Chicago Gameday 38 is June 14th at Games Plus in Mt. Prospect, IL


We're finally on the eve of Gameday 38; less than twenty-four hours left!

Breakfast reservations have been made at LePeep; just ask for the Games Plus table.

The following events still have room for players, so if you have yet to register, or just want to walk in and play, these are your best options.

9:30 a.m.
  • Arkham Horror
  • Savage Worlds
11:00 a.m.
  • Everyone Is John
3:30 p.m.
  • Dread
  • Last Train Out Of Warsaw
  • Marvel Heroic Roleplaying
  • Myth & Magic
  • The One Ring
Remember, the first slot of events begins at 9:30 a.m., but it's not a bad idea to get to the store at 9:00 a.m. so you can sign in, get a name badge, say hello to folks, grab a snack or beverage if you need one, and settle in at your event's table.

See you tomorrow!

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First Post
Ugh. As much as I really want to game it up tomorrow, other obligations have cropped up that I have to deal with for the festival I'm performing in next weekend. Have fun, folks!


Ugh. As much as I really want to game it up tomorrow, other obligations have cropped up that I have to deal with for the festival I'm performing in next weekend. Have fun, folks!

Stink! Sorry to hear it, Megan. Good luck with the festival and hopefully we'll see you next time.

Mark CMG

Creative Mountain Games
Thanks so much for a great time! Thanks to Buzz for organizing (first time I got to use warhorn, which works wonderfully smooth, IMO). Thanks to Curt for hosting, and to Floyd (thanks for the pass, too!), Paul, and the Games Plus gang for helping us when we needed your expertise. Thanks to my GMs, Buzz running The One Ring and Bruce with Myth & Magic. I had a great time with all the players, in the games I played (Rob [x2],Tim, Kate, Shari, George, and Rory!), and seeing everyone else again (Hey, Nat and J-Man!), and some new folks! 99 Games with Rob Mayer in my life, 99 Games with Rob Mayer! Take two down, act like a clown, 97 Games with Rob Mayer! (This might take a bit longer . . .) :p


Another great Gameday! This one was small — 30 people total — though actually not the smallest we've ever had (which was 26, at least as far back as I've been tracking); five games in the morning, six games in the evening, and one game in a special late morning slot that, unfortunately, lacked enough players to be run. (Thankfully, the GM and a friend spent the slot playing card one board games, so still managed to have some fun.)

I'd like to thank all of our volunteer GMs and our host, Games Plus for making the day happen.

I'd also really like to thank, Rob, Kate, Tim, Shari, and Mark for playing in my morning TOR game and suffering through my first run of the system. Also thanks to Ken and Jason for playing in the afternoon TOR, and suffering through my modifying the scenario on the fly for use with two players. All you helped me learn a lot about the system; I had fun, and I hope you all did as well.

I've posted photos on Facebook and photos on Google+.

I look forward to seeing you all again on September 13, the date for Gameday 39! (Yes, we already reserved it.)


First Post
...99 Games with Rob Mayer in my life, 99 Games with Rob Mayer! Take two down, act like a clown, 97 Games with Rob Mayer! (This might take a bit longer . . .) :p

Three gamedays per year...two slots per gameday...we'll have this done in less than 17 years!

Thanks for the fun gameday, folks! Good times! See you in September!

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