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[Adventure] Kingmaker (DM:renau1g; judge: garyh)


First Post

- Mari Champanel, Human Shaman (Scotley)
- Ruarc Sléibhín, Goliath Ranger (Mowgli)
- Scorpius, Half-Orc Hybrid Rogue/Warlord (Scorpius Risk) Lost to real life. Currently helping guard Oleg's Trading Post
- Ezmerelda "Easy" Shelby, Genasi Swordmage (Shayuri)
- Elurín, Half-Elf Druid (HandofMystra)
- Faustus, Tiefling Avenger (Leif)

To Stop the Bandits!

The Swordlords of Restov require that the lands of the Greenbelt, also known as the Stolen Lands, be explored and any elements of banditry or other unlawful behavior be removed.

Game Stats

None yet

None yet

- Major: Map the Greenbelt - from the Lord Mayor of Restov
- Major: Defeat the Stag Lord, leader of the Stolen Lands bandits
- Minor: Find Svetlana's Wedding Ring - from Oleg - bandits made off with his wife's wedding ring and he offered 500 gp in store credit to those who retrieve it. Completed
- Minor: Find the hidden temple of Dakama for Jhod Kavken

Additional Campaign Info: http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/16751

[sblock=Rules]Welcome to the game! Action can begin now. Please put a summary of your character with a link to the character thread in your first posts and any combat post like so:[sblock=Tondrek]Tondrek—Male Half-orc Artificer 6
Initiative: +7, Low-Light, Passive Perception: 19, Passive Insight: 14
AC: 22, Fort: 19, Reflex: 19, Will: 17 — Speed: 6, 8 when charging
HP: 53/53, Bloodied: 26, Surge: 13, Surges left: 9/10; Half-orc Resilience
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: Not Used
Powers -
Magic Weapon
Static Shock

Scouring Weapon
Repulsion Strike

Icebound Sigil
Flameheart Defender

Healing Infusion x2
Swift Mender
Furious Assault

Regeneration Infusion
Battle Staff +1 (daily)
Targeting Crossbow +2 (daily)
Point Blank Repeating Crossbow +1 (encounter)
Skald's Leather Armor +2 (daily)
Onyx Dog (daily)
2 Clockwork Bombs
2 Woundpatches
2 Alchemist's Acids

Doggie—Construct 4
Initiative +7; Low-light, Passive Perception 17
AC: 16, Fort: 15, Reflex: 14, Will: 13 — Speed: 8
HP: 22/9; Bloodied 4

Full character sheet[/sblock] Feel free to make your own rolls, linking to Invisible Castle or some other place for the result. For some rolls, I'll take 10 for you most of the time. Please post your speech and thoughts in your character's color, using italics for the latter. I prefer players who post about once a day, and I will NPC or write out characters who are inactive for short or long periods of time. OOC text should be in grey, like this or in sblocks.

Have fun![/sblock]

[sblock=A thanks for stonegod]
Just giving sg props for the above set-up, shamelessly copied by me[/sblock]

[sblock=A thanks to Mowgli]
For doing the banner. Great job! [/sblock]
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First Post
Ruarc Sléibhín

You have been traveling lands around your homeland now for what seems like forever, engaging in a number of skirmishes in your private war conducted against the bandits who frequent the area, preying on the helpless, making orphans, widows, or in your case, taking the life of a child. You have become something of a rumor that passes through campfires around the region, whispered tales of the goliath who strikes with ruthless efficiency.

You have just completed a particularly successful hunt, catching a trio of bandits just as they were about to waylay a traveling merchant, one of the few who dare brave this scarred land. After your success, the man professes his thanks to you and shares a meal to celebrate his good fortunes. As you eat, he tells you that there are some rumours about the Swordlords of Restov putting out a call for interested adventurer's to work to tame the Stolen Lands. They are tired of the banditry and want to put forth a concerted effort to put down the threat. He tells you that there are postings in all the major centers of Brevoy. The merchant suggests that "if you are really serious about taking on the bandits, you look at the offer"


First Post
Scorpius, Mari, Ezmerelda, and Faust

You have put out from the port of Daunton two weeks ago, traveling on the Shifting Seas now on board a ship hired by the Mayor of Daunton's office. The journey is to be completely off the record, hence the hiring of a pirate vessel to carry the individuals to the newly shifted island. The purpose of the trip is to investigate the island, make contact with the locals, and ensure they are not hostile to Daunton.

You were promised you can keep any valuables acquired on the island and promised a substantial reward for useful information. Surprisingly few adventurers answered the call, which is great for you. The crew is a motley lot, a mish-mash of races, including the typical goblinoids from Bacarte, the hobgoblin captain barking orders with military precision.

The individuals traveling to the island likely have a variety of reasons for signing up: greed, adventure, exploration, meeting new people, or just the chance to battle some foes. Whatever the reason you are likely a week or so away from your destination, if initial reports of the islands position are to be believed.
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Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
You have just completed a particularly successful hunt, catching a trio of bandits just as they were about to waylay a traveling merchant, one of the few who dare brave this scarred land. After your success, the man professes his thanks to you and shares a meal to celebrate his good fortunes. As you eat, he tells you that there are some rumours about the Swordlords of Restov putting out a call for interested adventurer's to work to tame the Stolen Lands. They are tired of the banditry and want to put forth a concerted effort to put down the threat. He tells you that there are postings in all the major centers of Brevoy. The merchant suggests that "if you are really serious about taking on the bandits, you look at the offer."

Ruarc cracks the leg-bone of the sow he and the merchant shared for dinner in order to get at the last of the marrow, then leans back contentedly as he considers the fellow's words in his usual deliberate fashion. "Mmmm. Restov, you say? Not sure how I feel about hiring out, havin' another give me the wherefore and how-to . . . on th'other hand supplies are getting harder to come by. I broke the last of my arrows on that crew today and need to restock." He rises and begins efficiently cleaning the remains of supper, scrubbing the pots with sand and carrying the bones and scraps well away from the campsite before burying them. After a few minutes he speaks again.

"Reckon I'll head that way and see what they're offerin'. Which way were you goin'? You'd be welcome to share the road with me . . ." Though it's plain the big man means every word, he's also obviously somewhat uncomfortable with the offer - a genuine willingness to help protect the merchant on the road warring with the knowledge that he'll be faster and more efficient on his own.

[sblock=Ruarc Sléibhín]Ruarc Sléibhín—Male Goliath Ranger 01
Initiative: +05, Passive Perception: 18, Passive Insight: 12
AC: 15, Fort: 13, Reflex: 14, Will: 13 — Speed: 6
HP: 26/26, Bloodied: 13, Surge: 08, Surges left: 06/06; Powerful Athlete, Stone's Endurance
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: Not Used

Powers -
Hunter's Quarry
Throw & Stab
Twin Strike

Stone's Endurance
Plant to the Hilt

Sudden Strike

L4W Character Sheet
Obsidian Portal Character Sheet[/sblock]
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Faustus, Tiefling Avenger

Faustus, big bruiser of a Tiefling that he is, looks somewhat more 'kittenish' puking over the gunwale. "Did I forget to tell all of you that I loathe sea travel?"


First Post
[sblock=Full Description]Scorpius stands relatively tall. Though he is strong, he is no large of build, but instead very well defined. His skin is a very pale green, that reveals his heritage easily in the day. Other defining features are high cheekbones, slightly larger lower lip, and enlarged lower canines. These are minor enough that in poor light, as long as Scorpius keeps his mouth shut, he is often assumed to be human.

His hair is black, about two inches past should length, generally worn tied back with a bit of leather. A small beard adorns his chin.

He wears a leather vest, without sleeves but two large strips that go around his biceps, without an undershirt. A cloth sash acts as a belt and he finishes his ensemble with simple pants and boots. A long leather jacket can be added, but is most often kept in his backpack. He will often wear his chain "sheathed", wrapped across his chest.[/sblock]

Scorpius climbs down the main masts rigging, where he was retying a fraying line. He drops to the deck lightly, hardly making a sound and keeping a respectable distance from the sickling.

"You may wish to spend your remaining time working on your teleportation then." He says with a laugh. "We've got a week left by all plans, which means it could be a couple of days to couple of months. Even when we get there, we may find no secure shelter and end up right back on the boat for the first couple weeks while things are prepared."

[sblock=Scorpius Stats]
Scorpius - Half-Orc Rogue/Warlord 1
Init: +6; Passive Insight: 15; Passive Perception: 10
AC: 16; F: 14; R: 15; W: 12
HP: 25/25; Bloodied: 12; Surge: 6 (7/7)
Combat Leader: Allies within 10 who can see and hear Scorpius gain +2 to Init
Action Points: 1

Clever Strike, Direct the Strike
Furious Assault, Inspiring Word, Powerful Warning, Feint, Half-Orc Resilience, Second Wind
Pommel Smash[/sblock]


First Post

You have just reentered the material realm, from your journey into the Feywild, and land upon the ground with a bit harder force than you'd like. A quick check over your gear ensures everything's intact, even the glass container of your enchanted potion. It takes a few moments to get your bearing as the light is far different here than in the heavily treed Feywild. You hear a fire crackling not far ahead, seeing the light in the evening sky and a tiny line of smoke rising into the air. You can hear two voices up ahead.


Faustus, Tiefling Avenger

"You may wish to spend your remaining time working on your teleportation then." He says with a laugh. "We've got a week left by all plans, which means it could be a couple of days to couple of months. Even when we get there, we may find no secure shelter and end up right back on the boat for the first couple weeks while things are prepared."
"Thanks, that's a big help," says Faustus, wiping his mouth on his handkerchief. "I hope to develop some semblance of 'sea legs' well before then. I may even start to like sea travel. But I'm not gonna hold my breath waiting for that to happen."


First Post
"There's the spirit." Scorpius cheers. "Tough it out. Find the will with in yourself, and in the mean time ask Mari for peppermint." He waves down the human girl from the other side of the ship.

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
Ruarc & Elurín

[sblock=OOC]Since we've got two parties in the same thread (for now) would everyone be OK indicating in the title which group you're posting to - just to help sort quickly? Something like what I've got in this one for the two of us on the island, and 'Sailors' or something similar for those approaching by sea?[/sblock]

Ruarc pauses in his methodical cleanup and looks into the woods.

Hmmm. Someone coming to share the fire, or coming to take what's ours?

He surreptitiously checks to ensure his axes are ready and speaks quietly to the merchant. "Someone approaches. Be ready, but give no warning that we're onto them."

[sblock=OOC]Perception Check (1d20+8=22)[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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