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[Eberron, 4e] drothgery's Keep on the Shadowfell

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** Two months ago **

Flamekeep, Thrane

Siranina had no plans to stay in the city long after she pledged her final vows to the Church and the Keeper of the Flame. Surely the bishops knew she was better suited in the world than some administrative post here in the capital. She didn't know why someone from the Archivists' order had invited her to lunch afterwards. She had heard that they were all dry old sticks, more concerned with their research than anything else, but the invitation had been sealed with the sigil of one of the oldest noble families in Thrane, and there had been nothing for it but to accept.

She had not expected her host to be a woman younger than she was. The intelligence of a born researcher showed, but so did the faint scars of one who either had a far rougher life than one might expect of a high noble -- and everything else about her seemed to deny this -- or one who took a very personal part in the church's war against the things that came from Khyber.

"I suppose you wonder what this about." Khalia ir'Indari said. Siranina had only nodded. "The Keeper can't meet with newly-raised acolytes without drawing a lot of attention, and my father is almost as bad. Besides, he'd give you a stack of ancient tomes -- or copies of them, really -- to help prepare. And father sometimes doesn't quite accept that not everyone's minds work that way. But the Keeper had a vision a few days ago. One that concerns you."

And she had explained the shadows of what Jaela Daran had seen at Winterhaven, and that Siranina was somehow important to preventing even more serious problems.

Sharn, Breland

This time, Dalaran was going to do it. He'd seen too many pass through Morgrave on their way to one lost ruin or another -- in Xen'drik or the Demon Wastes or just possibly somewhere less remote -- who had come back having made their fame and fortune. He hadn't really paid attention to those that had not come back; they weren't him.

But if this Keep had what Parle Cranewing said it did, it could be very, very interesting.

** One month ago **

Korth, Karrnath

Titan and Khoros were sitting in a tavern, and not a particularly nice one at that. Titan, being a warforged who did not need to eat or drink, didn't see much point in the activity.

"Why did we come here again?" The warforged asked.

"Work." The half-orc responded.

"And why can't we go back to Breland now that you've finished the job?" Titan replied.

"I didn't realize how much it cost to get here." Khoros said. "But I've got a line on something here in Karrnath..."

And so the pair had found themselves hired to discretely find out why one of Kauis' agents had disappeared in Winterhaven.

** Two weeks ago **

Lakeside, Karrnath

"We should never have come here." One of the performers compained, looking at a broken cart.

"It wasn't far off the main road, and they loved us in Irontown." Another said.

"But it's going to take us a while to get this fixed." A third said. "And half of our equipment is wrecked, too."

Which was why Delia had even heard that Theda Staul's husband was missing for the first time.

** Present time **

Lakeside, Karrnath

They had all had their own reasons for wanting to go to Winterhaven, but a few questions and the way rumor flew among travelers had made them all aware they had a destination in common. They were in yet another tavern as they discussed their plans; traveling together seemed safer, at the very least.
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Sitting slightly uncomfortably at the table, Titan is turning left and right and looking at these new travel mates... So how is the wine? asks, to break the awkward silence...

Charwoman Gene

Outside the tavern...

The man in the fine (Well, they'd fool a peasant but they haven't been in fashion in 5 seasons.) robes stepped down out of the carriage. "Horse-drawn", he muttered under his breath, "not exactly comfortable." Dalaran looks quite out of place in this dusty village, he pays the driver a really low tip and walks into the tavern.
Seeing the Warforged he was told to look out for, he sits down across from him. Dalaran sits there uncomfortably until the Warforged speaks. "Good wine? I didn't know you even ate? Does your body do anything with the liquid?", he then clams up after realizing the questions are coming out in a torrent just to break the silence.


First Post
If Warforgeds could blush, Titan would have. He could stutter, however. He did. It sounded a bit funny with that metallic, slightly echoing voice.O-of c-course not. No, we don't drink. Nor eat. I was... only asking... While looking desperately at the table, then at Khoros for support, then at the table again.

Charwoman Gene

"Please don't take offense, I just am not accustomed to having... people... such as you around. Either or you." Dalaran glances at Khoros.


First Post
"Wine? Wine? This isn't wine, it's water with piss added," Delia mutters as she returns the now empty goblet to her table. "Nope, there is something worthy of being called wine elsewhere, but definitely not here. And it's not like the food is better." The acrobat growls and shakes her head. "Stupid cart just had to break down in this god-forsaken place. At least I hope the reward for this Thaul-guy is good, because then I'm really on my way to Breland."


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Entering the tavern, the young cleric smiles and comes over to the table. "Well, glad that's over with." she chuckles and sit down. At the others questioning glances, she explains: "Oh, I've just paid a small visit to an old priest living a few streets up. As grumpy a man I've ever met, though his devotion is unquestionable... Oh, nevermind that. So, here we are then, how do we procede from here?"


First Post
With a single gulp Khoros downs another massive jug of whine, before slamming it down on the table with obvious satisfaction.

"That wine here. This will be the nectar of Arawai you will all dream of yearningly once we're out there on our way to this forsaken place that Kauis henchman choose to hide himself!"

With a good-mannered laugh and a hammering slap on the back of Titan that resonates through the small tavern the dark-skinned half-orc adds.
"And don't you worry. The wine you drink is truly superb. It wets a dry throat and raises humours. It gives strenght to the exhausted and bolsters the moral! Arawai be praised!"

With a wave his muscled arm, Khoros enthusiastically orders another round.
"Hey there beautiful maiden. Another full cup of your cheapest for me and my thirsty friend Titan here! Oh, and one for my fellow nobleman here, so we can drink on the everlasting kinship of House Tharashk and the noble lines of Breland!"
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At this point, Titan feels he has to reassure the others: Don't worry... He's a good professional when he's not drunk... Then as usual, he brought the glass to his mouth and faked a satisfied drink to make his friend happy...

Voidrunner's Codex

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