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X-Men/X-Changed, Issue1: Trial By Fire


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What If?

Giant-Size X-Men 1
Birth of the "New X-Men". The original X-Men, together with Havoc and Polaris, have traveled to the island of Krakoa but of all the original member only Cyclops has returned and he remembers nothing of the experience.
To safe his students Professor X sends out a telepahtic message to seven mutants:
The new X-Men where born. they safed the original Team and took their place as the worlds Nr. 1 Mutant superheroes. With time some of the original member returned, while new member joined or old ones left or died.

But what if it had all been different?
What if Charles Xavier had not called on these seven for help? Even at that time there where dozens of suitable candidates around. What if he had called your characters instead?
A game of all new, all different X-Men.
Will others take the same steps as Storm and the others did? Or will history change. Will Sprite join the team? Will the Phoenix Force find its host in Jean Grey? If Angel isn't around, who will become the first rider of Apocalypse?
Will you be able to stop Magneto? Will Charles Xaviers dream ever be the same?

And what of Storm, Colossus and the others? If they are not called by Professor X and never become X-Men, what will they do? Will Nightcrawler even survive the witch hunt that's after him? Will Storm stay as a godess in Africa? Will Wolverine lead Alpha flight?

History has changed!
Xaviers call for help went out then his students vanished but this time others answered:
-Shadow (M), who can transform his whole body into darkness
-Pyche (F), the telepathic Alicia who still wrestles with her multiple personality disorder
-Flex (M), the teenage powerhouse with the disgusting power of adding flesh to his own mass
-Phoenix (M), who wields the destructive and healing powers of the mysterious Living Fire
-Gemini (F), a shapeshifter with the ability to copy others powers on sight
-Shar (F), a private investigator and inhumanly dangerous fighter
-Data (M), the living computer

Don't miss an issue of this exciting new monthly series!!!

For those interested in the timeline: The events in this issue play at the same time of Giant Size X-Men 1 in the original Marvel Universe
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Issue1: Trial By Fire

7:30 in the morning
Sharon McAllister's apartment

Someone once said that the only sound more anoying than your alarm clock in the morning is a ringing phone at the same time. Sharon has just been given the opportunity to decide for herself as her phone starts ringing persistently.

5:43 and far too early to wake up...
Westchester, New York
The Xavier Institute of Higher Learning at Graymalkin Lake

As the newest resident of the mansion Flex has so far been spared early morning sessions and didn't have much contact with the other students. But yesterday you saw the strangest thing. All the older students hurried through the house with worried faces. Even stranger you saw them put on some strange costumes and vanish through a secret door into an elevator you didn't know even existed.
The Professor promised you that he would explain everything to you once they return. So far they didn't but now you wake up from the sound of something heavy and mettalic scratching over a stone surface. The sound comes from under you and is dimned as if very far away but it is still loud enough to wake you up. Either they have a whole road construction team complete with vehicles in the basement or something "really" strange is going on.

shortly after midnight
some nameless alley

Angela Lance has just escaped from the mental asylum the day before and is on the run. Without money, papers or clothes aside from a hospital gown she has a hard time even with her ability to change her appearance. You just stumble around the corner then you hear an unpleasnt male voice.
"Well look what the wind blew in. Looks like the evening won't get boring afterall."
In front of you are two young punks who just stand up then they see you. One of them draws a switchblade and smiles at you.
"Are you allright girl? Come on we can help you."

Gemini 23
Thugs 14




One of his eyes pop open and surveys the room around him. Mostly pillow from this vantage point. That won't do. The brawny teen levers himself up to a seated position and rubs his eyes. Afternoon? Already? People coming or going? $&%#, am I missing something? Shouldn't have stayed up so late last night.

Then one of the older kids runs by the door. What was his name? One-eye? Red-eye? Sean? Something like that. Whatever. I'm hungry dammit.

As is his custom, he wakes up with ravenous hunger. Just one of the side effects of his mutation- apparently the strain is great enough on his body that in order to keep from cannibalizing himself, he eats almost constantly. His mutation? The ability to take on the physical mass of others...by stealing it. It's a gruesome thing to behold, but when it's done, he's a giant taken straight out of the fantasy books, and is capable of lifting a semi over his head. That's why they call him FLEX.

Flex stumbles down the hall in nothing but his white boxers and nipplerings. His thick shoulders and arms take up most the passage, so much so that the little hotty redhead almost slams into him on her way around the corner.

"Watch it, chica! What's goin' on around here?"

She ignores him. Oh well, not the first time. She's got a thing for the bad boys though, I can tell...



Flex shoots up like a Pop-Tart and looks around. As he rubs his eyes, his stomach growls. Nah, that wasn't my stomach a few seconds ago. Sounded like a door or something...

Rolling over sideways and onto his stomach, Flex lowers his head so that he can peer under his bed and listens...
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First Post
Radiant said:
7:30 in the morning
Sharon McAllister's apartment

Someone once said that the only sound more anoying than your alarm clock in the morning is a ringing phone at the same time. Sharon has just been given the opportunity to decide for herself as her phone starts ringing persistently.
"Mmrph mff!" comes the muffled cry from the pillows as an arm appears from the side of the bed, slapping at the alarm clock until it shuts off.

The phone continues to ring.

"Mmrph mff!" comes the muffled cry again, as Sharon, head still buried in her pillow, slaps again at the alarm clock. The phone continues to ring. Up comes the head, hair everywhere, glowering at the clock.

"I said bugger offffphone... damnit."

Squinting at the clock, she sees the time. "Oh yeah, three hours sleep. Absolutely that's enough," she grumps, rolling to a sitting position, putting her feet on the floor, scratching her head and small of her back at once. Doing survailance on someone's spouse having an affair was boring and tedious and doing it until 4:30 in the morning was not fun; but it paid the bills.

Lurching to her feet, she thumps out of her bedroom towards the sound of the annoying phone. Passing the kitchen, she sees Norton at the window, face plastered against the pane, looking in. He lets out a mrow when he sees her, sitting up. "Good freakin' morning to you too, sweetie," she returns, walking past the kitchen. "Let you in in a minute."

She enters the living room, searching for her ringing phone. She finds it beneath the couch cushion and picks it up. She shakes her head as the neighbours downstairs enter their morning argument, screaming at each other. "I can hear you!" she shouts at the floor, stomping loudly on the floor. They don't pay attention.

"Of course you can hear them," she mutters to herself. "And see them if you want, and smell them. And you smell disgusting you freakin' drunk!" she shouts, stomping on the floor again. "Fricken' morning ritual," she complains.

Another mrow and the banging of a cats head on a window pane. "Yeah, yeah, hold your horses Norton!" she shouts as she hits the button on the receiver turning it on. "I'll be right there already!" she shouts, heading into the kitchen and pulling the window up and open, nearly dropping the receiver. Norton walks in and presses up against her stomach purring. "Men are always me me me, aren't you? At least you're in a good mood this morning," she says, scratching him behind his ears, remembering then she has the phone in hand still and it's on. "Hello?" she says grumpily and still tired into the receiver.
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Sharon McAllister's apartment

"You know Sharon, then you told me that you would prefer it if I call instead of sending telepathic messages I did think you meant it."
Charles Xaviers voice sounds half amused and half apologizing.
"But I fear your assesment of the attitude of males was quite correct as I indeed need you help. I am sorry for disturbing you so early but there is a problem and we can not afford to loose much time."
The humour has all left his voice by now.


First Post
Sharon McAllister's apartment

"You know Sharon, then you told me that you would prefer it if I call instead of sending telepathic messages I did think you meant it."
Charles Xaviers voice sounds half amused and half apologizing.
"But I fear your assesment of the attitude of males was quite correct as I indeed need you help. I am sorry for disturbing you so early but there is a problem and we can not afford to loose much time."
The humour has all left his voice by now.[/QUOTE]"Sorry, Charles," she says quickly, silently berating herself for sounding so grumpy. "You know I never mind when you call," she says in what she hopes is a more pleasant manner as she gets her mind together finally.

She props the phone between her shoulder and ear, pulling open the fridge and grabbing the milk. "I wrapped up the only thing on my plate a few hours ago, so whatever you need, I'm there for you." She pours Norton a bowl of milk and sets it on the counter, scratching his back as she shifts the phone to her other ear and drinks from the carton herself. "One of your students run away or something?"
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Sharon McAllister's apartment

"Thank you Sharon. I am affraid it is far worse than just a runaway."
He pausses a moment and you can hear him hit a few keys on a computer.
"Yes that could be a candidate."
He pauses.
"I'm sorry Sharon I am trying to sort out a solution right now. Would you come over to the Institute please?"

Dark Nemesis

First Post
Angela Lance has just escaped from the mental asylum the day before and is on the run. Without money, papers or clothes aside from a hospital gown she has a hard time even with her ability to change her appearance. You just stumble around the corner then you hear an unpleasnt male voice.
"Well look what the wind blew in. Looks like the evening won't get boring afterall."
In front of you are two young punks who just stand up then they see you. One of them draws a switchblade and smiles at you.
"Are you allright girl? Come on we can help you."

She wandered aimlessly, not entirely sure were to go. Eventually, all of the streets and backalleys began to look the same Cold, tired and hungry, she was beginning to regret her decision to escape without anything in way of supplies. She regretted her decision even more when she encountered the two thugs.

"Uh... sorry, must have taken a wrong turn," with that said, she turned and ran, not interested in giving the punks the opportunity to give her any of their 'help'.


First Post
Sharon McAllister's apartment

"Thank you Sharon. I am affraid it is far worse than just a runaway."
He pausses a moment and you can hear him hit a few keys on a computer.
"Yes that could be a candidate."
He pauses.
"I'm sorry Sharon I am trying to sort out a solution right now. Would you come over to the Institute please?"
"Oh sure, be mysterious and foreboding," she says semi-jokingly. "Just let me get in the shower and dressed and I'll be over. It's gonna be rush hour, but I'll stay off the freeway, so an hour? Shouldn't be longer. See you soon."

Hanging up the phone she sets it on the counter and reaches for the instant coffee. It's empty. Damnit. He better have coffee when I get there. She heads to the bathroom, hops in the tub and showers quickly. She gives her hair a quick drying and combing and pulls on her clothes; jeans, full sleeved cross-button shirt, and pulls on her socks and hiking boots. She grabs her custom Thunderstick holster from the wall and slings it over herself, fastening it securely. Finally, she grabs her gloves and leather trenchcoat and heads back to the kitchen.

"Back out with you, Norton," she says to her alleycat friend, picking him up and giving him a kiss on the top of his head before putting him back out onto the fire escape with the bowl of milk. "See you when I see you," she says to him as closes the window and heads out the door, grabbing her helmet on the way out. She goes down the hall to Mrs. Thines apartment and looks through the walls, making sure the woman is up, and knocks on the door. A quick arrangement to pick up her mail is made and she heads down the stairs and out the front door.

The smells and sounds and motion of the street assail her senses, giving her pause for a moment as she lets herself get accustomed to it quickly. Moments later, she opens her eyes again and smiles at her beloved, beat-up, old motorcycle. It doesn't smile back. She yawns. Lots of coffee. Better be lots and lots of coffee.

Sharon pulls her helmet and gloves on and gets on, kickstarting it and heading for the institute on the city streets, avoiding the major roadways to cut down on rush hour traffic.


First Post
shortly after midnight
some nameless alley

"Come on boys, this is going to be fun!"
The shout follows Angela then she runs and you can hear more voices from the alley. Appearantly the thugs had friends and soon half a dozen of them run after you.

Rooftops. Ever since Iron Fist explained that "Hero Buisness" to you your world seems to consist of rooftops. He says it is the best way to move fast and still be able to see if someone on the street needs you. Of course unlike you he can't fly so maybe he has a limited perspective. Of course there have been some nice evenings relaxing at home. The super martial artists can cook some damn nice food too and that female friend of his, Misty Knight, makes good company. But that seems to be the exception. It's mostly rooftops. Oh yes and thugs. They seem to be almost as common as rooftops. You can allready see some again. They are chasing a sick looking girl down the street. She is dressed only in a hospital gown and looks like she's nearly dropping from exhaustion.
Your companions signature fist starts to glow as he watches it all on the edge of the roof in a suitably heroic pose, ready to jump right into the middle of the pursuers as soon as they reach his postion.
He is breathing calmly while he waits.
"Let's be fast about this, the girl looks like she needs help and if we take too long she might run of while we are busy. Just remember, there is no need for anyone to die. Control is everything. Are you ready?"
With that he leaps down four stories without even blinking.

The thugs are surprised so they don't get to act this turn and you catch them flatfooted should you choose to attack.
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