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Nazareth Awakened - Chapter 02: Wives of Solomon


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Law moves so that his back is not to the woman, so that he is facing her, Harper on his side.

"Ma'am I'm not sure what you're talking about."

Law turns up the charm about as much as possible giving her a smile.

"I am a Police Officer if that's what you meant."

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Agnasci tosses his cigarette aside and walks back across the street to Ninja Comics. When he enters the store, he heads over to the woman.

Flashing his brightest smile, Agnasci greets her. "Good morning. I hate to bother you so early, but it's important."

When the woman acknowledges him, Agnasci casts "First Impressions" (Mind 2, Gnosis 1). He gets closer to her, lowering his voice a bit in order to avoid having the chubby kid overhear.

"My name's Lan, and I'm looking for Andrew. You may have heard already, but he's in a bit of trouble. I know he used to hang out here a lot, but now he's missing and his father is worried sick. Is there anything you know that might help us find him?" Agnasci will read her aura while he talks to her, while carefully studying her reaction.

Agnasci is trying to convince the woman to help him find the Weinberg kid. Manipulation(4), Subterfuge(3), First Impressions(X) = (7+X)


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9:45 AM. Constance is at her desk outside the radio studio, going through news articles and finalizing in her mind what she plans to cover between songs today. Donnie is on for another fifteen minutes. He's a full-timer on the station and mostly pulls graveyard shifts, warning the night owls about the New World Order, vaccines, and the Masons, just to name a few.

"Abels." It's Joel Waters, the station owner, looking smart in a light pink button-down and a pair of khakis. He's stopped beside Constance's desk, distracted by the armful of mail he has with him. "Something came in for you. Hell, which one..." He juggles through a few of the parcels before producing a rectangular box and setting it on Constance's desk in front of her. "Guess you're making fans." He starts off toward the door to his private office but he stops and turns, a finger pointed at her from under the pile of parcels. "Iraqi forces lost control of Fallujah to al-Qaeda yesterday. At least, that's the official line." He turns back around to continue through the door into his office. "Look into that!" He closes his door with his foot.

Constance looks down at the package. The address is on a sticky label with no return information. She tears the box open and slides its contents onto the desk. First is a postcard from the Grand Canyon - it's a photo of the canyon at sunset with GRAND CANYON NATIONAL PARK in block letters across the top. Nothing written on it. The other item is a kachina doll, wrapped in packing paper. A recreation of a hopi katsina, it's a doll carved out of soft cottonwood root, commonly sold to tourists and collectors around these parts. This one is a figure of a dancer with a blue feathered headdress, with more feathers along the arms, and bright blue diamonds painted on its face and torso. It looks brand new. Constance overturns the doll and finds a tiny white sticker reading 49.99 on its base.


Harper, Thyrsus mage

Harper looks surprised and instinctively reaches out for the Chinese food offered to him by Law. "Thanks." He looks like he is going to say something else, probably complain about Officer Bailey or comment on how he isn't breaking any laws, but the arrival of the woman who appears misplaced in time catches him by surprise. He blinks several times.

"What? Who are you? And what started here?"


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I've been making a fair few unannounced rolls for people throughout the game. Starting now I'm going to start posting spoilered roll results. I've weighed the pros and cons of doing this and I think that ultimately the benefits outweigh the downsides. Rolls that would be best served being left in the background (for example - a failed perception roll to notice someone sneaking up on your character) will continue to be unannounced. Certain modifiers (such as the resistance of a target of a spell) will only be marked with X, so you'll not always know what your total dice pool is. The dice pools and success totals of NPCs will not be revealed, even in contested rolls.

When it comes to spells I'll always reroll a couple times until you've scored at least one success if time is absolutely no object and there are no consequences for failure. If the number of successes doesn't matter for a spell being cast in such a situation I won't bother rolling or posting roll results and we'll assume you've scored the one success required.

Feel free to let me know what you think of this change and to continue suggesting dice pools as Mosier has been doing (no promises that I'll always go with your suggestion, though!).

Agnasci successfully casts First Impressions.
[sblock=First Impressions]Roll: Mind 2 + Gnosis 1 = 2 successes
+2 dice to first social roll made with regard to an individual Agnasci is meeting for the first time[/sblock][sblock=Convincing her]Roll: Manipulation 4 + Subterfuge 3 + Striking Looks 1 + First Impressions 2 vs Highest of Empathy/Subterfuge + Composure = Tied with 2 successes
Agnasci can continue to try to convince her, at a cumulative -1 penalty for each successive attempt, but she'll become increasingly defensive and uncooperative the more rolls you make[/sblock]The woman stops in the middle of sorting through stacks of booster cards for a popular trading card game called Legend War and looks across the counter at Agnasci. "Andrew? Short kid with glasses? I haven't seen him around in a while, sorry." She shrugs helplessly, eyes back on the packs of cards in her hands as she sorts through them.

Agnasci successfully casts Aura Perception on the woman.

Her aura is primarily light blue, but with a few darker swirls mixed in throughout, and the whole thing smells of lavender and leather. She doesn't necessarily disbelieve Agnasci, and he doesn't think she's lying to him, but she's likely considering him very carefully even if she seems distracted. He gets the sense that he could probably leave right now and she wouldn't give it a second thought... or he could push the matter.

Law and Harper
Law tries to turn on the smoulder with this mystery woman but she remains aloof and otherworldly. "Earnshaw," she answers Harper. "And I guess you wouldn't know yet, huh?"

Beep beep!

A white taxi has pulled into the parking lot and come to a stop nearby.

"That's my ride, fellas!" Earnshaw scurries to the car. "And boys," she shouts back at them just before getting in, "he goes left!"


Harper, Thyrsus mage

Harper looks confused.

"Who goes left?" He groans and runs one hand through his hair. "I just wish things weren't so skewed. Things haven't been normal since..."


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Law scratches his chin. Utterly confused.

"Ladies can't resist the smoulder..."

He trails off,

"Something tells me she is dangerous. I need to get back to Penrose. He'll want to know about another possible mage in Nazareth... Get out of here before Bailey throws you a beating. Understood?"

Law heads for his car and heads for the bookstore.


Harper, Thyrsus mage

Harper calls out before Law manages to fully leave.

"Harassment while I'm exercising my First and Fourteenth amendment constitutional rights is illegal and you can tell that to Officer Bailey!" He curses but isn't about to let a bully in a uniform push him around when he is well within his rights as a citizen. "And call the cab company to find out where that lady is headed."

Harper snorts thinking it would be nice, just once, to have something go his effing way. Then he remembers the Chinese food, courtesy of Law, and he smiles, has a seat and pops open the takeout box. He grabs a noodle and dangles it for Crow to gobble down then eats some himself while he waits for the other officers to exit the restaurant.


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"It's called loitering, and it's against city ordinance, but suit yourself."

Law doesn't particularly care anymore whether the vagrant listens or not. He was given his warning and if he doesn't listen the other officers will handle it. He starts up his vehicle and heads for the bookstore. Simultaneously he opens up his phone to call the taxi company that picked up the strange woman. If he managed to get the company name it would be easy to look up the number. If he did not he'll run a search for it in his computer, referencing white taxi cabs.


First Post
Nazareth Secondhand Books is in this very shopping center, tucked away behind the stores and out of view of the parking lot, so Law doesn't have far to drive. The cab had SUNSET CABS printed across its side so it isn't difficult to find their number. The phone is ringing when he pulls into the open spot beside Faye's truck and Law prays that whoever answers doesn't give him the runaround.

"Sunset Cabs," comes the bored, Hispanic-accented reply of a woman over the phone.

Harper isn't too deep into his meal when the Gold Dragon's front door opens and the other two cops come out. The female officer heads for her car but the other one stops in the door, considering Harper with both hands on his belt. After a moment he heads toward the young mage, the keys clipped to his belt jangling. When he comes to a stop he's looming over Harper and it's impossible to look up at his face without squinting into the bright sun. The two regard each other.

"Play me something." It's not a request.

Crow stares up at Officer Bailey from the bench. Harper gets the feeling it's squaring up alongside him but he doubts it would be much use if trouble started.

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