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Redbadge's Solo Skull and Shackles (IC)


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Jhiv slogs over to the rat that bit him and stabs at it one more time, but loses it in the light reflecting off the water.[sblock=Actions]Move Action: Move to D2.
Standard Action: Attack Rat.[/sblock][sblock=Current Status]Jhiv Viratek (Male undine druid/rogue 1)
N medium outsider (native, aquatic [amphibious])
Str 11 Dex 18 Con 10 Int 12 Wis 18 Cha 14

Key Skills Acrobatics +10, Bluff +2, Climb +6, Diplomacy +6, Escape Artist +4, Heal +4, Intimidate +2,
Knowledge (Any) +1, Knowledge (Local) +5, Perception +9, Profession (Sailor) +9, Sense Motive +4, Stealth +8, Survival +10, Swim +15

Init +4 Spd 30 ft., Swim 30 ft. Senses Darkvision (normal light); Perception +9
AC 17, touch 14, FF 13 HP 7/8 Temp HP 0
Fort +2 Ref +6 Will +6 CMB +0 CMD 14
Hero Points 1/3

Melee Attack Rapier +4 (1d6/18-20)
Melee Attack Dagger +4 (1d4/19-20)
Melee Attack Sap +4 (1d6) [nonlethal]
Melee Attack
Unarmed Strike +4 (1d3/x2) [nonlethal]
Ranged Attack Dagger (10 ft.) +4 (1d4/19-20)

Currently Wielding Rapier
Current Armor Leather Armor, Buckler, (Explorer's Outfit)
Stowed on Person (Sheaths, Straps, Pockets, etc.) Sap, Dagger, [8 pp, 4 gp, 20 sp, 9 cp], Sprig of Holly, Mineral Prism, Footlocker Key
Stowed in Packs (Backpacks, Belt Pouches, Saddle Bags, etc.) Belt Pouch (Nothing)
Stored (Footlockers, etc.) Arrows (20), Backpack (Masterwork), Mirror (Small Steel), Fishhook, Thieves' Tools, Twine (50 ft.)
Current Encumbrance 33.5 lbs (light load) Medium Load 39 lbs Heavy Load 77 lbs Max 115 lbs

Active Abilities
1st-Level Spells:
1/1 (Cure Light Wounds/Obscuring Mist), 1/1 (Remove Sickness/Obscuring Mist), 1/1 (Obscuring Mist)
Cantrips: ~/~
(Create Water, Purify Food and Drink, Mending)
Spell-like Abilities: 7/7 Storm Burst
Combat Options: Charge (full round action), Sneak Attack (+1d6)
Combat Maneuvers: Bull Rush, Dirty Trick, Disarm (Weapon Finesse), Drag, Grapple, Overrun, Reposition, Steal, Sunder
(Weapon Finesse), Trip (Weapon Finesse)

Defensive Abilities
Cold Resistance 5 (racial)

Situational Modifiers
Shackles Seafarer, Fast Healing 2 (Hydrated Vitality)

Current Effects and Conditions:
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Starday, 21 Desnus, 4712 AR (08:21:30) [Round 5]
Bilges, The Wormwood, Unknown Waters, Off the Coast of Garund, Inner Sea Region, Golarion

The remaining rats are in a frenzy now. The wounded one you are adjacent to grabs the tail of a dead rat floating in the water and tries to swim away with its prize. The rat attacking Queepod jumps onto the half-giant and starts crawling over him, biting him viciously as it does so. The final rat swims over to the ladder and begins to climb out of the bilges, startling Marina as it does so, causing her to drop the tin cup into the water and try to ward it off with the lob of her acid splash. Elias moves up and tries to kill it before it reaches Marina.

"Aaargh!" yells Queepod, flying into a rage and ripping the rat from his body even as it sinks its teeth into him once more. The half-giant stares at the hefty rat as it squirms in his fist, and he threatens to pop it with his bare hands if the creature doesn't escape soon.

GM: Amidst all the commotion, it is your turn to act again, in addition to your attack of opportunity.
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First Post
Jhiv moves around the stairs and stabs the rat that's trying to get to Marina.[sblock=Actions]Move Action: Move to D2.
Standard Action: Attack Rat.[/sblock]
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Starday, 21 Desnus, 4712 AR (08:21:36) [Round 6]
Bilges, The Wormwood, Unknown Waters, Off the Coast of Garund, Inner Sea Region, Golarion

You kill the swimming rat, spin and take out the one on the ladder with a flourish. Marina squeals as the dead rat falls into the water with a *plop*. Five rat carcasses float in the stagnant, smelly water, and the only one left is the one that wriggles, screaming in the half-giants hand. Even as it tries to escape, its eyeballs bulge, and suddenly Queepod is not holding a rat so much as he is holding pulp.

GM: Combat has concluded! You found all the rats!

[sblock=Reward]+200 XP[/sblock]
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First Post
With combat ended, Jhiv goes around and collects the useful items lying around in the bilges, these being an exceptional handaxe, a glass vial, a sack filled with a tarry, resin-like substance, two tindertwigs, and numerous gold coins. He then casts Cure Light Wounds on Marina. "Does anyone want some of this gear? Queepod, Elias, this axe looks pretty nice and I'm more of a stabbity kind of guy. Marina, you and Queepod should go to 'the Stitch-man' and get those bites looked at. If I see him I will tell Scrimshaw as well." Jhiv divies up the 21 gp that he found (5 gp each and the extra 1 to Queepod since he is still bloody) then picks up one of the rats floating in the water and goes back up to his locker where he puts all of his gear back up. After this Jhiv takes the dead rat up to the deck to show Mister Plugg what was in the bilges.
OOC: If Jhiv was able to recover the rest of his Explorer's Oufit that cost [0 gp] to him and [10 gp] total, though he still has some of it, he will make sure to keep gloves on while handling the rat. I just now realized that I didn't have the whole outfit with me. When I got most of my gear back I still had [4 gp 8 sp 1 cp] worth of credit left over, we could retcon this to say I recovered the missing parts of my outfit then if you want to.

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OOC: You have your entire outfit.

"I'll take a look at that." Marina takes the vial and begins to exam the contents. "Holy water," she declares as she pockets it. "Since Elias is taking the axe, you should go ahead and save the tanglefoot bag and tindertwigs, Jhiv."

[sblock=Reward]Darkwood Buckler, 5 gp, Tanglefoot Bag, 2 Tindertwigs[/sblock]

You all head to the deck, and your companions return to their work. Once you show the rat to Plugg, he responds with scorn and derision,
"What took you so long?" Noticing the pulped condition of the rat you hold, the first mate asks, "How did you kill them? Your flippers don't look much like hammers to me, Fishman."
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First Post
OOC: I brought the rat that Queepod crushed with me because I figured he would ask.
"Queepod over there crushed it in his fist." Jhiv points to the large man as he works on the deck.
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First Post
Jhiv decides that silence is the better part of not getting his hide beaten off and handed to him, so he leaves the foul-tempered first mate to his own devices and heads to the galley.

Voidrunner's Codex

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