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Leif's 4E Adventuring in Encastulum [IC 01]


The PCs have each received a royal summons to attend a Memorial Service in honor of their recently declared Missing and Presumed Deceased parents.

The service is to be held in the Innermost Sanctum of the Imperial Palace, and only Families of Heroes and a few select Supporters and Imperial Retainers have been invited to attend. A solemn ceremony is held, at which there is an extensive recitation of the many Deeds of Renown of each of the missing Heroes, followed by dedications of embossed plaques adorning the Wall of Heroes of Encastulum for each of them. Statues have been commissioned, but are not complete at this time.

Following the formalities of the ceremony, all attendees are invited to partake in a Grand Imperial Banquet, where many sumptuous delicacies and rarified, exquisite spiritous beverages are served. Following this, attendees retire to a lavish study, where they may relax more and visit informally while partaking of rich cigars, fine wines, and sweets of almost every description. It is here that play begins.

[Players may now post for their PCs at will.]
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With heavy heart, having spent the last few hours reflecting on the loss of his father, Shale enters the gaudy study. His grey skin, laced with veins of rusty brown, is angular and rough in appearance, and his dark eyes look almost like the shadows of caves on a cliff. He gazes around the room, taking in as much detail about each of the other guests as possible. He thought he recognized a few other offspring of the recently lost heroes, based mostly on his father's descriptions of his companions.

As the usual officious and pompous statesmen flowed into the study, Shale decides to find a way to avoid having to speak with them. He picks out the barrel-chested dragonborn across the room, whom he presumes to be Gharvad (or whatever his name is), and walks over, his face showing a mixture of sorrow and sympathy. My father spoke of his respect for Igmach often, he says by way of greeting. It is a dark day for Encastulum that sees it lose such a servant, and a difficult day for those of us left behind. I am Shale, son of Slate, and you have my sympathies for your loss.


First Post
Firil closed his eyes and breathed deeply. They meant well but the whole day had been a mockery of his father. His life should be told in passionate stories around the campfire and whispers on the wind, not solemn, empty words and a brass plaque. He had tried to mingle with the dignitaries but his mind was swimming with so many questions and he was never any good at making courtly conversation.
He opened his eyes and felt the breeze on his face, the sunlight in his eyes. His father was gone and that would bring it's own complications for the Clan. But for now...

He strode back into the study, pushing his hair from his face and setting his jaw. He could easily see over the heads of the majority of the dignitaries and his grey eyes picked out the closest thing he had to friends in the room: the fellow children of the Heroes.
Moving quickly through the haze of smoke and alcohol, Firil found his way to Ghavdrash and overheard the end of the conversation with the Genasi. Dipping his head slightly, he said quietly,

Ghavdrash. Shale. Dark days, indeed. We should be honoured that...
...I'm sorry I can't do this. Why are we standing around here, rather than doing something?


First Post
Guard felt out of place at this gathering. She was a warforged, an artificial being designed for battle. One of many warforged priestess created to serve Moradin. Guard had no true biological parents and wondered if it was insensitive of her to be here. She was also struggling to keep her other personality, Strike under control. She was eager for action and Guard feared what would happen if she got lose.

Despite all this, it was the death of the High Priest of Moradin that brought her here today. Since he was the one who approved her creation, he was the closest thing she had to a father. She had fondness of him. It was he who taught Guard and Strike the ways of Moradin and she knew well enough that he was the one who saved her from being destroyed when she was unveiled. Without him, Guard wasn't sure what would happen to her without the High Priest, let alone to the cult of Moradin as a whole.

Being iron plated and covered in blue glowing runes, Guard decided there was no point in trying to hide herself. She spotted Shale, the son of the commander who had also died recently. Guard made her way to the Genasi, the smell of alcohol in the air causing Strike to stir inside her.

"I'm sorry for your lost. The high priest spoke well of your father as does the rest of the temple." The warforged says. Her face currently looks like a mask of a beautiful woman made of iron, her eyes glow with blue light. However, as she talks, her jaw moves up and down like a puppet's mouth. "I am Guard, priestess of Moradin."


A tall thin human lad dressed like an elderly wizard in a story shuffles about nervously. His robes are bit big on him and many years out of style. He does at least eschew the beard and pointed hat though red boots with long curled pointed toes protrude from under his robes and he leans on a quarterstaff. His dark hair is in need of trim and tends to fall over his eyes causing him to push it back frequently. At these times an odd glowing blue tinge is visible in the whites of his eyes and his sleeves fall back to reveal pale scars on his hands and wrists that look like burns of some sort. During the ceremony he stands near the embossed plaques dedicated to husband and wife wizardly heroes Roland and Ismerelda Braithwaite. He eats the fancy dishes with curiosity, but eyes the wines and spirits with suspicion and drinks only water and then only after holding it up to the light and smelling it carefully.

As the informal part of the ceremonies is getting under way the young man makes his way over to Guard. "Um hi, I'm Rydan. We sort of met once. My master, uh former master that is was rather curious about you and asked you some questions." The boy looks somewhat familiar having been lurking behind an older wizard who was eager to learn the secrets of making his own Warforged. The fellow asks some rather personal questions and was more than a little annoying.
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OOC: In four posts, 4 of the PCs have been introduced, and the beginnings of networks between them have begun to form. I may never do any planning work for a game again! :D
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First Post
Though Ghavdrash generally appears his usual genial and unruffled self, his voice is somewhat quieter than normal, his meaty hands are closed, and he shifts somewhat restlessly from foot to foot as he speaks.

Ghavdrash says to Shale: "Thank you, Shale. I am Ghavdrash. My father spoke of Slate's valor, but I am sad that I did not know your father as well as I should. When we are done here, tell me a story to know your father by – something that did not make the honor roll this afternoon! – and I shall share a story of mine as well. Together we shall remember our ancestors for who they truly were."

Ghavdrash says to Firil: "We shall act, my friend, and soon. I wish to know more of the circumstances of our fathers' disappearance. I have heard nothing more than empty platitudes, which... irritates me." Ghavdrash looks across the room to a metal-plated creature apparently talking to a young wizard near a small table with an orrery upon it. "First, though, I am curious to know who our new metallic acquaintance is."

No sooner has he expressed his curiosity than he has acted upon it. Making his way across the room, he interjects himself into the conversation. Greetings to the both of you, and my condolences. I am Ghavdrash, son of Igmach. Lady, I recognize your sigil. Ioun and Moradin were ever known as brothers, and so I name you sister and am at your service." He turns to the lad next to her. "And at your service as well, I am sure. I dare say this room befits you more than any of the rest of us!"

Without even looking, Ghavdrash's hand darts to the right to collar a servant passing by. Some wine, good sir, if you please. I wish to toast these new acquaintances of mine." The servant, recovering quickly from a moment of terror, hurries off.


First Post
OOC: I'm new to this, so let me know if you want me to follow up on the OOC thread instead or even a PM. I am curious how much Ghavdrash knows about our parents' disappearance, starting with whether they were working together when they disappeared, and whether there were others in their company, perhaps others who were also honored in the ceremony. Just so I know what base Ghavdrash will be beginning his investigation from.


The young man starts as he is approached, but recovers quickly. "Rydan Braithewaite at your service sir." He extends a hand to shake. "My mother often wrote me letters of her adventures and her companions and spoke well of Igmach. I am pleased to meet you and you have my condolences as well." When the servant returns, Rydan takes the offered glass of wine, but seems hesitant to drink.


First Post
Shale finds himself smiling for the first time today as Ghavdrash suggests a much more fitting way to honor Slate and the others than the stuffy ceremony he knew his father would hate. Ay, my scaled friend, he says, that would make me happy indeed. I am already remembering quite a tale involving an ogre, a an assassin vine and the need to cross a deep river. I look forward to hearing your own memories.

He nods in agreement with Firil's evident frustration and pain. Truly, men of action are meant to be avenged, not honored with empty platitudes. I am with you.

He follows the dragonborn across the room and nods to the female warforged, despite the disquiet he feels at the strange workings of her mechanical features. Kind words, my friend, are always appreciated, he replies to her condolences. I am glad to know you, Guard.

He looks the scrawny human over once or twice before nodding in acceptance. Yes, he finally voices a response, you are well met, Rydan, although the circumstances are far from pleasant. I can't help feeling that there is something more to this gathering than it first would seem.

Voidrunner's Codex

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