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Legacy of the Silver Dragon - Day 2 (Interlude)

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
The coins look pretty old actually. All coins used in Ascadar are minted by the Empire of Man, and these coins do have the symbols - though weathered - that you would expect to see on local coins.
"Or perhaps they found treasures buried?"

Are these specific goblins the discoverers of such then, by odd coincidence? (Or could gold now be so much more abundant there? So that what seems richess to Ascadar is but normal - or even under normal - affluence to them -- not unlike Pavek's legendary tales of streets paved in gold on a floating island far to the west, in kingdoms magical?!)

Or, just as likely, the dark man is the source after all...

"Oh... and..." here Mikon glances at Muzdim again, with a wink when he thinks Antares isn't watching, "Being quiet is the best way to keep from being attacked by hungry animals." He probably gives away some of his actual intent on the last by his amused chuckle however.
Antares swallows: hungry animals are obviously not his favorite thing in the world... He nonetheless bows deep at Glasia's departure, as he did for Rikolai before, and honestly thanks the dwarven councilor for taking the time to accompany them, automatically apologizing for the extra trouble (even though parts of him know a dwarf is not likely to think any better of him for it).

"I'll come with you." The Fat Priestess states, following Antares to where the goblins are being kept. "Goblin was very talkative, maybe I'll be of use to you when talking with these prisoners."
"Perhaps Stellan - and master Stonehand? - could acquire these 'wilderness' items while we do so then?" Antares tentatively suggests, not having any clear idea what these things might be exactly himself.

He looks askance to those two worthies...

OOC: If they do end up doing the shopping, Antares will transfer his 25gp back to them for his part of the purchases.

"Gone." Is all Beatrix says about the goblin, feeling it best not to mention she let the goblin go in front of the council Secretly she hoped the mercy she showed that goblin who help them when they met the tribe later.
The elf delicately frowns at her though. And even though he doesn't question her further, he obviously fears the worst...

Once led to the goblin's improvised prison, Antares approaches a bit nervously, then takes a (hopefully steadying) breath and lowers himself to their height, robes brushing the dusty planks below: "Ah, can you understand me?" Which is a bit rhetorical, seeing as he's heard at least two of them shout in the tongue of Man's Empire but this morn... Possibly- Probably, looking into their green-eared, twisted faces - simplicity will serve them all better here? "We- believe you have been misled? Captain Gregof is not a wizard, nor has Ascadar aught to do with the kidnappings of your people? Instead- Instead we believe the man who told you so has been kidnapping both goblins and humans, and transforming them into mindless, eyeless White Things so that he may wage war on both our towns? Captain Gregof discovered this yesterday, with our help. THAT, in truth, is why the dark man wanted him dead by your innocent hands!" His heart still gets riled up at the thought of such cold duplicity, and it easily shows on his expressive face.

But back to the matter so immediately at hand, "Do you not see that fighting between us would only make him - that dark man, that deceiver - stronger now? Make us both... wounded animals ready for his killing blow?" (He has Lord Mikon to 'thank' for that particular image!) "But- But there is hope! The ruling council of Ascadar has authorized us to go and see your elders, to organize meetings between them so that they may plan and truth may reign free. So that he who kidnapped - lied to you - twisted both our people with his dark magic - the dark man - So that HE might be caught and punished! So that he might know the power of both our people...!"

Antares blinks and relaxes desperately bunched fists, belatedly realizing he's perhaps let his feelings - the twisting, scream-swallowing maelstrom that since yester craddles Former-Anna at its heart - once more get the better of him... "Ah..." Trying to hide sudden embarrassment: "Do you- Do you understand?"

This did not go well at all, did it...

Before leaving Malborka will send the following letter back to her Sisterhood.
So sister Beatrix WAS Malborka in disguise?! I KNEW it![/sblock]
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[sblock=OOC]So sister Beatrix WAS Malborka in disguise?! I KNEW it![/sblock]

OOC: Sorry, that was a typo. Also Beatrix is happy for her share of the gold to be used to buy supplies.

"Antares is not being the best at the public talk." Beatrix thinks as she watches the elf speech to the goblins. "Perhaps I should be offering him a hand."

"What friend elf is trying to say is he feels a great sadness for the ills of your people, as does the vast goddess, Malborka. Oh Malborka, heavenly defender of all settlements, oh how she is weeping for you and your families. For this vile wizard sneaks into your village and steals your kin, then blames the honest captain for his misdeeds. Her anger, how it burns, as this horrible warlocks brings sorrow and pain to both our homes."
Beatrix preaches, being more than a little dramatic.

She pulls out a sweet bun and offers it to the goblins. ​"Accept Malborka's divine protection and I shall see to it that this monster is crush with her holy might."

Voda Vosa

First Post

The dwarf nods at Antares as he mentions the supply stocking. He nudges Stellan and walks outside, not before grinning at Antares' reaction when Mikon mentioned wild hungry beasts.
The cleric visits the local store, looking for rope, a tent, fire starting and climbing equipment. Also torches and oil could prove useful for those of his party that lack the keen eyesight of dwarves and elves.

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Antares briefly looks up at her from his crouching position, blinking admiration and not some small amount of relief in his emerald eyes: her version is remarkably simpler than even his 'simplified' one...

"In truth that is to be our ultimate goal," he belatedly agreed with her last statement, returning his attentions to those inside the cage. "Would- Would any of you here wish to help us in this task? Join in our efforts to thwart his dark plans...?"

Sorry, that was a typo.
That's what I figured. :D[/sblock]


Beatrix and Antares

OOC: To move us along, I made rolls to guide the result based on the speeches for Antares and Beatrix, with low being the desired result - under their Charisma. Antares rolled a 17, Beatrix rolled a 1.

There are indeed only 2 goblins present in the cages. One sits sullenly back in the corner and doesn't react to the arrival or speeches. The other comes forward to the bars and listens, after a short hiss. The goblin frowns, mostly in obvious confusion as Antares speaks.. At one point he interjects, "Gregof? Who Gregof is? Who Ascadar is? Who dark man is?" Beatrix's shorter summary seems to bring some clarity as he nods, "Ah. Gregof. Captain. Walock. We think he is responsible. Understand now... oooh... yummy!" He grabs the bun and takes a huge bite, which seems to finally stir the other goblin, who stands up. The sound brings the first goblin around, crumbs dribbling to the floor, and he looks about to take another bite (probably the last bite given how much of the bun disappeared with the first one). Then he glances over his shoulder at the cleric, takes a smaller bite leaving about a third of the sweet left before tossing it to the other goblin.

Turning he says, "Ok. I go! Will... will there be more yummies?"

Muzdim and Stellan

Stellan appears to be perfectly happy to chat it up with local store owners, and flirt with some of the younger women around town. He does however add, "Oh, what about pots for cooking. And food to cook in the pots?"

OOC: Prices are:
2 person tent: 10 gp
Bedroll: 2 sp
Flint and steel: 15 sp
Hemp Rope (50 feet): 1 gp
Grappling hook: 1 gp
Iron Spikes: 5 cp each
Torch: 1 cp each
Oil (1 pint): 1 sp
Iron Pot: 8 sp
Rations, trail (per day): 5 sp
Rations, dried (per day): 1 gp

Will let you decide exactly what to get the rest of this week... Please review your earlier character sheets to make sure you have everything. Talking things over with the goblin, Antares and Beatrix will estimate 2-3 days to the goblin village at about 12 miles a day. This assumes no exploration, just pushing on to the village.

The day grows a bit less sunny as the morning turns to afternoon, a few high clouds passing overhead as you prepare to head out. Some villagers come out to watch the small party. A couple of members of the militia, one or two of the woodcutters who came back to town when hearing of the attack, some shopowners, and a few of the younger women who all hang back and whisper amongst themselves. Antares even thinks he catches a glimpse of Bosco near the back of the crowd, but a closer look doesn't reveal the halfling. Beatrix sees Siarla amongst the young women, looking thoughtful, and then Glasia and Mikon come forward. "We wish you well. The council has agreed with our decision, not that we expected anything else.", says the woman.

OOC: Please let me know what you intend to do as you start out. Also, let me know the status of the goblin. Free? Bound? Anything else?
Did you do anything else at the new base of operations before you left and turned the guarding of the well over to the militia?
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Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
After questions of 'yummies' are fully covered by those concerned :) :

"Oh! I am called Antares, the mage whom you met this morn? And this is sister-sentry Beatrix Merriburg, priestess of Malborka? She was also present? And- And this towards the back is Lord Mikon, one of our Elders..." The Lord had been so quiet he had in truth almost forgotten his presence! And in the dread stress of getting their message across, he HAD quite completely forgotten the need for introductions! "What- What may we call you?"

Talking things over with the goblin, Antares and Beatrix will estimate 2-3 days to the goblin village at about 12 miles a day. This assumes no exploration, just pushing on to the village.
"Quite a ways farther than expected," mentions Antares when this becomes clear. "Which means they will likely, in truth, take at least a day to prepare their response to the running messenger making his way there even now?" It is his fondest hope at least... And if so, they- They may have an actual chance of making this right after all...

Before they set off Antares would like to do three things to prepare if he could?

Firstly get a sample of the poison the goblin used on their arrows from the militia present at the goblin enclosure, "That it may be analyzed and perhaps its origins divined?"

Secondly, transfer said arrow to teacher Dysare as he goes to inform her and Enderise of the startling changes in their situation since they so suddenly parted just candles past. "Will you- Would you be inclined to perhaps continue some of these pursuits we touched on this morn while we are away, Teacher?" he asked after their questions were answered. "Bell, Liquid and now Poison?" (Sadly, the sought audience with Lord Romani will, for a certainty, likely have to wait until after they return -- should they ever manage that formidable feat.) "I- It shames me to admit it - but in the excitement I did not at all think to inquire of proper compensation for time, wisdom, and considerable wealth of knowledge already invested, much less future probings!" A pause as he thinks hard.... Antares looks back up: "Perhaps- Perhaps I might yet be able to catch Lady Glasia's ear before we depart?" He doesn't look too sure.

Thirdly, he will swing by the Bracegirdle's abode, site of his temporary lodgings, and appropriate his Adventuring Backpack, stuffing it with odds and ends he thinks might be useful (or just on hand at the moment) before swinging it onto his shoulder. "Goodwife Lavina?" he says to Boscoe's halfling mother upon crossing the path of herself and three of her broodlings. "Good news, in truth: I have indeed found alternate lodgings! Though," he is forced to admit almost immediately, "on the obverse of fate I am now called upon to travel away from town for... perhaps as much as a week? Would- Would it be alright if I left some of my trivial things here in the interim?" Whatever the case, before leaving the homestead he hesitates and reverses his last step: "Ah... Has a return missive perhaps made its way here from my sire while I was away? Perhaps even promptly delivered by young Dogen Bracegirdle himself?" Who was, of course, his initial envoy to the paternal tower?

[sblock=Text of the original missive sent this morning, for reference: ]To my Sire in branch, magic and stars,
It has come to my attention in recent days that some of the wisdoms you sought to impart might have deep relevance to tasks whose burden I have now chosen to gladly carry. If possible, I would wish to discuss this and other matters of some import with you at your earliest convenience.

Signed in wisdom on this 137th day of the Dawning Year:
Your growing son,
(And he signed with the graceful curves and ornate decorations of the high elven version of his name: ) Mialucee

P.S. The messenger will carry reply should you wish to make one in the short term. Else send word to the abode of Garrett Bracegirdle and I will hear.
Glasia and Mikon come forward. "We wish you well. The council has agreed with our decision, not that we expected anything else.", says the woman.

"Our thanks," bows Antares before straightening, a solemn cast to his elongate elven features. "The Behenian Company will try- The Behenian Company will make you proud," he tells them both, extending the impromptu promise to all those present with what he hopes is a steady look.

[sblock=OOC]I think the goblin should have his hands bounds behind his back with a leash attached to those bindings? No gag... Would that suit you guys?

Antares rolled a 17, Beatrix rolled a 1.
Figures. :heh:[/sblock]
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Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
[MENTION=51271]Voda Vosa[/MENTION]: Are you planning to post a list of what you and Stellan end up buying, VV? Looking at his sheet Antares has 8 field rations already in his pack, so he should be alright for food, I think... Maybe just add a handaxe to your list, to chop some firewood if need be?

Voda Vosa

First Post

The dwarf bought only what seemed necessary, not wanting to spare any more gold on anything else but food, which he considered extremely important for some reason. He muttered something of what a pain it was to hunt game with short legs.


The dwarf simply nods to the elders, and gestures a dwarven rune in the air in silent praying to his god.
"Lets get moving, we have a long day ahead of ourselves."


After questions of 'yummies' are fully covered by those concerned :) :

"Oh! I am called Antares, the mage whom you met this morn? And this is sister-sentry Beatrix Merriburg, priestess of Malborka? She was also present? And- And this towards the back is Lord Mikon, one of our Elders..." The Lord had been so quiet he had in truth almost forgotten his presence! And in the dread stress of getting their message across, he HAD quite completely forgotten the need for introductions! "What- What may we call you?"

"Quite a ways farther than expected," mentions Antares when this becomes clear. "Which means they will likely, in truth, take at least a day to prepare their response to the running messenger making his way there even now?" It is his fondest hope at least... And if so, they- They may have an actual chance of making this right after all...

OOC: Which running messenger is Antares referring to? The one released by Beatrix? Just making sure that he doesn't think that the town itself is sending someone separate from the party, because that hasn't been mentioned as being the case. :)

Before they set off Antares would like to do three things to prepare if he could?

Firstly get a sample of the poison the goblin used on their arrows from the militia present at the goblin enclosure, "That it may be analyzed and perhaps its origins divined?"

Secondly, transfer said arrow to teacher Dysare as he goes to inform her and Enderise of the startling changes in their situation since they so suddenly parted just candles past. "Will you- Would you be inclined to perhaps continue some of these pursuits we touched on this morn while we are away, Teacher?" he asked after their questions were answered. "Bell, Liquid and now Poison?" (Sadly, the sought audience with Lord Romani will, for a certainty, likely have to wait until after they return -- should they ever manage that formidable feat.) "I- It shames me to admit it - but in the excitement I did not at all think to inquire of proper compensation for time, wisdom, and considerable wealth of knowledge already invested, much less future probings!" A pause as he thinks hard.... Antares looks back up: "Perhaps- Perhaps I might yet be able to catch Lady Glasia's ear before we depart?" He doesn't look too sure.

Dysare, predictably, just sighs slightly in amusement at Antares' request. She first asks a few questions about the party's mission and likely location of the goblin village. "You have already stirred up so many pots in just a short time as an adventurer. I will look into these items if I can. All seem important, but I suggest that the Bell and Liquid may have the most dangerous immediate consequences for Ascadar. The first because someone is obviously behind the placement, and the second because we don't know how deep the corruption under our town runs. If I can spare some time and resources I may get to the poison. But, might I suggest a bit of delegation? I don't know much of the hermit, Sal, who lives outside of our town, but I do know that he seems to understand a great deal of the plants, herbs and so on. Perhaps if this poison is from a plant, he might have some better idea than myself? I believe his hut is just off the first major stream to the north of our town. If you travel west for half an hour or so you would reach it. I've interacted with him once, and he doesn't seem all that... ummm.. nice, but perhaps he might see the value in helping since he may need this town's help at some time in the near future if raids from the humanoids from the hills become more common. It's just a suggestion, but if you really want a quick turn around on the question of where the poison is from, I can't promise to be as quick as you may want."

Thirdly, he will swing by the Bracegirdle's abode, site of his temporary lodgings, and appropriate his Adventuring Backpack, stuffing it with odds and ends he thinks might be useful (or just on hand at the moment) before swinging it onto his shoulder. "Goodwife Lavina?" he says to Boscoe's halfling mother upon crossing the path of herself and three of her broodlings. "Good news, in truth: I have indeed found alternate lodgings! Though," he is forced to admit almost immediately, "on the obverse of fate I am now called upon to travel away from town for... perhaps as much as a week? Would- Would it be alright if I left some of my trivial things here in the interim?" Whatever the case, before leaving the homestead he hesitates and reverses his last step: "Ah... Has a return missive perhaps made its way here from my sire while I was away? Perhaps even promptly delivered by young Dogen Bracegirdle himself?" Who was, of course, his initial envoy to the paternal tower?

Lavinia's sigh is somewhat more exasperated, though good naturedly so, than Dysare's as she tries to sort through Antares' barrage of comments and questions while keeping an eye on her children. The smile she gives as he mentions alternate lodgings is extremely genuine however, and then says, "Of course. You may leave whatever you like. She pauses at the final question, and then nods, "Yes. He did send you a note. Umm.. Here." She finds a table where the note has been placed, though apparently it found its way to the floor once or twice by some smudging of dirt, and... food? She hands it to Antares.

[sblock=Text of the original missive sent this morning, for reference: ]To my Sire in branch, magic and stars,
It has come to my attention in recent days that some of the wisdoms you sought to impart might have deep relevance to tasks whose burden I have now chosen to gladly carry. If possible, I would wish to discuss this and other matters of some import with you at your earliest convenience.

Signed in wisdom on this 137th day of the Dawning Year:
Your growing son,
(And he signed with the graceful curves and ornate decorations of the high elven version of his name: ) Mialucee

P.S. The messenger will carry reply should you wish to make one in the short term. Else send word to the abode of Garrett Bracegirdle and I will hear.

[sblock=Text of Reply]
To my son,
It would be my pleasure to have you receive more of my wisdom than you have previously done. My door will always be open for you to discuss such matters. Simply let me know the day before you wish to come, and I will make sure my time is freed.

Your father.

"Our thanks," bows Antares before straightening, a solemn cast to his elongate elven features. "The Behenian Company will try- The Behenian Company will make you proud," he tells them both, extending the impromptu promise to all those present with what he hopes is a steady look.

[sblock=OOC]I think the goblin should have his hands bounds behind his back with a leash attached to those bindings? No gag... Would that suit you guys?


Glasia and Mikon nod, and Mikon says, "Good luck. Another piece of advice. Don't overly trust a goblin."

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