D&D 3E/3.5 [Kulan] The Lands of Harqual (Updated: Feb 3/2022)


World of Kulan DM
[Storm Peninsula (cont.)]

Monarchy of Avion
Still to be written.

Male Names
Alexandre, Alphonse, Augustin, Benoît, Christophe, Didier, Édouard, Étienne, François, Gabriel, Guillaume, Henri, Jérôme, Léon, Lucas, Matthieu, Nicolas, Patrice, Philippe, Rémi, Sébastien, Théodore, Thierry, Tristan, Xavier, Yves, Zacharie.

Female Names
Adélaïde, Anastasie, Bernadette, Cécile, Christelle, Danielle, Dominique, Éléonore, Élise, Françoise, Geneviève, Hélène, Isabelle, Joséphine, Juliette, Lorraine, Margaux, Mathilde, Noémi, Océane, Pénélope, Renée, Sabine, Sylvie, Thérèse, Victoire, Zoé.

Ackart, Atherton, Barras, Bussey, Champney, Cholmondeley, D'Aubigne, Douay, Ethelstan, Everard, Faucet, Fulke, Godenot, Guischard, Hansel, Holtcombe, Jetter, Legard, Mallery, Molyneux, Naffis, Ninon, Ockley, Pomeroy, Ramsden, Rowena, Sommer, Swithin, Theobald, Waldgrave, Wischard, Yule.

Continued here.
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World of Kulan DM
Inserted Gazetter Entries!


Proper Name: The Barony of Calot
Ruler: His Humble Sire, Baron Davil Forestwind [N male half-elf Ari5/War7]
Government: Self-Proclaimed Monarchy
Capital: Calotown
Major Towns: Calotown (pop. – 3,643), Fenton (pop. – 465), Helg (pop. – 1,899), Hillside (pop. – 1,340), Ialin (pop. – 721), Wallwatch (pop. – 299)
Provinces: One baronial lordship and five knight-holds.
Resources: Beer, grain, livestock (cattle, horses, oxen, and pigs), poultry and eggs, and vegetables.
Coinage: None; uses the minted coins of Cauldron and Minar for most transactions. Does have local barter system based on livestock, however.
Population: 104,588 – Human 38%, Halfling (hairfoot) 18%, Elf (forest) 9%, Kitt 8%, Dwarf (hill) 5%, Half-Elf 4%, Half-Orc 4%, Elf (hunter) 3%, Other Races 3%.
Languages: Anorian, Common, Dwarven, Elven, Halfling, Gnoll, Goblin, Orc, Sylvan.
Alignments: LN, NG, N *, NE, CG
Patron God: None.
Major Religions: Brenna, Casiia, Corellon, Daghdha, Ehlonna, Hades, Hendomar, Larea, Math Mathonwy, Melira, Mielikki, Muamman, Naralis, Solonor, Sheela, and Valkar.
Minor Religions: Angrboda, Apollo, Araleth, Balador, Boccob, Cull, Dike, Hak, Kuil, Ordana, Ramara, Rellavar, Rillifane, Sylvian, Tethrin, Tok, Urogalan, Vergadain, and Wee Jas.
Cults: Abbathor, Anacoro, Enduma, Euphoria, Fenmarel, Ferrix, Gaea, Nephthys, Nessus, Rhea, Sarula, Sialic, Thorn, Tulle, Tyche, Vespin, and Wotan.
Alliances: Mathghamhna (military); The Midlands (military).

Proper Name: The Midlands
Ruler: Monarch of the Midlands, Lord Zane Waterleaf [N male half-elf Ftr8/Clr8 (Daghdha)]
Government: Feudal Monarchy
Capital: Shard
Major Towns: Brie (pop. – 664), Nimeilafel (pop. – 910), Shard (pop. – 4,724), Shorn (pop. – 890), Redin (pop. – 781), Rumton (pop. – 775).
Provinces: NA
Resources: Grain, honey, livestock (oxen and pigs), nuts, and vegetables.
Coinage: The citizens of the Midlands tend to use the same currency as the denizens of Calot, Minar, and Cauldron. However, the preferred method of commerce is by trading of goods and services.
Population: 116,587 – Human 40%, Elf (forest) 20%, Halfling (hairfoot) 17%, Kitt 9%, Half-Elf 6%, Half-Orc 4%, Elf (hunter) 2%, Other Races 2%.
Languages: Anorian, Common, Elven, Gnoll, Halfling, Kitt, Maviun, Orc, Sylvan.
Alignments: NG, N *, NE, CG, CN
Patron God: None.
Major Religions: Apollo, Brenna, Casiia, Corellon, the Daghdha, Dionysus, Draven, Ehlonna, Fenmarel, Hak, Larea, Mahridaar, Mussin, Mythrien, Naralis, Ramara, Sarula, Solonor, and Uller.
Minor Religions: Araleth, Bast, Brandobaris, Damh, Erevan, Faunus, Hansa, Hendomar, Heward, Kuil, Melira, Mielikki, Nether, Ordana, Rellavar, Rillifane, Tethrin, and Xan Yae.
Cults: Balador, Deltum, Enduma, Euphoria, Ferrix, Gaea, Nessus, Nephthys, Oghma, Olaash, Rhea, Santè, Seraph, Sheela, Sialic, Sylvian, Thorn, Tulle, Tyche, Vespin, and Wotan.
Alliances: Barony of Calot (military); County of Valeny (trade alliance); Mathghamhna (military).

Map: World of Kulan Maps (Updated: Nov 22/11)

Proper Name(s): The Blood Elf Lands, The Knotwood, The Darkened Trees, The Savage Heart
Ruler: Wyrknari Vok, Demon Lord of the Knotwood [CE male fey’ri Wiz10/Demonologist10]
Government: Anarchy/Dictatorship
Capital: Woodknot
Major Towns: There are dozens of small towns and villages scattered throughout the Knotwood. However, now most of them are in ruins. Woodknot was the only Elven City in this region and now it is controlled by the transformed blood elves. The city’s current population is unknown.
Provinces: NA
Resources: Gems (amethysts, jacinth, and moonstones), magic (evil), metals (iron and silver), slaves, and timber.
Coinage: NA
Population: Unknown. The region’s current population is made up of blood elves, demons, and evil fey as well as evil humanoids and giants.
Languages: Auran, Abyssal, Axiomatic, Common, Elven, Gnoll, Ignan, Sylvan.
Alignments: LE, NE, (CG), CN, CE *
Patron God: While not really a god, Wyrknari Vok forces the blood elves to worship him.
Major Religions: Angrboda, Azul, Daragor, Druaga, Erevan, Erythnul, Eshebala, Fenmarel, Gruumsh, Karaan, Karontor, Konkresh, Mussin, Queen of Air and Darkness, Spry One, Sulerain, Tarsellis, Telchur, Uller, and Vaprak.
Minor Religion: Aerdrie, Balador, Boccob, Corellon, Falazure, Great Mother, Hergund, Hiisi, Hruggek, Ilsensine, Kanchelsis, Lokun, Maglubiyet, Math Mathonwy, Mellifleur, Mythrien, Nether, Olaash, Solonor, Squerrik, Tharizdun, Turaglas, and Xuar.
Cults: Amand, Ces, Cronus, Dark God, Draven, Emcey, Emmantiensien, Ferrix, Gzemnid, Kurtulmak, Maanzecorian, Merrshaulk, Patient One, Sehanine, Seraph, Shoku, Surtur, Teve, Thera, Uranus, Valkar, Vespin, and Zealot.
Alliances: None.
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World of Kulan DM
Aerie Holds
Proper Name(s): The Aerie Holds of Lake Nest, The Domain of Nasundria
Ruler: Lord Joachim Mélowe [NG male human War12]
Government: Elected Lordship
Capital: Nasundria
Major Towns: Hoge Hill (pop. – 789), Maanhal (pop. – 4,023), Nasundria (pop. – 7,844), Steran (pop. – 1,560), Zontan (pop. – 457).
Provinces: One major lordship and four minor noble fiefs (knight-holds).
Resources: Gems, griffons, fish (lake), metals (copper, gold, and iron), and timber.
Coinage: Griffon (gp), Eagle (sp), Skylark (cp).
Population: 183,340 – Human 78%, Halfling (hairfoot) 8%, Elf (silver) 4%, Ee’aar 2%, Elf (forest) 2%, Half-Elf 2%, Kitt 2%, Other Races 2%.
Languages: Auran, Common, Elven, Halfling, Onan, Sylvan.
Alignments: NG *, N, NE, CG, CN
Patron God: None.
Major Religions: Aerdrie, Apollo, Bast, the Daghdha, Dionysus, Draven, Erevan, Immotion, Khonvum, Kuil, Larea, Mahridaar, Math Mathonwy, Melira, Mussin, Naralis, Ramara, Sanh, and Sehanine.
Minor Religions: Boccob, Brandobaris, Brenna, Calphas, Casiia, Corellon, Druaga, Ehlonna, Fenmarel, Hela, Hendomar, Heward, Lokun, Mielikki, Mythrien, Narvi, Olidammara, Solonor, Tethrin, and Xuar.
Cults: Araleth, Bahamut, Caoimhin, Celestian, Deltum, Enduma, Euphoria, Gaea, Nathair, Nessus, Rellavar, Rhea, Santè, Sarula, Sathia, Sheela, Sialic, Tulle, Tyche, Vespin, and Zell.
Alliances: City-state of Ambian (trade alliance); City-state of Gillian (non-aggression); Monarchy of Avion (trade alliance, strained).

Proper Name: The Monarchy of Avion
Ruler: Lady Felicia Gerrard III, High Queen of Avion, Daughter of the Sea, The Great Lady of Avion City, Watcher of the Fates [N female human Ari2/Clr10 (Aegir)/Clr10 (Mirella)]
Government: Hereditary Monarchy
Capital: Avion City
Major Towns: Avion City (pop. – 19,567), Cötdmer (pop. – 654), Eilendar (pop. – 4,345), Firae (pop. – 3,723), Ilasi (pop. – 8,942), Jalmur (pop. – 2,845), Pihle (pop. – 4,870), Suyre (pop. – 1,103), Wilon (pop. – 4,467).
Provinces: One kingship, four duchies, a dozen baronets (three per duchy), and dozens of minor noble fiefs (lords and knight-holds)
Resources: Fish (sea), grain, livestock (any), silver, and wine.
Coinage: Monarch (pp), Noble (gp), Gentry (sp), Freeman’s Coin or Free-Coin (cp).
Population: 1,010,320 - Human 65%, Elf (urbanite) 15%, Halfling (hairfoot) 11%, Half-Elf 4%, Elf (forest) 3%, Other Races 2%.
Languages: Auran, Common, Merfolk, Onan, Elven, Halfling, Shoal, Sylvan.
Alignments: LG, LN *, NG, N, CG
Patron God: None.
Major Religions: Aegir, Apollo, Arvoreen, Corellon, Cull, the Daghdha, Hades, Hanali, Heward, Immotion, Inanna, Jalivier, Larea, Mayela, Persana, Ptah, Ramara, Tethrin, Urogalan, and Yondalla.
Minor Religions: Cronn, Cyrrollalee, Bast, Boccob, Darahl, Eadro, Ehlonna, Halmyr, Hela, Hendomar, Issek, Kuil, Lendys, Mielikki, Mirella, Mythrien, Sanh, Sheela, Valkar, Velit, and Wee Jas.
Cults: Alathrien, Anacoro, Anon, Brandobaris, Caoimhin, Chronepsis, Deep Sashelas, Erathaol, Euphoria, Gaea, Jazirian, Jaeger, Khonvum, Nessus, Rhea, Saint Hubert, Santè, Sarula, Sialic, Thoth, Truce, Whale Mother, Wotan, and Zaphkiel.
Alliances: Aerie Holds of Nest Lake (trade alliance, strained); City-state of Ambian (non-aggression); City-state of Gillian (is protected by Avion); Kingdom of Izmer (military).

Map: World of Kulan Maps (Updated: Nov 22/11)
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World of Kulan DM
Proper Name(s): The City-state of Ambian, The City on the Mire, The Fen Republic
Rulers: Ruling senate made up of 25 merchant houses elected into power once every 5 years.
Government: Republic
Capital: Ambian
Major Towns: Ambian (pop. – 5,873), Arenynd (pop. – 3,872)
Provinces: NA
Resources: Fish (sea), sailing ships, seafood, slaves, and swamp pickles.
Coinage: Ambian (gp), Sterling (sp), Fen (cp).
Population: 121,813 – Human (91%), Merfolk 4%, Fey 3%, Other Races 2%.
Languages: Aquan, Common, Merfolk, Onan, Sylvan.
Alignments: NG, N *, NE, CN
Patron God: None.
Major Religions: Aegir, Boccob, Damh, Dionysus, Eadro, Kuil, Lokun, Manath, Math Mathonwy, Nether, Oberon, Olidammara, Persana, Ramara, Rán, Rhiannon, Rhode, Sanh, Talisid, and Telchur.
Minor Religions: Black Bart, Calphas, Caoimhin, the Daghdha, Druaga, Ferrix, Hel, Heward, Hiatea, Immotion, Kharash, Mielikki, Mussin, Narvi, Nathair, Panzuriel, Vhara, and Yeathan.
Cults: Annam, Bharrai, Deltum, Enduma, Falazure, Fionnghuala, Gaea, Karontor, Khonvum, Manannan mac Lir, Nessus, Rellavar, Rhea, Saint Hubert, Santè, Sathia, Sialic, Tharizdun, Tulle, Tyche, Verenestra, Vespin, and Wastri.
Alliances: Aerie Holds of Nest Lake (trade alliance); City-state of Gillian (non-aggression); Monarchy of Avion (non-aggression).

Proper Name(s): The City-state of Gillian, The City of Sailors
Rulers: The Sailors’ Church
Government: Theocracy
Capital: Gillian
Major Towns: Gillian (pop. – 7,345), Nabascal (pop. – 1,345)
Provinces: NA
Resources: Fish (sea), grain, sailing ships, sailors, and salt.
Coinage: Same as the Monarchy of Avion but the Onan Territories’ coins are used in Gillian as well.
Population: 108,625 – Human 65%, Elf (urbanite) 15%, Halfling (hairfoot) 10%, Half-Elf 5%, Aquatic Races 4%, Other Races 1%.
Languages: Aquan, Common, Merfolk, Onan, Elven, Halfling.
Alignments: LN, NG, N *, NE, CG, CN
Patron Gods: Aegir, Hela, and Persana.
Major Religions: Calphas, Cull, Deep Sashelas, Dike, Dionysus, Hades, Immotion, Inanna, Kord, Math Mathonwy, Olidammara, Ramara, Rán, Sanh, Trithereon, and Velit.
Minor Religions: Apollo, Araleth, Bast, Boccob, Brandobaris, Corellon, Draven, Druaga, Eadro, Halmyr, Hel, Kuil, Lokun, Mahridaar, Mussin, Naralis, Nether, Ptah, Sarula, Telchur, and Wee Jas.
Cults: Aerdrie, Ahto, Black Bart, Dagon, Deltum, Enduma, Euphoria, Khonvum, Manannan mac Lir, Nessus, Panzuriel, Rellavar, Rhea, Santè, Sathia, Sialic, Tyche, Urogalan, Vespin, Whale Mother, Yeathan, and Zell.
Alliances: Aerie Holds of Nest Lake (non-aggression); City-state of Ambian (non-aggression); Monarchy of Avion (Gillian is considered a protectorate of Avion but is considered independent).

Map: Same as previous post.
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World of Kulan DM
Althan’s Tribe
Proper Name: Althan’s Tribe
Ruler: Althan Brokenjaw [NE male half-orc Ftr15]
Government: Tribal Structure
Capital: NA
Major Towns: NA
Provinces: NA
Resources: Ale, illegal drugs, black market goods, mercenaries, and slaves.
Coinage: Any, the humanoids of Althan’s Tribe steal anything but don’t have the resources to mint their own coins.
Population: 5,822 – Human 35%, Orc 25%, Goblinoid 20%, Gnoll 12%, Half-Orc 6%, Other Races 2%.
Languages: Common, Gnoll, Goblin, Orc.
Alignments: LE, N, NE *, CN, CE
Patron God: None.
Major Religions: Battus, Belinik, Daragor, Dispater, Erythnul, Gruumsh, Hruggek, Karaan, Konkresh, Maglubiyet, Math Mathonwy, Mussin, Nether, Olaash, Pale Night, Squerrik, Yeenoghu, and Vaprak.
Minor Religions: Angrboda, Azul, Demogorgon, Druaga, Ferrix, Hel, Hiisi, Olidammara, Sulerain, Surtur, Telchur, Tharizdun, Uller, Xuar, and Xan Yae.
Cults: Amand, Baalzebul, Bel, Ces, Cronus, Dark God, Deltum, Emcey, Enduma, Eshebala, Hergund, Karontor, Shoku, Teve, Thera, Tyche, Uranus, Vespin, and Zell.
Alliances: Barony of Poli (the tribe often attacks the enemies of Poli); the evil humanoids of the Ruined Lands of Valora.
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World of Kulan DM
Proper Name(s): The Forest Domain of Cadra, The Cadra Domain
Ruler: The Western Oak, Lord Tyvanian Aellarahd, Shield of the Forest Domain [CG male forest elf Clr7 (Corellon)/Ftr7]
Government: Elven Monarchy
Capital: Cadra City
Major Towns: Anhl (pop. – 4,895), Cadra City (pop. – 8,348), Caeth (pop. – 2,952), Halthorn (pop. – 4,267), Olvunhold (pop. – 2,587), Scarholm (pop. – 749), Shathiol (pop. – 573), Shroom (pop. – 425), Vyluon (pop. – 2,116)
Provinces: One kingship and five minor lordships
Resources: Crafts (elven), fruits, herbs, vegetables, and wood (deadfall only).
Coinage: None, the citizens of Cadra use the coins minted by the Aerie Holds, Monarchy of Avion, and Principality of Shaule. However, they rarely use coins internally.
Population: 384,457 – Elven (silver) 37%, Elven (forest) 32%, Fey 10%, Elven (hunter) 8%, Halfling (hairfoot) 5%, Half-Elf 4%, Kitt 2%, Other Races 2%.
Languages: Auran, Dwarven, Elven, Halfling, Sylvan, Terran, Treant.
Alignments: NG, N, CG *, CN
Patron God: None.
Major Religions: Araleth, Corellon, the Daghdha, Damh, Draven, Ehlonna, Emmantiensien, Fenmarel, Ferrix, Immotion, Larea, Oberon, Mirella, Rillifane, Sanh, Sehanine, Solonor, and Titania.
Minor Religions: Alathrien, Brenna, Casiia, Dumathoin, Dionysus, Erevan, Garl, Hendomar, Kuil, Mahridaar, Nathair, Puck, Ramara, Rellavar, Sarula, Tarsellis, Tethrin, Verenestra, and Xan Yae.
Cults: Bharrai, Brandobaris, Eachthighern, Euphoria, Faunus, Fionnghuala, Kharash, Khonvum, Naralis, Nessus, Ordana, Sathia, Seraph, Sylvian, Syreth, Talisid, Thorn, Tudsara, Tulle, and Zell
Alliances: Gallo's Band; Kingdom of the Silver Leaves (tentative); Wild Treelands.

Map: World of Kulan Maps (Updated: Nov 22/11)
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World of Kulan DM
Proper Name: The Eversinki Suzerainty
Ruler: The Doge, Lord Raniero Baldassari [LN human male War7/Trd7]
Government: Plutocracy; while the Doge, a figurehead, technically rulers Eversink, the true power lies with several greater and lesser Merchant Houses, with one member from each of the four major Merchant Houses on the city’s Council.
Capital: Eversink.
Major Towns: Eversink (pop. – 24,300), Faldar (pop. – 456), Halloway (pop. – 3,200), Helenson (pop. – 780), Lylton (pop. – 401), Rainedge (pop. – 915), Velar (pop. – 810).
Provinces: Three minor lordships and one major lordship controlled by the Doge and the Council.
Resources: Dyes, fish (sea), grain, livestock (any), and textiles.
Coinage: High Tails (pp), Tails (gp), Flukes (ep), Scales (sp), Fins (cp).
Population: 385,775 – Human 69%, Elf (urbanite) 10%, Halfling (hairfoot) 10%, Dwarf (sundered) 5%, Kitt 3%, Half-Elf 2%, Other Races 1%.
Languages: Common, Halfling, Elf, Eversinki, Dwarf, Infernal, Kitt, Orc.
Alignments: LN, LE, NG, N *, NE
Patron God: None.
Major Religions: Abbathor, Aegir, Alathrien, Aoskar, Aurifar, Boccob, Calphas, Dike, Hades, Kirith, Levistus, Mammon, Persana, Ptah, Rán, Sanh, Sheela, Squerrik, Tamara, Urogalan, Velit, Vergadain, and Wee Jas.
Minor Religions: Belial, Brandobaris, Darahl, Druaga, Falazure, Ferrix, Gaea, Hel, Ilsensine, Kuil, Loviatar, Manannan mac Lir, Manath, Math Mathonwy, Mellifleur, Muamman, Szelizid, Thoth, Vespin, and Xan Yae.
Cults: Angrboda, Asmodeus, Celestian, Chronepsis, Cronus, Dark God, Enduma, Fierna, Glasya, Maanzecorian, Mephistopheles, Mussin, Narvi, Nephthys, Nether, Nine Daughters, Panzuriel, Patient One, Surtur, Tharizdun, Tulle, Tyche, Vali, Viccan, Wastri, Yeathan, and Zell.
Alliances: Hawkgard Holds (military); Free City of Tallawan (non-aggression); Township of Relinar (trade alliance, strained).

Map: World of Kulan Maps (Updated: Nov 22/11)
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World of Kulan DM
Gallo’s Band
Proper Name: Gallo’s Band
Ruler: Gallo Feldermain [CG male half-elf Clr4 (Sanh)/Rgr4/Trd4]
Government: Clan Structure
Capital: The band doesn’t have one set place it pitches its tents. This community is often referred to as Tent Town, although outsiders call it by other names as well.
Major Towns: Tent Town: when mobile (pop. – 1,378), when camped (pop. – 2,000 +). Tent town usually does grow above 2,100, unless it is trade season. Then the band gains a swell of 500 to 600 visitors and is always pitched in the same location.
Provinces: NA
Resources: General goods and some services from the D&D PHB v.3.5.
Coinage: Any, Gallo’s Band will accept almost any kind of currency, although they have avoided dealing with the more violent races in the region (i.e. the tabaxi).
Population: 6,890 – Human 76%, Halfling (hairfoot) 10%, Elf (hunter) 5%, Half-Elf 3%, Half-Orc 2%, Kitt 2%, Other Races 2%. While Gallo’s Band is not known for having this population this high, it is the number of humanoids in the region that are allied with the band. Thus, an isolated farming family near Relinar might have, in fact, sworn loyalty to the band instead of Relinar. The band’s many rangers and scouts often check on outlying allied homesteads. In return, members of the band can go to these citizens and ask to stay overnight or hide in a root cellar.
Languages: Common, Elven, Eversinki, Halfling, Kitt, Orc.
Alignments: NG, N *, NE, CG, CN
Patron God: None.
Major Religions: Aerdrie, Apollo, Araleth, Balador, Brandobaris, Brenna, the Daghdha, Ehlonna, Kord, Kuil, Larea, Mielikki, Naralis, Ramara, Sanh, and Telchur.
Minor Religions: Aegir, Aurifar, Draven, Dionysus, Erevan, Fenmarel, Ferrix, Gaea, Heward, Mahridaar, Rel, Sheela, Solonor, Sulerain, Trithereon, Tyche, and Uller.
Cults: Anacoro, Bharrai, Casiia, Faunus, Hak, Hela, Hendomar, Kharash, Khonvum, Konkresh, Lokun, Melira, Narvi, Nessus, Olaash, Rán, Seraph, Sylvian, Tok, Vali, Wotan, Yeathan, and Zell.
Alliances: Forest Domain of Cadra (members of Gallo's Band often seek shelter in the Cadra Forest).
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World of Kulan DM
Proper Name(s): The Township of Relinar, The Encampment of the Wallbuilder
Rulers: The Wallbuilder’s Ministry
Government: Elected Theocracy
Capital: Relinar
Major Towns: Relinar (pop – 4,975)
Provinces: NA
Resources: Beer, grain, lake fish, masonry, and timber.
Coinage: Relinar’s citizens use the same coins as the Aerie Holds.
Population: 62,188 – Human 45%, Dwarf (sundered) 20%, Elven (urbanite) 20%, Halfling (hairfoot) 5%, Half-Elf 4%, Half-Orc 4%, Other Races 2%.
Languages: Auran, Common, Elven, Eversinki, Halfling, Sylvan.
Alignments: LN, NG *, N, NE
Patron God: Calphas.
Major Religions: Ahto, Alathrien, Aurifar, Cull, Darahl, Dike, Dumathoin, Hades, Ramara, Rhea, Sheela, Sulerain, Thoth, Tyche, Urogalan, Velit, Vergadain, and Wee Jas.
Minor Religions: Abbathor, Aegir, Boccob, Brandobaris, the Daghdha, Eddelis, Gaea, Halmyr, Kirith, Muamman, Naralis, Oghma, Olaash, Sanh, Tethrin, Tharizdun, and Vulcan.
Cults: Anacoro, Dark God, Enduma, Heward, Khonvum, Kuil, Larea, Math Mathonwy, Nessus, Patient One, Santè, Sialic, Thorn, Tulle, Vespin, Wastri, Xan Yae, Yeathan, and Zell
Alliances: Aerie Holds of Lake Nest (tentative); Eversinki Suzerainty (trade alliance, strained).
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World of Kulan DM
Proper Name(s): Caer Valora, The Ruined Lands of Valora
Ruler: NA
Government: Anarchy; was a Hereditary Monarchy before being razed by the tabaxi.
Capital: Caer Valora
Major Towns: Caer Valora, Carcech, Fellich, Maylinar, Relisara, and Vallen. Note: All of Valora’s communities are now in ruins.
Provinces: NA
Resources: NA
Coinage: NA
Population: Unknown
Languages: Common, Tabaxi, and almost any other type of language.
Alignments: N, NE, (CG), CN, CE *
Patron God: None.
Major Religions: Annam, Azul, Balador, Battus, Belinik, Brandobaris, Corellon, Daragor, Demogorgon, Dumathoin, Erevan, Falazure, Fenmarel, Ferrix, Hak, Hansa, Hruggek, Konkresh, Karontor, Mussin, Narvi, Olaash, Orcus, Pazuzu, Sanh, Sulerain, Tarsellis, Telchur, Tharizdun, Tu, Turaglas, Valkar, Vaprak, and Yeenoghu.
Minor Religions: Abbathor, Aegir, Angrboda, Aurifar, Blibdoolpoolp, Dark God, Erythnul, Eshebala, Great Mother, Gruumsh, Hiisi, Kanchelsis, Karaan, Lokun, Maglubiyet, Mellifleur, Merrshaulk, Nether, Obox-ob, Olidammara, Rillifane, Sarula, Solonor, Trithereon, Uller, Vespin, Wotan, and Zell.
Cults: Baphomet, Bast, Ces, Deltum, Draven, Dionysus, Emcey, Enduma, Ghaunadaur, Gzemnid, Hela, Hergund, Laogzed, Malotoch, Nessus, Rhiannon, Seraph, Shoku, Sylvian, Teve, Thera, Tok, Tulle, Typhon, Uranus, Xuar, Yeathan, Zealot, and Zuggtmoy.
Alliances: Althan's Tribe.
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