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(IR) 3rd IR, Turn 5 (thread 3)


We have not and never will use the red goo so there is no reason for the preachers to come knocking on our doors here in the Uleks and Kron Hills.

Besides the dwarves, humans, and elves of my lands are busy right now with other things and most commoners are, umm not around....

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Black Omega

First Post
What Kalanyr is doing above is not minor.
Very true. And it's easy to see why some people will have problems with it. But in the Coalition we'll accept help with the red goo and all for two basic practical reasons. First, Kalanyr's done a tremendous amount to save both the people's and the Oerth itself. He's made very few demands. If the people with 10th lvl magic or nukes just piss people off when they make demands with the power to back it up, then maybe it's ok to go along with the people with the power who are quite reasonable. And, of course, while we're not fans of Torillian dieties, Kal's trying to encourage the spread of a religion of a Goddess that is CG. Given that cults have been popping up, evidently the lives of those people left aren't being totally fulfilled by the current religions. Allowing this might cut the spread of evil cults off at the ankles before they get started by giving some new meaning to the people evidently looking for it.
Polaris..well..the name of that icy southern place..:)
Settlement built, Union. As for military...we're there to explore rather than conquer, we don't need no stinking military:)
What is the Dictum anyway? I've never even heard of it. Is that something in the Psi book?
I'm tending to agree on the simililicrum race. The PL shifts can get silly quickly. But rulings are rulings.
Ace is rolling toward Godhood unimpeded, Melkor is about to get both nukes and 10th lvl magic, I can only say I'm -so- happy we won the war against these guys last turn, just imagine how much worse it would have been otherwise.;)
Last edited:


First Post
I'm off to bed... see all you psychos tomorrow morning. (I kinda broke the rules and mailed Edena just now, sorry E :))

I respectfully request that if anything dramatic is going to happen in the attack on Alzem, that any dilemmas on my part are delayed until tomorrow morning when I can rejoin, or that Anabstercorian is allowed to speak for me.

I really hope the simulacrum thing doesn't happen. 70 PL of xeroxed soul-eating demiliches per turn is silly. Can't abide silly.

Mr. Draco

First Post
Black Omega, we're glad you enjoy our offer to set up small settlements in our territory there. We hope the settlement proves worthwhile for you.


Certainly, the preachers may enter the Lortmils. Who's going to stop them? The nation is empty. Nobody is home. Go away.

We would allow you in, of course, if we were home. But we're not. Hopefully, we can handle this situation on our own. If not, we'll contact you.

We will allow you to spread your religion throughout our people, if you so desire. However, you will have to use other means of communicating with them - telephony, radio, psionic contact. We won't allow our people to have personal contact with outsiders, for the time being. Nothing personal.


Edena - we are taking our tub of red goo and heal it, if that can be done (use high-level healing spells repeatedly, if required. We have little more than a puddle in the first place). That's all we had, BTW, as I have never stated that we were messing with the stuff prior to this Turn. We will eliminate the one little bit that we have and be done with the whole deal.

Is that red goo coming towards us, or are we protected from it?


Hand and Eye of Piratecat [Moderator]
Edena, my undead are all - as you know - good-aligned ghosts and liches. With (true) resurrection, it's easy enough to return them to life. So can I transform my PL from the arms race to regular PL this way? It seems only logical that it's possible to do that (but it might take 10th-level magic to do it on a large scale, of course). So can I do it, or do I need 10th-level magic first?

Black Omega

First Post
Mr. Draco said:
Black Omega, we're glad you enjoy our offer to set up small settlements in our territory there. We hope the settlement proves worthwhile for you.
Eh, no idea if there will be any benefit. But some people look at a vast, unexplored icy wastelend and think "Hey, let's explore! Why? Because it's there! If we get lucky, maybe we'll even find a big mountain to climb.;)


Hand and Eye of Piratecat [Moderator]
Oh, and we of course allow Kalanyr's people to work their powerful mojo on the red goo in our lands.


First Post
IMPORTANT - PLEASE READ (As much as you can, anyways)


This is a continuation of my replies, comments, rping, and rulings of your Posts.
I have broken up my reply into separate Posts, so as to not overwhelm the ENBoard.

- - -



Try not to miss my mails.... and not to miss my posts.. I posted 2 times now about NEEDING those answers...
I mailed 3 times now.... and still no answers...
So or some mail delivery system sucks harder then the average elephant. Or you have to much mail. Or you re forgetting something...
I don't really care which one it is as long as I get a response on that mail. At least a notification that it arrived. And I could really REALLY use the answers on the questions in that mail...
**sigh** guess I'll just send it again...
(*Great turn btw, although some things go a bit fast.)


That is what this Post is all about, Forsaken One.
Answering your Posts.
And later, I will answer your e-mails.
However, it takes time. I required well over an hour to create the large Post above, and will require well over an hour to finish answering the Posts alone.
And I have over 100 e-mails to reply to, and rule on.
Thus, the Suspension of Turn 5, until I am done with this necessary work.

- - -


Ok..alot of catching up to do...
First off, thanks to Kal for reviving NPC's...I barely even got a change to create Morrolan before he bit the dust.
AnaKeris ways, we're keeping those friendly contacts, with the idea of opening up trade.
Well, maybe once that Eternal empire army is sorted out... And we'll give them warnings about the true nature and effects of the red goo and red steel.
Everyplace we can find the red goo we'll be 'redeeming' it. If we encounter too much in one place we'll let Kalanyr's people know.
Not that we like Toril dieties much, but worship of Ellistrae is certainly going to be allowed in Coalition lands. Cults like Loviatar will be searched out, however.
Send out help, healing and comfort to those suffering in the radiation plagued lands.
Though if a certain calamari cretin is found we might be inclined to use the Kevorkian approach to healing.
Unless I missed something, the icy continent to the south is not claimed by anyone, so send explorers there. Set up some bases to aid in exploring, but really just trying to map the area and see what's there.


The Red Goo is cleared out of Black Omega's land, and no new veins appear in the subsoil.
Those veins of Red Goo running to the surface from the depths, are found and destroyed.
The metamorphoses of Black Omega's people slows way down, although it does not stop.

The people of AnaKeris are very friendly to your people, Black Omega. Since you are trying so hard to be friendly back, something of a true friendship begins to take hold. Something approaching real trust is occurring.
The people of AnaKeris are awed and thrilled by the Faerie in any case.
The people of the Eternal Empire send out an emissary stating they wish no hostilities, will leave Oerth as soon as they can, and will fight only if they are attacked.
Nobody on AnaKeris knows anything about Red Goo. The Red Goo has not reached AnaKeris yet.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to stamp out the Cult of Loviatar - especially with the change in the human race being caused by the metamorphose.
All attempts to do so fail, and many pitched battles are fought, with many Faerie and officials and soldiers killed.
When the Church of Loviatar is driven from the cities, it entrenches in the Wilderness, or in the Underdark.
A much larger percentage of your people than you dared guess worship Loviatar, and if they cannot do it publicly, they do it in secret in their homes.
On the order of 3 to 4 percent of your entire population now follows Loviatar, Black Omega.

The southern continent, called Polaris, has already been claimed by the Union of Oerth.
Kalanyr has a team on Polaris who might conflict that claim.
Now, you are claiming Polaris.
I will leave all of you to settle the claims yourselves.

- - -

Posted by Forrester:

After rigorous mind-scans to make sure that none of his delegation ((a reference to William's people)) are being impersonated by members of the BB, or anyone else, we allow his emissary in.


Forrester must rule, each and every time one of you attempts to enter Realmspace, whether you are allowed in (or, for that matter, allowed back out.)
If Forrester states you may enter at will (which is not likely) then this prohibition is suspended.

- - -


I'm back...
OOC: Here's a summary of what happened, as far as you know.
First, I assault the Eternal Empire base on Ana Keri to cement my trade relationship with them.
The Eternal Empire goes ape. They invade Ana Keri.
They are promptly told that I, not the Ana Keri, are responsible for the attack.
The Eternal Empire drops a 500 PL force of troops on the Godspires and routs my troops.
They capture about a twentieth of the Solistarim.
They are threatened with nuclear destruction by GnomeWorks.
There is a brief, grumpy standoff, in which I am sent to Toril in chains, psionically and magically dampened.
Without warning, the Eternal Empire forces launch a massive assault of ballistic nuclear missiles at GnomeWorks. Seconds later, they detonate their remaining nuclear arsenal on the Godspires, killing the entire 500 PL force.
5 million men and women of the Eternal Empire... Die.
At my hand.
Unfortunately, the assault on the Lortmils was a failure... The missiles were shunted in to deep space through a Gate and detonated there, creating a second sun briefly.
As for the Solistarim?
We're gone. Nothing can find us. Nothing can detect us.
We're missing....

At least, we WERE.

Anabstercorian has made his first appearance since the destruction of the Godspires.
He is hovering just within visual range of the Eternal Empire base on Ana Keri.
He is just watching them.
He hovers there, waiting. His ectoplasmic armor gleams in the sun like polished gold, the light glinting from him on to his staff, which sucks light in to the void.
He hovers, his guns at his side, the Dreamedge strapped to his back.
He is just watching...


Summary of what happened, eh? LOL.

Anabstercorian scouts AnaKeri.
Anabstercorian discovers the base of the Eternal Empire on AnaKeri.
Anabstercorian leads a strike force against that base, and destroys it.
The Eternal Empire, mistaking the attack as being AnaKerin, sends a 1000 (500) PL force to annihilate the AnaKerin.
Several Powers on Oerik inform the Eternal Empire that Anabstercorian and the Solistarim are responsible.
The Eternal Empire ceases it's attack on the AnaKerin.
The Eternal Empire sends a SECOND 1000 (500) PL for to assault the Solistarim in the Godspires.
All out war rages between the Solistarim and the Eternal Empire.
Anabstercorian and his illithid mind dominate all the commanders of the EE force, and the EE soldiers are commanded to return to the surface.
The Solistarim, depart for their Secret Place.
Anabstercorian, fakes that the EE force is still under the control of the EE, blocking all incoming communications from Toril, misleading the other Powers of Oerth into thinking they are communicating with the EE when they are not.
GnomeWorks, thinking the Solistarim defeated by the EE, issues a nuclear ultimatum to them to leave Oerth or else.
They take offense, and point their nuclear weapons at the Lortmil Technomancy.
Anabstercorian has his hand on the nuclear trigger, and one of the Powers of Oerth has just given him carte blanche to use it.
And he does.
He incinerates the entire EE force.
He comes extremely close to incinerating the Lortmil Technomancy, but it is saved at the last by Serpenteye's mages.
The missiles, detonate harmlessly in space.

Concerning the current situation, the forces of the Eternal Empire in AnaKeris, TERRIFIED, put up even more defenses, and pray to the Church of Toril that Anabstercorian won't break through them.
They launch no attack against Anabstercorian, but huddle in their base, terrified.

- - -

Posted by Forrester

I don't recall doing any such thing ((this is a reference to creating the Mythal. Thus, Kalanyr may do so freely on Hope Isle, Oerth.))
And I know why the Angels are spooked. I know that Anabstercorian was never actually captured by the Eternal Empire. I know many things . . .
Why do you think I haven't returned to Oerth?
And Kalanyr -- yes, you HAVE become the janitor of Oerth, haven't you? That would be my role, and the role of my people, if we had stayed. "Forrester, do this for us, won't you? Forrester, do that! Forrester, fix this, please! And save us from them! And them! And them! And them!"
Not my role. Not our place. I leave the troubles of the Oerthians to the Oerthians. We on Toril have been studying since the last great war how to make Toril impervious to assaults from other worlds, other planes, other dimensional spaces -- because frankly, it seems like the rest of the universe doesn't have anything better to do than to f*** with us.
Whatever happens on Oerth . . . it will NOT reach Toril. This, I swear. We'll collapse the gates between Greyspace and Realmspace if we have to -- permanently.


There is a REASON the Angels have taken up defensive/offensive positions on the boundaries between Realmspace and Oerthspace.
Forrester, has not told you all he knows.
If he decides to tell you all he knows, you will see that he has understated things.

However, for all that, Realmspace is not as safe as Forrester would like it.
Or the Angels, for that matter.
That is why they are on guard, aiding the Torilian Border Guard with a PL of 3,000 strong.
The Angels, also know the dreadful secret that Forrester has learned.

- - -


Curious about where Sollir and Anabstercorian are...
I will dispatch 25 PL to the Riftcrag to Inspect and secure the area so that nobody will invade my newfound allies lands. I should look to make sure there are no radiation affected refugees left behind. If I find Refugees they will be moved to Kinemeet.
I will dispatch 25 PL to the Solistrim (It's a long walk) to inspect the caverns, caves, and cities and see what they can find. They will also take anything of use left over. They will attack Anabstercorrians forces if they are in the way. If I have to send my forces all the way to the loftwoods to take a ship around to the Solistrim I will, but Iuz is friendly with me, and I believe he should be willing to allow me to travel through his lands.
The Giant Eagle Riders Units will be advanced scouts in both these situations. I will attempt to magically shield the Eagles from the horrid radiation they are experiencing. My forces at home will continue to defend our people from the radiation and protect ourselves from attackers (if anyone is so bold...)


I consider this a full scale invasion.
Unless Sollir and Anabstercorian react to it, Creamsteak will gain all of the lands of the League of Warlords and all of the Godspires.

However, for all your searching, Creamsteak, you find neither Warlords nor Solistarim.
It is as if they have vanished from existence.

Kalanyr is helping your people overcome the radiation sickness, and with 10th level magic aiding you, you get it under control (although the land itself remains poisoned.)

- - -


Anabstercorian starts talking.

<< You know who I am. >>

<< I am Anabstercorian, Prodigal Heir to Ilsensine, the Great Brain. I am the Liason of Dead Memory. I am the murderer of your brethren, and I can murder you too. >>
<< Listen to me. I will be brief. >>
<< The people of the Ana Keri are under MY PROTECTION. You have seen what it means to attempt to defy my will. You can smell it on the breeze... The scent of burning. The smell of death. Lifeforce, bleeding from hundreds of corpses, all damned to the fate of enhancing my power. >>
<< I will spare you this fate. >>
<< If you leave. >>
<< You must immediately cease all assault on Ana Keri. You must immediately begin preparing to leave Oerth. Within a month, your entire force must be gone. >>
<< Or they will be destroyed. >>
<< So speaks the will of Ilsensine. >>
At this, he send a volley of psionilectric blasts in to the air above the base. They erupt in to searing light, thunderous roars nearly deafening the troops below.
When the explosions fade, he is gone.


The reply is IMMEDIATE.
A single person is given the unfortunate task of personally going out and meeting Anabstercorian.
To say he is terrified, is drastically understating affairs.

He speaks:

We agree unconditionally to your terms.
We will cease and desist from any aggression on Oerth, period.
We will leave as quickly as we can.
We will never attack you, or seek to find you, again.
We ask for nothing. We are leaving.

When he returns to the base, this speaker is killed by his own people, because they fear Anabstercorian may have tampered with him.
The corpse is examined throughly, again and again and again, disenchanted, de-psionicicked, and everything else, and then taken to the Torilian Border Guard for inspection, then inspected AGAIN when it reaches home on Toril.
Only then is it resurrected and even THEN, it is scanned over and over, searched magically and psionically, and questioned endlessly.

- - -


Was that aimed at me or Forrester? I think my troops would have just been mobilized. If you have completely returned to Oerth I have no reason to go to your lands. If you are still back on Toril then I continue to move my forces to inspect how you are hiding all your units from scrying.

Edit: Every Druid in my faction that is available (IE: Not with either force on the move) will be used to heal red goo holes if there are any in my lands.


Very well.
The Red Goo is erased from the Delrunian Alliance lands.
The veins leading up to this area from the Underdark are found and destroyed.
Creamsteak's Red Goo rating will drop to 0 on Turn 6.

The metamorphosing of Creamsteak's people slows down dramatically.
But it does not totally stop.

- - -



That was aimed at the remnants of the Eternal Empire. You can rummage through to Godspires if you want. Maybe you'll find some nice things.

Oh, and Forrester... I was wondering... There are some things I'd like to discuss with you.
Would you be willing to meet me at Pezano's again? I've released their cook, after I learned how to make that lovely fondue, and they're back in business.


Creamsteak, your forces in the Godspires find nothing of value, for everything of value has been removed.
However, they find magnificent underground cities, great above ground fortresses and citadels, and endless caves, caverns, and tunnels.
An entire civilization of millions of beings existed down here, underneath the vast expanse of the Godspires, which stretch a thousand miles from east to west, and 400 north to south.

- - -


"What the hell do they think they are doing???" Siobhan yells out in her 'study', a green, grassy area, overgrown above by dense trees, providing a sort of 'roof'. Candles flicker around, giving there area a little more light, while Morre does his usual efficient job organizing intelligence reports and maps.

"What happened to the world in the past few months?? What changed?? We have a squid headed moron who only seems interested in how many people he can kill, on any side! We have someone giving out nukes like they are candy. Toril invading..but a different faction this time at least! Between the Blood Wastes and the northern mountains now we are -well- on our way to what that sending from Hazen was all about. I don't agree much that our only hope lies with alying with Toril. Frankly..-we- need the power. To defend ourselves from these other attacks! And I can't help but think that the bit about how everything in that world was better. Better tech, more powerful bombs, a guy better at chess than..than..a bunch of guys i've never heard of, but -he- evidently thought they were good. But his point is valid. MAGIC could not be hijacked like that! Right?" she loosk around for Morre, he's
managed to hide himself behind a pile of reports until he's found.

"Right? Our own magic could not be used against us like those missiles were against those Torillians! But technology..that seems terribly easy! A few wires..a few switches..and they are helpless! I swear...Hazen's sending had the right idea but not far enough. Maybe we -do- need to ban all technology. It'll make some people in the alliance -very- unhappy..
Ok..calm..calm..maybe with this latest incident people will be more careful and see reason.
I doubt it..but...ok..take a letter, for Kalanyr...and make sure to send along some of that candy we just got in, he'll like that..."

And before I forget, we are in the simulilicrum(sp) race as well. The circle of eight could use some duplicating, and there can never be enough cute silverhaired fae


I would like to remind everyone that the Faerie held their own for quite some time against the Robot Army of the City of the Gods.
The City of the Gods, which is more than a century ahead of the United Commonwealth of Toril.
The Faerie have VERY EFFECTIVE ways of dealing with technological weapons.

If the Faerie decide to ban all technology, you may have a problem, folks.
You might just how to bow to the Faerie's wishes.
GnomeWorks, take note!

- - -


By the way: What are the white dots?


Everywhere one of the Antimatter Missiles hit, it produced a crater many miles wide, and a dead zone around it out to 25 miles.
Those are the white dots, on the map.

- - -

Posted by Forrester

Mmmm. Pezano's. Haven't been there for at least a good month.
Strictly on the QT, of course -- no one else can know about it. (Yeah, guys, that means YOU! You ain't piercing this 10th level magic protected veil.)
I mean, you did just kill off those five million or so troops, now, didn't you? And that was wrong.

But I'll listen to what you have to say . . .

EDIT -- waiting to hear back from Edena about something, though. So let's not talk quite yet.


You are hearing from Edena now.
No, they cannot see you, Forrester.
Wait until they get 11th level magic, though.
Then, folks, ALL THE SECRETS (including the you know what) will be revealed.

- - -


Since when am I on full military alert? Scine when are my civilians housed in deep caves and bunkers? And scince when can anyone scy me???


'o Skoteinos, I stated that if I was wrong in my post, to simply state so, and post what the true situation is.
If your people are not on high alert, they aren't.
If your civilians are not housed in deep caverns, they aren't.
If you are using your Secret to avoid scrying by 10th level magic, then nobody can scry you.
If you are not using your Secret to avoid scrying, you can be scried.

It's up to you. Nobody knows your Secret but me.

- - -



When you scry me, you see: 1 city (ONLY) inhabited by Orcs and other humanoids. They are trading technology.
There is *no sign* of any military action - no preparation for war, no armies, nothing - in Pomarj, or any other of my controlled area's.
Everywhere else you scy, you see abandoned villages, unworked fields, empty houses, like everyone died (though you see no bodies) or disappeared...
Kalanyr, Thank you for bringing my NPC's back to life.


That is totally correct.
That, Forrester (and you, Kalanyr) is exactly what you see, when you scry the Pomarj.
You see exactly that, and nothing else.

- - -


Ok Forrester You never where there for the creation of the Island but your UC was. Before you stated you were leaving the game you agreed assistance in the creation of the Island.
You left and it was then up to the UC to complete your promise. While you might be the general for the troops that you control they all work for the UC and as such were nice enough to help me when I asked.
As for Anab maybe when I killed most of the squidies I missed the slimiest one. There was no reason other than his desire to gain power for himself to attack both the Eternal Empire and the Gnomes, and cause such damage to the Planet. He should be brought up on Genocide, Attempted Genocide, and a whole list of other charges, with which we do not have the time to get in to. At the very least he better start explaining Why he is doing what he is doing.

OOC: Edena is the Eternal Faction evil in nature?


Again, I recommend the free download of Cormanthor: Empire of Elves.
In ANY case Hope Isle, Oerth, is protected by 10th level magic.
It cannot be scried - it is one of the Secrets, as it were.
It cannot be attacked, because nobody knows where it is.

The Eternal Empire is neutral.

- - -


Maudlin, Rauxes and all the uncolored land, including the lava lake, south of the United Kingdom of Ahlissa, should be Union purple.



- - -


Acererak's response to the nuclear fallout around the godspires is twofold.
There are those communities being helped by the celestials and other misguided emissaries of the good nations. Wherever they are found to spread healing and comfort, a strikeforce of Acererak himself, together with several fell great wyrms will hurtle screaming out of the deep ethereal and hit the unsuspecting benefactors, leaving only a charred spot, some fluttering feathers and tales of the horror of Acererak among the populace, coupled to a warning about accepting the celestials' assistance.
Less than half a minute after the attack, the strikeforce will have departed back to the ethereal plane, leaving nightmare in their wake and preparing their next raid.
The communities who have not been helped receive a visit from a cleric of Pelor, calling himself Annatar, the Lord of Gifts. He appears fair to the eyes of men, and calls to the people to bring him their suffering friends and familiy, the ones yearning for a quick death and an end to the pain and agony.
When brought before him, he will lay hands upon their bodies, after which a great peace comes over them, and their last breath is a sigh of relief, even as their bodies dissipate into nothingness.
At each town he visits, he makes the same address:
"You need never suffer again, my friends. You have no hope in this world, only to toil painfully towards a meaningless death. I offer release! Embrace the afterlife and attend your God. You will live on, forever, in perfect bliss.
Send word to the other settlements. They have but to call, and I will take away all the pain.
Tell them to call for me, to call for Annatar, and I will come. Blessed be, children."



- - -


Map updated with the UO's ill-gotten gains that they simply luuuve to remind me about () and Creamstreak's long-suffering Troll Fens.
The white dots are Starbucks outlets. No wait, they're antimatter impact craters.



- - -


After the first attack by Maudlin I will go and start helping and moving the people to my Isle. If we are attacked I do not call for reinforcements but just remove the cover off my Shield and don my Armor, and use the power of the Fist of St Cuthbert.
As the Dragons plummet to the ground to stop the refugees from escaping Alzem rises to meet them, and those that see him coming turn to flee but are cut down by blasts of energy so powerful that they are seared to nothingness. The rest of the Dragons are cut in twain by my sword with one blow. There are to be NO survivors and any offering to surrender shall be cut down, with divine RETRUBITION.
You will not hamper the efforts of those who are send here to help these people, if you seek your ultimate destruction then continue as you have, if you wish to continue your existence for a little while longer then you will leave these people and bother no one else again.
I will continue to monitor the area and make sure that if anymore attacks take place they will be met with the deadliest of force.


Unfortunately, both Alzem's force and Maudlin's force are attacking from their Secret Redoubts, and when they vanish, they cannot be tracked.
Thus, the battle erupts out of nowhere over a helpless landscape, brings ravage and ruin, then the fighters disappear into the blue, and no scrying or tracking can follow them.

Besides infuriating and frustrating EVERYONE on Oerik, there is widespread destruction across the Flanaess.
Also, both Alzem and Maudlin are suffering considerable casualties.
Quite a number of Devas are killed, along with quite a number of Chromatic Dragons.

As this fighting continues, and the carnage rises, the effort to halt the Red Goo is disrupted.
The efforts made to destroy the Red Goo continue, but the Red Goo becomes harder to destroy.
Furthermore, new veins of Red Goo start appearing at the surface, more and more of them, and the rate of increases speeds of dramatically.

- - -


Edena, can I use Melkor`s Avatar as my PC?


(sigh) If you insist. PL 20.

- - -


Unfortunately for Spoof, Acererak hasn't lived that long without learning to pick his battles
Obviously, he will attack only where all divinations and communes confirm he has a clear superiority.
Even if within a few seconds of the attack you learned about it, which is doubtful, there'll be none of that cutting down swathes of great wyrms with one blow while Acererak is there, believe you me


This tactic is noted.

- - -


Humm where then that would be none then Gotta love be the right hand of God at times
Also I will ask a few of the Angels on Hope Isle to assist with the evacuation of the refugees, to ensure their protection. I am sure that once they learn what has happened and why they are needed that will assist. If a force of Angels come to assist in the removal of the people then I will continue to release souls from the goo, if not then I will safeguard the people there.
Alzem gives you the Good eye :Rolleyes:


The Angels cannot enter Greyspace.
If they could have entered Greyspace, they would have, long ago.

Therefore, your celestial force is on it's own, Alzem.
Travel by ship to Hope Isle is now not a good idea - it always ends in a massive sea battle, leaving broken bodies of chromatic dragons, broken bodies of devas, and the incinerated remains of ships and the people they carried.
Travel to Hope Isle by teleportation and Gates is still a safe option (much to the infuration of Acererak, who cannot stop this from being done.)

I am assuming the carnage continues, with all of the Powers dragged in.
Maudlin begins to suffer heavy casualties, for the forces of Alzem gain reinforcements from the likes of Kalanyr, William, Black Omega, and Kaboom. Probably even Serpenteye and Mr Draco.

- - -


Wow Anabstecorian, the way in which you killed these Eternal Losers was great! You definately have a style! And don`t listen to Mr. Peacemaker( by the way Forrester, peace can NEVER be achieved, less total oblivion). He makes a big mistake to underestimate us, but soon revenge against Aber-Toril will be ours, their decadent and awfully peaceful society is a disgrace! We shall become more active next turn, when we have 10th level magic and nuclear level technology.


That's the spirit!
But you must have the force to back it up with.
And do not underestimate Forrester.

- - -


Cackle madly, baby!

OOC: Thank you, Melkor. I like to think I show a little flair.

Acererak! I'm pretty sure it's too frickin' late for secrecy anyway, and I don't care what they know about me personally. Do you require any aid against Alzem's forces? I would be happy for the opportunity to train against such competent warriors.
You know what? I'm appearing with Acererak and challenging Alzem to single combat.

<<Put up or shut up, angel boy! >>

Edena! Additional request. I believe I may have shown enough moxie in the eyes of Ilsensine to become his Chosen. May I claim the title of Chosen of Ilsensine?


Anabstercorian becomes the Chosen of Ilsensine.
He long ago earned that right, many times over. (About a thousand times over, now.)

With the entry of Anabstercorian and a strike force from his Secret Redoubt to aid Maudlin in his strikes, the war intensifies.

(When I return to the boards and resume Turn 5, I will assume all-out war is in progress, in the form of dozens of battles appearing out of nowhere, blasting everything asunder, then all the combatants disappearing again.)

- - -


So... you concentrate your troops in but a few settlements? Eeeeexcellent
The others all get a visit from the Church of Pelor.

(From Acererak to Anabstercorian) By all means! Together, they would need to send an army against us, anything less would surely be blasted into thin red vapour.
Let's hunt some birdman.


The war intensifies.

- - -


More than one army, I'd think. Remember who just killed 5 million heavily armed soldiers?
Once more, I'd like to say, Ha ha. Neener neener neener.


The war, intensifies further.

- - -

Posted by Darkness

The Eternal Empire's soldiers' carelessness and misguided belif in their own superiority was the direct reason for their downfall. Let's hope that the rest of them have the sense to remain on their own world.


Forrester warned them.
He did, but they did not listen.
They have paid the price of not listening to wise words.

- - -


Anabstercorian I do not need an army to defeat you, trust me. You might be powerful but you are still a mortal, if you really want to die then by all means let us wipe out squid boy and pasty face. AS for armies, no there are none really here, this was not an attack force, it was a rescue mission, turned defense.
Edena if this goes down then I will use all of my listed powers in this fight, and use my Sword to trap their souls after they are slain. Also all of the Heavenly host will appear as before and collapse ALL planer/time/space travel Psychic/Magic/ or any other kind. The only way to leave would be horse and buggy.


Very well.
The Celestial Force appears in it's full might.

- - -


Pfft. Whatever

Before you brag, go look at my stats on the Rogues Gallery page. I think you'll find that my True Staff of Ilsensine is MORE than a match for your little soul-munching sword.
As for escape? I'm a twentieth level monk wearing boots of the void, baby. I have a base movement of 180, and I can cast Expeditious Retreat and Haste really, really easily.
The rest of the forces had been annihilated, along with the pitifully unprotected town that Alzem had been trying to save. The gleaming angelic figure stood defiantly before Acererak and Anabstercorian, vorpal sword raised.
Anabstercorian laughed.
<< Miserable fool. Face your fate! >>
And he raises the staff! A blast of 3d4 Meteor Storms, each Elementally Admixtured to have 24d6 each of Fire, Acid, Cold, Lightning, and Sonic damage SLAMS in to Alzem. Most of the power washes off of him, but the rest - Whoo boy!


The battle between Acererak and Anabstercorian on one side, and Alzem on the other, is considered in progress.

- - -


Archcleric Hazen offers support to Alzem and military aid as needed.
I request that dagger help move some of my forces to help Alzem.
I redouble my efforts to find Acererak and the Shade. I check different planes in a systematic effort.
Additionally, I have clerics of Pelor ask about this Annatar. If he is a false priest of Pelor or under the control of some evil power, I ask that some action be taken. Possibly a mark of anathema. (Maudlin - impersonating a deity's priests can have bad side effects.) Real priests of Pelor state their deity's true wishes.

Edena: The summary of Powers list has dagger controlling the Kingdom of Keoland. I do.
He controls the Ulek states.


The Kevellond League joins the war, and is present in the great battle.
I will modify the Lists when I get the chance.

- - -


I have my 50 PL of dragons and the below NPC's standing by to help Alzem as needed.
Keoghtom (demipower) PL 5
Murlynd (demipower, PL 5
Olinstaad Corond, Kingdom of Ulek WITH Axe of the Dwarvish Lords(NPC, dwarf, ) PL 21
and the 5pl of Dwarven Spell Jammers (all I got left ) to help transport any troops of William.


Dagger is now fully involved in the great battle

- - -

Posted by Alzem

Alzem just watches as the weapon is raised and its power is called forth and Alzem reaches out with the power of his God and the force is turned against the user multiplied by 10.
Alzem smiles a sad smile and says in the voice of an Angel of the Seventh Heaven My poor lost child I am sorry that had to be done but soon you will find your peace
Now THAT had to hurt!!! Oh and as they say in Mortal Combat “Your Soul is Mine!”
Don't worry I'll give it back in time, I am not evil after all. Ok now what about Pasty Face


Please remember that if Alzem is an Angel of the Seventh Heaven, he is the only one on Oerth.
He is up against his match, in Anabstercorian.

Since you began this battle without ME there to referee it, we must wait until I am done with this project, and then I will run the great battle.

- - -

Posted by Kaboom

20 small green bats appear on the field of battle.
(Edena, you know what they are.)


Kaboom is now fully involved in the Great Battle.
You will very quickly figure out why, when I restart Turn 5.

- - -

Posted by Forrester

Uh oh! Kryptonite bats!!

This can't be good.


Actually, Kaboom has unleashed a most ingenious weapon of war.

- - -


You're not an Angel.

OOC: Last I checked, you were a Solar, not an Angel of the Seventh Heaven. Even so, I'm sure you'll fall eventually. As long as I hold the Staff, I'm basically unstoppable. HOWEVER, since I LOVE a challenge, I'll pretend you ARE an Angel. And I will defeat you none the less.

Still... Look, one of us is probably going to die in this fight. If I die, I'm prepared... I'll get resurrected and lose the True Staff of Ancient Penumbra. If you die, you'll get resurrected and maybe lose some levels. Either way, lets neither take this as an OOC grudge match. I like you, and I'd like to keep this IC.

The explosion you form glares in your vision, obscuring sight momentarily. It is visible from across the horizon, and peasants pray to their gods for salvation from these titans.
Anabstercorian glares at you as the smoke clears, standing at the center of a crater over two hundred feet across. The sandy ground is melted in to glass, the air humming with residual electrical charge, but he is completely unscathed. (Far from impossible - It's a simple 7th level spell. Well, 5 simple 7th level spells.)

<< Cute. Very cute... But you can only do that for so long. Acererak! Take cover! >>

And he unleashes his mind blast, sending incredible psionic assaults against your defenses.
You realize something suddenly, as you throw up your mental barriers.
This entity is probably as powerful as you. An Angel of the 7th Heaven is being challenged, and is in danger of being defeated, by a single, lone mortal.
You can't let this happen.

OOC: Either way, it's probably best if we leave this little fight alone for now... Let's wait for Edena to rule on it.


Yes, why don't you wait for Edena to rule on it? :)
And Edena hasn't made up his mind at all, on how it will go.

If it goes into an OOC grudge match, I will rule the combat null and void immediately.

- - -


No problem I never have got upset over any DND related thing and would never take it OOC After the fight I will tell you why this could happen
Anyway as for IC

As your psionic assaults streak towards Alzem they just seem to dissapate before they ever reach me. Alzem just stands there and cocks His head and suddenly your vision is filled with nothing but His eyes and you can feel His Will invading your own. Deep with in the recess of your soul you know that at this very moment your Soul is in danger of being ripped from your body. With a supreme act of will you are able to divert your gaze for a moment and then suddenly Alzem is there not cutting you with his Sword but instead he strikes your Staff, knocking it from your hands, and you feel all your psionic defenses dissapate as Alzem draws near . (Could possible destroy it but would not want the innocents to perish because of it) If Edena allows you to lose hold of your staff I will take it if not then I will continue my Attack. As you stand there stunned by the sheer quickness of the move Alzem once again locks eyes with you and you know that now there is no escape and the two combatants vanish.
As for losing Alzem feels no fear from this mortal. As for Alzem being a Solar you are right he is, and not an Angel


As of the moment, neither side has won.
An epic battle is raging between Anabstercorian and Alzem, though.
It exceeds the epic battle of Vecna and Kas.
It exceeds anything in the IR so far, as the two epic figures battle it out.

- - -


We should probable let Edena rule on this before we continue, but either way this fight will not take place here. I will let her rule before everyone know were I take you
Ahh what the he** I’ll tell

You suddenly find yourself standing on a Plane that seems familiar. Suddenly it strikes you as to where you are, the Palace of St. Cuthbert, and Alzem is standing there in front of you.

Hello there Anabstercorian I see you have made it to My home. Here is where we shall finish our battle, somewhere where no others can be injured, and this Battle will be completely lopsided, I am sorry to say. For you see Alzem Called to me and I answered his plea for Returbition for all the innocents you have killed and continue to kill. He may only Call upon Me in time of great need and Anger, and your slaughter of billions has caused this. We shall not destroy you even though that should be your fate instead will confine you here for all eternity, with no chance to escape and with out your powers. You shall stay here and watch as your people fall from power and lose all you had hoped to give to them.
It is a shame that you could not use your power to help those when you could, but now you
shall watch and in time we might even let you die. Knowing that al you did was for nothing.

Now Alzem shall return to finish Acererak if he wishes to battle

Alzem returns to the battle field and looks for Acererak and waits for his attack, with saddness etching his features but with a fiery determination in his gaze.
Well then Acererak shall we continue this battle or do you wish to run?


After 5,000 posts, they still call me a Her.
I am male, folks.

Alzem, overruled.
You cannot arbitrarily reach out and take Anabstercorian anywhere.
You must overcome his Spell Resistance and other defenses.
And I must be there to Moderate such an event.

The epic battle, continues.

- - -


The Union of Oerth will send 15PL worth of Gem Dragon forces to Polaria to join our exploration team.
There they will set up a base and begin heavy mining/fishing/even further exploration of the continent. They also begin construction on a city.
Amongst this 15PL is Rangorn Ilutoer of Kas's Elite Guard, there to personally oversee operations.
OOC: We're officially claiming Polaris.
IC: A memo is sent to each faction leader:

"Dear estemmed leaders of Oerth,

The Union of Oerth has laid claim to the southern continent known as Polaris. It is now our territory. We thereby establish that no foreign military forces greater than 50 humanoids will be allowed on our territory. However, you are all free to set up small (no more than 1sq mile) fishing/mining/port colonies on Polaris. This opening of our land is another of our efforts towards peace.

Union of Oerth"


Black Omega has also claimed the continent of Polaris, I do believe.
Does anyone wish to contest this claim of the Union of Oerth, to Polaria?

- - -


No can do.

Mr draco, you can't do that. To do such a thing you'd need 10th levle magic to transport your 15 PL!!! half around the world in 1 month. To bring 15 PL there.. I'd say start marching


Agreed. Serpenteye, you can only get 2 or 3 PL of force to Polaris this Turn.
They must be teleported in.
Turn 5 is too far gone ... there is not time left to sail a force so far.

- - -

Posted by Forrester:

Whoa whoa whoa there!

First of all, Ab has NOT killed Billions. Can you imagine what level he would be? He's killed 10 million if he's lucky. Almost a tenth of the total number that I'm responsible for killing, I think. Not directly, though -- that's his bag.
Second of all, I'm sorry to say it's doubtful that Edena will let Cuthbert intervene directly in this battle, for that's basically what you're having him do. The gods are simply not participating in this little shindig -- else Ilsesine (or whatever the hell her name is) would show up, then Melkor, then Gruumsh, then everyone else. I think you're going to have to fight this one on your own .


As I ruled above, Alzem cannot take Anabstercorian anywhere without penetrating his defenses first.
Also, St. Cuthbert will not become involved, not even if the battle is taken into his personal chambers.
I cannot allow the Gods to become involved in the IR.

- - -

Posted by Alzem

It was something submitted with my Character

1. I could in times that fulfilled my Gods Portfolio assume the Avatar of St. Cuthbert.
2. When seeking Retribution for the greatest of Crimes I could Call upon St. Cuthbert and have him materialize up to 50% of his presence.
3. Others
As I stated at the start if this was going to happen I would invoke ALL of the powers against Anabstercorian, which is why we need to wait for her ruling. But as for the Avatar that one would allow me to move Anabstercorian there.
As for the Billions I had no Idea it was just a guess... AS for the battle if he ix-nays the Second power thing then that is fine we can still fight it out.


Alzem may indeed metamorphose into the Avatar of St. Cuthbert.
His PL increases to 20 when he does this.

St. Cuthbert cannot come, Alzem.
He would like to.
He would like to smite down Anabstercorian.
But, he knows that if he comes, Ilsensine will come. Then other Gods. Then more Gods.
And Oerth will perish in a Godswar (and the IR will perish also.)

- - -

Posted by Melkor

Spoof, Anabstecorian has a power level of 24! And Avatar of Acerak is supposed to be 20!
It means that Anbstecorian has a good chance to defeat St Cuthbert`s Avatar, especially with Acerak on his side!


I am assuming Alzem has assumed the form of the Avatar of St. Cuthbert, since this gives him the most PL (20) to fight with.
Anabstercorian has only a PL of 4, but he has the Staff of True Penumbra, so he has a PL of 24.
It is going to be (and already is) an epic fight.

- - -

Posted by Spoof:

Hence the knocking the staff out of his hand and using all the powers. Also when I entered 15ft of him he entered a Psyonicly Dead area. Yes I carry one around with me as my character has NO Psy levels in anything So without his staff and no Psy powers what would his power level be? Yes I made this character with the thought I might have to fight him in this game.
You have to admit it would be one hell of a way to end the turn, before he finds a way to free himself. I would never expect him to be taken out of the game so easily.


Anabstercorian realizes the deadly danger, and backs away from the Psionically-Dead area.
He retains his grip on the Staff of True Penumbra.
Both Anabstercorian and Alzem are now badly wounded.

- - -


Edena, could you add Melf DARKBlade to my NPC Roster, he was resurrected back to life as a Shade, and is an eight Shadowlord. The same would happen with Queen Yolande, but Lord Melkor has too much fun torturing her spirit.


You are unable to do so, Melkor.
Prince Melf was rescued by Kalanyr.
Queen Yolande was NOT rescued, and you may do with her as you wish.

- - -


Kalanyr stated when he next could do so, he was restoring Prince Melf BRIGHTBLADE to his old self. Previously you indicated this could be done with 10th level magic.
Also, he stated he would try to locate the Church of Shade's current location. This was stated a few days ago.
I ask all forces opposed to Acererak and Anabstercorian to aid Alzem. This may be our best chance.
I urge people to teleport NPCs. I will send Moghyr the Old, Orran Rilanth, Emperor Pa-ser the First and Empress Kuan Yi of Suhfang (both ghosts) to aid Alzem. The ghostly ones focus on the illithid.
A message is sent to the Union of Oerth:

"If you can send aid to Alzem, we have a chance to destroy two foes at once."

POSSIBLE SITUATIONAL MODIFIER : On the General RPG boards someone mentioned it is the feast eve of the historical St. Cuthbert. Does this act as a situational modifier for Spoof?


No, it doesn't modify things.
The Kevellond League's army, along with the armies of several other nations, are now involved in a great battle that is raging around Alzem, Anabstercorian, and Acererak.
Chromatic Dragons and Solistarim are fighting Celestials.
Around them, forces have taken sides, and are fighting alongside the greater forces.

- - -

Posted by Serpenteye

About the radioactive fallout

A huge number of wizards and druids are moved to the northern Union borders and cast hundreds of control weather spells to redirect the radioactive clouds to the north (sorry Cream).


This causes widepread radiation sickness among the barbarians of the Thillronian Peninsula.
These people are the least protected against radiation, and have the least understanding of it.
Thousands of them die.

- - -


After recieving the request, Kas and the five members of his elite guard go to Alzem's aid.
Also, the 10 simulcrums of Kas go (if i can use them already, if not, ignore this sentence).
They are under the same magical defenses that the Champions of the Union sent by Serpenteye are.

That should help.

[edit]- Once there, they will concentrate on attacking Acererak. (he is there, right?)


He is definitely there.
And you, have made your choice.
The Union of Oerth, is standing against Acererak, Anabstercorian, and their allies.

- - -

The Forsaken One

I'm again opposed to this simulcrums race thing. It's rediculous and creates MASSSIVE increases in PL.
or can they just be dispelled? I think they are powerfull enough as a spell.. let alone being made permanent in this way.
I am opposed... anyone with me..? just ban it is my view on this one.


I am allowing Simulacrums, and yes it will cause a massive increase in PL.
However, Forsaken One is quite right - a simple Mordenkainen's Disjunction or a powerful enough Dispel Magic, and POOF: no more simulacrum.
Problem is, another one could be made as quickly as the old one is destroyed.

I'm afraid, that we are just going to have to live with 10 Anabstercorians, Hazens, etc. running around.
Worse things have happened in the IR.


And Edena, in teh way I look at it you are missing 30 PL on my total PL. Should be 314..... if this is the delibirate missing of 30 PL, then I understand, but I most certainly have 30 PL more of active Formian troops at my disposal.


Needless to say, as the LENGTH of this Post shows, I am whelmed.
But I will examine your PL level, Forsaken One, and see if I made a mistake - I do make mistakes!

- - -

Posted by Alzem


Alzem is back on the Prime, waiting for the Undead lord to attack as he will not attack first.
As for Abas he is still in the Palace unless Edena says otherwise. (without his powers and no escape, just so he does not miss it)
Forsaken: I am with you on this one, mainly because I can not enter this race, due to restriction on my character. There can only be one of my character, otherwise that would be just wrong.


The Simulacrum Arms Race stands as given.
Anabstercorian is still on the field.

It is the REAL Anabstercorian and the REAL Alzem who are fighting, not simulacrums.
And if one of them dies, it is REAL death, and I am betting that the victor will ensure that NO magic will be able to raise the fallen.

- - -

Posted by Mr Draco

Forsaken One: What would probably be easier would be to limit the total PL of all the simulcrums of a given player. Like 30PL worth for everybody, except Kaboom and Sollir who can have 60PL worth.


The Simulacrum Arms Race stands as is.

- - -

Posted by Serpenteye

I agree with Forsaken One about the simulacrums race, it is rather absurd. I'm in favour of getting rid of it.
I'm sending the Champions of the Union of Oerth (half of my NPCs) and 10ppts of dragons to aid Alzem. They are hidden by 9th level invisibility, inscentabinity, inaudibility, in lifeforcedetectability and anti-divination and detection spells.


Unless a majority of the Players in the IR veto the Simulacrum Arms Race, I am keeping it.

And in the case of Kaboom and Sollir, they are allowed their 50 simulacrums even if I do get rid of the Simulacrum Arms Race.

- - -


Melf Darkblade isn`t even on Oerth, you aren`t all-powerful, Kalanyr.


Kalanyr isn't all powerful, but he did come and snatch Melf's body back during the battle with the Shade.
As a result, Melf is back with Alyx.

- - -


I will teleport all NPCs of other powers that want to go and fight acererak or anabisterconan.


And so, Kaboom joins the Great Battle.

- - -

Posted by Forrester

Not to interfere . . . but can't those with 10th level magic cancel any 9th level spell cast?
Including Wish?
Doesn't this mean that Kalanyr can make it very, very difficult for people to raise their uber-NPCs from the dead?
Just a thought. Maybe they'd have to cast a bunch of wishes at the same time -- think of the PL drain that might have on them, though .


Yes, a 10th level spell will cancel any 9th level spell.
Yes, including Wish.
Yes, it makes it very difficult indeed to raise the dead.

- - -


Melkor- I know I'm not all powerful unless it involves cleaning up after mess of some kind I tend to have an effective -50 PL, but since Melf has by your words/posts been on Oerth cleaning him up is an option. You brought him there for the conference among other things.
Edena-If 10th level magic could have made the Shadow Throne merge with the Plane of Shadows,can I merge it with the Positive Energy Plane instead? If so I do so.
My NPC's and PC's and Tarrasque all protected by mighty 10th level defences (Anti-Psionic Armour,Prismatic Armour, Beyond Foresight, Illithid Repulsion, Protection from Soul Draining,Protection from Necromancy,Protection from Elements(All)) and 10th level buffing magic (White Blade of Redemption (Like Black Blade of Disaster except instead of disintegration it causes an alignment change,Strength of the Titan,Dexterity of the Quickling,etc,) appear to aid in the fight against Acererak and Anabstericon. If their is time we buff the other people fighting Acererak and Anabstericon.


You are able to throw 10th level defensive and protective spells against all of the above, Kalanyr, for all of your PCs, NPCs, and all of your higher ranking forces.
It was not Melkor's doing at all - not voluntarily - that caused Shadow Throne to merge with the Plane of Shadow.
That was my ruling, and my doing.
Not any spells per se, but the effect of the Shade being present in such force in the world.

Shadow Throne disappeared, and the land returned to the Prime Material Plane, when the Shade were defeated.
However, their poison remains in the land, which is the reason the central area of the Flanaess remains dead.

- - -


Don`t worry, Forrester, other side will have 10th level magic next turn, and we shall demonstrate how it can be used to cause some serious havoc.


That is quite true.
An unholy mess is going to occur on Turn 6.

- - -


Kalanyr, all my NPC`s always have contingency teleport prepared, and I am sure Anabstecorian and Acerak also have it.


Contingency spells are a Mage's way of saying: You can't kill me!

However ...

10th level magic can be used to override a Contingency or Chain Contingency spell, REVERSING IT, effectively causing the spell to fail.
In which case, the mage does not get away, is not whisked to safety, does not dodge the attack, and is not saved.

10th level magic can also counter 10th level magic, so a mage with 10th level magic and a contingency would be able to use his contingency even in the face of 10th level magic.

- - -


Silver Phase, Khelarque Stonechoke, Obmi, Durgrim Dragonaxe, Kcyldyei Baelrun, Lenaurae Latriael, James Hale and Bobo all appear to assist in the fight against Anabstercorian and Acererack.

This is a PL 20 force.

I also don't like the idea of a simulcrum race.


The Great Battle, just goes on getting bigger and bigger. Festy Dog's hat is thrown in the ring now.

I will not dismiss the Simulacrum Arms Race, unless a majority of players vote against it.

In which case, Sollir and Kaboom still receive their simulacrums.
But nobody else does.

- - -


Thayadon, Heward, Gofban, Hilsir, Finea, Sadias, Silror, and Thayadon's Simulacrum (only PL 1 though) will join the fght on the side of Alzem.
This is a 15 PL Force.


The great battle, just goes on becoming greater.
Kaboom has sent more force to the battle.

- - -


Heh Ace can eat someones soul without me being able to interfere and you think teleport will save you from someone who can use Dimension Lock on a huge area? (dreaming)
Though you are probably right since only bad guys can ever do anything of any use at all and they get really impressive things when they do too(when you get 10th level magic you will be far more powerful than me since you are a bad guy *sigh*).

- - -

Posted by Serpenteye:

Kalanyr, why don't you cast a 10th level timestop effect, followed with all the 10th level buffing you want, then a 10th level dimensional anchor effect? That way, Acererak is trapped, and everybody attacking him is that much more powerful!

Kalanyr Posted
My force was buffed when they arrived, so it goes like this:
Dimensional Seal,Timefreeze,(Buff,Buff,Buff (our
allies), Summon,Summon,Summon,blast,blast,blast,etc
,Time Unfreezes), Lay waste to our foes.


Kalanyr has joined the Great Battle

- - -

Posted by Melkor

You are complaining Kalanyr!? Look at the Lists, and compare pl of mine, Anabstecorian, Acerak against Oerth Alliance and Dark Union(which don`t considered lost to Darkness for sure)! Bad guys really need some handicap!


Long ago (in this post) the good side outnumbered and outmatched the evil side.

- - -


hmm, turns last for 2 threads right?

and edena hasn't shown up for a while (read: many pages). hmmm...

Well, the Union of Oerth will continue the construction of the base & city in Polaris. Once again, as a symbol of peace, we offer to let other factions establish fishing/port/mining outposts on our territoy (the continent of Polaris) of no more than 1 square mile in size, and our requirement of no military forces (police forces are ok) greater in number than 50 humanoids stands.


And once again, Mr Draco, you are only able to deploy a force of 3 PL on Polaris on Turn 5.
Your main force can be on the way, by ship, though, to arrive there on Turn 6.

- - -

Posted by Kalanyr

Handicap,Smandicap, we worked for what we have same as you and we didn't get a "Return from semi-annihilation" ticket either. Of course I'm complaining.The fact everyone and their little dog can do better than I can without 10th level magic is really annoying. It will get worse when you get it and can then one up me on an even grander scale.

Edit-Judging by the !? you've been spending a lot of time reading UK's posts.

- - -


29 PL (dragons and N/PC's) moves in to help Alzem.


Uvenelie joins the Great Battle.

- - -


Kalanyr, what you percieve as your weakness isn't really due to what you're stating. Look at it this way: us "good guys" have all those nasty moral and ethical obligations to deal with, while the "bad guys" don't care about ethics or morals. Therefore, they are naturally more powerful. So, the only way the "good guys" can win is by banding together. After all, the shade poisoning was really powerful, especially considering they didn't have 10th level magic at the time. Now, consider what would happen if a "good" faction would do that. Well, the "good" factions can't because of all those nasty moral and ethical obligations...



- - -

Posted by Forrester:

I have to agree with Kalanyr. People have been throwing around a *lot* of 10th level magical-strength effects lately.
Well, Kalanyr, you know what? It's time to tell Edena that you're going to start countering them. Strut your stuff. Be insistent. It's the only way you're going to make this work.

PS -- I can't help but be amused at the fact that somehow, Talos is going to miraculously get 10th level magic after being completely and totally wiped out the turn previous. And, of course, he's completely hidden so that no one can find him or disturb his research.
Someone mentioned that the bad guys seem to have "Fast Healing: 250". Who can disagree?


That's how it is, folks.

- - -


Forrester, yeah, that "fast healing: 250" is a factor too. But without it, the IR would end really fast, and who wants that?



- - -

Posted by Kaboom

Edena is trying to keep the IR going.
So, if the bad guys beat us, we will be able to heal fast to.


I think the good side, as well as the bad side, can take a pounding, yes, and survive it.

- - -

Posted by Forrester

Also can't help but be amused at the fact that Melkor's magical research somehow wasn't stopped by being completely annihilated last turn. I mean, I think his magical 10th level thingee rose last turn, even though all but 5PL of his forces died.
Yeah, it'd be a short IR without the bad guys. But when the bad guys get themselves killed off early -- well, shouldn't they be at least SLOWED DOWN a little?
Take Anabstercorian. He's a bad guy. But somehow he managed to stay alive. Melkor was wiped out completely.
And guess who gets 10th level magic next turn?

Not that I want Anab getting 10th level magic . I don't think that's something any of us want to see. But you get my gist.

OH -- by the way, when the Red Death comes, I think you'll all have enough to worry about, without Melkor and company. But enough about that.


What are you complaining about, Forrester?
You're safe and sound on Toril.
The Red Death won't get to you, because of the Angels.

- - -

Posted by Mr Draco

True, maybe edena should consider slowing Melkor's magical research, as most of his researchers died last turn, and probably took their knowledge with them.


Actually no.
Melkor is in better shape than you think him to be.
The Shade knew they were outmatched, back on Turns 3 and 4, and they evacuated their people and made contingencies.
So, although they were knocked down, they were not knocked out.
And yes, they seem to have a Secret Redoubt, but then ... so does everyone.

- - -


- - - Fast Healing or complete invisibility to scrying I could live with,that they get both is annoying. Its handing them whatever they **** well want on a silver platter. Just give em 11th level magic and nukes and be done with it.


If you think the IR is overpowered now, wait a couple of Turns longer.

- - -

Posted by Darkness


Forrester, Kalanyr and Mr. Draco are right; it's unrealistic and unfair if Melkor gets all this despite taking such huge losses.


My ruling concerning Melkor stands.
If you want to get rid of Melkor, you will have to continue the fight, and win it.
Which you can do.

Now, I am making a ruling concerning the Great Battle NOW.

Acererak and Anabstercorian are defeated.
The combined armies of Acererak, Anabstercorian, and Melkor are defeated and badly damaged (a loss of 1/2 of their PL.)
They are forced to flee to their Secret Redoubts, disappearing into thin air.

Alzem successfully tears the Staff of Ancient Penumbra from Anabstercorian's hands, and the Staff is now in his possession.
(It was that, or Anabstercorian's life, Anabstercorian. Pick one or the other.)

Acererak and Anabstercorian are forced to flee the battle, and were it not for their Secret Redoubts, they would have both been killed.

The combined forces of Alzem, Black Omega, Creamsteak, Dagger, Darkness, Mr Draco, Festy Dog, Kalanyr with his 10th level magic, Serpenteye, Uvenelei, and Williams, and all their helpers simply proves to be overwhelming.
The forces allied with Alzem lose almost no PL, for the battle turned into a rout, a slaughter, in which the forces of Acererak and his allies who got away did so only because that had Secret Redoubts to go to and hide in.

This post and the ones prior to it took me 3 straight hours of work to produce.


First Post
Now that I have dealt with all the posts from the previous thread, I can now deal with your e-mails.
Until I am done, observe the following:

Do not post questions to me on the board.

Do not e-mail me.

Do not reply to any e-mails I send you.

When I am done, I will give you the go-ahead to reply to my e-mails.
Once I am satisified with all the replies, and matters are straight, I will resume Turn 5.

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