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Adventure: Redblade's Riches!! (Ozymandias79 judging!)


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"Arrr, mateys! Now that we found out the location of his secret storehouse, we're gonna plunder Redblade's Riches till there's nothin' left. We'll teach that no good tiefling a lesson he won't soon forget or my name's not Captain Azrael!!"

This is the sequel thread for the Mostly Monstrous Crew and their continuing pirate adventures! I'll reserve DarkRed for Captain Azrael to use. Please put a link to your character in your first post and pick a text color to use for your speech. I would like everyone to make an sblock with your character's basic info in it to use each round of combat like [sblock=this]Minor Action:
Move Action:
Standard Action:
[sblock=stat block]Kama'zer Anma'giduu- Female Githyanki Warlord 1
Passive Perception: +9, Passive Insight: +9
AC:17, Fort:15, Reflex:14, Will:13 -- Speed:6
HP:26/26, Bloodied:13, Surge Value:6, Surges left:9/9
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: not used
Powers-Viper's Strike, Wolf Pack Tactics
Warlord's Favor, Inspiring Word, Telekinetic Leap
Lead the Attack[/sblock][/sblock]I just made it in notepad and saved it on my PC to use whenever needed and then post it each round. Then after using some of the encounter or daily powers you can modify it to [sblock=this]Kama'zer Anma'giduu- Female Githyanki Warlord 1
Passive Perception: +9, Passive Insight: +9
AC:17, Fort:15, Reflex:14, Will:13 -- Speed:6
HP:26/26, Bloodied:13, Surge Value:6, Surges left:9/9
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: not used
Powers-Viper's Strike, Wolf Pack Tactics
Warlord's Favor, Inspiring Word, Telekinetic Leap
Lead the Attack[/sblock] with the [ s ] and [ /s ] tags.

To make starting combats quicker, I'll roll initiative for everybody myself.

The new and improved MMC:
Hrav Kortaga (garyh) - Bugbear Rogue 4
Girth Snowbird (The Digger) - Half Elf Warlock 3
Quagmire (covaithe) - Hobgoblin Warlord 3
Alexander Duran (Atanatotatos) - Human Fighter 3
Dang't (stonegod) - Goblin Sorcerer 1
Beyrk Verkunder (Erekose13) - Hobgoblin Bard 1
Kauldron (Darksteed) - Goblin Paladin 1
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[sblock=Quagmire]I've not yet submitted Quagmire for approval, since the changes that I want to make require an overhaul, and he doesn't qualify for an overhaul under current rules. I'll get on that. Also, do we have time for any shopping?[/sblock]


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Bump-bump-baaah, bump-bump-baah-baah, bump-bump-baah, bump-baah

A small figure, small for a goblin even, ambled down the street towards the quay. He half-hummed, half-sung the driving beat of a hobgoblin victory song. Unbeknost to him, as he did so, small little eddies of air formed behind him, stirring up street debris, natural litter, and, in one case, the wares of one perturbed half-elven street vendor. None of this made an impression on the gob, who blithely cantered towards the bay.

As he got closer and could see the familiar lines of the Bloody Wake, the gob quickened his pace and began to wave. Dang't back! Dang't back! No leaving this time without him!

OOC: Link to Dang't


First Post
OOC: Cov, you don't have to submit Quag for approval yet if you don't want to. I won't be giving out any XP for a bit I'm sure. What book are you waiting on stuff from? Arcane Power? I plan on waiting till encounter XP and time XP would be enough to level up the 1st level characters to 2nd before I award any XP. Time gold will be saved for the end of the adventure and will be flavored as the profit from selling cargo from the first adventure and whatever we plunder in this adventure!

OOC 2: Thanks for judging, Ozy. I'll change the thread title.


ooc: Not waiting on any new books, just on approval to be able to do an overhaul past level 2. Which has passed now, so I can submit him as soon as I can get ENWorld to stop being slow and let me type in the changes. So, probably tomorrow morning. :erm:


First Post
OOC: Cool on Quag, Cov. And yes, you can all do some quick shopping. Also, if Erekose and Stonegod want to submit a magic item wish list I'd be happy to take it into future consideration. :D


First Post
A towering bugbear soon catches up the the tiny goblin, striding quickly towards the Wake.

"You'd better be a good luck charm like ya said," Hrav tells Dang't. "This next voyage could get nasty."

[sblock=Updating]Hrav is fully updated for level 4 and has received one approval. I was hoping the "Time Gold for DM Credits" issue would be resolved so he might do some shopping before the next adventure, but that's not a huge issue if it doesn't happen.

Also, I've updated his wishlist on his character sheet. :) [/sblock]

[sblock=Hrav's Info]Hrav Kortaga- Male Bugbear Rogue (Fighter) 4
Initiative: +6, Passive Perception: 19, Passive Insight: 18, Low-Light Vision
AC: 19, Fort: 16, Reflex: 18, Will: 13 - Speed: 6
HP: 41/41, Bloodied: 20, Surge Value: 10, Surges left: 8/8
Action Points: 1
Resists: 5 Necrotic, 5 Poison

Deft Strike
Piercing Strike

Nasty Backswing
Predatory Eye
Second Wind
Student of the Sword +1 and Mark
Torturous Strike

Handspring Assault
Acidic Rapier Ranged Attack (Encounter)
Acidic Rapier Ongoing Damage (Daily)
Deathcut Leather Armor (Daily)
Potion of Healing x1

Full character sheet[/sblock]

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