bard Utility 16
A calming song lets you and your allies catch your breath.

Encounter ✦ Arcane, Healing
Standard Action Close
burst 5
Target: You and each ally in burst
Effect: Each target can spend a second wind.
Special: This power's effect does not count as the target's second wind for the encounter.

Haste - Bard Utility 16
You play a song as fast as you can, as your allies speed up with the ominous rhythm.

Daily ✦ Arcane
Standard Action Close
burst 5
Target: You and each ally in burst
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, you and all allies speed increases by 2. In addition the targets gain a +1 power bonus to attack rolls and reflex saves with a free basic attack as long as they haven't taken a move action in the round.

Swift Fly - Bard Utility 16
With a muttered word, you begin to fly if only for a few seconds.

Encounter ✦ Arcane
Minor Action Personal

Effect: You gain a speed of fly 8 until the start of your next turn.

Level 17 Encounter Spellsongs

Blinking Assault - Bard Attack 17
You appear and disappear from reality for a few seconds as you approach your foe.

Encounter ✦ Arcane, Weapon
Standard Action Melee
Special: You can move up to your speed before or after striking without provoking opportunity attacks. You can’t use this power's effects work in an area with an active forbiddance ritual.
Attack: Dexterity vs. AC
Hit: 2 [w] + dexterity modifier damage.
Effect: You gain total concealment until the start of your next turn.

Resonating Melody - Bard Attack 17
You repeat a verse over and over, healing your allies and confusing your opponents.

Encounter ✦ Arcane, Psychic, Healing
Standard Action Close
burst 5
Target: Each foe in burst.
Attack: Charisma vs. Will
Hit: 3d6 + Charisma modifier psychic damage, and target takes a -2 penalty to ac until the start of your next turn.
Effect: You and each ally within the burst can spend a second wind.

Shout - Bard Attack 17
You cup a hand near your mouth and let loose a yell at the top of your lungs, shattering everything in your path.

Encounter ✦ Arcane, Implement, Thunder
Standard Action Close
Blast 6
Target: Each creature or object in blast
Attack: Charisma vs. Fortitude.
Special: If the target is a construct or object, the attack is Charisma vs. Reflex.
Hit: 4d6 + charisma modifier thunder damage and the target is deafened (save ends) If the target is a construct or unattended object, the damage is 4d8+ charisma modifier thunder damage.

Spectral Strike - Bard Attack 17
Your hands and weapon become ghostlike, enveloping your foe in shadow as you lunge forward.

Encounter ✦ Arcane, Weapon, Illusion
Standard Action Melee
Target: One creature
Attack: Dexterity +2 vs. reflex
Hit: 3[w] damage + Dexterity modifier. The target considers all foes to have concealment until the end of your next turn.

Level 19 Daily Spellsongs

Resounding Thunder - Bard Attack 19
The sound of a tornado’s winds explodes in the ear of any who dare attack you or your ally.

Daily ✦ Arcane, Thunder
Standard Action Melee
Target: You or one ally.
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, any creature that attacks the target in melee takes 3d8+ charisma modifier thunder damage plus ongoing 10 thunder damage. (save ends), In addition, the target gains a +2 power bonus to ac.

Thundercloud - Bard Attack 19
You sing a cadenza, and a standing wave of thunder lingers in the area.

Daily ✦ Arcane, Implement, Conjuration, Thunder
Standard Action Area
wall 10 within 10 squares
Effect: You create a wall of contiguous squares that have continuous sound waves echoing through the area that lasts until the end of your next turn. The wall can be up to 10 squares long and 4 squares high. The spaces occupied by the wall are considered difficult terrain. If a creature enters the wall, or starts its turn there, it takes 4d6+charisma Modifier thunder damage and is deafened (save ends).
Sustain Minor: The barrier persists.

Melf's Slumber Arrows- Bard Attack 19
You open your palm slightly and arrow with swirling green dust appears.

Daily ✦ Arcane, Sleep
Standard action Personal

Effect: Until the end of the encounter, you can manifest up to one special arrow per turn as a minor action. Only you may shoot this magical arrow. Firing this arrow is a basic ranged attack that deals 3d8+charisma modifier damage and slows the target (save ends). If the target fails its first saving throw it becomes unconscious (save ends)
If you miss the attack it deals half damage and the trailing dust slows the target. (save ends)

Mind Fog - Bard Attack 19
A thin mist erupts from the ground, playing tricks on your foe's minds and aiding your allies.

Daily ✦ Arcane, Charm, Psychic, Healing, Zone
Standard Action Close
burst 5
Attack: all enemies within burst
Hit: 4d8+ Charisma Modifier psychic damage. Target takes a -5 penalty to will defense (save ends)
Miss: Half damage. Target takes a -2 penalty to will defense (save ends).
Effect: You and each ally within the area can use your second wind. In addition, you or any ally who begins their turn inside the zone gains regeneration 5 until the end of the encounter.
Special: This power's effect does not count as the target's second wind for the encounter.
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First Post
Epic Tier Powers

Level 22 Utility Spellsongs

Renewed Vigor - Bard Utility 22
A golden light emanates from your feet, giving you and your allies a burst of energy.

Encounter ✦ Arcane, Healing
Standard Action Close
burst 6
Targets: You and each ally in burst
Effect: Target can spend a second wind and gains temporary hit points equal to half your level. In addition, if the target is weakened or slowed, it gets a saving throw to remove the effect.
Special: This power's effect does not count as the target's second wind for the encounter.

Nixie's Grace - Bard Utility 22
The feeling of a wave of water crashes over you and your allies, protecting you from harm.

Daily ✦ Arcane
Standard Action Close
burst 5
Targets: You and each ally in burst
Effect: Target gains resist 5 to all damage and a +2 power bonus defenses until the end of the encounter.
Secondary Effect: You gain a swim speed of 6, low light vision (if applicable) and can breathe underwater for up to 5 minutes.

Legendary Heroism - Bard Utility 22
Legends never die.

Daily ✦ Arcane
Standard Action Melee
Target: You or one ally
Effect: The target gains temporary hit points equal to your level. In addition, until the end of the encounter the target gains a +4 power bonus to attack rolls, skill checks, saves and is immune to fear effects.

Battlecry - Bard Utility 22
With a bold shout, you rally your allies with a burst of confidence.

Encounter ✦ Arcane, Healing
Minor Action Close
burst 10
Target: You and all allies within burst
Effect: Target gains a power bonus on their next damage roll equal to your Charisma modifier. The target must make this attack before the end of your next turn or lose the bonus. In addition, if the target is suffering from a charm, or fear effect, it makes a save against it with a +2 power bonus.

Level 23 Encounter Spellsongs

Nightmare - Bard Attack 23
A torrent of vile and hideous images appears in the mind of your opponent you strike.

Encounter ✦ Arcane, Weapon, Psychic
Standard Action Melee
Target: One creature
Attack: Dexterity vs. AC
Hit: 3 [w] + dexterity modifier psychic damage. Target is weakened until the start of your next turn.

Dimensional Strike - Bard Attack 23
You incant a quick spell and vanish from sight for but a second catching your foe off guard.

Encounter ✦ Arcane, Weapon, Teleportation
Standard Action Melee
Target: One creature
Special: You can teleport up to 5 squares before or after the strike. You gain combat advantage against the opponent you strike.
Attack: Dexterity vs. AC
Hit: 4[w] + dexterity modifier damage.

Mirage Arcana - Bard Attack 23
You Close your eyes and imagine you and your allies are fighting in the trees of a vast jungle.

Encounter ✦ Arcane, Illusion, Implement
Standard Action Close
burst 6
Target: Each enemy in burst
Attack: Charisma vs. Will
Hit: Your opponents believe that the area surrounding you is impassable until the end of your next turn. As a result, you and your allies are considered to have total cover against Melee[/b] attacks, and cover against Ranged[/b] attacks.
Miss: Your opponents believe that the area surrounding you is difficult terrain until the end of your next turn.

Shadow Evocation - Bard Attack 23
You unleash a wave of shadow, which your foes believe to be a burning cloud of fire.

Encounter ✦ Arcane, Implement, Illusion, Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning or Thunder
Standard Action Ranged
burst 4 within 20 squares
Target: Each enemy in burst
Special: Choose one of the following damages before rolling an attack; Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, Thunder
Attack: Charisma vs. Reflex and Will
Hit (Reflex): The target takes a -2 AC and reflex defense until the start of your next turn.
Hit(Will): 4d6 + Charisma modifier elemental damage (see above)
Miss (Reflex): No effect.
Miss (Will): Half damage. Target realizes it was an illusion.

Level 25 Daily Spellsongs
Wail of Doom - Bard Attack 25
You unleash a terrible requiem of agony that envelops your foes in black energy.

Daily ✦ Arcane, Implement, Necrotic
Standard Action Close
blast 6
Target: Each creature in blast
Attack: Charisma vs. Will
Hit: 4d10+ Charisma modifier necrotic damage. The target moves its speed + your Intelligence modifier away from you. The fleeing target avoids unsafe squares and difficult terrain if it can. This movement provokes opportunity attacks. In addition, the target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls and defenses for the rest of the encounter (save ends)
Miss: Half damage, the target takes a -2 penalty to defenses until the end of your next turn.

Otto's Irresistible Dance - Bard Attack 25
As you assault your foe you tap your feet, making your foes and allies dance as well.

Daily ✦ Arcane, Weapon
Standard Action Melee
Target: One creature
Attack: Dexterity vs. Will
Hit: Target is stunned; In addition, at the start of its turn, it provokes an opportunity attack. (save ends each separately)
Miss: Target provokes an opportunity attack.
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, all allies within 5 squares gain +2 power bonus to all defenses and attack rolls.

Misleading Feint - Bard Attack 25
It’s always good to be in two places at once.

Daily ✦ Arcane, Weapon, Illusion
Standard Action Melee
Target: One creature
Attack: Dexterity vs. AC, Will
Hit (AC):5 [w] + Dexterity modifier.
Hit (Will): The target still believes the duplicate is real.
Effect: After attacking, you create an illusory duplicate of your self that stands directly in your square if your duplicate is ever attacked you must make an attack roll (see above). You turn invisible until the end of your next turn. If you attack, the invisibility ends.
Sustain Minor: The effect persists until the end of your next turn up to a maximum of 5 minutes.

Song of Discord - Bard Attack 25
A dissonant melody makes your foes attack each other.

Daily ✦ Arcane, Implement, Charm
Standard Action Ranged
Burst 4 within 20 squares
Target: Each creature in burst
Attack: Charisma vs. Will
Hit: Until the end of the encounter, the target must roll a d100 at the start of its turn. if a 50 or lower is rolled, the creature must attack the nearest creature to the best of its ability. Otherwise, the target may act normally. (save ends)

Level 27 Encounter Spellsongs

Angelic Inspiration - Bard Attack 27
You sing a chorus of angels in battle as you strike, granting your allies a glimpse of the heavens.

Encounter ✦ Arcane, Weapon
Standard Action Melee
Target: One creature
Attack: Dexterity vs. AC
Hit: 3 [w] + Dexterity modifier damage. Each ally within 5 squares of you can spend a healing surge and gains temporary hit points equal to your charisma modifier.

Lighthearted Melody - Bard Attack 27
You chant a mellow tune, and a brilliant ray of light blasts towards your opponent.

Encounter ✦ Arcane, Implement, Radiant
Standard Action Ranged
Target: One creature
Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex
Hit: 4d10+Charisma modifier radiant damage. Target is blinded until the end of your next turn.

Greater Shout - Bard Attack 27
You inhale and then unleash a earth-shaking yell.

Encounter ✦ Arcane, Implement, Thunder
Standard Action Close
Blast 6
Target: Each creature or object in blast
Special: If the target is a construct or object, the attack is Charisma vs. Reflex.
Attack: Charisma vs. Fortitude.
Hit: 6d6 + Charisma modifier thunder damage and the target is deafened (save ends) If the target is a construct or unattended object, the damage is 6d8+ Charisma modifier thunder damage.

Friend to Foe - Bard Attack 27
You start to hum and point your Closed fist at your enemy, making him blink and think you are a trusted ally.

Encounter ✦ Arcane, Implement, Charm, Psychic
Standard Action Ranged
Target: One living creature
Attack: Charisma vs. Will
Hit: 3d8+ Charisma modifier psychic damage. The target forgets you are its enemy and targets its nearest ally with attacks until the end of your next turn. If the target has no allies, it takes no actions on its turn.

Level 29 Daily Spellsongs
Resonating Agony - Bard Attack 29
A rumble courses through your foe, shaking his body from within.

Daily ✦ Arcane, Implement, Thunder
Standard Action Melee
Target: One creature
Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex
Hit: 4d10+charisma modifier thunder damage. Deals 15 ongoing thunder damage (save reduces ongoing damage by 5)
Miss: Half Damage. Target receives 10 ongoing thunder damage (save reduces ongoing damage by 5).

Stone Shatter - Bard Attack 29
With a perfect note, you swing your weapon with the wind at your back shattering stone and limb.

Daily ✦ Arcane, Implement, Thunder
Standard Action Melee
Target: One creature or unattended object
Attack: Dexterity vs. AC
Hit: 6[w] + Dexterity modifier thunder damage. If the target is a construct or unattended object the damage is 7[w] + Dexterity modifier thunder damage.
Miss: Half damage.

Dirge - Bard Attack 29
As you sing a requiem inspired by the ancient gods of death, spectral skulls float from the sky sapping your foes life force.

Daily ✦ Arcane, Implement, Necrotic, Zone
Standard Action Close
Burst 6
Attack: Charisma vs. Fortitude
Hit: 4d10+Charisma modifier necrotic damage. In addition target is weakened until the end of the encounter (save ends)
Miss: Half damage.
Sustain Minor: When you sustain this power, make a charisma vs fortitude attack against every enemy within the zone dealing 2d8+charisma modifier necrotic damage and weakening the target until the start of your next turn

Project Image - Bard Attack 29
You extend your hand and a shadowy version of yourself appears. It smiles as now two of you prepare to assault your foes.

Daily ✦Arcane, Implement, Illusion
Standard Action Ranged
Target: One square within range.
Attack: Charisma vs. Will.
Hit: 4d8 + Charisma modifier damage (only when illusion attacks)
Miss: Half damage and the target realizes its an illusion and is immune receiving damage from the spell except if you originate a power from the duplicate.
Effect: You create a shadow duplicate of yourself that appears in 1 unoccupied square within range. You must maintain line of effect to the illusion at all times. If you ever use any teleportation powers or leave line of effect from the illusion, it disappears.
You can direct the duplicate to move up to 6 squares and attack as a move action. If you make your image attack or the image is attacked by a foe, you must make a attack roll against the creature the illusion attacked or which attacked the illusion. This illusion lasts until the end of the encounter, up to a maximum of 5 minutes.
Special: You can originate any of your powers from the illusion's square rather than your own.
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First Post
Paragon Paths

War Chanter
“I am the living embodiment of the sound of battle.”

Prerequisite: Bard Class

You are the fearless song of war, pushing those around you to greater heights. You might lead a warband or just be a walking bastion of inspiration during the most horrible battles.

War Chanter Path Features
Inspire Toughness (11th level): When you use an action point to gain an extra action, you grant yourself and all allies within line of effect temporary hit points equal to half your level.
War Chanter Music (11th level): You can use two Bardic music effects per encounter rather than one. In addition, you can combine two Bardic music effects by just activating one. For example, you could sing counter song and inspire courage with a single standard action.
Singing Shout (16th level):Whenever activating Bardic music effects you can grant any affected allies a +2 bonus on their next attack and damage roll before the end of your next turn.

Inspire Recklessness - War Chanter Attack 11
Your carelessly lunge into the fray, ferociously attacking all in your path.

Encounter ✦ Arcane, Weapon
Standard Action Melee
Target: One creature
Special: You can use this power as part of a charge.
Attack: Dexterity +2 vs. AC
Hit: 3 [w] damage + Dexterity modifier.
Effect: You suffer a -2 penalty to AC until the start of your next turn. In addition, one ally within 5 squares of you can use an encounter power either as part of a charge as long as it has a range of melee. The ally suffers -2 penalty to AC and gains a +2 bonus to his attack roll if he chooses to use this power.

Inspire Legion - War Chanter Utility 12
You jump to the front lines and unite your allies with the fervor of the ancient armies of the past.

Daily ✦ Arcane
Standard Action Close
burst 12
Target: All allies within burst
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, any ally within the effect can use any other ally’s stat modifier if it is higher than his for the purpose of attacking or dealing damage.

Inspire Awe - War Chanter Attack 20
You showcase your finest vision of the chaos of battle, placing dread in the hearts of your enemies.

Daily ✦ Arcane, Implement, Fear, Psychic
Standard Action Close
burst 6
Target: All enemies within burst
Attack: Charisma vs. Will
Hit: 4d8+Charisma modifier psychic damage. In addition, until the end of the encounter, the target is stunned and takes a -2 penalty to attack and defenses. (save ends separately)
Miss: Half damage. In addition, takes a -2 penalty to attack and defenses until the end of your next turn.

“Watching my performance is the greatest experience a creature can ever attain.”

Prerequisite: Bard Class

You are the center of attention, a walking performer of grandiose reputation and talent. Wherever you go, people usually come from far and wide just to see you perform. Your performances have a supernatural effect on those who are near your presence. Even your worst enemies begrudgingly admire or fear your talents even in the thick of battle.

Virtuoso Path Features
Virtuoso Performance (11th level): When you use an action point to gain an extra action, you gain an additional use of Bardic Music for the encounter.
Fascinating Song (11th level): If you do not have the Fascinating song Class feature, you now gain it. (If you already have it, add an additional target to its effect.)
Sustaining Song (11th level): Once per encounter you can make one ally within 6 squares automatically succeed on a death or dying effect.
Revealing Melody (16th level): Whenever activating a Bardic music effect, you can grant any affected allies the ability to see through illusions and invisibility effects until the end of your next turn.

Jarring Song - Virtuoso Attack 11
You play a high-pitched aria, which disrupts your foes focus.

Encounter ✦ Arcane, Implement, Psychic
Standard Action Close
burst 5
Target: Each enemy in burst.
Attack: Charisma vs. Fortitude
Hit: 3d6+ Charisma modifier psychic damage. In addition, you can move the target 1 square. This provokes opportunity attacks.

Song of Fury - Virtuoso Utility 12
You play a bandinerie inciting your allies with ferocious vigor.

Daily ✦ Arcane
Standard Action Close
burst 12
Target: All allies within burst
Effect: The target gains temporary hit points equal to your level. In addition, the target gains a +2 power bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls and will defense. However, the target suffers a -2 penalty to AC. All of these benefits and penalties last until the end of the encounter.

Mindbending Melody - Virtuoso Attack 20
You twist the thoughts of those enthralled by your performance.

Daily ✦ Arcane, Implement, Charm, Psychic
Move Action Close
burst 6
Target: Any creature that is restrained by Fascinating Song
Attack: Charisma vs. Will
Hit: 4d10+Charisma modifier psychic damage. In addition, target is dominated until the start of your next turn.
Miss: Half damage and target is dazed until the end of your next turn.

“Now you see me now you don’t.”

Prerequisite: Bard Class

You are a living paradox, intriguing the masses by staying out of sight. You usually keep to yourself and use your powers to deceive others. Dancing in the dark borders of reality and the shadowfell, you gain unnatural powers of illusion and deception. You can almost never be kept down, always having a trick up your sleeve.

Shadowdancer Path Features
Hide in Plain Sight (11th level): When you use an action point to hide, you don’t have to have cover or concealment to make a stealth check. This effect lasts until the end of your next turn.
Touch of Darkness (11th level): You gain a +2 bonus on stealth checks.
Mark of the Shadowfell (16th level): You gain darkvision.

Shadow Illusion - Shadowdancer Attack 11
You create a shadow duplicate that stands right next to you after striking.

Encounter ✦ Arcane, Illusion
Standard Action Melee
Target: One Creature
Attack: Dexterity vs. AC
Hit: 3 [w] + Dexterity modifier.
Effect: You create a duplicate of yourself that stands in your square. Until the start of your next turn, all attacks have a 50% of hitting you. Creatures with special senses such as truesight, tremorsense or blindsight are immune to this effect.

Shadow Jump - Shadowdancer Utility 12
You jump into the outline of a tree and appear in your foe's shadow.

Encounter ✦ Arcane, Teleportation
Move Action Personal

Effect: You teleport up to 5 squares. You can't bring other creatures with you.

Summon Shadow - Shadowdancer Attack 20
You harness the power of the shadowfell and summon a companion to aid you.

Daily ✦ Arcane, Conjuration, Implement
Standard Action Ranged
Target: One creature adjacent to the shadow
Attack: Dexterity vs. AC
Hit: 4d8+Dexterity modifier damage
Effect: You conjure a shadow that occupies 1 square within range. The creature follows your orders and takes its turn at the start of your turn. It can move up to 5 squares and attack once per round. The shadow lasts until the end of the encounter.

Sublime Chord
“Music is the fabric of the universe. Harness it and you will gain true power”

Prerequisite: Bard Class

You are an adept performer and scholar, carefully singing or playing your instrument with the same precision and dedication that a wizard studies his books. You are typically inspired by the preservation and expansion of knowledge. You seek to unravel the ties between magic and song, combining the two into a composite whole.

Sublime Chord Path Features
Expanded Repertoire (11th level): You can use an action point to recover one bard encounter power that you have already used rather than taking an extra action.
True Lore (11th level): Once per encounter, you can re-roll any knowledge check.
Student of the Stars (16th level): Whenever using Healing Hymn or a Bardic music effect, the effect deals 1d6 damage to the target if it is an enemy, or gives 1d6 hit points if the target is an ally.

Song of Timelessness - Sublime Chord Attack 11
You envelop the target in a shimmering silver aura, removing it from the time cycle.

Encounter ✦ Arcane
Standard Action Ranged
Target: One Creature
Attack: Charisma vs. Will
Hit: 3d6+ Charisma modifier. The target cannot take any actions on its turn. The target is immune to all effects and attacks until the start of your next turn.

Song of Arcane Power - Sublime Chord Utility 12
You incant the lost verses of eldritch songs, empowering your spells to great effect.

Encounter ✦ Arcane
Move Action Personal

Effect: The next attack you make in this round gains an additional dice of damage + your Intelligence modifier.

Song of Cosmic Fire - Sublime Chord Attack 20
You pull upon the energy of the worlds beyond with your music, igniting your foes in arcane fire.

Daily ✦ Arcane, Implement, Fire
Standard Action Ranged
burst 4 within 20 squares
Target: Each creature in burst
Attack: Charisma vs. Reflex
Hit: 5d10+Dexterity modifier damage plus ongoing 10 fire damage (save ends).
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Do bards only get utilities, or should the powers at the appropriate levels be attacks instead? Looks good over all., I'll actually read more of it later for a better overview. Also, if you want or don't have the time, I can set this up as a pdf for you. shouldn't take long with the completed work.


First Post
malcolm_n said:
Do bards only get utilities, or should the powers at the appropriate levels be attacks instead? Looks good over all., I'll actually read more of it later for a better overview. Also, if you want or don't have the time, I can set this up as a pdf for you. shouldn't take long with the completed work.

Its apparently a formatting error for the epic tier, unsure why it displayed that way. I think I got them all.
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