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Nova Wars Baby!

Ralts Bloodthorne

First Post
This weekend we did some Future Fun.

The PC's came in on a hot LZ, the dropship pilot (A PC) had to make an orbital insertion under fire, hit the targeted LZ, then hold position under fire while the other PC's dismounted and the last PC (Ships gunner) raked the area with Firelinked Gauss weapons, trying to keep the Spooks heads down.

The Hornet Mark III came barrelling down in atmosphere, ECM's on full, the pilot making a straight nose-dive for the LZ, no funny stuff, just trying to break the horizon in a hell of a hurry.

Starship Dodge Feat: Once per round, per point of Dex Bonus, the pilot of a light or smaller craft may make an opposed Drive check (DC = Attack Roll) to avoid being hit. Special: Must have the Piloting Nueral Jack.

The five PC's in the back are all sweating this, knowing that there's nothing they can do, and one hit from a planetary particle beam battery and they are so much carbon ash.

Two PC's do last minute checks on thier gear.

The Hornet takes a grazing hit from a mobile Anti-Aircraft gun, but the tachyon field holds (90 points - 50 DR) well enough to keep the ship from suffering more than minor damage (40 points) to the hull. Everyone inside is belted in, and the inertia compensators hold so there is no impact damage from the coherent light.

The gunner strafes a ramjet shrieking by, then switches his aim toward the air to air missile it launched. The ramjet keeps going, raining shards of armor, but the missile explodes... (Rolls to hit)

The dropship hits the LZ, and the gunner begins laying down fire while the PC's bail out the back, looking around. One PC pops up an aireal recon drone, but it's quickly shot down.

The Combat Cyborg sees a missile coming in, and knocks it out of the air with his point defense system, and the party runs across the tarmac of the spaceport landing grid for the command building.

The gunner lays down cover fire, concentrating on a bunker that is tearing up the tachyon field with Particle Beam Cannon (54 points average) but doing minor damage to the ship. The pilot is forced to goose the ship out of the way several times.

The ground pounders hit the building, and begin facing the security forces as the pilot sees a Corvette powering up. The pilot launches the dropships only missiles, and all of them impact on the corvette, heavily damaging it. The gunner finishes it off with long bursts from the Gauss Guns.

One of the PC's is down, his Nova Star power armor failing under crossed fire from 3 Spook heavy weapons teams, and the borg is laying down fire to keep the team medic covered (An andriod) while he drags the fallen PC back and checks the status readouts.

He's dead, his chest blown out when the Arclight PPC caved in his breastplate and caused his cells to instantly turn to steam. They hit the emergency destruct switch as the building shudders. The second team has set the demo charges on the Starports defense grid's computers.

Outside, the fight is raging, two dropships have crashed into the tarmac. One PC on the other dropship tears loose from the wreckage, pops free his damage missile launcher, and begins hosing fire at an oncoming hover tank. In the other, the PC is dead, the dropship falling from 3,500 feet and exploding when it hit the tarmac.

("DAMN!" yells the PC, and grabs another clone sheet, "This is getting nasty!")

The team inside building comes out, just as another hover-tank comes around the corner.

("Where are these blasted tanks coming from?" asks one. "ConFedMilInt said the spaceport wasn't guarded.")

The team runs across the tarmac, where the arriving borg manages to kill 2 of the tanks but is dropped by another heavy hover-tank arriving with a pair of quick strike infantry carriers.

They leap aboard the dropships, and the andriod sprints across the tarmac, racing for the fallen cyborg. He pulls the intact cerebral chassis from the cyborg and runs back for the dropship. The dropship is heating up the fusion torch for liftoff and the gunner is laying the Gauss Cannons into two more hovertanks.

The dropship lurches, taking a hard hit, and the troop-bay is holed. Everyone goes to internal armor environment as the andriod and the hapless borg cerebral chassis get on board.

The pilot punches it as the intact borg fires a brace of rockets and dumps his now empty rocket pack out of the back of the dropship as it takes off.

The dropship powers up out of atmosphere, and docks with the troop-ship. Smoking, reduced to 15 hp, and 7 out of 19 PC's used (It's called a "meatgrinder" campaign, and uses clones, memory engram downloads, and soul-chips) Killed In Action and mission accomplished.

The players switch characters to thier light assault fighters as the carrier launches defensive ships when an enemy fleet drops out of shuntspace, obviously returning to Theranod IX for post-battle refits.

Fun for everyone, eh?

BTW-We REALLY are going to need a d20 Future icon for the thread titles
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Warlord Ralts said:
This weekend we did some Future Fun.

Fun for everyone, eh?
Holy crap! That's d20 Future with a BANG! Any chance you'd write this up as a Story Hour? How about post the stats and house rules here? Come on... You know you want to.

Ralts Bloodthorne

First Post
Meat Grinder Campaign​

The galaxy is at war. It doesn't matter which galaxy, or who thier fighting. That's up to the GM, not me. The whole basis on this is a war that consumes whole planets. There are vast fleet moving through space to engage one another, assault planets, and sometimes, burn a planet to a cinder.

Ground troops are landed, either the huge planetary assault borgs, the Collosal Mecha, and the little crunchies, sometimes even armored in power armor. Dropships are sharded out of the sky by planetary defense batteries, and death comes quickly and often to PC's.

How to keep some form of continuity?

Three advances:

Forcegrowth Clones
Mental Engram Recording

Forcegrowth Cloning
For the last 200 years, the ability to clone humans and other intelligent races had been mastered. From a culture of cells to fully grown adult could be accomplished in mere days through forced growth technology, electrostimulation of the muscles. The procedure, while prefected, is still prohibitively expensive, requiring vast facilities and highly professional technicians.
This allows a body to be completely regrown, without any ability adjustments due to level, enhancements (excluding genetic engineering) or damage being applied, within 2d4 days.
The body will be mindless, however.
Cost: 85
Restriction: None

Memory Engram Recording
The brain is a highly complex organ. With the furrows and ridges of the brain, as well as stored electrical and chemical charges making up personality, memory and intelligence.
With advanced tissue mapping and imaging, electrostatic mapping, and nuerochemical tracking, the science of recording the "person" from the brain has been in use for over a century. Sadly, it is hideously expensive, and care must be taken from keeping the recording from awakening. Those recording that wake up usually hit the virtual "panic button" and request either being put back to sleep, or petition for Artifical Sentience Status.
This keeps all skills, feats, muscle memory, etc at the time of the recording. When combined with the Forcegrowth cloning, this allows a PC to be technologically resurrected if they are killed.
Cost: 60
Restriction: Liscensed (+1)

With advances in neural mapping, the Soulchip is a spinoff technology of the Mental Engram Recording (above) science, and represents a massive leap in recovering those who have died.
In use solely by the military at this time, as the procedure is experimental at best, and the long term psychological effects are unknown, this chip stores the person's memories of whom it is implanted in.
When the person is killed, the soulchip broadcasts a high powered, highly compressed signal to a nearby "Soul Catcher" via FTL communications wave, where it is recorded. Using this technology, a character would even remember thier own death.
Combined with Force Growth Cloning, a dead character can be back in action within 2d4 days.
Cost: HALF the characters current wealth, and 1/3 of thier gained wealth for next 250 years.
Restriction: Military (+3)

Yes, highly restrictive in the cost sense, but hey, it worked for us. Feel free to adjust the cost if you want.

"Welcome to the future, meat-sacks. Even if you are killed, I still own you! You are still mine! Not even death gets you out of this contract. And do not think I will hesitate to kill you to prove a point about just how unfit for combat you are!"-Drill Sergeant Alex Hargrave, Confederate Marine Corps
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Ralts Bloodthorne

First Post
ragboy said:
Holy crap! That's d20 Future with a BANG! Any chance you'd write this up as a Story Hour? How about post the stats and house rules here? Come on... You know you want to.

I fully intend on it.

House rules run somewhat like this:

Background (From Darwin's World 2) and Occupation and Base Class are up to the player. Heroic stat-block of 18, 16, 15, 14, 12, 10 put however they want. For the game, we do "Terran Confederacy" with the pilot classes being Navy (ConFed Fleet) and the ground pounders/cyborgs being Marines (ConFed Corps).

We adjust cybernetics as per the following:

Torso Replacement (PL 7)
This is the beginning of full cybernetic conversion for a character. The cyber-torso means, simply, having your brain scooped out and put in a life support chassis, and your body entirely replaced.
The character is immediately loses all constitution bonuses to fortitude, hit points, etc. They still retain a constitution score, however, due to the few remaining biolgoical parts. However, they suffer a -8 penalty.
The character does NOT become a contruct, is still subject to critical hits, mind affecting spells, psionics and massive damage checks.
The Torso replacement comes complete with organ replacement, advanced prosthetic limbs, and a cerbral chassis.
  • Type: External
  • Hardness: 10 (limb hardness is raised to meet torso)
  • Hitpoints: 100 bonus hit points.
  • Base Purchase DC: 32
  • Restriction: Liscensed (+1)

Improved Torso Replacement [PL 8]
As per Torso replacement, this one takes advantage of newer materials, better minaturization, and faster processors, as well as better cyberentic technology.
The Torso Replacement comes complete with Advanced Artifical Organs, Hyperlimbs and an advanced cerberal chassis.
  • Type: External
  • Hardness: 15 (limb hardness is raised to meet torso)
  • Hit Points: 150 bonus hitpoints to total
  • Base Purchase DC: 35

Hyperlimbs [PL 8]
With the steady advances of cybernetic technology, the Hyperlimb is the answer to your meat arms! No longer slow, clumsy, sticky and goopy, the hyperlimb is everything you've never dared of dreaming of, in a high tech, sleek package that says: "I've got it all, and I don't need meat."-Advertisement by Zeratine Systems Technologies, Articial Systems
Hyperlimbs replaces the former biological limb with advanced alloys, software, computers and high tensile constrcuts. With memetic polyalloys and nanofluid resiviors, complete with micro-creation engine, the Hyperlimb is today's answer to computers and implants of the past.
Benifit A hyperlimb not only duplicates the previous limbs function, but has enhanced strength, reflexes and toughness. It does not count toward the total number of cybernetic attatchments and allows up to 2 additional attatchments on that limb free of cost. The limb has +4 strength, +2 Dex. Creation Engine software allows those slots to be automatically configured on the fly as long as the fees are promptly paid up by the onboard nanoconfiguration nanites.
  • Type: External
  • Hardness/Hit Points: 10/20 (for each limb, 10 bonus HP to total)
  • Base Purchase DC: 25
  • Restriction: Liscensed (+1)

Cerebral Chassis[PL 7]
Ever wish your skull wasn't in the way? Tired of that flesh-tube body? Want to run the net like the professionals do? Is your body wearing out, or are you just tired of it? Then the FreedomTek Cerebral Chassis is for you! By simply removing your brain and part of your spinal cord from that biological trash called a body, you can have the body of your dreams created at one of our subsidiary manufactures? Why be you, when you can be improved?--From an entertianlink burst.
By removing the brain and putting it in a nutrient filled resivior, attaching optical cybernetics and connecting neural motor control tissue to cybernetic body controls, this cybernetic removes the physical body entirely. Mnenomic enhancers are added, as well as hardware and software for constant diagnostics. Radio implants keep the brain in contact with other cerebral chassis within 20' (12 channel)
Benift To your meat body? None. They toss it in the dumpster. Con, -8, Str: Reduced to zero, Dex: Reduced to Zero, +4 Int, Cha -8. Constitution bonus is set at +4 for the amount of cybernetics the character can recieve. The following are not considered to have a cost: Visual sensors, audio sensors, audio speech device, ID chip.
  • Type: External
  • Hardness/Hitpoints: 0/5
  • Base Purchase Price: 40
  • Restriction: Liscensed (+1)

Military Cerebral Chassis [PL 8]
As above with the following changes:
Constitution bonus is set at +8 for the amount of cybernetics the character can recieve. The following are not considered to have a cost: Visual sensors, audio sensors, audio speech device, ID chip. Robotic accessories and sensor systems are considered to be cybernetic implants.
Intillegence +8, Spot, Search, Listen +4 equipment bonus.
  • Hardness/Hit points: 10/30
  • Base Purchase Price: 50
  • Restriction: Military (+3)

Later, I'll post some full conversion cyborgs.
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Ralts Bloodthorne

First Post
Terran Confederate Marine Corps

Terran Confederate Marine Corps​

Unlike militaries of the past, the TCMC is completely staffed by volunteers, but it's some of the volunteers that suprise those who look closely at the TCMC. Terminally ill patients who volunteered to undergo full cybernetic conversion in return for 15 years of service in the Corps, hardened criminals who exchanged thier sentences at a 2:1 rate. Combat drops, surviving certian missions, and volunteering for certian duties decreases the ratio even faster.

The TCMC specializes in everything from hostage rescue to ship to ship boarding parties to planetary assault drops under fire. They are feared throughout the galaxy for toughness, determination, skill, and the fact that they do not surrender. Ever.

Training is an intense 1 year program of memory conditioning, surgery, genetic enhancements, gene-therapy, nanite injections, training in equipment and survival, culminating in at least 6 months in a hostile zone. Many trainees die at least once during training, but despite common rumor, the TCMC does not go out of it's way to kill trainees.

All TCMC soldiers have a soulchip implanted upon entry to the TCMC, ensuring that the Confederacy will get thier money's worth out of all applicants. Even death does not stop a recruit, as they can continue service as a digital sentient or even a full conversion cyborg.

A typical term of service in the TCMC is 10 years, although combat award and hazardous duty may lessen that.

All soldiers are "backed up" before hazardous drops, and are ensured by contract to be "reloaded" should anything happen to kill them. Between the soulchips, soul catchers, forcegrowth and Mneomic recording, the TCMC wastes nothing, not even soldiers.

Strangely enough, there are no officers above the rank of Colonel in the TCMC and no NCO's above the rank of Master Gunnery Sergeant.

The TCMC tradationally carries the M-242 MAW, wears the Goblin IV Power Armor or the Pounder Body Armor.

Mechanics Section
The following is adjusted: +2 on Str (to a minimum of 16. If lower after addtion, then raise to 16); +2 on Con (to a minimum of 16, raise to 16 if lower); +2 on Dex (to a minimum of 14, if lower after modification, raise to 14)
The following become class skills: Knowledge (Tactics), Spot, Survival
The following feats are granted: Military Unpowered Armor Profiency, Military Weapons Profiency, Military Powered Armor Profiency.

M-242 MAW [PL-7]
The M-242 Magnetic Accellerator Weapon has been that staple of the TCMC for the last 125 years. Basically nothing more than an electromagentic rifle, the MAW uses an ammunition hopper than compresses/shaves/slices matter placed inside of it to feed the chamber. The inate magnetism of the matter inside of the chamber is used to accellerate it, the magnetic coils inside of the barrel destabilize the electron valiances and cause agitation of the nuclie of the atoms, causing the matter to collapse within microseconds of leaving the barrel, and striking the target with a supersolid slug.

With a long, reliable service record behind it, the MAW is used by the TCMC for many missions, from an emplaced weapon (mounted on a tripod) to Mecha weaponry (usually unminaturized), to a hand weapon. The ease in reloading, and gaurentee that ammo can be aquired makes it a favorite.
Damage: 10d10*
Critical: x3
Damage Type: Ballistic
Range Increment: 40 ft
Rate of Fire: S,B,A
Magazine: Holds 20 shots of matter. To refill the hopper takes 1 attack action
Size: Large
Weight: 10 lbs
Purchase DC: 30
Restriction: Military (+3)
*Due to the penetrator nature of the supersolid, the first 10 points of hardness of the target are ignored.
Gadgets: Minaturization (Down from Gargantuan), Satellite datalink (integral), video scope (integral), Gravetic Recoil Redirectors
If attached to power armor or Mecha, the MAW has the following
Equipment Slots: 1 (May be handheld if the armor is Large or smaller)
Activation: Attack action
Target: Single Target
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None

Pounder Body Armor [heavy armor][PL 8]
The Standard TCMC infantry armor, this armor is tough, shielded, and used for everything from ship boarding to planetary assaults to garrison duty on occupied planets.
The use of this armor is taught in basic training, with focus on the musculature and reflexive enhancements.
The Pounder Body Armor provide a +6 strength and a +4 Dexterity enhancement. The wearer is also able to lift and carry five times the normal amount of wieght, and does not accumulate fatigue from encumberance.
The shielding provides DR 15/- against attacks, as well as adds 50 hitpoints to the character. These hp are removed first, and once gone, the DR fails also. The shielding regenerates 1 hp per minute, but if fully depleted, takes 6 hours to recharge.
The pounder also contains 2 slots for mission adjustable equipment.
Equipment Bonus: +12
Nonprof. Bonus: +1
Max Dex Bonus: +1
Armor Penalty: -8
Speed: 30 ft
Weight: 45 lbs
Purchase DC: 29
Restriction: Mil (+3)
Gadgets: Environment Seal, Integrated Equipment (HUD Software, Targeting), Self Repairing Integrated Equipment (Radio), Integrated Equipment (Cold Fusion Power Backpack), Integrated Equipment (Gravity Anchor), Integrated Equipment (Shielding)

Teleportation Disrupter[PL 8]
With the creation of matter teleportation, a battlefield solution had to be created in order to stop massive influxes of reenforcement, teleporting munitions reloads, etc.
A side effect of the Temporal Dissonance Cannon is tachyon instability in the region, and scientists began by investigating that effect in order to find a way to block matter transfer but still allow life to continue (unlike the Herod Experiment, where the teleportation blocker caused tachyons to beyond, and half the planet to sudden become submolecular particles) and physical objects to remain unchanged.
The result was the Teleportation Disruptor. Of varying size depending on mission necessity (most 27th Century vehicles and armor use one, with a single wavelength left out to allow thier munitions bays to be reloaded) in order to blockade an area that may range from the size of car (10x20) to a whole city.
The Artificial Systems are known to have surrounded many planets with satellite rings to keep "Skip Bombs" from being used, or troops teleporting in, which brings it right back to dropship and groundpounder time.

Gravitic Redirector [PL 6]
This gadget allows a ballistic weapon to be weilded after minaturization has compressed the weapon without undue recoil affecting the weapon or user. It also negates the burst fire attack penalty.
Restriction: Ballistic Weapons only
Purchase DC Modifier: +2

Military Unpowered Armor Profiency
You are proficient in the armor of a particular military
Prerequisite: Active service in a military or Military Occupation
Benifit: You gain profiency in one type of unpowered armor per class (light, medium, heavy, assault) that is in use by the military your character belongs too.
This feat may be taken multiple times as long as the character is active, and may only be taken at character creation if the character only has the Military Occupation.

Military Weapons Profiency
You have passed basic marksmanship and weapon use in a military.
Prerequisite: Active service in a military or Military Occupation
Benifit You gain profiency in the standard weapons in use by the military your character is in service to.
This feat may be taken multiple times as long as the character is active, and may only be taken at character creation if the character only has the Military Occupation.

Military Powered Armor Profiency
You have passed basic power armor use in a military boot camp.
Prerequisite: Active service in a military or Military Occupation
Benifit You gain profiency in one standard power armor suit in use by the military your character is in service to.
This feat may be taken multiple times as long as the character is active, and may only be taken at character creation if the character only has the Military Occupation.
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Ralts Bloodthorne

First Post

Kalendru AKA Spooks

Kalendru, Spooks and Strike Force Trooper are copyright David Drake, and are used by The Brood with express permissions. Weapons and descriptions below have been adapted from the novel "Redliners" and are Copyright © 1996 by David Drake

"The Kalendru were long-limbed, gray-skinned humanoids. From a distance they appeared hairless, but if you looked closely you saw that their skin was covered with fine down.
Kalendru were on average taller, slimmer and significantly quicker than Terrans. Because Spooks weren’t as strong, their troops carried lighter, less-powerful weapon loads. A striker learned fast, though, that if you missed your first shot the Spook was going to get in the second one."
From Redliners

Kalendru are an ancient race, who discovered star drive and established a vast empire while humans were still learning to chip flint. Since that time, they have slowly crumpled, thier strength and drive passing away.

Kalendru culture only understands master or servant, and where another race might have coexisted with humanity in thier declining years, the Kalendru fought. While a Kalendru will not fight when there is slim chance of victory, they are fierce combatants indeed, thier speed and agility making up for thier lack of strength.

Kalendru have a racial aversion to right angles, and a more sensitive psycholiogy than humans.

Adjustments: -2 strength, +2 Dex, +1 racial bonus to Reflex saves, and a -1 racial penalty to Fortitude saves against disease and poison.
Kalendru can see higher into the infrared spectrum than Teran Humans, and gain a +1 racial bonus to Spot and Search

Kalendru Laser Baton
Light, short and stubby, the Kalendru Laser Baton still packs a hell of a whallop. It is approximately 11 inches long, four inches around, and is a flat grey color. It's considered a mastercraft item, and gains a +1 to attack.
Damage: 3d6
Critical: 20
Damage Type: Energy
Range Increment: 40 feet
Rate of Fire: S
Magazine: 10, energy cell
Weight: 3 lbs
Purchase DC: 21
Restriction: Military (+3), Alien (+3)

(Sorry, I know it's a tease, but the book is almost complete)

Ralts Bloodthorne

First Post
Powell Mbht

Powell MBHT [PL 8]

The Terran obsession with armored vehicles has reached an apparent culmination in the Powell Main Battle Hover Tank, the lastest, and arguably, the greatest, armored vehicle of the 27th Century.

A huge behemoth, the gravitic redirectors actually scream as they push the massive war machine over terrain, smashing down buildings and vegitation alike as the monsterous vehicle moves to engage and destroy the enemy.

While many races have put up with the disadvantages an energy shield causes (lack of sight, having to drop it to use weaponry, distortian and crew dazzlement) the Terran Confederacy has instead opted for a radical armor approach.

Compressed ruby, sandwiched down to nearly a supersolid by intense gravitation fields manufactured in zero-go environment, then layered with foamed iridium and topped off with over a foot of neovulcanium, the armor is both incredibly dense and immensely heavy. Advanced deflection angles make it difficult at best to hit, and even what appears to be a square shot may be partially, or completely deflected. Microhydraulics and flatware motors actually tilt the plates slightly in response to incoming fire in order to let last 2 inches of neovulcanium "bounce" incoming shots.

The tank boasts a maingun that puts out over 500 megatonnes per shot that can fire every two seconds, secondary weapons capable of shredding other armored vehicles, and a battery of 80mm vertically launched missile systems for counter-battery fire or area denial fire missions. A point defense system that enables it to also engage low flying aircraft as well as airborne powered infantry and jump troops, as well as incoming missiles. The vehicle is protected again by a nanite reloaded APERS "strip" that kills any infantry or incoming missile that the PDS misses.

Just the sight of the Powell has been enough to cause many xenoforms to lay down thier arms and surrender.

The Powell is driven by a heavy cold fusion engine, and is armed with 1 Punchgun, 4 Shredders, 1 battery of 6 80mm verticle launch missile systems, two point defense systems, standard APERS strips. The vehicle is also environmentally sealed, has sattellite uplink, GALPOS system, radio system, HUD. It used "Power Squirt" gravitation redirctors for it's propulsion system, and is fast and manuverable.

Crew: 4 (Commander, communications, gunner, driver) (Must be Trained or better. Below stats is for without crew)
Passengers: 0
Init: +0
Maneuver: +1
Top Speed: 160 (16)
Defense: 15 (-1 for every attacker beyond 6 attackers, to a minimum of a defense of 6)
Hardness: 100
Hit Points: 1500
Size: G
Purchase DC: 55 (does not include weapons, computer systems or gadgets)
Restriction: Mil (+3)

Powell Main Gun "Punchgun"
By using lasers to compress a nuclear explosion, and firing out a nearly solid "slug" of ravening ions, the Punchgun literally hammers at opponents with chunks of the same energy that makes up a star. This weapon is a minaturized version of the same weapon that many Terran light cruisers use against other ships and planetary targets. The Punchgun can only be fired by the tank commander or the gunner, and can only be fired a maximum of 4 times per round.
Damage: 3d12x100 direct hit, 5d12x10 to everything within 100 feet
Critical: 20/x3
Damage Type: Energy
Range Increment: 1000 ft by eye, 10,000 km with computer targeting engaged.
Rate of Fire: S
Magazine: 20
Size: Huge
Weight: 600 lbs
Purchase DC: 29
Restriction: Mil (+3)

Lancet Point Defense System
A high powered pulse laser system, this weapon is primarily used against incoming missiles, artillery and mortar rounds, but can be used against low flying vehicles and incoming troops. It is powered by the Powell's reactor, and does not run out of energy. The pulse system allows the weapon to cool slightly, and gassing caused by ionation and the passage of high energy to disappate more than with a steady firing beam, giving the weapon burst and automatic rates of fire.
The Lancet is computer targeted, gaining an attack bonus of +8/+3 and each one has it's own gunner autocomp.
Damage: 5d8x10
Critical: 20
Damage Type: Energy
Range Increment: 120 ft
Rate of Fire: S, B, A
Magazine: unlimited
Size: Large
Weight: 150 lbs
Purchase DC: 23
Restriction: Mil (+3)

The APERS strip surround the tank, and is used to kill any infantry or missile weapons that make it within the PDS.
The strips are demopoxy impregnated with depleted uranium shards, and are designed to kill everything within a 20 foot radius of the tank when they detonate. Each tank contains 3 levels of them, 4 panels per quarter. Nanite reloaders bring more demopoxy in from interior banks after a panel has been fired, but takes approximately 15 minutes to do so. Anyone within the tanks radius must succeed in a Reflex Save (DC: 25) or be hit by the full force of the APERS strip. A successful save means half damage.
Damage: 6d8x5
Critical: --
Damage Type: Ballistic
Range Increment: 100 ft
Rate of Fire: S
Magazine: 20
Size: Medium
Weight: 50 lbs
Purchase DC: 19
Restriction: Mil (+3)

80mm VLMS
Within the tank is a battery of 6 80mm missile systems. The missiles can be of any type, and often, the nanite core is given instructions as to the warhead type just prior to flight. When inside the tank, the nanite remain in an explosively inert state, so that hard impacts do not cause sympathetic detonations of the missiles. The VLMS is computer fired, but the tank commander must designate the target. The onboard computer gives the tank commander a +4 to strike (no other bonuses are applied) on a succesful Knowledge (Tactics) check (DC: 15).
Damage: As per missile type
Critical: 20
Damage Type: As per missile type
Range Increment: 500 ft
Rate of Fire: S, can fire 6 missiles as one attack.
Magazine: 20 per tube (6 tubes total)
Size: Huge
Weight: 200 lbs, 40 lbs per missile
Purchase DC: 25
Restriction: Mil (+3)

"Shredder" secondary weaponry
A rapid fire electromagnetic railgun, this weapon snaps glass encased iron pellets to a signifigant fraction of lightspeed, directing fully automatic fire at opponents. The glass turns to plasma, further damaging a target. Onboard nanites create reloads from the surrounding atmosphere via molecular reconstruction, as needed. The nanites can completely reload a shredder's munitions bay in 30 minutes.
These weapons are controlled by slaved gunner autocomps and have a +4 to +8/+3 to strike. Each weapon has it's own gunner autocomp
Damage: 5d6x10/5d6x10
Critical: 20
Damage Type: Ballistic/Energy
Range Increment: 150 ft
Rate of Fire: S, B, A
Magazine: 20,000
Size: Large
Weight: 20 lbs
Purchase DC: 29
Restriction: Mil (+3)

"Power Squirt" Propulsion System
Developed for heavy hover vehicles, the "power squirt" redirects gravity around the tank, but keeps the vehicles chassis in a constant state of motion, much like the ancient 20th Century "fly by wire" system. The "squirt" overcomes inertia by having the vehicle already "wanting" to move in that direction.
Very expensive and power consuming, only the heaviest vehicles get any use out of it.
Benifits: Negates Initiave and Manuever penalty due to size, Maxmimum speed of 250 (25)
Purchase DC: 25
Restriction: Liscensed (+1)

Ain't technology great!
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Ralts Bloodthorne

First Post
TCMC Cyborg Chassis

Terran Confederate Marine Corps
Cybernetic Chassis

Soldiers die, and sometimes are totally mangled beyond any hope of DNA scanning and recovery. Sometimes, DNA is stored improperly back at Central Medical Command. Other times, the crunchy is just incompetant in a meat body and gets himself killed too often.

That has happened to every single one of you, except for the fools who actually volunteered. You people were all, without a doubt, every single one of you, stupid, and are now a brain in a jar.

But that doesn't mean the TCMC is done with you. Oh no. That would be easy, no cost effective, and letting you off easy. See, they have a better way of handling it than letting go the truely incompetant and those of you who were obviously hoping that incompetance would get you released from your contract early.

You war criminals know what I'm talking about, and will be serving multiple life senteces. I can tell by your vircon that you aren't happy, are you?

By yanking out your newly cloned brain and shoving you into a cyborg chassis, the Corps not only gains valuable firepower, but your experience and training do not go to waste. The TCMC has 4 versions for you unlucky slobs who have either volunteered to serve in my branch of the Corps, and I will instruct each of you on every one of them. You will then undergo VR testing on them, to see which one you are the best fit for.

By the way, sensory interlocks will be on full during the testing, and you will die.

Al lot.
-Cadre Instructor Field Gunnery Sergeant Jhim Beechcomb, during Virtual Reality Cybernetic Trooper training indoctrination.

The unofficial motto of the Terran Confederacy is "Waste Nothing", a holdover from the Green influences of 21st Century politics, before nano-reclamators were used to rejuvinate shattered eco-systems.

The Corps takes this to heart by making sure that even a trooper who is unable to be fitted back into a body, or who has crossed the thin line into war crimes activities, or is just unlucky or stupid, still serves.

Cybernetic Chassis ensure this possibility, transforming a soldier from a simple human inside of body armor into a rolling death machine than can go toe to toe with tanks, Mecha and in some cases, planetary defense weaponry.

Full conversion cyborgs may take a robot sensor or accessory and treat it is a single cybernetic implant.

Speed, mobility and stealth are the primary desires of the Recon Trooper. No larger than man sized, these troopers depend on thier cybernetic implants to get them through enemy lines, as well as to record everything they sense, and report it in if they are unable to return.

Make no mistake, despite the size and power difference, a recon trooper is more than a match for your average soldier.

  • Size: Medium
  • Cybernetic Systems:Advanced Cybernetic torso replacement, military cereberal chassis, hyperlegs (2), hyperarms (2), advanced cybernetic organ replacements (lungs, liver, heart, kidneys), initiave implant, Class IX sensor system (robotic), invisiware (right leg), internal weapon mount (right arm), AV recorder (left leg, armored additionally with 5 hardness/50 hp seperate from the leg), AV transmitter (left arm).
  • Remaining Slots:
  • Robotic Systems:
  • Armor:
  • Shielding:
  • Hardness:
  • Bonus HP:
  • Sensor System:
  • Onboard Weaponry:

Still man-sized, the infantry trooper is often mistaken for an armored TCMC soldier by even experienced soldiers of other races militaries. This mistake has led to even further inflating the reputation of the TCMC soldiers being killing machines.
  • Size: Medium
  • Cybernetic Systems:
  • Robotic Systems:
  • Remaining Slots:
  • Armor:
  • Shielding:
  • Hardness:
  • Bonus HP:
  • Sensor System:
  • Onboard Weaponry:

When the target is tough, and something needs broken, the heavy assault trooper is brought out. With either legs or tracks, this cyborg has heavy firepower, shielding, and backed by a human brain that often has decades of fighting experience under it's belt.
Only the truly brave or foolish engage a TCMCHAT unless there is no other choice.
  • Size: Large
  • Cybernetic Systems:
  • Robotic Systems:
  • Remaining Slots:
  • Armor:
  • Shielding:
  • Hardness:
  • Bonus HP:
  • Sensor System:
  • Onboard Weaponry:

  • Size: Large
  • Cybernetic Systems:
  • Robotic Systems:
  • Remaining Slots:
  • Armor:
  • Shielding:
  • Hardness:
  • Bonus HP:
  • Sensor System:
  • Onboard Weaponry:

These are the monsters of the cybernetic troopers. Able to be dropped from orbit, without any support, climb out of the craters thier impact has caused, and begin fighting, one of these is a crowd, two is an army, and three is a disaster.
Most remembered for the intial assault wave on the Shivak homeworld of Shivak IV in 2538, these are the stuff of realies in the TCMC and worried whispers by the forces of the enemy. The sight of 20-40 foot tall cyborgs crawling or rolling out of crater created by thier impact and laying waste to everything within range still brings cold shivers to those who have viewed the ashen remains of Shivak IV.
Planetary Assault Cyborgs may use Mecha systems as cybernetic systems at +10 wealth cost.

  • Size: Gargantuan
  • Cybernetic Systems:
  • Robotic Systems:
  • Mecha Systems:
  • Remaining Slots:
  • Armor:
  • Shielding:
  • Hardness:
  • Bonus HP:
  • Sensor System:
  • Onboard Weaponry:

  • Size: Gargantuan
  • Cybernetic Systems:
  • Robotic Systems:
  • Armor:
  • Shielding:
  • Hardness:
  • Bonus HP:
  • Sensor System:
  • Onboard Weaponry:

Give me time to find my notes, I turned the page, and the rest of it was missing!!

Hey, here's some glossary notes:
Vircon noun VIRtual iCON, a personae's visual representation in v-space. In accordance to the Digital Sentience Agreement following the Second Artificial War of 2267, all sentience, whether programmed or recorded from previously living beings, must, under capitol punishment threat, display a Vircon for ease of identification. These vircon must be registered with the Artificial Systems Registry Database and may not be duplicated.

Artificial Systems Following the Artificial Wars (First and Second, see entries) the artifial sentients were granted exclusive rights and access to multiple solar systems, under the agreement that they would remain part of the Terran Confederacy. These systems rapidly rebuilt, and in time, became a force to reconned with economically and industrially. There are two distinct Artifical Systems. One, for the robotic, andriod and biobod sentients, and one for the clones, genetically engineered and genetically created sentients.

Genejack Someone who has had thier DNA engineered, either at birth or later. A derogatory term.

Digihead A robotic.

I'll post more later, probably in a seperate post. And yes, for those of you who asked on mIRC, there is a whole d20 Future setting behind this, with a PL range of 6-8. Keep watch, the freebies make it worth it.
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