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HM's Skull & Shackles AP


Thy wounds are healed!
Welcome all you soon to be scallywags.

This thread will be used for the entire AP as they say there is no limit to the post count. I will post here when the different modules begin (and a link for easy finding). And also links to key posts.

The RG will have the bulk of the gaming information while this post will have the RP links and such.

First Up -

The Wormwood Mutiny by Richard Pett

Game Links:

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Thy wounds are healed!
Part One: The Wormwood

The night before you were amongst a large group of relievers at The Formidably Maid. The food was excellent, the music festive, and the drink refreshing. But this morning you would prefer to be dead.

Your head pounds like no other hang-over you have ever experienced and the hard floor you have woken up upon sways like it has a life of it's own. The room you awaken in is dank and dim, a lone lantern providing the only light, and it too sways along with the room. Several beams hold up the low ceiling and sailors hammocks are attached two to a set across the room.

Clearing your senses you notice others sleeping on the floor or awakening as groggily as you. There is the awful taste of cheap wine on your tongue along with something else...

[sblock=DC 10 Know(nature) or Perception]
You recognizes the taste as a clear sign of oil of taggit poisoning (Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook 560). And you remember indulging in either spicy food or spicy rum late last night, and realize that the oil was likely added to your food or drink, and the spices hid the taste of the taggit oil.[/sblock]

The quiet rhythmic creaking noise that you took for a buzzing in your ears is muffled out as you hear loud footsteps coming down a short flight of stairs. A black bearded sailor carrying a long leather whip reaches the bottom first followed by several shirtless pirates at his heels. An expression that might be mistaken for pain crosses the bearded man's face, (was that an attempt at a smile).


 [COLOR=Olive][I]“Still abed with the sun over the yardarm?
On your feet, ye filthy swabs! Get up on
deck and report for duty before Cap’n
Harrigan flays your flesh into sausage skins
and has Fishguts fry ye up for breakfast!”[/I][/COLOR]
It is then that you notice that almost everything you own but the shirt on your back is missing. And the bearded pirate he looks vaguely familiar...

[sblock=DC 10 Intelligence check]
You remember seeing this same man smiling that gruesome smile at you last night at The Formidably Maid.[/sblock]

[sblock=OOC]Please put a descriptions of your character in your opening post, to let the others know who is with them. [/sblock]
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Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!

Kolto rolls over quickly . . . too quickly . . . and groans as he realizes he was marginally better off laying still. He cracks his eyelids, revealing black orbs without pupil or iris - but this is hardly the most unusual feature of the Tiefling's diabolical face. Brick red skin is marked with black patterns that currently writhe about as though looking for their natural position, and his lips part in a snarl to expose slightly elongated incisors.

"Mmmm. Taggit, unless my senses deceive me. Gozreh weeps . . . where am I?" At that moment he catches sight of the butt-ugly sneer coming down the ladder. "Oh. I remember you. I'll be with you in a moment." He holds himself still for a moment, muscles rippling across his ribs and abdomen as he forces a few heaves, then vomits forth whatever's left of the contents of his stomach, then stands slowly to his feet. "There . . . that should about do it. Ready."

Know: Nature, Intelligence Checks
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Nightstorm groggily moves his hand to his aching head, at which point he realizes the bastards have taken his mask and kerchief when he touches his sandy blonde hair. Opening his brown eyes slowly, he discovers that his gear has been absconded with as well.

The young man braces his muscular bare arms and hoists himself onto his feet, swaying just a bit. Not because of the order, but because your back was usually a poor position to fight from.

Once he is on his feet, he appears to be of only slightly less than average height. His face is angular, with his skin a weathered tan. His clothes are mostly black or dark blue in various styles of Garund and Avistan. And he wears a pair of durable looking gloves, as well a boots like a sailor's.

He elects to see if any of the others will make the first move.


In stark contrast to the tiefling, a dark blue undine man of average height wearing clothes that made him appear as a ocean storm on the water smiles as he comes to. "So you and this Captain Harrigan are the latest agents of Besmara, are you? Funny, I expected something a bit more, I don't know, formidable than a cheap sleeping drug. Still, I suppose I'll take what I can get." After another moment to fully come to, and another smile as he realizes that, as always, they were unable to find his dagger, he slowly rises with the ease of a sailor. "Come now, I don't have all day to meet this captain of yours. I have a destiny to find."
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A woman with long black hair and seafoam green eyes, groans as she awakens. "By she who rules the waves, did you have to use a belaying pin?" as she rubs the back of her head.



A Tianese girl, maybe 18 years old, long black hair, lithe of frame, rises to her feet. She looks around, taking in all of her surroundings. She does not visibly react to her fellow captives. Wary, she backs into a corner.

The girl's clothing seems perhaps unusual for her otherwise demure appearance. Though tattered from the process of her captivity, the girl's outfit, common to fighting circles found in the Shackles and elsewhere, is of high quality and bespeaks a bit of wealth and fortune.


First Post
Tara groans as she sits up, her temples throbbing and a foul slick aftertaste soiling her mouth. She spits, but saliva is scarce to be found. The loud noises around her resolve into words. Overly loud words. And the slivers of light piercing between the boards...or through a porthole?...made her wince and grunt in pain.

She's a beautiful young woman, Varisian by the look of her, with tan skin and dark hair and flashing aquamarine eyes that...even in her daze...seem sharp as a shiv in the back. Fairly tall of build, but slim, wearing clothes that were probably much nicer when they were first made, but those days were now long past. They were patched and sewed and kept together through good times...but mostly bad.

It takes her a few seconds to realize where she is, and what's happening.

"You've got to be kidding me," she growls. "Are you insane? Do you know who I am?"

She looked herself over and snorted to find her things missing. As if it mattered.

"Where's the captain now?"

(OOC Note - My Perception bonus is 0, not 10. Oops.)
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Jaakali awoke to the rolling of the sea. He kept his eyes closed as he listened and heard the others rise as they were addressed by someone who was probably the first mate. He opened his eyes and rose slowly. he knew what to expect, it wasn't the first time he had been the victim of a press gang.

So he stood with the others. A young man, his dark ebony skin identifying him as a southerner, probably Garundi. He had a shaved head, and a small black goatee. He wore a fanciful embroidered vest over a muscled and bare chest. Loose trousers and no shoes would tell a story of poverty or familiarity with ships. Judging by the roll in his legs it was the later, as he could tell for many in the group.

Jaakali waited though for a reply to the various questions thrown at the first mate. Knowing the answer was as likely to be a whip as words.


First Post
A halfling moans, rolls over and dry-heaves. He slow gets to his feet, shacking his head as if to clear it and looks around.

The halfling is tall for his race but otherwise indistinguishable from the rest of his race. Although his sun-browned skill indicates that he spend of his time out of doors.
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