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Ashin's Commission: The Great Escape!


Patlin said:
ooc: Then I believe the plan is as follows:

1) Restoration on Hulgyr
2) Zaeryl and Ironwolf, along with Alymace's body and the treasure, teleport to Orussus
3) Orussus group will also suggest a mission of mercy to the Orussus temples, though they can't respond promptly
4) The rest of the party finishes up here, helping the villagers to the extent they are able
5) We all meet up in the RDI and divide up the treasure that's left after the fee for the restorations and the ressurection (if Alymace hasn't found his final rest...)

ooc: i agree
Concerning the rez cost for Almayce, I also agree to pay that per-split. IC Hulgyr isn't that much of treasure monger either. How many items need identification? We need to pay that as well (also pre-split i suggest).

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ooc: Well, if we raise Almayce, he'll probably do the ID stuff for free...

OK, that seems like a consensus. We implement. (Leaving the area prior to teleport, in order to avoid what happened to the semi-succubus and her allies.)

Rystil Arden

First Post
(OOC: Then that's how it goes)

*Ironwolf and Zaeryl return to Orussus with the treasure that fits in the bag and the corpse of Almayce, as the others first gather the leftover coins and art objects (easy enough for Hulgyr to carry with his massive strength if Michael helps a bit) and marshal the villagers, some of whom had been executed for falling too far into the Affliction. Meanwhile, Zaeryl uses Correspond to contact everyone he knows with divine magic and get them moving to help the villagers.*

*Hulgyr, Michael, and Eternity head out of the cave area into a day filled with fog. As they pass the village, they find it completely empty, simply covered in mist, all the villagers gone, with patrols from Fallon exploring the abandoned buildings. No help there, they skirt the patrols and head off to the south. Eventually, they are met by a priest of Verdante who is traveling with the Bainlunder from before who had a crush on Eternity (I don't feel like looking up his name). Apparently, the priest had been passing through the Bainlunder Lodge, and so the young man insisted on bringing the priest up to help the villagers. Of course, by now, the group of villagers is even more thin, as the ones falling too deep into the Affliction have been systematically executed.*

*The priest of Verdante only has enough power to heal one person per day (with one of the two spells needed left over, but that isn't enough to complete the healing), so he heals Michael first. Aglaia was true to her word, and the Affliction fades, leaving not a remnant of its effects except that Michael becomes Exhausted. When Michael prays again to Sela, he is able to provide one healing also and to complete the other priest's half-healing, so they can heal two villagers per day (Please provide a heuristic for how you will choose which villagers get to live--children first? Women first? Pregnant women? Couples--both or none? Parents/Children--all or none? A lottery to live? Etc). In the end, they are able to save 12 of their choice of the originally 60 or so people.*

*Meanwhile, Ironwolf and Zaeryl have Almayce revived (assuming the spirit is willing), and Almayce identifies all the items for free (if the spirit isn't willing, I'll just convert some of the Rez cost into ID costs). The items are:

The crystal greatsword--

'Warrior's Determination': +1 Collision Greatsword that provides a +1 insight bonus to AC and saving throws while psionically focused. The item is empathic and appears to link itself to the wielder's psychic pathways and each of the major power nodes of the human body. It hums within your mind when there is psionics or magic about, a stronger vibration for stronger psionics or magic. Also, once a day it can use its connection to the body to manifest Body Adjustment (5 PP) on the wielder of its own accord and using its own action. The greatsword seems to be missing a crucial crystal that was once set into the pommel. If it were to be found, it might recover even more powers.

The amulet (pretend the picture also has a large ruby embedded in that smaller loop)--

Torc of Self-Mastery: This powerful necklace immediately sends psionic shoots throughout the wearer's body and connects itself to the wearer's very being. Whenever the wearer uses a Psychometabolism power that affects her own body, the torc symbiotically (without any negative effect to the wearer) gathers a tiny bit of the energy used in the power and spreads it to any areas of the body that are damaged or injured. Thus, the wearer recovers 1 HP for each 1 PP spent on their self-targeted Psychometabolism powers.

Others in a sec--

Rystil Arden

First Post
The dorje--

Dorje of Energy Ray (Fire): Shoots a 5d6+5 Energy Ray of Fire. 23 charges left.

The cognizance crystal--

Cognizance Crystal (9 points): It's a cognizance crystal. It stores 9 points.

A large satchel--

Bag of Holding Type III: It's a Bag of Holdin. It holds 1000 pounds as long as it is less than 150 ft^3

A pair of silken stockings--

These items are filled with great power. They cannot be identified without stronger magic (perhaps a Legend Lore would help)

The sheaf of crossbow bolts--

+1 Blessed Crossbow Bolts: Counts as [Good] to overcome DR, 19 or a 20 crits without confirmation roll. The sheaf says on it in Old Medibarian 'In case of Rakshasa, take 2 of these and call me in the morning'.

Three power stones--You already know what they do

A small stone/rock, kept on a cushion in a box--

The Dwimmerstone: As long as the possessor is in contact with solid ground (floors or towers count here, but not flying or swimming), she receives a +1 luck bonus to saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks, a +1 insight bonus to AC, and can Meld Into Stone 1/day. If she is a Cleric with the Earth domain, she can Meld Into Stone 3/day instead and can also Soften Earth and Stone 3/day as well. Additionally, when taken to a place of great Earth Magic, this stone can be attuned to the current possessor in order to awaken its true powers (which are unknown).

A mysterious sapphire with platinum clasps to attach over the chest (Vestment Slot)--

Psychic Nexus of Power Preservation:Reduces PP costs of powers manifested by 1.

Two wands--

Wand of Cure Moderate Wounds (32 charges) and Wand of Fly (12 charges)

A sturdy belt--

Belt of the Nyntarian Guard: These belts were worn by the elite guards of Magequeen era Medibaria, and they are inscribed with the symbol of the Nyntarian Guard. The belt grants a +2 enhancement to Strength and Constitution to any wearer, and the wearer may act as if under the benefits of the Diehard feat. If she actually has the Diehard feat, the wearer does not lose 1 hit point per round for taking standard actions while at negative health. If she is also a member of the Nyntarian Guard, she can act normally (take full round's worth of actions) while at negative health, but she still dies instantly on reaching -10 health.

A soft smooth cloak--

Cloak of the Beguiler: This type of cloak is often commissioned by Medibarian nobles, who value it's protection and enhancements, but thanks to numerous copies that were stolen and used by criminals and renegade mages, it gained its more common nickname. The cloak offers the wearer a +1 resistance bonus to all saving throws, a +2 enhancement bonus to Charisma, and a +3 competence bonus on all Charisma-based checks


Michael wants pants, first of all.

Women and children first: pregnant women especially, as they're a two-for-one.
Michael tries to get the ones that are the most severely damaged without being unhealable: although he runs out of hope pretty rapidly that he's going to win, he spends a lot of time juggling people and trying to get ahead of the progress of the affliction.

The magic lingerie and the inscriptions on the crossbow bolts amuse him: they are the only times the entire week he smiles. The rest of the time he frowns, scowls, and fumes bitterly.

Michael would like to go back to the Fallonese and get their help: they've got two more clerics and possibly some of his cached gear, as well as their own Afflicted. He can't do this unless the rest of the party disappears, which he suggests they do as soon as the treasure is split up to their satisfaction. He'll get back to Orussus once this is done.

Without his healer's kit, Michael misses some herbs that can be mixed with wine for a peaceful passing, if nothing else. He would prefer not to be euthanatizing people with a stone greatclub.


ooc: RA, I have a couple of questions:
some of those items are non-srd, right? If so, have they been approved?
How many coin was there in the loot pile?
Any chance of getting gp values on those non-standard issue items?

To the rest:
I suggest we have a legend lore done for the lingerie.
Could RA and Ironwolf muster some clerics or even scrolls in orussus and use another teleport stone to get back and heal more people?

Rystil Arden

First Post
(OOC: Early in my career here in LEW, I specifically asked the judges and was told that the rule here is that non-standard items are completely allowable without approval (though of course, if something is super sketchy, it might be reconsidered). If it wasn't lost in the crash, that discussion still exists. Some of LEW's first adventures had non-straight-from-SRD items. I believe I mentioned this to you when I saw your approval thread appear for some item in BoD (the rings?). I would have even entered the thread and told you that you didn't need the thread except that it said BoD keep out ;)

The exception was Goruksblain because Goruksblain is an artifact.

Also, there is no lingerie in this treasure--okay, looked it up and apparently the modern usage of stockings is for women's hose. My bad! These are not like that. They're thick woolen stockings, sort of like Christmas stockings or a thick sock

@Teleporting back--the trouble is that if the others are heading for help, they'll be at some random place in the wilderness at any given point, so Zaeryl and Ironwolf would have no clue where to Teleport, and it would be very troublesome)
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First Post
Rystil Arden said:
*Meanwhile, Ironwolf and Zaeryl have Almayce revived (assuming the spirit is willing)
OOC: Almayce still has stuff to do, so he comes back to life. Do I apply the 5000+ xp before or after Almayce is raised? If it's after, he'd gain level 7 back.

Rystil Arden

First Post
(OOC: Oh, I missed a few questions.

@Coins, Art Objects, and Gems--they haven't counted and Appraised all of these yet.

@Pricing--that's an iffy issue. Characters don't really have an ability to tell that AFAIK.

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