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[Arcane Row - Venza]The Mystic Pearl


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The small grey man returned again, a few days after his last visit, though now his pockets were weighed with newfound wealth. Yet what is wealth without an outlet? It needs to go somewhere, he thought as he browsed the interior. Running his long fingers across the shelves, he settled on a bit of cloth. He pulled it out and looked over it. It was a cloak, that had been marked with an abjurer's touch, yet it was the wrong color, and too large. He looked over at the shopkeeper, "Is this the only of these you have?" The man shrugged, and Wahyu sighed. He looked back at the shelf, and saw something else...

He pulled out another one, though this was a rich, dark shade of black. And it fit. It would do nicely. He thanked the Lady before heading up and placing it on the counter. Looking over what funds he had left, he again spoke to the keeper, "I would like to purchase a wand of healing. What can I get with this?"

The man stroked his chin whilst looking over a small jar with a number of handles sticking out the top. Delicately, he took out a simple wand of bone, and placed it on the counter, smiling. Wahyu grinned back, handing over what was due and being returned in kind. Treasures in hand, he left how he came in, and went to go look for the rest of his troupe.

[sblock=Purchases]Buying Cloak of Resistance +1 (1d100=74) Success
Buying Wand of CLW (1d100=10) Success
Available Funds: 2,105
Total cost: 1,750
Remaining Funds: 355[/sblock][sblock= Wahyu's Mini Stats]

AC: 16 (14 flat-footed, 13 touch)
HP: 16/16
CMB: 0 CMD: 12
Fort: +1 Reflex: +2 Will: +4
Perception: +4, Darkvision 60 ft
Initiative: +6
Current Weapon in Hand: Light Crossbow (+4, 1d6+0, 19-20 x2)
Current Conditions in Effect:
Spells Remaining (1st): 5/5

Used Items:

Abilities Used:

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Charity, Human Female
A flame-haired woman enters the Pearl with a look of purpose to her green eyes. Immediately finding an employee to talk to, she is definitively set on weaponry. "I have about 350 gold," she explains, "and it looks like these better quality weapons are all I can afford, no?" The Pearl employee nodes to confirm, and Charity continues, "Hunh, ok, then. I'll take one of the better glaives and trade my old one in." She hurriedly processes through the purchase system, mind seemingly somewhere else, and steps out the Pearl as quickly as she came.

[sblock=Purchase]Buy Masterwork Glaive: -308gp
Sell Glaive: +8gp
Change in available wealth: -300gp[/sblock]

Piston Honda

First Post
He wandered into the Mystic Pearl, complaining of a stench trapped in his clothing, hair matted and filthy. His violet eyes darted about, observing the prices compared to his own paltry cash on hand. He looked at those in charge, a con did not seem a good idea, he liked his freedom, and hands.

"Yes, I need one of those light wooden shields there, some of that studded leather, and I need two of those cure light wounds potions." He smiled at the employee. "Probably saved your life today." A beat. "Good chance I'm going to save it again." The employee focused on gathering his needs and not offering him a huge discount, he sulks a bit, muttering under his breath. "Little ruddy gratitude would be polite. I'm kindof being a hero here." The employee brings back his purchases as his small rant concludes. "Why thank you so much, good sir! Here, I'll just trade this old armor, sorry about that part, sometimes you just get dragged through the sewers, saving people's lives, you know. From evil." He gets into the armor as quickly as he can before taking off, a bit hurriedly.

Buy Studded Leather Armor: -25gp
Buy Light Wooden Shield: -3gp
Buy 2X Cure Light Wounds Potion: -100gp
Sell Leather Armor: +10gp
Total: -118gp

Edit: Math error
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Satin Knights

First Post
Mystie knows exactly what she is looking for and heads directly to the healers' section of the scrolls. She has no problem finding what she needs. Taking them up to the counter, she places them up there as her part of the writ.

"Well, I got two of the scrolls with my portion. If anyone else wants to spend their portion on scrolls, it would be a good idea too."

+300 gp share of in game writ for shopping
-150 gp Scroll of Lesser Restoration (1d100=56) success
-150 gp 2nd Scroll of Lesser Restoration (1d100=2) success
....0 gp balance


First Post
Wahyu stepped in with his group, yet quickly realized that he had no idea what in particular he actually wanted from this place, or at least, what he wanted that he could afford, even with his expanded treasury. He supposed he might as well buy another vial of the antiplague, and so he did, but that still left a considerable amount behind. He looked at his ratty old leather cuirass, however, and it dawned on him that perhaps new armor would be better, perhaps one that could better resist the probing proboscises in the future.

[sblock]Starting funds: 656 GP
Buying Antiplague: -50 GP
Buying Masterwork Chain Shirt: -250 GP
Sell Studded Leather: +25 GP
Final Funds: 375 GP[/sblock]


First Post
Cruendithas enters with the group from ROUS 3. Seeing Mystie find the scrolls he looks in the same area. He finds one and then picks up a few more items. Presenting them at the counter he explains the first 300 are to be taken from the writ and pays the remaining balance after selling his buckler also.

-150 finding scroll of lesser restoration 1D100 = [35] = 35 success
scroll of lesser restoration 2nd fail
-25 scroll of sleep 1D100 = [63] = 63 success
-25 scroll of sleep 1D100 = [74] = 74 success
-203 darkwood buckler 1D100 = [64] = 64 success

+15 sell buckler



Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!

Jonas enters the Pearl with the others, searches long and hard for the particular items for which he came in, and leaves empty handed and very disappointed.​

[sblock=Actions/Rolls]Roll for Potion (Lesser Restoration) (1d100=85)
Rolls for Scroll (Lesser Restoration) (1d100=98, 1d100=86)

(Was looking for a scroll with 2 spells, rolled for both at the same time. Obviously, even had the second roll been <75% he would've gotten neither.[/sblock]
[sblock=Mini Stats]
Jonas Psalter

Initiative: +02
AC: 17 (12 Touch, 15 Flat-Footed)
HP: 31/31
Senses: DarkVision (60’) Perception: +10
CMB: +05 CMD: 17 (+7/19 vs. Trip)
Fort: +06 Reflex: +02 Will: +04


First Post
Cruendithas remembers one more scroll he would like to have just before he exits. He returns to searching and within moments he returns to the counter with another scroll and a grin. "Almost forgot this one. After the encounter with the stirges this may be handy to have." After paying he prepares his gear for the road and then goes to find a bed at the DWI.

-150 scroll of web1D100 = [20] = 20 success

292-150=142gp remaining


Guest 11456

Hawk enters and searches for the scrolls that were mentioned before. After several frustrating hours of searching she is able to locate just one of the scrolls. She goes on to purchase some rations for the trip. Before she leaves she looks for one last thing but is unable to find it.

+300 gp share of in game writ for shopping
-150 gp Scroll of Lesser Restoration (1d100=1) success
-0 gp 2nd Scroll of Lesser Restoration (1d100=96) failure
-5 gp for 10 days of trail rations
-0 gp Ioun Torch (1d100=80) failure
+145 gp balance

Voidrunner's Codex

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