Nazareth Awakened - Chapter 02: Wives of Solomon


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Agnasci doesn't have anything else to say to Penrose. He wouldn't think of challenging him directly, but the others must have the same thought Agnasci has.

Penrose is wrong about the ritual, and the Dogs of War.

Agnasci will do as Penrose says. He'll investigate the new hallows, with the others. But he also wants to know exactly what the Dogs of War are up to. And he's pretty sure the others would agree with him.

Agnasci waits to see if anyone else has something to bring up with Penrose before heading out and getting some rest.

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Law is the first to ask a question,

"How exactly do you suggest we go about searching someones home? Knock on the door and just hope they let us in? Not to mention if we do get in we'll need to use magic and I don't want one of those paradox things happening..." He trails off.

"Whatever guess we'll figure it out."

Law will wait for everyone to finish up then head home. He's expecting a phone call.


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"You've answered your own question." Penrose picks up a pushpin and rolls it between two fingers, eyeing the crystal as if expecting it to tell him something. "You especially I'd think would be suited for this kind of field work. As for paradox..." The crystal changes directions and Penrose gives it a suspicious look before setting the pin back down. "Just keep your spellcasting covert as much as possible."


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"When did the hallow in the church first appear?" Chance wants to know abruptly. She gestures at the map. "I mean, to the best of your knowledge, of course."


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"The church hallow was present when I started searching for them, three months ago. It and another. The rest have been appearing ever since." He neglects to mention what started his search to begin with. "See yourselves out. The door will lock itself."

Feel free to describe how your characters spend the rest of the night (even if all they do is go to sleep).

The group has had a brush with the paranormal, experiencing new supernal mysteries for the first time. Everyone is awarded 1 point of Arcane Experience (pg 340 of the Mage: The Awakening rulebook). Arcane Experience works in the same way as normal Experience except that it can only be spent on increasing or restoring Gnosis, Wisdom, and Willpower (Wisdom increases and Willpower restoration have decreased Experience costs as outlined in the OOC Thread). Normal Experience and Arcane Experience can be combined.


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Agnasci makes the long walk back to Tuxedo Springs trailer park, by himself. He prefers it that way, lately. Rachel will surely be furious when he comes home, covered in mud, after 3 in the morning. But then again, when isn't she furious?

He briefly considered asking Penrose for a couch to sleep on, but discarded the idea almost immediately. Something about his mentor just bugs Agnasci, even more than Rachel's clingy, emotional neediness.

It's the smug self assurance that bothers him, Agnasci realizes. Penrose has power, sure. But he's about as introspective as a puddle of jello. In the end, Penrose will be just like all the others. For now, Penrose is useful. Agnasci will learn from him, take his knowledge, and use it to grow in power until the man has nothing left to give.

Even while these semi-mutinous thoughts are swirling through his head, Agnasci is planning. Plotting. He pulls out his phone and sends a text to a man who is used to getting 3am texts from lowlifes like Orlando.

"Got more for you," the message reads. Send.

"How much more?" comes the response from the contact Big Rich.

"Ten. Worth your time, anyway."

Ding. New message received. "Any heat?"


"Black House, 10pm."

Agnasci will be there long before 10pm. But he won't be meeting with Big Rich...

And suddenly, he's standing in front of Rachel's door. He can see light through the kitchen window. Damn, she's awake. It takes more courage than he expected to open the door. Rachel is watching reruns of The Price is Right on an old, faded television.

"Any explanation?" she asks.

"Workin'" Orlando says noncommittally. He drops a small stack of cash on the coffee table. It's the last of his emergency fund, but hopefully it will convince Rachel to get off his case.

"At this hour?" Rachel asks incredulously.

"Emergency," Agnasci explains, casting Emotional Urging as he does so. "There was a small fire in the pharmacy. Had to inventory the whole office, and secure the meds." Predictably, she is filled with relief that he has come home safely, but he can't completely erase her suspicion.

"A fire? Why does it look like you were working in mud?"

"The sprinkler activated. There was twenty five years worth of crud in those pipes."


"Please, Rachel. I'm exhausted. Let me get some sleep. We'll talk about it in the morning."

She looks at him for a long time, studying his face, searching for any hint of deception. There is none. There never is.

"Alright," she says. "We'll talk about it in the morning."


Harper, Thyrsus mage

When the others left Harper followed but unlike the others he stayed in the bookstore. He went to the storage room where he had a pallet and flopped down on it. Crow cawed objection to the sudden movement and flapped over to land on a stack of boxes. More old books; Harper had already checked. He folded his arms and placed his hand behind his head to prop it up a bit and he stared at Crow.

"No matter what Old Penrose says, I think spirits have plenty to say worth listening to." Harper watches the bird-spirit for a moment then sits up and reaches for his battered guitar. His mind was reeling over the night's events and music always calmed him. He held the guitar, its body half covered in strange art penned with a sharpie by Crazy Pete, and strummed a few chords. He sang a few lines before slapping his hand over the strings to cut off their music.

Tonight, music wasn't working. He wasn't ready to give up on his Dogs of War theory and that just made the bookstore feel like a cage. Harper stood and paced in the small room. Four steps, turn. Four steps, turn. Four steps, turn. He stopped and grabbed a blanket and moved out into the bookstore itself. It smelled like an uncared for library but Harper had smelled much worse and, in fact, the smell reminded him of when he was a kid and his mom took him to the public library. But tonight, it just felt like a trap.

Eventually, exhaustion drove him to sleep though it was curled in a dark corner like a dog far from the door and the hall that led to Penrose's sanctum with books stacked around him in haphazard piles and Crow perched on a shelf above.



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It's 7:12 AM and Orlando, or Agnasci, or whatever his name is, hasn't been able to sleep much. He managed to drift off once but his sleep was plagued by uneasy visions. He saw dark clouds in the shape of motorcycles rolling over Nazareth. He saw a wooden casket carved to look like Chance. He saw the Bermejo painting. When he woke an hour ago he was covered in sweat, gasping for air.

Now he closes his eyes and hopes sleep will take him again, but he's stirred by a growl from outside, quiet first but getting louder. No... Orlando leaps from the bed and crosses the room to the window, where he pulls aside the blinds to look outside. He recognizes the biker pulling into the grass beside the trailer immediately.

Big Rich is a gorilla of a man, huge and hairy. He's always wearing his Dogs of War jacket, sunglasses, and a do-rag. Orlando's never actually seen him be violent, but he's heard the stories. Another one of the Dogs, Buddha-man, told the story of a young prospect who BR smashed in the face with a bottle before stomping the life out of him. Apparently the kid had made some snide comment after an hour of Rich berating him. Funny part, Buddha'd said, is it was always BR telling him to stick up for himself.

Big Rich dismounts his bike and starts for the door, a case of beer in one hand. Orlando glances at the still-asleep Rachel before hurrying out of the bedroom in an attempt to beat Rich to the door.


"Rise and shine!" Big Rich's bellowing voice is going to wake the neighbors, Orlando just knows it.


Orlando reaches the door and pulls it open.

Big Rich is staring down at him from behind his sunglasses, a smile on his face. He stinks of alcohol and cigarettes and probably hasn't slept. "Brought you some beer, little buddy." He shakes the case, the beer sloshing, before forcing his way inside.
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Orlando's heart sinks, but his face is a carefully-crafted mixture of confusion, surprise, and glee.

"Jesus, Rich, what're you doing up at this hour?"

He casts a glance toward the bedroom, where Rachel is surely not asleep anymore. Damn. No dodging this one...


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When Faye nudges him awake with her foot, he is, for just a moment, JD again. But when he looks up at her and remembers where he is, he's Harper.

"Rise and shine!" She's brusque with him as usual. "You're going to the supermarket with me."

Harper rubs his face and looks around the shop for his familiar, finally spotting it atop a nearby bookshelf. It's watching him curiously.

"And that bird is staying here."

Faye often has Harper help her with various odds and ends that need doing. Sometimes she even seems to forget she's jealous of him for the attention he receives from Penrose, but only for a moment. He wonders if she's ever had children of her own, or a husband, or a life at all. From what he can tell she's given all that she has to Penrose, a man who so rarely displays affection or gratitude in return.

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