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[LPF] Borric, Nathan, Sylvain, & Zelena


Game restart 7 Jan 2013.
Game end 28 Aug 2013.
DMC = 16.24

  • Started with 32,164 xp
  • (Temporarily?) Suspended from the game 16 Feb 2013
  • Final XP: 34,847
  • TBG: 2,291 gp

  • Started with 37,950 xp
  • Encounter xp (3,467) + TBX (23,605) = Final XP: 65,022
  • Encounter gp (3,434) + TBG (18,591) = Total GP: +22,025

  • Started with 36,573 xp
  • Encounter xp (3,467) + TBX (23,173) = Final XP: 63,213
  • Encounter gp (3,434) + TBG (18,319) = Final GP: +21,753

  • Started with 33,237 xp
  • Encounter xp (3,467) + TBX (21,715) = Final XP: 58,419
  • Encounter gp (3,434) + TBG (17,375) = Final GP: +20,809

Note: GP totals include treasure items below.

[sblock=Experience Awards:]


Treasure Awards:
Instant Bridge (7,000 gp)
+1 longspear (2,305 gp)
assorted gems (995 gp)
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After spending hours sorting through trash and rubble to find dwarven treasures and examining said treasures and the ancient gate that lies inset in the floor of the deepest chamber of Khuldun, Borric, Nathan, Sylvain, and Zelena return to the top of the mountain known as the Three Crones. The sun is low to the horizon and it is clear from their experience ascending the mountain that they don't really have enough time to descend, even with greater ability for flight than just four days or so ago when they climbed up.

Once again the four adventurers camp in Khuldun. The night is quiet and passes uneventfully. The next morning Borric, Nathan, Sylvain, and Zelena prepare themselves for the descent. With the bronze griffon and various flight abilities the way down the mountain is much easier and it occurs to you that either the dwarves intended to fly from their fortress, however unlikely, or that they only expected to travel from Khuldun through the gate within.

Nearing the clearing where the group began their ascent, all can hear a joyous barking. When the four reach the clearing Celebfedhiin bounds up and runs round all four but ends by jumping up, placing front paws on Zelena's shoulders and welcoming her with big, sloppy, dog kisses.

Aldino totters up from a rickety camp chair set in front of a half-rigged tent and approaches. His eyes are wide and shining, he licks his lips nervously, and holds his hands clasped together in front of him. "You made it! Of course you did; I knew you would. That was clear when..." He breaks off, grinning at all four and trying to avoid being knocked over by the over-joyed Celebfedhiin. "It's good to see you back!"
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Borric Hawkins, Male Human Fighter


Borric sets down one of the bundles of loot they brought of the dwarven stronghold as part of Aldino's share. He pats the excited dog on the head, when he leaves off trying to cover his mistress's face with sloppy kisses to pay him some attention. Luckily, Celebfedhiin is more interested in Zelena and is easily nudged away to return to licking the gnome's face off.

"You bet, grandpa! And look what we brought ya."

"Here, check it out."
He opens up the sack of gold and trinkets they gathered to give to the old man.

Letting Aldino look inside, he asks, "What you been up to these past couple days?"

[sblock=Mini Stats]Borric Hawkins
+4 Perception: +9
AC: 28 (25 w/out shield, 26 flat-footed, 13 Touch)
HP: 83 Current: 83
CMB: +13 CMD: 26 (28 vs. Disarm/ 30 vs. Trip) Fort: +10 Reflex: +6 Will: +5 (+7 vs. Fear) Current CMB +13, CMD 26
Conditions in Effect: Ioun Torch (in darkness), Combat Reflexes (3 AoO), Step Up, Greater Trip

Current Weapon in Hand: Shield
Chakram: 2/2 MWK & 6/6 Cold Iron remaining
Light Hammers: 2/2 remaining[/sblock]


First Post
Syl, despite himself, was very happy to see the old man. "You'd have been proud, Aldino. We fought all kinds of strange creatures, and check out all the dwarven gold we have brought you back! Your sources were right. You are now a rich man!"

Syl was also happy to see Zelena's mutt as well, just generally being excited about the successful mission.

Ooc[sblock]I'll update Syl's stat block tomorrow and get it back in my signature.[/sblock]

Sylvain statblock [sblock]

Sylvain Marana (Gerald007) - Living Pathfinder RPG Wiki
Human Witch 8
Initiative: +6 Perception: +2
AC: 15 (13 touch; 13 flat-footed)
HP: 66 of 66
CMB: +2 CMD: 15 Fort: +5 Ref: +5 Will: +7
In Hand: Nothing

Spells: Arcane

  • (0-level - DC 16) Daze (DC 17), Detect Magic, Message, Stabilize;
  • (1st level - DC 17) Burning Hands (DC 17), Charm Person (DC 18), Enlarge Person, Enlarge Person, Ray of Enfeeblement, Shocking Grasp;
  • (2nd level - DC 18) Cure Mod. Wounds, Flaming Sphere (DC 18), Hold Person (DC 19), Vomit Swarm, Web;
  • (3rd level - DC 19) Dispel Magic, Fireball (DC 19), Heroism, Stinking Cloud (DC 19)
  • (4th level - DC 20) Confusion (DC 21), Enervation, Wall of Ice

Hexes DC 20

  • Cackle, Evil Eye, Flight, Fortune, Healing, Misfortune, Slumber--None.
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"Yes, yes my friend. We are back..." Zelena says to her hound as she comes to welcome everyone back all excited as most dogs are when their masters return.

When Celebfedhiin is settled some and at the gnome's side she scratches her head behind the ears, she greets Aldino, "Thank Aldino, it is good to see that you are good as well. Those crones treat you alright while we were gone?" The gnome looks about, "Where are they anyhow?"
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Aldino's eyes go wide and his jaw goes slack in wonderment as he gazes at the treasures that Borric and Sylvain have said are his. He looks up blinking, eyes filling with water. Suddenly he throws back his head hooting with laughter and dances a little jig right there in front of everyone that gets Celebfedhiin excited and running in circles all over again.

When Zelena asks about the crones Aldino stops his little dance and shuffles his feet in the dust. He scratches his head which causes his wispy hair to stand out from his head and enhances the uncertain look on his face. "The crones are... Oh dear, how do I... I don't know what happened up there but it changed 'em."

From around an obscuring rock comes a familiar raspy voice. "I don't feel any different. I don't look any different. You're clearly unhinged, old man! Shoulda tossed you in the cook-pot the moment your friends went up the mountain; now it's too late, I suppose."

The hideously ugly, wall-eyed leader of the crones waddles around the big rock glaring. She is followed by a matronly woman, plain but strong-looking, and a young maiden of astounding beauty. The maiden smiles and it is like the sun, obscured by clouds, has come from behind its veil to light a pristine snowfield with dazzling brightness.

________Old Crone___________Aldino Galucci
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Borric Hawkins, Male Human Fighter


Borric is struck by the beauty of the woman.

"Why you ol' coot. Look at that!"

"You went and made one of the old hags into a young maiden. Nice!"

The brash fighter clanks over in his impressive-looking and shiny platemail, a far cry from the dull black hideous suit he was wearing before. He looks the part of a hero, even if his attitude towards chivalry is off the mark.

"Tell we this is not a dream, milady. What has happened to cause- ... I think you must kiss me to prove that I am believing it to be real."

Though in truth, Borric is hoping for a lot more than just a kiss.

[sblock=Mini Stats]Borric Hawkins
+4 Perception: +9
AC: 28 (25 w/out shield, 26 flat-footed, 13 Touch)
HP: 83 Current: 83
CMB: +13 CMD: 26 (28 vs. Disarm/ 30 vs. Trip) Fort: +10 Reflex: +6 Will: +5 (+7 vs. Fear) Current CMB +13, CMD 26
Conditions in Effect: Ioun Torch (in darkness), Combat Reflexes (3 AoO), Step Up, Greater Trip

Current Weapon in Hand: Shield
Chakram: 2/2 MWK & 6/6 Cold Iron remaining
Light Hammers: 2/2 remaining[/sblock]


First Post
Syl gapes open mouthed at the change that has taken place with two of the crones. Like Borric, his attention was focused on the stunning creature in front of him. "Is someone playing a joke on us? Aldino, what exactly is going on here? How long have these two been different?"

Syl's mind was flooded with numerous questions, but that was all he could stammer as he continued to slack-jawed stare at the third 'crone.'

Sylvain statblock [sblock]

Sylvain Marana (Gerald007) - Living Pathfinder RPG Wiki
Human Witch 8
Initiative: +6 Perception: +2
AC: 15 (13 touch; 13 flat-footed)
HP: 66 of 66
CMB: +2 CMD: 15 Fort: +5 Ref: +5 Will: +7
In Hand: Nothing

Spells: Arcane

  • (0-level - DC 16) Daze (DC 17), Detect Magic, Message, Stabilize;
  • (1st level - DC 17) Burning Hands (DC 17), Charm Person (DC 18), Enlarge Person, Enlarge Person, Ray of Enfeeblement, Shocking Grasp;
  • (2nd level - DC 18) Cure Mod. Wounds, Flaming Sphere (DC 18), Hold Person (DC 19), Vomit Swarm, Web;
  • (3rd level - DC 19) Dispel Magic, Fireball (DC 19), Heroism, Stinking Cloud (DC 19)
  • (4th level - DC 20) Confusion (DC 21), Enervation, Wall of Ice

Hexes DC 20

  • Cackle, Evil Eye, Flight, Fortune, Healing, Misfortune, Slumber--None.


Zelena watches Borric and Syl go gaga over the hag, albeit in younger form and rolls her eyes and starts in on them hoping to get a point across before someone gets into trouble... or worse, "You guys do realize that they are still the crones that we met prior to our assent? Sure they look a little different... same crones though..."

"Good day to you three. A most interesting transformation, perhaps you could explain what has happened?"
the gnome asks turning to the crones, and then adds, "Preferably before the boys start drooling."


The maiden's laugh peals out like celestial bells and the crone puckers up and makes repulsive, wet kissing noises aimed in Borric's direction.

It is the matron who answers the questions, however. "Our curse was lifted when you beat back the darkness that followed the dwarves to our heart and destroyed or drove them to madness. For that you have our gratitude."

"Don't be a-makin' promises," mutters the old crone.

The maiden smiles but to Borric's dismay her attention is fixed on Sylvain. Maybe it's the scorpion on his shoulder that has her attention.

________Old Crone___________Aldino Galucci

Voidrunner's Codex

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