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Dwimmermount IC:

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The last three Kobolds fall before your assault, their stunned looks bairly having had time to register on their faces.

After a moment you catch your breath and prepare to move further into the dungeon.

OOC: First, sorry for the delay. December is always a busy time of the year at school. Second I'll put a post out on the recruitment forum asking if anyone wants to either take over from Piston and pay Gargrim or else start up a new character of their own.

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
"Thank yee, oh Makers," bows Midgrim with a holy gesture - heart then mouth. "Probly helped that we were fighting abominations, 'course... Guard the passage back while me and Klyman loot this lot?" he suggests, already bending to the task.

After that's done and baring any surprises: "I propose yee lot with the deficient eyes stay back a little while I go in there?" Indicating the mushroom room. "Can't quite remember, but maybe those screamer caps trigger with light? It's either that or moving about." Midgrim retrieves the temporarily discarded pole with a philosophical shrug: they'll soon see, won't they?

OOC: Anything on the Kobolds of note? Midgrim will then go back in and resume pocking/exploring the room with his pole where he left off. He'll continue on, even if the screamer resumes screaming.

Jimmy Disco T

First Post
Jimi catches his breath after the hectic combat, and nods at Midgrim's suggestion. He's in no hurry to submit his ears to the awful shrieking fungus again. He moves to guard the passage they came from, holding his lantern aloft and scanning for anything or anyone trying to creep up on them from behind.

"Come on Climent, we'll take the rear guard while our Dwarven friend investigates. No doubt he'll find something else that he can eat next time we set up camp..."

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
"Weeeell," agrees the prompted dwarf in question, keeping eyes and hands on his searching, "good odds that screaming mushroom's delicious, I'd say. If it's screaming ta keep people away, yee understand..."

By the motions of his mouth, he's already salivating!


Going through the bodies you find a dozen copper pieces and small tiger eye gemstone worth about 10gp amidst the worthless pieces of junk that they have stuffed into their belt pouches.

As you re-enter the fungus covered room the shreiker does indeed start howling again, but this time you are able to approach the thick squat fungus making the noise and bash at it with your warhammer until it stops. Tearing it up by the root and examining it in the light you see that it doesn't seem to have any of the markings that normally denote a poisonous mushroom, but of course there is only one sure fire way to fine out.

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
So he does. (Bite into it, that is :)).

If he survives, he'll search the rest of the room with his pole as described before, looking for anything under or behind the funguses, including secret compartments and/or dead people. (Oh, and Gargrim's the one with the warhammer. Are you saying you can't tell them appart? :D).


OOC: Treasure list started as a group discussion on our Dungeon Raiders group page, so anyone can add posts there.
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