• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

D&D 5E CB's Stonefast IC -- COMPLETE


Looking about the corridors Colden thinks out loud. "Should we go after the orc?" he asks. "Is it better to confront an known enemy or leave it behind you to stab you in the back?"

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"We don't know how many orcs there are, just as they don't know how many we are; and likewise, we don't know where they are," Guran comments to Colden. "We could explore farther west down the second hallway, and we might find them; stealth could help," he adds.

As the PCs are getting ready, Guran asks Fulgrim for a little help cleaning his boots, as he figures a magic-user might have tricks for that.

Forged Fury

First Post
"So that's how that spell works... gah!" Fulgrim mumbled before being startled by Guran. "What? Oh yes, of course, who wants to get their hands filthy with orc blood?"

Waggling his fingers and muttering a brief incantation, the mage cast a cantrip and cleaned the other dwarf's boots. "Like they just came off the horn of a gnomish cordwainer. By the way, my colleague, I have just gained full comprehension of a spell that you will likely appreciate, particularly if you plan on doing any scouting."
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"Thank you for the cleaning. Now I won't leave orc-scent when I walk, in addition to not leaving visible bloodstains," Guran replies. He adds, "I'm going to halfway pretend that I know what a cordwainer is, or does."

Guran pauses, as though unsure whether a thief or a cleric is more likely to be meant by the word "colleague." He looks at Spec in cautious anticipation, then turns back to Fulgrim and asks which newly-learned spell would help with scouting. As an afterthought, he also adds a question about which way Fulgrim would like to go next.

Forged Fury

First Post
Fulgrim leaned in, rather impressed with himself, and said, "Why, a spell that makes you disappear from sight! While you can still be heard, smelled, tasted, and touched, eyes will fail our enemies."

Considering the follow-up question, Fulgrim shrugged. "Well, we still have that chest to consider in the other room. If we want instead to go deeper, we can go to the east, to the west, or check the secret door located in the middle of the far hallway."


OOC: Our game has fallen to the second page on the forum. Something must be done -- but what?

After some considerable time has passed while waiting for others to offer suggestions, Guran replies, "Alright, now that we have all decided to go after the orcs, let's be off and doing!"

The rogue leads the rest of the party westward to the third corridor, and south along it, keeping far enough ahead to observe without making too much noise.

After a long rest and re-donning armor (for those who had removed theirs), the group set out from the cleric's office. Guran took point. He led the group south down Corridor C. The splashes of blood had dried and darkened by now, making them harder to see when set against the mud-splattered corridor.

OOC: 1) Everyone benefits from a long rest.

2) What light source are you guys using, if any? Guran and Fulgrim can see in the dark, but Spec has thus far been careful to always use illumination. Since you guys have set out after the errant orc, however, I didn't want to assume that Spec used his cantrip. Let me know.

3) Guran: make a Survival check, DC 13.

Voidrunner's Codex

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