Sins of Our Fathers - 2/10 - Final Update


Citizen of Val Hor
LuYangShih said:
Nice update. The party is certainly not very trusting of Aramin. Simply because he is rude and condescending does not mean he is evil.

Well, despite my best efforts, I'm gonna have to pull aside the DM screen and reveal an encounter that ended up on the cutting room floor.

After the party defeated the mercenaries masquerading as Gondian priests, they had actually managed to bind two of their enemies' wounds. They promptly marched both of the hapless guys back to Aramin.

Even at that point in the campaign, if I remember correctly, the party was already suspicious of Aramin's motives. There's a couple reasons for their doubt. First, they know I have a proclivity for betraying them from our past campaigns. Second, Rornmen are generally an untrustworthy bunch. Third, a couple of the party members got "hunches" that Aramin wasn't being completely forthright with them.

Anyway, they handed the two would-be Gondians to Aramin and sat back to see how he would handle the situation. Aramin promptly released the men, claiming that he was intent on ridding the world of evil and destroying Margate's staff, not killing all those who may be involved in the matter.

This bit of apparent mercy went a long way in assuaging the group's fears that Aramin was playing a hidden game.

So while you think the party's being rude to Aramin, they're actually being a lot nicer than they normally are to enigmatic NPC's. My PC's are a mean bunch at heart.

Should I have included this little tale of Aramin's mercy in the story hour? Yes. I know that now. But I'm new at this, so please chalk it up to inexperience. Hopefully I'll get better at knowing what scenes to cut - and, more importantly, what scenes to recount.


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"OH MY GOD... He's being merciful!"
"Crap... he must be evil."
"If only he had cut them into little pieces slowly and painfully, we could trust him..."

:p Do not worry about including every encounter the party that may or may not have pertinence. As long as the story continues to read this well, you are doing great.


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LuYangShih said:
Nice update. The party is certainly not very trusting of Aramin. Simply because he is rude and condescending does not mean he is evil.

No, especially since half our party is rude and condescending, and we're not evil. But, when you consider that for a while we had decided Aramin actually wanted to summon Ippizicus, not destroy the staff, that changes things a bit. Regardless of a man's personality, if he wants to bring a demon called "child eater" into the world, he's evil.


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A bit of clarification

Destan said:

This bit of apparent mercy went a long way in assuaging the group's fears that Aramin was playing a hidden game.

So while you think the party's being rude to Aramin, they're actually being a lot nicer than they normally are to enigmatic NPC's. My PC's are a mean bunch at heart.

Ahem. Destan, I have to argue a little. We were extremely nice to NPCs. Especially John (who usually had motives other than friendship). It was your NPCs who were the mean ones.

And as for Aramin, we were somewhat 'bi-polar' with him, as I recall. First, we didn't trust him, then we did, then we didn't, and so on. But we really did start to trust him after the incident with the mercenary prisoners.

And for those of you who seem confused;
assuage, v.t., to make milder or less severe; relieve; ease; mitigate

And finally; I'm fairly certain Amellysan was not a "SORC1" as written in his earlier bio, but a "WIZ1".

aka.John of Pell


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Re: Okay, I'll bite...

thebitdnd said:
What is a BUMP? :confused:

If you like a thread and want it to continue but don't have anything relevent to add, you can BUMP it up. Essentially, it "bumps" it up on the front page of the Forum (default sorting of most recent post). This prevents it from falling off the page. Very common in Story Hours during an update break.

Personally, I prefer them big and pink:



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His Twilight Paths campaign's playing tonight, so I'll bug him to update this SH when I see him.

Hopefully he's been slaving away on tonight's game, and that's where he's been.


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OK, I've just spent the last couple of hours reading this entire SH, and I must say... WOW! I am so envious.

I wanna be Destran when I grow up!

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