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Adventure: Food of the Gods (DM: ryryguy, Judge: renau1g)


First Post
Food of the Gods​

On the southwestern edge of Daunton's Inner Harbor, almost directly across the water from the Commons, squats an aged brownstone building. It shares a square with several taller, younger, and more gaudy arrivals, the likes of which have sprung up in recent years across the Inner Harbor like mushrooms, status symbols for the city's ascendant merchant princes.

In comparison, the brownstone looks a little dowdy. But it is classy, clean and obviously well cared for. The front door features a wooden sign over a polished brass knob. The sign reads simply, "Silverships Transit".

More impressive is the sailing vessel moored at the small wharf on the water-side of the building. A thirty-footer with lean, graceful lines, built from dark, polished wood, the sloop's sails are furled, but both the mast and the rolled sailcloth are bright silver, gleaming in the afternoon sunlight. The sloop's name is painted on the bow in green letters: "Wisp"

[sblock=Vital Statistics]
Post is current as of 06/8/10

Major Quests: Fulfill Hedra's Order for Zocalti Beans On Time (In progress, 500 XP)
Minor Quests:
  • Save Krassus! Completed, 120 XP
  • Tickle the Lich's Withered Tastebuds In progress, 150 XP
  • Steal Zocalti from the Lich's Storeroom In progress, 150 XP

XP Awarded (as of 6/8/10):
Minor Quest: 20 XP
Encounters 1-3 335.5 XP
Encounter 4 201.5 XP

Total per PC (doubled) = 1114 XP

Treasure Awarded (as of 6/8/10):
Frost Greatsword +1 (Azryah)
Vanguard Maul +1 (Chaku)
Healing Potion (Kaeysari)
Healing Potion (?)
Maw of the Guardian Warhammer +1 (Papolstaanas)
Fortification Scale Armor (Kaeysari)

(note, not listing monetary treasure now because it doesn't divide easily... I'll add it later.)

Date Started: 1/20/2009
Days Played:
Judge: renau1g


[sblock=Notes for Players]Welcome to Food of the Gods!

Like in all good D&D games, the number one rule is to have fun. If there's ever anything that's getting in the way of your fun, please don't hesitate to send me a message about it. Any suggestions for improvements are also welcome. I'm a pretty experienced DM, but this is my first time doing it through play-by-post, so I expect there will be plenty for me to learn!
[sblock=Posting Guidelines]I will try to post at least once a day, and ask that players try to post that often as well. If we're waiting for one player to post, I will wait at least 48 hours before NPCing the character's action for the round. Please post in thread or send me a private message if you know you'll be unable to post for an extended period of time.

Other than that, just the standard stuff:

Use an online die roller such as Invisible Castle.

Pick a color to use for your character's dialogue.

Use "ooc" sblocks to hide out of character disquisitions. I like to use dark slate gray text for short, one or two sentence OOC comments; you are welcome to do so as well.

Mini stat blocks at the bottom of posts containing combat moves really help.[/sblock]

[sblock=Combat]I'm planning to use the "Malenkirk Rules" for running combats. You can follow the link to read the full scoop, but here are the basics (taken from Mal's post):

1 - I roll all initiatives. Waiting two days before everyone has had the chance to roll theirs is a waste of time.

2 - I roll a single initiative for my bad guys and play them all in the same turn. It loses some of the tabletop experience but it plays a lot faster than individual initiative.

3 - If you haven't posted your PC's action in two days, I usually run your PC at some point late in the third day of inactivity. Warn me in advance if you don't believe you can post for more than two days.

4 - I don't care in what initiative order you post; your action takes place at exactly the moment you post and as long as you only act once per round, it's all good. (If you want your action to take place after another player who has not yet posted, either wait for them to post or indicate that you're delaying in your post.)

I am not 100% locked in to using this style. It really, really helps keep things moving, but does have some disadvantages, too. If you're dead set against it, or have any concerns, please let me know.[/sblock]

[sblock=Skill Use]While roleplaying, you can generally roll a skill check whenever you think it's appropriate.

I will also post blocks with a skill and target DC, and indicate whether that DC is for active or passive use of the skill. If it's a passive target on a knowledge skill, usually that means that you either succeed or fail, and can't make an active check. If you can make an active check, I'll indicate that.

Finally, I will nest skill check blocks inside each other. What this means is that the inner skill blocks are "gated" by the outer ones. If you don't succeed at whatever check you need for the outer block, you can't make the check for the inner ones. But if the inner block says "same check", don't make a separate check, use the same check you used for the outer one.

This is a bit of an experiment. The idea is to simulate general knowledge, which anyone with a certain level of skill would know, then more specific tidbits of information that different individuals might or might not know - but if they didn't know the common knowledge, they wouldn't know the specific knowledge either.

Here's an example:

[sblock=History DC 10 (passive)]Warforged in Daunton are created in the Last Forge at the Great Library.

[sblock=History DC 15 (passive)]A warforged named Tender guards and maintains the Last Forge.

[sblock=History DC 15 (active)]Tender is said to have only left the Last Forge once, to come to the aid of Arek Steelsheath when she needed repair.
[sblock=History DC 20 (same check)]That story is wrong; Tender actually sent his apprentice to repair Arek. Tender has never left the forge.[/sblock][/sblock]
[sblock=History DC 25 (active)]Tender is fond of a particular grade of oil made from pressed green olives.[/sblock][/sblock][/sblock]

Ok, so the example is pretty complex; I probably won't use a real one anywhere near that crazy. But here's how it breaks down.

History +0 (passive 10): You know the stuff in the first block about the forge.
History +5 (passive 15): You also know the stuff in the second block about tender, and can make two active history checks.
First active check: if you get 15 or better, you know the story about Tender repairing Arek. If you get 20 or better, you know the story is false.
Second active check: if you get 25 or better, you know about Tender's favorite oil.

It's the honor system for not reading inside blocks you don't qualify for. Actually, I don't really mind if you do read inside the blocks, as long as you keep your player and in-character knowledge separate. It's up to you.[/sblock]
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"Does anyone else get the scent of fish?" Jynxx wrinkles his nose and shakes his head, trying to clear the smell from his senses. The bard smirks as he enters his companions heads, "Don't worry, we don't have to speak out loud if you don't desire. Such a trait is handy to have no? Anyways, do not fear your thoughts. If you do not desire the link, simply think so and I will leave. Do know, that my abilities are limited to mere words and a minor distance. I cannot tell what you are thinking, nor track you if you become lost."

Jynxx ducks back, hoping his new companions don't feel the need to attack him.


Hiya! I have one approval for Jynxx and am waiting on my second. I thought it would be an interesting time to let the goliath and the deva know about the telepathy trait lol. It will make planning easier I hope. Anyways, here's to a great start for a great game!![/sblock]


First Post
Chaku tilts his head to one side as Jynxx tryies to explain his telepathy, most of it beyond his understanding. I do not mind this... link, but is it everything someone thinks? I get distracted easily, and if you try and do this while we are fighting, you will probably get a headache from all the yelling. Chaku smiles at the thought of Jynxx in a bloodrage, but quickly shakes it off in case Jynxx was reading his thoughts just then. Well played bard. he thinks after.

Silverships transit. I think this is the place... oooooooh my, that's a pretty boat. Hey Jynxx, looks like you aren't the prettiest thing in the harbor anymore! Laughing at his own joke, he casually opens the door for his two companions, looking down the way they came for anyone else approaching.

[sblock=Chaku's stats]Chaku - Goliath Barbarian 1
Passive Perception 12, Passive Insight 12
AC 18, Fort 16, Reflex 12, Will 13
HP 33/33, Bloodied 16, Surge Value 8, Surges 12/12
Speed 6, Initiative +1
Action Points: 1, Second wind
At-Will Powers: Howling Strike, Howl of Fury
Encounter Powers: Avalanche Strike, Swift Charge, Stone's Endurance
Daily Powers: Bloodhunt Rage
Racial Features: Mountain's Tenacity, Powerful Athlete, Stone's Endurance
Class Features: Barbarian Agility, Feral Might, Rageblood Vigor, Rampage


First Post
A large pelican swoops down and opens its large mouth, taking in a fish from the Inner Bay, before it lands on the closest pier. It looks over at you warily and then flies away.

I shall be the culinary critic on this one ryry[/sblock]


First Post
Azryah walks briskly towards through the harbor. She starts a bit, nearly skipping a step, when she hears Jynxx's voice in her head and turns to look at him with both eyebrows raised in astonishment.

"You continue to surprise me. I feel journeying with you will be quite interesting indeed."

She smiles and continues along the docks toward the aforementioned building, chuckling a little at Chaku's comment about the boat. She nods thanks to the Goliath as he holds the door for them and steps inside. Finding someone likely to help, she says:

"Hello, my name is Azryah. My friends and I are here to inquire about the notice we saw posted in the tavern. Is there someone we could speak to regarding it?"

[sblock=OOC]Az is still awaiting one approval as well, just for the record.[/sblock]


First Post
Papolstaanas approaches the docks with the air of someone who has had to ask a lot of directions from people in order to get there. "Here it is, I think!" he calls out to Kaeysari.

When he sees Chaku, his normally diffident manner drops, although he has never spoken to the goliath before. "LOUDTOE!" he shrieks happily and bursts into laughter. "It's such a--HAHAHAHA--excellent name--eheheheh--for him, it really is. Heeheehee! I hope I don't--eheh--get struck down by whatever--hahaha--by whatever Loudtoe strikes people down with, heheh! Heheheh! When, eheh, when he is displeased with them. Uhuh. Uhuhuhuh. Heh." Finally getting it together, he says, looking up at Chaku, "Sorry, I just thought that was really funny. I'm Papolstaanas. Are you here about the Silverships thing as well?"

[sblock=ooc]You guys looks like you could use some defenders.[/sblock]


First Post
Passing through the door, the three adventurers find themselves in what is obviously a waiting room. There are several wooden chairs and benches arranged around a low table. Old copies of the Screamer lie on the table alongside tide charts and tables of shipping destinations and prices. The walls are bare except for a couple of token paintings of ships sailing across angry seas.

Towards the rear of the room is a staircase leading up to a closed door. Next to the staircase is a desk, and behind the desk is a man. He's wearing a nice tunic, but despite that he's rather scruffy looking, with a mustache, shaggy hair, and several colorful tattoos partially visible around his neck and hands.

He gives the group a sizing-up glance. "You here about the pick-up job?" he growls. "Boss is in a meeting, but she'll be done soon. Have a seat."

[sblock=History or Streetwise DC 10 (passive)]Silverships Transit is one of the largest shipping and trading houses in Daunton. The distinctive silver sails of its ships are a common sight in Daunton's harbors.

[sblock=History or Streetwise DC 15 (passive)]The owner of Silverships Transit is a half-elf named Hedra Silverships. Unlike many of the merchant lords and ladies of Daunton who inherited their wealth, she is a self-made success. It's said that her first ship was an aged, leaky garbage scow for which she traded a mule and a wagon full of mixed musical instruments. From those humble beginnings she built a trading empire. Shipping remains her primary business, but she also has interests in a number of other businesses in and around Daunton.[/sblock][/sblock]

[sblock=Perception DC 15 (passive)]From behind the closed door you can hear two female voices. It's hard to make out what they are saying, but as the speakers are moving closer to the door, you can make out a couple of sentences:

"... in time for the ceremony, it will be a great disappointment."

"High Priestess, I can't offer guarantees in my business, but I assure you, I am doing everything in my power to get them to you on time."[/sblock]

[sblock=renau1g]Thanks for judging![/sblock]

[sblock=unapproved characters]That's fine with me. I'll try to remember to check back that you're approved before awarding XP, which is the only time it will really matter.[/sblock]


First Post
Azryah nods to the man in thanks and moves over to one of the chairs. She does not remove her cloak before sitting. Rather, she swings it over the chair back before seating herself. She positions herself so that she is pointedly looking away from the door, although she does make note of anything she might hear coming from it.

"So, my friends," she says quietly to the others, "Have you ever been to the Isle of Opposition?"


First Post
As the tiny kobold erupts in laughter over his previous comment, a wide smile slowly grows across the goliath’s face. Where I come from, we revere our ancestors, and the spirits of the world around us. I am kind of familiar with the Gods, but not so much that I don’t occasionally miss-say their names.

After letting the young warden (and presumably the shifter?) into the office, and hearing the tattooed man’s comments, Chaku positions himself near a window, squatting down, resting on the balls of his feet. I do hope the boss is a bit more polite than that high priest was. Grandmother told me when I was younger, you catch more wolves with meat than fire. Looking to Azryah, I have not, though I must admit, the name is interesting, sounds like a fun place.
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"I admit I have never ventured there either." Jynxx cocks his head to the side, "Ah, it would appear that we are about to meet our employer. I would take a guess that there is a ceremony of some sort, and that they are lacking a particularly important item."

Voidrunner's Codex

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