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Tolan - Wood Elf Barbarian 4

[B]Name:[/B]       Tolan
[B]Class:[/B]      Barbarian 4
[B]Race:[/B]       Elf (Wood)
[B]Background:[/B] Hermit
[B]Size:[/B]       Medium (5'5", 128 lb)
[B]Gender:[/B]     Male
[B]Alignment:[/B]  Neutral     

[B]Str:[/B] 18 (+4) save: +6     [B]HP:[/B] 41 (4d12+8)
[B]Dex:[/B] 20 (+5) save:  *     [B]AC:[/B]   17 / 19 with shield
[B]Con:[/B] 14 (+2) save: +4
[B]Int:[/B] 15 (+2)              [B]Speed:[/B]   35
[B]Wis:[/B] 17 (+3)              [B]Init:[/B]    +5
[B]Cha:[/B] 14 (+2)              [B]Passive Perception:[/B]    15

[B]Skills:[/B]                    [B]Abilities:[/B]
Acrobatics         +5       Darkvision 60'
Animal Handling    +3       Fey Ancestry (advantage vs. charm, immunity to magic sleep)
Arcana             +2       Trance (4hr/night)
*Athletics         +6       Mask of the Wild (attempt to hide, lightly obscured in nature)
Deception          +2
History            +2       Rage [3/long rest] (Rage Damage: +2)
Insight            +3       Unarmored Defense
Intimidation       +2       Reckless Attack
Investigation      +2       Danger Sense
*Medicine          +5       Primal Path: Berserker (Frenzy)
Nature             +2
*Perception        +5       Discovery
Performance        +2
Persuasion         +2
*Religion          +4
Slight of Hand     +5
Stealth            +5
*Survival          +5

Armor: Light, Medium, Shields
Weapons: Simple, Martial
Tools: Herbalism Kit
Languages: Common, Elven, Sylvan

[B]Weapon                Attack  Damage     Type  Range[/B]
Longsword, 1h          +6     1d8+4        S
Longsword, 2h          +6    1d10+4        S
Dagger                 +6     1d4+4        P
[i]Raging (+2 dmg)[/i]
Javelin, thrown        +6     1d6+4        P   (30/120)
Shortbow               +7     1d6+5        P   (80/320)

Javelin (4)
Arrows (4)
Scroll Case
Winter Blanket
Common Clothes
Herbalism Kit
Explorer's Pack + 2 days rations + 1 waterskin

[B]Money:[/B] 2 gp / 8 sp

[B]Personality Trait:[/B] I often get lost in my own thoughts and contemplation, becoming oblivious to my surroundings.
[B]Ideal:[/B] Self-Knowledge. If you know yourself, there’s nothing left to know.
[B]Bond:[/B] I’m still seeking the enlightenment I pursued in my seclusion, and it still eludes me.
[B]Flaw:[/B] I am dogmatic in my thoughts and philosophy.

[sblock=Background]Tolan grew up watching his mother work at her forge, and that is where he saw a sword for the first time. Starting from seemingly shapeless steel, it was molded into a tool of deadly elegance, and he was fascinated. He kept watching his mother at her work, and when he grew older he would assist her with minor tasks. He understood the first part of the sword's journey, but he was eager to take the next step. He tried his hand at various paths, seeking that which would further his understanding of the sword, but each ultimately felt wrong. His masters all viewed the sword as a means to an end, be it power or protection. But to Tolan the sword was the goal itself.

Seeking his own path to knowledge, Tolan left his home and journeyed deeper into the forest; he crossed plains and sailed oceans. Finally, on top of the mountain, he found his teacher. The man was interminably old, and quite possibly mad. He was too wracked with age to hold a sword in his hand, if indeed he ever had. But he taught Tolan how to block out the world around him, how to focus his mind into a single bright spark. Free of distraction and care, Tolan honed his skills against the wind and stones at the top of the world. He practiced his craft until he could go no further, and the old man bade him go back into the world.

"If the sword is your only answer, then the world becomes your foe. To truly master your path, you must understand your own weaknesses. Go and learn when NOT to draw your blade."

And so Tolan climbed down the mountain and returned to the world, but he has found his path more difficult than he anticipated. The demands that the world places on him have lead him to the life of an adventurer, and all-too-often a blade for hire. The sword remains his way of life, but every time he draws it, he tries to find the other way first. Recently, the rumors of the Feathergale Society have drawn his interest. Rescuing those who may not wish to be rescued sounds like a challenge uniquely unsuited to the sword. And so he contemplates the future, even as his feet carry him to the Dessarin Valley[/sblock]


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Forged Fury

First Post
Damien Darkspawn, BBEG-in-Training


[sblock=Damien Darkspawn]
Name:       Damien Darkspawn
Class:      Warlock (Fiend) 5
Race:       Human (Variant)
Background: Custom Urchin/Charlatan
Size:       Medium (5'8", 160 lb)
Gender:     Male
Alignment:  Lawful Evil

STR: 13 (+1)             HP: 48 (5d8 HD)
DEX: 20 (+5)             AC: 18 (Studded Leather + DEX + Dual Wielder)
CON: 18 (+4)
INT: 14 (+2)             Speed:   30
WIS: 15 (+2) Save: +5    Init:    +5
CHA: 18 (+4) Save: +7    Passive Perception: 12

Skills:                  Abilities:
Acrobatics         +5    Dark One's Blessing
Animal Handling    +2    Devil’s Sight (Invocation)
*Arcana            +5    Mask of Many Faces (Invocation)
Athletics          +1    Pact of the Blade
*Deception         +7    Thirsting Blade (Invocation)
History            +2    
Insight            +2    False Identity
Intimidation       +4
Investigation      +2
Medicine           +2
Nature             +2
*Perception        +5
Performance        +4
Persuasion         +4
Religion           +2
*Sleight of Hand   +8
*Stealth           +8
Survival           +2

Armor: Light Armor
Weapons: Pact Weapon & Simple Weapons
Tools: Disguise Kit & Thieves Tools
Languages: Common & Infernal

Spell Attack Modifier: +7
Spell Save DC: 15
Cantrips Known: Blade Ward, Mage Hand & Prestidigitation
Spells Known: Armor of Agathys, Command, Comprehend Languages, Darkness, Hex, & Tongues
Spell Slots: X/X/2/-/-/-/-/-

Dual Wielder

Weapon                Attack  Damage     Type  Range
Pact Weapon (Rapier)   +8     1d8+5        P
Handaxe                +4     1d6+1        S  (20/60)
Dagger                 +8     1d4+5        P  (20/60)
Light Crossbow         +8     1d8+5        P  (80/320)

Dagger (2)
Shark-Tooth Dagger
Light Crossbow & 20 Bolts
Studded Leather Armor
Component Pouch
Signet Ring of Mirabar Dwarven Smith
[I]Ring of Fire Resistance[/I]
Map of Neverwinter
Pet Rat (Nicodemus)
Thieves Tools
Common Clothes
4x [i]Potion of Healing[/i]
Dungeoneer's Pack

Money: 173GP 5 SP 6CP

Personality Trait: I lie about almost everything, even when there's no good reason.
Personality Trait: I have a joke for every occasion, especially occasions where humor is inappropriate.
Ideal: Aspiration, I'm determined to make something of myself.
Bond: I owe a debt I can never repay to the person who took pity on me.
Flaw: I'm convinced that no one could ever fool me the way I fool others.
[sblock=Spell Cheat-Sheet]Armor of Agathys: Abjuration/CT: 1 action/R: Self/Comp: V, S, M/ D: 1 Hour/Gain 5 temp HP per spell level. If hit in melee, attacker takes 5 HP per spell level of cold damage

: Enchantment/CT: 1 bonus action/R: 90 feet/Comp: V , S, M/D: Concentration, up to 1 hour/Deal +1d6 necrotic damage whenever you hit the target. Also, designate one ability with which the target will have disadvantage when making ability checks. If target drops to 0 HP, Hex can be reassigned with another bonus action.[/sblock]


"Damien?" the deep, multi-toned, sinister voice asked again, this time in a somewhat sing-song tome.

Sighing, Damien looked over to the beaten wooden chest sitting against the wall in the room of the inn in which he was staying. As expected, his pet black rat, Nicodemus, was standing atop the chest, eyes glowing green and arms crossed in a surprisingly human, or rather devilish, manner. "Yes, Master?"

"Don't take that tone with me, Damien," the rat said. "I could tear out your soul and use it to clean myself after my morning constitutional."

"Apologies, Master," the young man replied, not particularly fearful or apologetic. The number of times he had been threatened with no actual punishment was getting to the point that he couldn't count anymore. "So, is there something I can do for you?"

"I just want to make sure you understand what your goal is here in Dessarin Valley. Repeat your orders." The rat seated itself as best it could given its anatomy. Its whiskers twitched back and forth.

Turning away from Nicodemus and rolling his eyes, Damien replied, "I'm to ingratiate myself to the locals and sign up with a team of do-gooding adventurers. You are aware of some evil in the Valley, but your omniscience is somehow unable to determine what form that evil is taking." The rat hissed at that comment but otherwise waited for the man to continue. "Once I uncover the evil, with the aid of my erstwhile companions, I'm to eliminate it in order to assume the position of overarching evil in the Valley."

"Very evil." Nicodemus replied, using that strange devilish affectation of reversing the meaning of the words good and evil. "You know, it hasn't been that long since I found you desperate and on death's door in Neverwinter, the Nashers only steps away from finding you. You've come quite a ways since your time on the streets."

Damien thought back to his time on the streets of Neverwinter. The time before his parents had been murdered in a food riot. His eyes strayed towards his backpack, inside of which was his only keepsake of his parents, his mother's wooden spoon. He didn't know why he had kept it for so long, it was nothing more than sentimental attachment. "Thank you ever so much for the compliment, Master. Coming from you it means so much."

The rat paused and squinted its green-glowing eyes, not quite sure if Damien was making a joke. Figuring surely the worm before it would never offer such impertinence, it continued, "Now we'll see how well you have learned what I have taught you. Rely on your skills and wit, Damien. The world is your oyster... to tear apart and devour."[/sblock]

[sblock=Future Plans]
5th Level: Thirsting Blade Invocation & Spell(s)?[/sblock]
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Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Carradoc, a criminal half-elf wizard


Currently: HP 51+10 temp., AC 17; spells 4/3/3/1/0/0/0/0/0

[sblock=Carradoc, criminal wizard 7]
N Half-elf Wizard (Transmuter)
Level 7

Str 13 (+1)
Dex 18 (+4)
Con 16 (+3)
Int 20 (+5)
Wis 14 (+2)
Cha 18 (+4)

Size M
Speed 40
AC 14 (17 with Mage armor)
Init +4
Hit Points: 51 (7d6) + 10 temporary hp

Proficiency bonus: +3
Proficiencies: wizard weapons
Saves: INT, WIS
Skills: Arcana, Insight, Deception, Stealth, Persuasion, Acrobatics 
Tools: playing cards, thieves' tools
Languages: Common, Elvish, Giant

dagger, 1d20+7, 1d4+4 piercing
Chill Touch, 1d20+8, 2d8 necrotic, range 120 feet (can't recover hp until next turn)

Background (trait): Criminal/highwayman (criminal contact)

Race abilities
* 60’ darkvision
* advantage on charm saves, immune to magical sleep

Class abilities:
* Spellbook (see below)
* Spell slots: Level 1 (4), Level 2 (3); Level 3 (3); Level 4 (1) can prepare 12 spells/day; spell DC 16
* Arcane recovery: 1/day after short rest, can recover 3 spell slot levels (= level/2)
* Transmuter Savant: gold and time to copy a transmutation spell is halved
* Minor Alchemy: temporarily alter physical properties of nonmagical object: 1 cu.ft/10 mins; lasts 1 hr or concentration
* Transmuter's Stone: spend 8 hours to create a stone that grants one of:
- 60' darkvision
- +10' movement
- proficiency in Constitution saves
- resistance to acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder
Choice can change with casting of any transmutation spell level 1+

* Inspiring Leader: talk for ten minutes and up to 6 people get 10 temporary hp (can get bonus 1/rest; can talk all I want). [bonus at level 5]
* Mobile: when using dash, ignore difficult terrain; no opp attack from someone I've melee attacked that turn. [bonus Christmas 2016]

+7 (dex) Acrobatics
+2 (wis) Animal Handling
+8 (int) Arcana
+1 (str) Athletics 
+7 (cha) Deception
+5 (int) History
+5 (wis) Insight 
+4 (cha) Intimidation
+5 (int) Investigation Passive: 15
+2 (wis) Medicine
+5 (int) Nature
+2 (wis) Perception Passive: 12
+4 (cha) Performance
+7 (cha) Persuasion
+5 (int) Religion 
+4 (dex) Sleight of Hand
+7 (dex) Stealth 
+2 (wis) Survival

Personality: I’m in this for the adventure. 
Ideal: I will not let magical knowledge within reach escape me.
Bond: I have abandoned allies without warning; I’m sure they don’t mind.
Flaw: I will show off to be noticed.


Familiar: Owl (Fey) [120' darkvision, flyby, 60' flight; keen sight (Perc. 13)] -- normally dismissed] (10gp)

crystal [arcane focus] (10gp, 1 lbs)
dagger (2gp, 1 lb)
thieves' tools (25 gp, 1lb)
dark traveller’s clothes (2gp, 4 lbs)
backpack (2gp, 5 lbs), containing:
* Spell book (-, 3 lbs)
* healer’s kit (5gp, 3 lbs)
* rations, 10 days (5gp, 20 lbs)
* mess kit (2sp, 1 lb)
* bedroll (1gp, 7 lbs)
* deck of cards (5 sp, -) 
* 10 gp worth of incense (10gp, -)
* crystal [arcane focus] (10gp, 1 lbs)
* ink (10gp, -)
* ink pen (2cp, -)
* chalk (1cp, -)
* signal whistle (5cp, -)
* soap (2cp, -)
* pouch (5sp, 1 lb) with 133gp, 7sp, 6 cp.

* Scroll of Haste; Scroll of Wall of Water
* Damien's backpack rope
* winged woman's spell book

total weight:  48 lbs + LOOT (~10 lbs?)
Carrying capacity: 195 lbs
Carradoc's Cantrips and Spellbook
(spells in bold are currently prepared):

- Cantrips (4): Chill Touch, Mending, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation

- Level 1:  Alarm (r), Comprehend Languages (r), Feather Fall, Find Familiar (r), Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Shield, Sleep, Tenser's Floating Disk (r), Unseen Servant (r)
- Level 2: Alter Self, Scorching Ray, Rope Trick, Misty Step, Mirror Image
- Level 3: Fireball, Haste, Leomund's Tiny Hut (r), Wall of Water, Phantom Steed (r).
- Level 4: Polymorph, Arcane Eye

Winged Woman's spellbook:
1st level: charm person, feather fall, mage armor, thunderwave
2nd level: dust devil, gust of wind, invisibility
3rd level: fly, gaseous form, lightning bolt
4th level: ice storm, storm sphere
5th level: cloudkill, seeming
6th level: chain lightning
[sblock=character history]
For the last few months, Carradoc has been living comfortably as a highwayman. As he says, “Me robbing those rich young bucks is teaching them something they’re going to learn soon enough anyways. Pah. I’m doing them a favour. I let them live, and they know they’re not yet ready to get into this game.” The game, of course, is the hunting lodge called the Feathergale Society. Poncy name. But it’s given him a living robbing those that continue to stream into town.

At first, he played victim, wounded at the side of the road. Woe, woe, and a blast in the face that catches lone travellers by surprise. “You can’t help everyone you see lying at the roadside, after all. See? That’s a lesson.” Soon he found he could cast a spell that made him look like a hobgoblin, which threw aside enough expectations that he could now take a wagon if he wanted. Someone appearing as a young elfin woman selling those wares the next day scarcely attracted notice. It was fine for a time, but nothing lasts forever.

“I’m not solely responsible for the new guard coming out of Rivengard Keep, but I may be four or five of the hoods they’re looking for. So now, it’s time to move on,” says Carradoc prudently. So what’s in store for him? “I hear the Adventuring Guild has some opportunities. I’ll start there with my own face, and see where that takes me. “

[sblock=Carradoc, criminal wizard 6, with bonus feat]
N Half-elf Wizard (Transmuter)
Level 6

Str 13 (+1)
Dex 18 (+4) 
Con 16 (+3) 
Int 20 (+5) 
Wis 14 (+2)
Cha 18 (+4) 

Size M
Speed 40
AC 14 (17 with Mage armor)
Init +4
Hit Points: 44 (6d6) + 10 temporary hp

Proficiency bonus: +3
Proficiencies: wizard weapons
Saves: INT, WIS
Skills: Arcana, Insight, Deception, Stealth, Persuasion, Acrobatics 
Tools: playing cards, thieves' tools
Languages: Common, Elvish, Giant

dagger, 1d20+7, 1d4+4 piercing
Chill Touch, 1d20+8, 2d8 necrotic, range 120 feet (can't recover hp until next turn)

Background (trait): Criminal/highwayman (criminal contact)

Race abilities
* 60’ darkvision
* advantage on charm saves, immune to magical sleep

Class abilities:
* Spellbook (see below)
* Spell slots: Level 1 (4), Level 2 (3); Level 3 (3); can prepare 11 spells/day; spell DC 16
* Arcane recovery: 1/day after short rest, can recover 3 spell slot levels (= level/2)
* Transmuter Savant: gold and time to copy a transmutation spell is halved
* Minor Alchemy: temporarily alter physical properties of nonmagical object: 1 cu.ft/10 mins; lasts 1 hr or concentration
* Transmuter's Stone: spend 8 hours to create a stone that grants one of:
- 60' darkvision
- +10' movement
- proficiency in Constitution saves
- resistance to acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder
Choice can change with casting of any transmutation spell level 1+

* Inspiring Leader: talk for ten minutes and up to 6 people get 10 temporary hp (can get bonus 1/rest; can talk all I want). [bonus at level 5]
* Mobile: when using dash, ignore difficult terrain; no opp attack from someone I've melee attacked that turn. [bonus Christmas 2016]

+7 (dex) Acrobatics
+2 (wis) Animal Handling
+8 (int) Arcana
+1 (str) Athletics 
+7 (cha) Deception
+5 (int) History
+5 (wis) Insight 
+4 (cha) Intimidation
+5 (int) Investigation Passive: 15
+2 (wis) Medicine
+5 (int) Nature
+2 (wis) Perception Passive: 12
+4 (cha) Performance
+7 (cha) Persuasion
+5 (int) Religion 
+4 (dex) Sleight of Hand
+7 (dex) Stealth 
+2 (wis) Survival

Personality: I’m in this for the adventure. 
Ideal: I will not let magical knowledge within reach escape me.
Bond: I have abandoned allies without warning; I’m sure they don’t mind.
Flaw: I will show off to be noticed.


Familiar: Owl (Fey) [120' darkvision, flyby, 60' flight; keen sight (Perc. 13)] -- normally dismissed] (10gp)

crystal [arcane focus] (10gp, 1 lbs)
dagger (2gp, 1 lb)
thieves' tools (25 gp, 1lb)
dark traveller’s clothes (2gp, 4 lbs)
backpack (2gp, 5 lbs), containing:
* Spell book (-, 3 lbs)
* healer’s kit (5gp, 3 lbs)
* rations, 10 days (5gp, 20 lbs)
* mess kit (2sp, 1 lb)
* bedroll (1gp, 7 lbs)
* deck of cards (5 sp, -) 
* 10 gp worth of incense (10gp, -)
* crystal [arcane focus] (10gp, 1 lbs)
* ink (10gp, -)
* ink pen (2cp, -)
* chalk (1cp, -)
* signal whistle (5cp, -)
* soap (2cp, -)
* pouch (5sp, 1 lb) with 133gp, 7sp, 6 cp. 

* Scroll of Haste; Scroll of Wall of Water 
* Damien's backpack rope 
* winged woman's spell book

total weight:  48 lbs + LOOT (~10 lbs?)
Carrying capacity: 195 lbs
[sblock=Carradoc, criminal wizard 5 (w/bonus feat)]
N Half-elf Wizard (Transmuter)
Level 5

Str 13 (+1)
Dex 18 (+4)
Con 16 (+3)
Int 20 (+5)
Wis 14 (+2)
Cha 18 (+4)

Size M
Speed 30
AC 14 (17 with Mage armor)
Init +4
Hit Points: 37 (5d6) 

Proficiency bonus: +3
Proficiencies: wizard weapons
Saves: INT, WIS
Skills: Arcana, Insight, Deception, Stealth, Persuasion, Acrobatics 
Tools: playing cards, thieves' tools
Languages: Common, Elvish, Giant

dagger, 1d20+7, 1d4+4 piercing
Chill Touch, 1d20+8, 2d8 necrotic, range 120 feet (can't recover hp until next turn)

Background (trait): Criminal/highwayman (criminal contact)

Race abilities
* 60’ darkvision
* advantage on charm saves, immune to magical sleep

Class abilities:
* Spellbook (see below)
* Spell slots: Level 1 (4), Level 2 (3); Level 3 (2); can prepare 10 spells/day; spell DC 16
* Arcane recovery: 1/day after short rest, can recover 2 spell slot levels
* Transmuter Savant: gold and time to copy a transmutation spell is halved
* Minor Alchemy: temporarily alter physical properties of nonmagical object: 1 cu.ft/10 mins; lasts 1 hr or concentration

* Inspiring Leader: talk for ten minutes and up to 6 people get 9 temporary hp (can get bonus 1/rest; can talk all I want). [bonus at level 5]

+7 (dex) Acrobatics
+2 (wis) Animal Handling
+8 (int) Arcana
+1 (str) Athletics 
+7 (cha) Deception
+5 (int) History
+5 (wis) Insight 
+4 (cha) Intimidation
+5 (int) Investigation Passive: 15
+2 (wis) Medicine
+5 (int) Nature
+2 (wis) Perception Passive: 12
+4 (cha) Performance
+7 (cha) Persuasion
+5 (int) Religion 
+4 (dex) Sleight of Hand
+7 (dex) Stealth 
+2 (wis) Survival

Personality: I’m in this for the adventure. 
Ideal: I will not let magical knowledge within reach escape me.
Bond: I have abandoned allies without warning; I’m sure they don’t mind.
Flaw: I will show off to be noticed.


Familiar: Owl (Fey) [120' darkvision, flyby, 60' flight; keen sight (Perc. 13)] -- normally dismissed] (10gp)

crystal [arcane focus] (10gp, 1 lbs)
dagger (2gp, 1 lb)
thieves' tools (25 gp, 1lb)
dark traveller’s clothes (2gp, 4 lbs)
backpack (2gp, 5 lbs), containing:
* Spell book (-, 3 lbs)
* healer’s kit (5gp, 3 lbs)
* rations, 10 days (5gp, 20 lbs)
* mess kit (2sp, 1 lb)
* bedroll (1gp, 7 lbs)
* deck of cards (5 sp, -) 
* 10 gp worth of incense (10gp, -)
* crystal [arcane focus] (10gp, 1 lbs)
* ink (10gp, -)
* ink pen (2cp, -)
* chalk (1cp, -)
* signal whistle (5cp, -)
* soap (2cp, -)
* pouch (5sp, 1 lb) with 133gp, 7sp, 6 cp.

* Scroll of Haste; Scroll of Wall of Water
* Damien's backpack rope

total weight:  48 lbs + LOOT (~10 lbs?)
Carrying capacity: 195 lbs
[sblock=Carradoc, criminal wizard 4]
N Half-elf Wizard (Transmuter)
Level 4

Str 13 (+1)
Dex 18 (+4)
Con 16 (+3)
Int 20 (+5) [boosted at level 4]
Wis 14 (+2)
Cha 18 (+4)

Size M
Speed 30
AC 14 (17 with Mage armor)
Init +4
Hit Points: 30 (4d6) 

Proficiency bonus: +2
Proficiencies: wizard weapons
Saves: INT, WIS
Skills: Arcana, Insight, Deception, Stealth, Persuasion, Acrobatics 
Tools: playing cards, thieves' tools
Languages: Common, Elvish, Giant

dagger, 1d20+6, 1d4+4 piercing
Chill Touch, 1d20+7, 1d8 necrotic, range 120 feet (can't recover hp until next turn)
Scorching Ray, 3x 1d20+7, 2d6 fire, range 120 feet

Background (trait): Criminal/highwayman (criminal contact)

Race abilities
* 60’ darkvision
* advantage on charm saves, immune to magical sleep

Class abilities:
* Spellbook (typically prepared):
- Cantrips (4): Chill Touch, Mending, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation
- Level 1 (8):  Comprehend Languages (r), Feather Fall, Find Familiar (r), Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Shield, Sleep, Tenser's Floating Disk (r)
- Level 2 (4): Alter Self, Scorching Ray, Rope Trick, Misty Step
* Spell slots: Level 1 (4), Level 2 (3); can prepare 9 spells/day; spell DC 15
* Arcane recovery: 1/day after short rest, can recover 2 spell slot levels
* Transmuter Savant: gold and time to copy a transmutation spell is halved
* Minor Alchemy: temporarily alter physical properties of nonmagical object: 1 cu.ft/10 mins; lasts 1 hr or concentration

+6 (dex) Acrobatics
+2 (wis) Animal Handling
+7 (int) Arcana
+1 (str) Athletics 
+6 (cha) Deception
+5 (int) History
+4 (wis) Insight 
+4 (cha) Intimidation
+5 (int) Investigation Passive: 15
+2 (wis) Medicine
+5 (int) Nature
+2 (wis) Perception Passive: 12
+4 (cha) Performance
+6(cha) Persuasion
+5 (int) Religion 
+4 (dex) Sleight of Hand
+6 (dex) Stealth 
+2 (wis) Survival

Personality: I’m in this for the adventure. 
Ideal: I will not let magical knowledge within reach escape me.
Bond: I have abandoned allies without warning; I’m sure they don’t mind.
Flaw: I will show off to be noticed.


Familiar: Owl (Fey) [120' darkvision, flyby, 60' flight; keen sight (Perc. 13)] -- normally dismissed] (10gp)

crystal [arcane focus] (10gp, 1 lbs)
dagger (2gp, 1 lb)
thieves' tools (25 gp, 1lb)
dark traveller’s clothes (2gp, 4 lbs)
backpack (2gp, 5 lbs), containing:
* Spell book (-, 3 lbs)
* healer’s kit (5gp, 3 lbs)
* rations, 10 days (5gp, 20 lbs)
* mess kit (2sp, 1 lb)
* bedroll (1gp, 7 lbs)
* deck of cards (5 sp, -) 
* 10 gp worth of incense (10gp, -)
* crystal [arcane focus] (10gp, 1 lbs)
* ink (10gp, -)
* ink pen (2cp, -)
* chalk (1cp, -)
* signal whistle (5cp, -)
* soap (2cp, -)
pouch (5sp, 1 lb) with 6gp, 7sp
LOOT: [strike]281gp (see post OOC 492)[/strike] 333.56gp (OOC 1061).
Scroll of Haste; Scroll of Wall of Water (see post OOC 487 and 489)

Damien's backpack rope (OOC post 544)

total weight:  48 lbs + LOOT (~30 lbs?)
Carrying capacity: 195 lbs
[sblock=Carradoc, criminal wizard 3]
N Half-elf Wizard (Transmuter)
Level 3

Abilities: (* includes racial modifier)
Str 13 (+1)
Dex 18 (+4) *
Con 16 (+3) *
Int 18 (+4)
Wis 14 (+2)
Cha 18 (+4) *

Size M
Speed 30
AC 14 (17 with Mage armor)
Init +4
Hit Points: 23 (3d6)

Proficiency bonus: +2
Proficiencies: wizard weapons
Saves: INT, WIS
Skills: Arcana, Insight, Deception, Stealth, Persuasion, Acrobatics
Tools: playing cards, thieves' tools
Languages: Common, Elvish, Giant

dagger, 1d20+6, 1d4+4 piercing
Chill Touch, 1d20+5, 1d8 necrotic, range 120 feet (can't recover hp until next turn)
Scorching Ray, 3x 1d20+5, 2d6 fire, range 120 feet

Background (trait): Criminal/highwayman (criminal contact)

Race abilities:
* 60’ darkvision
* advantage on charm saves, immune to magical sleep

Class abilities:
* Spellbook (typically prepared):
- Cantrips (3): Chill Touch, Mending, Mage Hand
- Level 1 (8): Comprehend Languages (r), Feather Fall, Find Familiar (r), Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Shield, Sleep, Tenser's Floating Disk (r)
- Level 2 (2): Alter Self, Scorching Ray
* Spell slots: Level 1 (4), Level 2 (2); can prepare 7 spells/day
* Arcane recovery: 1/day after short rest, can recover a level 1 spell slot
* Transmuter Savant: gold and time to copy a transmutation spell is halved
* Minor Alchemy: temporarily alter physical properties of nonmagical object: 1 cu.ft/10 mins; lasts 1 hr or concentration

+6 (dex) Acrobatics
+2 (wis) Animal Handling
+6 (int) Arcana
+1 (str) Athletics
+6 (cha) Deception
+4 (int) History
+4 (wis) Insight
+4 (cha) Intimidation
+4 (int) Investigation Passive: 14
+2 (wis) Medicine
+4 (int) Nature
+2 (wis) Perception Passive: 12
+4 (cha) Performance
+6(cha) Persuasion
+4 (int) Religion
+4 (dex) Sleight of Hand
+6 (dex) Stealth
+2 (wis) Survival

Personality: I’m in this for the adventure.
Ideal: I will not let magical knowledge within reach escape me.
Bond: I have abandoned allies without warning; I’m sure they don’t mind.
Flaw: I will show off to be noticed.


Familiar: Owl (Fey) [120' darkvision, flyby, 60' flight; keen sight (Perc. 13)] -- normally dismissed] (10gp)

crystal [arcane focus] (10gp, 1 lbs)
dagger (2gp, 1 lb)
thieves' tools (25 gp, 1lb)
dark traveller’s clothes (2gp, 4 lbs)
backpack (2gp, 5 lbs), containing:
* Spell book (-, 3 lbs)
* healer’s kit (5gp, 3 lbs)
* rations, 10 days (5gp, 20 lbs)
* mess kit (2sp, 1 lb)
* bedroll (1gp, 7 lbs)
* deck of cards (5 sp, -)
* 10 gp worth of incense (10gp, -)
* crystal [arcane focus] (10gp, 1 lbs)
* ink (10gp, -)
* ink pen (2cp, -)
* chalk (1cp, -)
* signal whistle (5cp, -)
* soap (2cp, -)
pouch (5sp, 1 lb) with 6gp, 7sp

total weight: 48 lbs
Carrying capacity: 195 lbs

(assumptions include standard encumbrance, standard starting funds (so 100gp, 4d4 x 10)).
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Steve Gorak


[Sblock=level 6 changes]
Level up Sorcerer from 2 to 3
+1 magic points (total 3)
Metamagic: Quicken spell (2sp to cast 1 action spell in bonus round), Empowered spell (use 1sp to reroll up to 5 damage dice after roll)
+1 spell known:
1 additional level 1 slot
2 additional level 2 slots

Holiday bonus feat: Ritual caster, replace book of ancient secrets warlock invocation to repelling blast


Name: Thaliss Eviastarim
Sex: Male
Race: Half elf
Class/Level: Sorcerer 3/warlock 3
Alignment: Neutral
Size: Medium
Type (Subtype): Humanoid (Human, elf)
Init: +4
Senses: Darkvision (60 ft.)
Passive Perception: 15 (note owl familiar has 13 Passive Perception and advantage on checks that rely on hearing and sight

AC: 17 (+3 draconic resilience, +4 dex)
HP: 48 (sor: 3d6 (12) +3+3+3 con +1+1+1 draconic resilience, warlock: 3d8: (3x5)+3+3+3)
Saves: Constitution & Charisma
Special Defenses:
- Fey Ancestry: advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can't put you to sleep.
- Resistance to fire damage (from cloak of water)
- Resistance to lightning (from leather armor of lightning resistance)

Speed: 30ft
Dagger +7 Attack, 1d4+4 Piercing
Staff +4 attack, 1d6+1 bludgeoning
Special Attacks: Spells & invocations:
Spell attcak modifier: +8
Spell save DC: 16

known: 4 cantrips from sorcerer (Mage hand, frostbite, shocking grasp, minor illusion), 2 cantrips from warlock (eldrich blast, prestigitation), 3 cantrips from book of shadows (Guidance, vicious mockery, mold earth), 1 cantrip from spell sniper feat (eldrich blast - already known so took create bondfire)
4 level 1 spells slots from sorceror & 2 level 2: (4 known: shield, mirror image, levitate (replaces sleep), featherfall)
2 level 2 spell slots from warlock 3 (4 known: hex, protection from good and evil, invisibility, misty step)

(0) minor illusion SM (A bit of fleece) up to 1 min duration, 30 ft range. note no concentration. [sblock=Minor Illusion]
Illusion cantrip
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet
Components: S, M (a bit o f fleece)
Duration: 1 minute
You create a sound or an image o f an object within
range that lasts for the duration. The illusion also ends if
you dismiss it as an action or cast this spell again.
If you create a sound, its volume can range from a
w hisper to a scream . It can be your voice, so m e o ne
else’s voice, a lion’s roar, a beating o f drums, or any
other sound you cho o se . The sound continues unabated
throughout the duration, or you can make discrete
sounds at different times before the spell ends.
If you create an image o f an object—such as a chair,
muddy footprints, or a small chest—it must be no larger
than a 5-foot cube. The image can’t create sound, light,
smell, or any other sen sory effect. Physical interaction
with the image reveals it to be an illusion, because
things can pass through it.
If a creature uses its action to examine the sound or
image, the creature can determine that it is an illusion
with a su cce ssful Intelligence (Investigation) check
against your spell save DC. If a creature discerns the
illusion for what it is, the illusion b e co m e s faint to
the creature[/sblock]

(0) Create Bondfire VS, conc, up to 1 min duration, 60 ft range, 5x5x5 fire appears on ground, dex save or 2d8 damage [sblock]Create Bonfire
Conjuration cantrip
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
You create a bonfire on ground that you can see within
range. Until the spells ends, the bonfire fills a 5-foot
cube. Any creature in the bonfire’s space when you cast
the spell must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or
take 1d8 fire damage. A creature must also make the
saving throw when it enters the bonfire’s space for the
first time on a turn or ends its turn there.
The spell’s damage increases by 1d8 when you reach
5th level (2d8), 11th level (3d8), and 17th level (4d8)[/sblock]

(0) mage hand VS, 1 min duration, 30 ft range, spectral hand appears, use action to control it, 10 lb limit, can move the hand 30 ft when using it. [sblock=Mage_Hand]
Conjuration cantrip
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 minute
A spectral, floating hand appears at a point you ch o o se
within range. The hand lasts for the duration or until
you dism iss it as an action. The hand vanishes if it is
ever m ore than 30 feet away from you or if you cast
this spell again.
You can use your action to control the hand. You can
use the hand to manipulate an object, open an unlocked
d o o r or container, stow or retrieve an item from an open
container, or pour the contents out o f a vial. You can
move the hand up to 30 feet each time you use it.
The hand can’t attack, activate magic items, or carry
m ore than 10 pound[/sblock]

(0) shocking grasp VS touch 1d8 electricity, advantage if metal armor, no reactions till start of next turn [sblock=Shocking_Grasp]
Evocation cantrip
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
Lightning springs from your hand to deliver a sh o ck to
a creature you try to touch. Make a melee spell attack
against the target. You have advantage on the attack roll
if the target is wearing armor made o f metal. On a hit,
the target takes 1d8 lightning damage, and it can’t take
reactions until the start o f its next turn.
The spell’s damage increases by 1d8 when you reach
5th level (2d8), 11th level (3d8), and 17th level (4d8).[/sblock]

(0) prestigitation VS, up to 1h duration, 10 ft range. note no concentration.[sblock=Prestidigitation]
Transmutation cantrip
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 10 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Up to 1 hour
This spell is a m inor m agical trick that novice
spellcasters use for practice. You create one o f the
follow ing m agical effects within range:
• You create an instantaneous, harm less sensory effect,
such as a show er o f sparks, a puff o f wind, faint musi­
cal notes, o r an odd odor.
• You instantaneously light or snuff out a candle, a
torch, or a small campfire.
• You instantaneously clean or soil an object no larger
than 1 cubic foot.
• You chill, warm, or flavor up to 1 cubic foot o f nonliv­
ing material for 1 hour.
• You make a color, a small mark, or a symbol appear
on an object or a surface for 1 hour.
• You create a nonm agical trinket or an illusory image
that can fit in your hand and that lasts until the end o f
y our next turn.
If you cast this spell multiple times, you can have up to
three o f its non-instantaneous effects active at a time,
and you can dismiss such an effect as an action.[/sblock]

(0) Frostbite VS, 60ft, con save or target takes 1d6 cold damage and has disadvantage on the next weapon attack roll before the end of its next turn[sblock=Frostbite]
Evocation cantrip
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
You cause numbing frost to form on one creature that
you can see within range. The target must make a
Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the target
takes 1d6 cold damage, and it has disadvantage on
the next weapon attack roll it makes before the end of
its next turn.
The spell’s damage increases by 1d6 when you reach
5th level (2d6), 11th level (3d6), and 17th level (4d6).[/sblock]

(0) eldrich blast: VS 240 ft range, 1d10+5 force damage

When book of shadows is on person:
(0) vicious mockery. V, 60 ft range, target must be able to hear you (but not necessarily understand) save vs wisdom or 2d4 psychic damage and disadvantage on the next attack roll it makes before the end o f its next turn

(0) Guidance[sblock=Guidance]
Divination cantrip
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
You touch one w illing creature. O nce before the spell
ends, the target can roll a d4 and add the number rolled
to one ability che ck o f its choice. It can roll the die before
or after making the ability check. The spell then ends[/sblock]

(0) mold earth[sblock=Mold_Earth]
Transmutation cantrip
Casting Time:1 action
Range:30 feet
Duration:Instantaneous or 1 hour (see below)
You choose a portion of dirt or stone that you can see
within range and that fits within a 5-foot cube. You
manipulate it in one of the following ways:
• If you target an area of loose earth, you can instantaneously excavate it, move it along the ground, and
deposit it up to 5 feet away. This movement doesn’t
have enough force to cause damage.
• You cause shapes, colors, or both to appear on the dirt
or stone, spelling out words, creating images, or shaping patterns. The changes last for 1 hour.
• If the dirt or stone you target is on the ground, you
cause it to become difficult terrain. Alternatively, you
can cause the ground to become normal terrain if it is
already difficult terrain. This change lasts for 1 hour.
If you cast this spell multiple times, you can have no
more than two of its non-instantaneous effects active at
a time, and you can dismiss such an effect as an action.[/sblock]

(1) shield VS 1 reaction when hit, 1 round duration, +5 to AC[Sblock=Shield]
1st-level abjuration
Casting Time:1 reaction, which you take when you are
hit by an attack or targeted by the magic missilespell
Components:V, S
Duration:1 round
An invisible barrier of magical force appears and protects
you. Until the start of your next turn, you have a +5 bonus
to AC, including against the triggering attack, and you
take no damage from magic missile.

(1) Hex VSM (petrified eye of a newt), range 90ft concentration, up to 1h. until the spell ends, deal additional 1d6 necrotic damage when hit target with an attack. Also target has disadvantage on ability checks of 1 ability. If target drops to 0 hp before end of spell, use a bonus action to curse new creature.

(1) Protection from Evil and good, V, S, M (holy water or powdered silver and iron, which the spell consumes), concentration, up to 10 minutes, aberrations, celestials, elementals, fey, fiends, and undead have disadvantage on attack rolls against the target. The target also can ’t be charmed, frightened, or possessed by them. If the target is already charmed, frightened, or p o sse sse d by such a creature, the target has advantage on any new saving throw against the relevant effect.

(1) Featherfall, V, M (a small feather or pie ce of down), 1 min duration, 60 ft range, choose up to 5 falling creatures, fall slows to 60ft/rnd.

(2) Invisibility [sblock=Invisibility]
2 nd-level illusion
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M (an eyelash encased
in gum arabic)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
A creature you touch b e co m e s invisible until the spell
ends. Anything the target is w earing or carrying is
invisible as long as it is on the target’s person. The spell
ends for a target that attacks or casts a spell.
A t H ig h er L ev els.W hen you cast this spell using
a spell slot o f 3rd level or higher, you can target one
additional creature for each slot level above 2nd[/sblock]

(2) Levitate VSM (small leather loop) range 60 ft, up to 500kg, unwilling tatget has con save. Up and down 20 ft/rnd

(2) Misty Step [sblock=Misty Step]
2nd-level conjuration
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Range: S e lf
Components: V
Duration: Instantaneous
Briefly surrounded by silvery mist, you teleport up to 30
feet to an unoccupied space that you can see.[/sblock]

(2) Mirror image VS, 1min duration, 3 illusory duplicates

Invocations known: agonizing blast (add +cha damage to EB), book of ancient secrets (alarm and unseen servant rituals)

Rituals in book of shadows
Alarm, 11min casting time, VSM, 30 ft range, 8h duration, choose a door, a window, or an area within range that is no larger than a 20-foot cube. Alarm is mental (will wake you) or audible (hand bell rings for 10 seconds, range of 60 ft).

Unseen servant: 10 min casting time, duration 1h. range 60ft, invisible, mindless, shapeless force, AC 10, 1 hp, 2 str (carry: 30 lbs, Push, Drag, or Lift: 60lbs speed becomes 5). On each o f your turns as a bonus action, you can mentally command the servant to move up to 15 feet and interact with an object. The servant can perform simple tasks that a human servant could do. spell ends if servant moves more than 60ft from you.

Comprehend Languages 11min casting time, VSM (a pinch of soot and salt), self range, 1h duration, For the duration, you understand the literal meaning of any spoken language that you hear and read (1 page per minute)[sblock]Comprehend Languages
1st-level divination (ritual)
Casting Time:10 minutes + 1 action
Components:V, S, M (a pinch of soot and salt)
Duration: 1 hour
For the duration, you understand the literal meaning of
any spoken language that you hear. You also understand
any written language that you see, but you must be
touching the surface on which the words are written. It
takes about 1 minute to read one page of text.
This spell doesn’t decode secret messages in a text
or a glyph, such as an arcane sigil, that isn’t part of a
written language.[/sblock]

Find Familiar, 1h10 minutes casting time, VSM (10gp worth of M). Gain service of familiar
familiar acts independently of you, but it always obeys your commands
rolls its own initiative and acts on its own turn
can’t attack, but it can take other actions as normal
If it drops to 0 HP, it disapears and spell needs to be recast
While within 100 feet of you, can communicate with it telepathically
as an action, you can se e through your familiar’s eyes and hear what it hears until the start of your next turn,
gaining the benefits o f any special senses. During this time, you are deaf and blind
with regard to your ow n senses.
temporarily dismiss your familiar as an action (disappears into a pocket dimension)
As an action cause it to reappear in any unoccupied space within 30 ft
familiar can deliver spells with range of touch as if it had cast the spell - familiar must be within 100 ft, and uses its reaction to deliver the spell when cast - use your attack roll if spell requires one

Tenser's Floating Disk, 10 minutes + 1 action casting time, 30 ft range, VSM (a drop o f mercury), 1h duration, circular planne of force d=3ft appears in unoccupied space. Disc immobile if within 20 ft, follows if move beyond 20 ft and stays within 20 ft of you. Can move across uneven terrain, up or down stairs, etc., but can’t cross an elevation changes of 10 ft or more.
If you move m ore than 100 feet from the disk the spell ends.

Bonus feat: Spell sniper
- double spell range of spell that requires an attack roll
- Ranged spell attacks ignore all but full cover
- learn extra cantrip that requires an attack roll (EB overlap - create bondfire)

Ritual caster (wizard)

Str 13 (+1), Dex 18 (+4) , Con 16 (+3), Int 14 (+2), Wis 16 (+3), Cha 20 (+5)
base array: 18,17,16,15,14,13

SKILLS Proficiencies in bold: 2 half elf, 2 Sorcerer, 2 noble background: history & persuation
Mod Attribute Name of Skill
+4 (dex) Acrobatics
+3 (wis) Animal Handling
+2 (int) Arcana
+1 (str) Athletics
+8 (cha) Deception - from sorcerer
+5 (int) History - from Noble
+3 (wis) Insight
+8 (cha) Intimidation - from sorcerer
+2 (int) Investigation
+3 (wis) Medicine
+2 (int) Nature
+6 (wis) Perception - From half elf
+5 (cha) Performance
+8 (cha) Persuasion - From Noble
+2 (int) Religion
+4 (dex) Sleight of Hand - From half elf
+8 (dex) Stealth
+3 (wis) Survival

Languages:Common, Elvish, Goblin, Orc, Sylvan, Draconic

Darkvision: Can see in dim light within 60' as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it was dim light
Fey Ancestry: Advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can't put you to sleep
Skill Versatility: proficient in two skills of your choice
Languages: Common, Elven, +1 additional (Goblin)

BACKGROUND FEATURES Noble & sage hybrid
Feature: Position of privilege As noble
Skill Proficiencies: History, persuation
Tool Proficiencies: None
Language: 2 extra language (Orc, Sylvan)

- Spellcasting: Charisma is your spellcasting ability for your spells. The saving throw DC to resist a spell you cast is 16. Your attack bonus when you make an attack with a spell is +8.
- Draconic Ancestry: You can speak, read, and write Draconic. Whenever you make a Charisma check when interacting with dragons, your proficiency bonus is doubled if it applies to the check.
- Draconic Resilience: +1 HP per sorcerer level, AC 13 + dex when not wearing armor

Font of Magic : 3 sorcery points.
As a bonus action on your turn:
- convert spell solt to gain same number of sp as slotlevel
- Transform sp into slots: 2sp for level 1 slot, 3 sp for level 2 slot

Quicken spell (2sp to cast 1 action spell in bonus round)
Empowered spell (use 1sp to reroll up to 5 damage dice after roll)

- Spellcasting: Charisma is your spellcasting ability for your spells. The saving throw DC to resist a spell you cast is 16. Your attack bonus when you make an attack with a spell is +8.
- Otherworldly patron: great old one 30ft telepathy
- Eldritch Invocations: 2 Repelling blast, agonizing blast

Proficiencies Daggers, darts, slings, quarterstaffs, light crossbows

A set of fine clothes
Signet ring
Scroll of pedigree
purse containing 25 gp
component pouch (exchanged light crossbow for this, same price)
Two dagger

Arcane focus (Wand), holstered on belt
Arcane focus (staff) - substracted 5gp from starting gold
Dungeoneer`s pack

2x material components to cast find familiar in the future

20 pinches of powered silver and iron (for protection against evil and good spell material component)

file, iron rod and 5sp set aside to make powered silver and iron

100 gp in spare rare inks to transcribe 2 1st level ritual spells or 1 2nd level ritual spell during adventure

Cloak of water[sblock=Cloak_of_Water]CLOAK OF WATER
Wondrous Item, uncommon (requires attunement)
A water elemental is bound to this cloak. Made from sailcloth, this cloak is always wet to the touch.
* You gain resistance to fire damage.
* You can extinguish all non-magical fires within 30 feet as a bonus action.

Leather armor of lightning resistance

Money: 6 gp, 10sp, 6cp

Physical Appearance:
Thaliss Eviastarim is a half-elf of boyish appearance, 5 feet tall, and weighs 140 pounds. He has pale skin, brown eyes and dark brown hair. He is 19 years old.

Thaliss Eviastarim never knew his elven father, as he died in battle before he was born, and his human mother died when his sorcerous powers started manifesting as a toddler. He later learned that he was responsible for her death, shock-grasping her during a toddler's tantrum. This is a reality that he has difficulty facing, even today. The union between his father and mother had been out of love as well as utility, uniting the two houses, now being led by Thaliss' elven uncle Athael Eviastarim, who adopted and raised him.

From a young age, Thaliss showed himself to be a natural prodigy with magic. Indeed, Thaliss was an extremely gifted boy, amazing his private tutors and learning his first spells several years before the age most who study magic do. He had a comfortable childhood, being of noble blood, and had the best magical mentors available. However, this relatively simple life didn’t satisfy him, and he had a darker yearning deep within him. His elven mentors saw this craving for power as an unhealthy human influence, and did not nurture it.

However, one night when he was 17, still a child according to elven standards, he decided to leave his family in order to satisfy his yearning, and traveled the lands with a caravan of merchants and minstrels.

About a year ago, his caravan was attacked by small black creatures about half the size of gnomes. He was knocked out, and when he awoke, not only was he the sole survivor, but a black book was left in front of him. He studied the ancient tome, and once he finished, it disintegrated, and so did part of him: he had been changed forever.

Thaliss spent some time about one year ago at Rivergard Keep, just after he became a warlock (and was just a level 1 sorcerer, with no standing within the adventuring guild). His noble background allowed him to be accepted within the keep, and he stayed there for about 1 month or so. Thaliss knows Holgar the gatekeeper, and that Jolliver Grimjaw is the leader, sarcastically nicknamed "Jolly". The business at Rivergard Keep is to provide protection to business on the river. Many merchants pay good gold to support this venture, from what you can recall.

He quickly joined The Adventuring Guild, to nurture his newly found powers, and effortlessly grew in ability to reach the silver ranks.

He has recently joined a mercenary company out of Rivengard Keep that had been recruiting all capable adventurers in the land to help route out bandits and highwaymen that have been plaguing travelers and trade.

Familiar Name: Brownie
Tiny beast, unaligned
Armor Class 11
Hit Points 1 (1d4 - 1)
Speed 5 ft., fly 60 ft.
STR 3(-4) DEX 13(+1) C O N 8(-1) INT 2(-4) WIS 12(+1) CHA 7(-2)

Skills Perception +3, Stealth +3
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 13

Languages —
Challenge 0 (10 XP)
Flyby.The owl provokes no opportunity attacks when it flies
out of an enemy’s reach.

Keen Sight.The owl has advantage on Wisdom (Perception)
checks that rely on sight.

A c t i o n s ____________________________________________

Talons. Melee W eapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
H i t : 1 slashing damage


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First Post
Wood Elf Druid of the Land 7
Background: Outlander

Str 13
Dex 20
Con 14
Int 15
Wis 20
Cha 16

HP 54
AC 17 (10 + 5 dex +2 std leather)
Prof Bonus +3
Init +5

Wood Elf
+2 dex, +1 wis
Weapon Training (long/shortsword, long/shortbow)
Keen senses (trained in Perception)
Adv vs Charm, immune to magic sleep
Trance (4 hrs rest)
Fleet of Foot: base speed 35'
Mask of the Wild: Can hide with only light obscurement in natural environment

Druidic Language
Wild Shape (CR 1/2, No fly)
Cirle of the Land (Forest)
- Bonus Cantrip
- Natural Recovery (recover 1/2 lvl in spell slots on short rest 1/day)
- Circle Spells
** Barkskin, Spider Climb, Call Lightning, Plant Growth
- Land's Stride (ignore difficult terrain and planty barriers, adv to save on magically manipulated plants)

Armor: Light, Medium, shields (only nonmetal armor)
Weapons: Clubs, daggers, darts, jevelins, maces, staves, scimitars, sickles, slings, spears
Tools: Herbalism Kit
Saves: Intelligence and Wisdom

Skills: Athletics and Survival
Tools: Any one musical instrument (Panflute)
Bonus Language
Origin: Forester
Feature: Wanderer (excellent memory for maps and geography, can find food and water for group)

Athletics +4
Perception +8
Survival +8
Nature +5
Insight +8

Common, Elven, Druidic, Sylvan

Spellcasting (Save DC 16)
Slots 1 - 4/4, 2 - 3/3, 3 - 3/3, 4 - 1/1
- Druidcraft
- Guidence
- Thorn Whip
- Shillelagh
1 - Cure Wounds, Healing Word, Entangle, Faerie Fire
2 - Spike Growth, Moonbeam, Hold Person, Lesser Restoration
3 - Conjure Animals, Dispel Magic, Protection from Energy
4 - Ice Storm

Cash: 136gp 5sp

Staff with cougar skull mounted on top (spellcasting focus), 5gp
Scimitar, +8 atk, 1d6+5 dmg, 25gp
Longbow, +8 atk, 1d8+5 dmg, 50gp
2 quivers, 40 arrows, 4gp

Studded Leather armor, 45gp

Explorer's pack, 10gp
2 bags caltrops, 2gp
Healer's Kit, 5gp
Panflute, 12gp
2 flasks holy water, 50gp
2 healing potions, 100gp
Antitoxin, 50gp
Steel mirror, 5gp
5 flasks oil, 5sp
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Lieutenant Ser Marcus Dent, Half Elf Paladin 6, NE


[sblock=Paladin 6]
STR 18
DEX 14
CON 18
INT 13
WIS 16
CHA 18

hp: 64/64
Hit Dice: 6d10 (6/6 HD available)
Initiative: +2
AC: 21 (earthplate armor (+1 to AC), shield)
Proficiency Bonus: +3
Saving Throws: Wisdom, Charisma
Alignment: NE
Skill Proficiencies: Athletics, Deception, Insight, Intimidation, Perception, Persuasion
Darkvision: 60' as dim light
Age: 90
Sex: Male
Size: Medium (5' 11", 185 lbs)
Speed: 30
Languages: Common, Elvish, Orc

Background (Custom: Hedge Knight):
Skill Proficiencies: Athletics, Intimidation
Bad Reputation
Personality: My sense of humor is crude. I cuss.
Ideal: I do what I must and obey just authority.
Bond: I'm loyal to my crew, to everything and everyone else a distant second. That includes my abandoned Knight Captain.
Flaw: By any means necessary. The end justifies the means.

Extra Attack: Dent can attack twice, instead of once, whenever he takes the Attack action on his turn.
Fey Ancestry: Advantage on saving throws to avoid being charmed, and immune to magical sleep
Shield Master: 1) If you take the attack action on your turn, you can use a bonus action to try to shove a creature within 5' of you with your shield; 2) If you aren't incapacitated, you can add your shield's AC bonus (+2) to any Dexterity saving throw you make against a spell or other harmful effect that targets only you; and 3) If you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, you can use your reaction to take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, interposing your shield between yourself and the source of the effect.​
Sentinel: 1) When you hit a creature with an opportunity attack, the creature's speed becomes 0 for the rest of the turn; 2) Creatures within 5' of Dent provoke opportunity attacks from Dent even if they take the Disengage action before leaving your reach; 3) When a creature within 5' of Dent makes an attack against a target other than Dent (and that target doesn't have this feat), Dent can use his reaction to make a melee weapon attack against the attacking creature.​
Divine Health: Immune to disease
Divine Sense (5x): 1 action. Until the end of your next turn, know presence of any desecrated or consecrated place or object; or any celestial, fiend, or undead w/i 60' of you that is not behind total cover. Regain all expended uses with long rest.
Lay on Hands: 1 action. Can heal 30 hp, can cure disease and poison (costs 5 hp per). Replenishes all uses with long rest.
Fighting Style (Protection): 1 reaction. When a creature you can see attacks a target other than you that is within 5' of you, you can use your reaction to impose disadvantage on the attack roll. You must be wearing a shield.
Divine Smite: (3/4 available) Expend one paladin spell slot to deal +2d8 additional radiant damage on a melee weapon attack that hits. Can wait until seeing the die result to declare use. Increase by 1d8 for each spell level higher than 1st to a max of 5d8. The dmg increases by 1d8 if the target is undead or a fiend. Replenishes use after long rest.
Sacred Oath: Oath of Vengeance. Use Channel Divinity to invoke either Abjure Enemy or Vow of Enmity. Replenishes after short rest. Abjure Enemy: 1 action. You speak a prayer of denunciation using Channel Divinity; choose one creature w/I 60' of you that you can see, that creature must make a Wisdom saving throw unless it is immune to being frightened (fiends and undead have disadvantage on this saving throw), on a failed save the creature is frightened for 1 minute or until it takes any damage. While frightened, the creature's speed is 0, and it can't benefit from any bonus to its speed. On a successful save, the creature's speed is halved for 1 minute or until the creature takes any damage. Vow of Enmity: 1 bonus action. You can utter a vow of enmity against a creature you can see within 10' of you, using your Channel Divinity. You gain advantage on attack rolls against the creature for 1 minute or until it drops to 0 hit points or falls unconscious.
Aura of Protection: +4 to saving throws to self and all allies within 10' of Dent.

Spellcasting: Spell Save DC 15 and Spell Attack Modifier +7, replenish after long rest
Spells prepared: Can prepare 6 spells every long rest
1st level spells (4/4 spell slots available): compelled duel, cure wounds, searing smite, wrathful smite
2nd level spells (2/2) spell slots available): branding smite, magic weapon
Oath spells:
1st level oath spells: bane, hunter's mark​
2nd level oath spells: hold person, misty step​
Earthplate Armor: Cast stoneskin once as a 4th-level spell. Replenishes after long rest. As long as the stoneskin effect is active, you also benefit from tremorsense with a range of 5 ft.

[sblock][sblock=Bane]1st level enchantment. Casting Time: 1 action. Range: 30'. Components: V, S, M (a drop of blood). Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute. Up to 3 creatures of your choice that you can see within range must make Charisma saving throws. Whenever a target that fails this saving throw makes an attack roll or a saving throw before the spell ends, the target must roll a d4 and subtract the number rolled from the attack roll or saving throw. When cast at 2nd level or higher, you can target one additional creature for each slot level above 1st.[/sblock][sblock=Compelled Duel]1st level enchantment. Casting Time: 1 bonus action. Range: 30'. Components: V. Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute. You attempt to compel a creature into a duel. One creature that you can see within range must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is drawn to you, compelled by your divine demand. For the duration, it has disadvantage on attack rolls against creatures other than you, and must make a Wisdom saving throw each time it attempts to move to a space that is more than 30' away from you; if it succeeds on this saving throw, this spell doesn't restrict the target's movement for that turn. The spell ends if you attack any OTHER creature, if you cast a spell that targets a hostile creature other than the target, if a creature friendly to you damages the target or casts a harmful spell on it, or if you end your turn more than 30' away from the target.[/sblock][sblock=Cure Wounds]1st level evocation. Casting Time: 1 action. Range: Touch. Components: V, S. Duration: Instantaneous. A creature you touch regains a number of hit points equal to 1d8+your spellcasting ability modifier (CHA +4). This spell has no effect on undead or constructs. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the healing increases by 1d8 for each slot above 1st.[/sblock][sblock=Divine Favor]1st level evocation. Casting Time: 1 bonus action. Range: 30'. Components: V. Duration: Instantaneous. Your prayer empowers you with divine radiance. Until the spell ends, your weapon attacks deal an extra 1d4 radiant dmg on a hit.[/sblock][sblock=Heroism]1st level enchantment. Casting Time: 1 action. Range: Touch. Components: V, S. Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute. A willing creature you touch is imbued with bravery. Until the spell ends, the creature is immune to being frightened and gains temporary hit points equal to your spellcasting ability modifier at the start of each of its turns. When the spell ends, the target loses any remaining temporary hit points from this spell.[/sblock][sblock=Searing Smite]1st level evocation. Casting Time: 1 bonus action. Range: Self. Components: V. Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute. The next time you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack during the spell's duration, your weapon flares with white-hot intensity, and the attack deals an extra 1d6 fire dmg to the target and causes the target to ignite in flames. At the start of each of its turns until the spell ends, the target must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, it takes 1d6 fire damage. On a successful save, the spell ends. If the target or a creature within 5' of it used an action to put out the flames, or if some other effect douses the flames, the spell ends. Increases by 1d6 initial dmg if using a spell slot higher than 1st.[/sblock][sblock=Shield of Faith]1st level evocation. Casting Time: 1 bonus action. Range: 60'. Components: V, S, M. Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes. A shimmering field appears and surrounds a creature of your choice within range, granting it a +2 bonus to AC for the duration.[/sblock][sblock=Thunderous Smite]1st level evocation. Casting Time: 1 bonus action. Range: Self. Components: V. Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute. The first time you hit with a melee weapon attack during this spell's duration, your weapon rings with thunder that is audible within 300' of you, and the attack deals an extra 2d6 thunder damage to the target. Additionally, if the target is a creature, it must succeed on a Strength saving throw or be pushed 10' away from you and knocked prone.[/sblock][sblock=Wrathful Smite]1st level evocation. Casting Time: 1 bonus action. Range: Self. Components: V. Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute. The next time you hit with a melee weapon attack during this spell's duration, your attack deals an extra 1d6 psychic damage. Additionally, if the target is a creature, it must make a Wisdom saving throw or be frightened of you until the spell ends. As an action, the creature can make a Wisdom check against your spell save DC to steel its resolve and end this spell.[/sblock][/sblock]

Dent gets an extra attack each round as part of his Attack action!
+1 Longsword +8, 1d8+5 S versatile (1d10)
Flail +7, 1d8+4 B
Dagger, melee +7, 1d4+4 P (20/60) finesse, light, thrown
Dagger, thrown +5, 1d4+2
Longbow +5, 1d8+2 P (150/600) heavy, two-handed

Shield inlaid with gilt Mirabar emblem (divine focus) 10 gp
+1 Longsword (gift from Kubeba 9.25.2016) 15 gp
Flail 10 gp
Dagger 2 gp
Longbow 50 gp
Ammunition (20) 1 gp
Quiver 1 gp
Scale mail 50 gp
Backpack 2 gp
Traveler's clothes 2 gp
Waterskin 2 sp
Whetstone 1 cp
Oil 1 sp
[sblock=Earthplate armor]Armor (plate), very rare (requires attunement). At first glance, this suit of full plate armor looks filthy and ill kept. On closer examination, however, you can see that it is expertly crafted, and that what appears to be dirt is actually the color of the metal itself. While wearing this armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC. In addition, you gain the ability to cast the stoneskin spell once as a 4th-level spell, and you regain the ability to cast it this way when you finish a long rest. As long as the stoneskin effect is active, you also benefit from tremorsense with a range of 5 ft.

Read more: http://www.enworld.org/forum/showth...rinces-of-Elemental-Evil/page50#ixzz3o1TbMIuy[/sblock]

Acrobatics +2
Animal Handling +3
Arcana +1
Athletics +7
Deception +7
History +1
Insight +6
Intimidation +7
Investigation +1
Medicine +3
Nature +1
Perception +6
Performance +4
Persuasion +7
Religion +1
Sleight of Hand +3
Stealth +2 (disadvantage in scale mail)
Survival +3

325 gp
8 sp
3 cp

10 gp given to Aridha to bankroll the departure of 3 prisoners
75 gp contributed toward Carradoc learning Leomund's tiny hut and haste[/sblock]

[sblock=Paladin 5]
STR 18
DEX 14
CON 18
INT 13
WIS 16
CHA 18

hp: 54/54
Hit Dice: 5d10 (5/5 HD available)
Initiative: +2
AC: 21 (earthplate armor (+1 to AC), shield)
Proficiency Bonus: +3
Saving Throws: Wisdom, Charisma
Alignment: NE
Skill Proficiencies: Athletics, Deception, Insight, Intimidation, Perception, Persuasion
Darkvision: 60' as dim light
Age: 90
Sex: Male
Size: Medium (5' 11", 185 lbs)
Speed: 30
Languages: Common, Elvish, Orc

Background (Custom: Hedge Knight):
Skill Proficiencies: Athletics, Intimidation
Bad Reputation
Personality: My sense of humor is crude. I cuss.
Ideal: I do what I must and obey just authority.
Bond: I'm loyal to my Captain, to everything and everyone else second.
Flaw: By any means necessary. The end justifies the means.

Extra Attack: Dent can attack twice, instead of once, whenever he takes the Attack action on his turn.
Fey Ancestry: Advantage on saving throws to avoid being charmed, and immune to magical sleep
Shield Master: 1) If you take the attack action on your turn, you can use a bonus action to try to shove a creature within 5' of you with your shield; 2) If you aren't incapacitated, you can add your shield's AC bonus (+2) to any Dexterity saving throw you make against a spell or other harmful effect that targets only you; and 3) If you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, you can use your reaction to take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, interposing your shield between yourself and the source of the effect.​
Sentinel: 1) When you hit a creature with an opportunity attack, the creature's speed becomes 0 for the rest of the turn; 2) Creatures within 5' of Dent provoke opportunity attacks from Dent even if they take the Disengage action before leaving your reach; 3) When a creature within 5' of Dent makes an attack against a target other than Dent (and that target doesn't have this feat), Dent can use his reaction to make a melee weapon attack against the attacking creature.​
Divine Health: Immune to disease
Divine Sense (5x): 1 action. Until the end of your next turn, know presence of any desecrated or consecrated place or object; or any celestial, fiend, or undead w/i 60' of you that is not behind total cover. Regain all expended uses with long rest.
Lay on Hands: 1 action. Can heal 25 hp, can cure disease and poison (costs 5 hp per). Replenishes all uses with long rest.
Fighting Style (Protection): 1 reaction. When a creature you can see attacks a target other than you that is within 5' of you, you can use your reaction to impose disadvantage on the attack roll. You must be wearing a shield.
Divine Smite: (3/4 available) Expend one paladin spell slot to deal +2d8 additional radiant damage on a melee weapon attack that hits. Can wait until seeing the die result to declare use. Increase by 1d8 for each spell level higher than 1st to a max of 5d8. The dmg increases by 1d8 if the target is undead or a fiend. Replenishes use after long rest.
Sacred Oath: Oath of Vengeance. Use Channel Divinity to invoke either Abjure Enemy or Vow of Enmity. Replenishes after short rest. Abjure Enemy: 1 action. You speak a prayer of denunciation using Channel Divinity; choose one creature w/I 60' of you that you can see, that creature must make a Wisdom saving throw unless it is immune to being frightened (fiends and undead have disadvantage on this saving throw), on a failed save the creature is frightened for 1 minute or until it takes any damage. While frightened, the creature's speed is 0, and it can't benefit from any bonus to its speed. On a successful save, the creature's speed is halved for 1 minute or until the creature takes any damage. Vow of Enmity: 1 bonus action. You can utter a vow of enmity against a creature you can see within 10' of you, using your Channel Divinity. You gain advantage on attack rolls against the creature for 1 minute or until it drops to 0 hit points or falls unconscious.

Spellcasting: Spell Save DC 15 and Spell Attack Modifier +7, replenish after long rest
Spells prepared: Can prepare 6 spells every long rest
1st level spells (4/4 spell slots available): compelled duel, cure wounds, searing smite, wrathful smite
2nd level spells (2/2) spell slots available): branding smite, magic weapon
Oath spells:
1st level oath spells: bane, hunter's mark​
2nd level oath spells: hold person, misty step​
Earthplate Armor: Cast stoneskin once as a 4th-level spell. Replenishes after long rest. As long as the stoneskin effect is active, you also benefit from tremorsense with a range of 5 ft.

[sblock][sblock=Bane]1st level enchantment. Casting Time: 1 action. Range: 30'. Components: V, S, M (a drop of blood). Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute. Up to 3 creatures of your choice that you can see within range must make Charisma saving throws. Whenever a target that fails this saving throw makes an attack roll or a saving throw before the spell ends, the target must roll a d4 and subtract the number rolled from the attack roll or saving throw. When cast at 2nd level or higher, you can target one additional creature for each slot level above 1st.[/sblock][sblock=Compelled Duel]1st level enchantment. Casting Time: 1 bonus action. Range: 30'. Components: V. Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute. You attempt to compel a creature into a duel. One creature that you can see within range must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is drawn to you, compelled by your divine demand. For the duration, it has disadvantage on attack rolls against creatures other than you, and must make a Wisdom saving throw each time it attempts to move to a space that is more than 30' away from you; if it succeeds on this saving throw, this spell doesn't restrict the target's movement for that turn. The spell ends if you attack any OTHER creature, if you cast a spell that targets a hostile creature other than the target, if a creature friendly to you damages the target or casts a harmful spell on it, or if you end your turn more than 30' away from the target.[/sblock][sblock=Cure Wounds]1st level evocation. Casting Time: 1 action. Range: Touch. Components: V, S. Duration: Instantaneous. A creature you touch regains a number of hit points equal to 1d8+your spellcasting ability modifier (CHA +4). This spell has no effect on undead or constructs. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the healing increases by 1d8 for each slot above 1st.[/sblock][sblock=Divine Favor]1st level evocation. Casting Time: 1 bonus action. Range: 30'. Components: V. Duration: Instantaneous. Your prayer empowers you with divine radiance. Until the spell ends, your weapon attacks deal an extra 1d4 radiant dmg on a hit.[/sblock][sblock=Heroism]1st level enchantment. Casting Time: 1 action. Range: Touch. Components: V, S. Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute. A willing creature you touch is imbued with bravery. Until the spell ends, the creature is immune to being frightened and gains temporary hit points equal to your spellcasting ability modifier at the start of each of its turns. When the spell ends, the target loses any remaining temporary hit points from this spell.[/sblock][sblock=Searing Smite]1st level evocation. Casting Time: 1 bonus action. Range: Self. Components: V. Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute. The next time you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack during the spell's duration, your weapon flares with white-hot intensity, and the attack deals an extra 1d6 fire dmg to the target and causes the target to ignite in flames. At the start of each of its turns until the spell ends, the target must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, it takes 1d6 fire damage. On a successful save, the spell ends. If the target or a creature within 5' of it used an action to put out the flames, or if some other effect douses the flames, the spell ends. Increases by 1d6 initial dmg if using a spell slot higher than 1st.[/sblock][sblock=Shield of Faith]1st level evocation. Casting Time: 1 bonus action. Range: 60'. Components: V, S, M. Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes. A shimmering field appears and surrounds a creature of your choice within range, granting it a +2 bonus to AC for the duration.[/sblock][sblock=Thunderous Smite]1st level evocation. Casting Time: 1 bonus action. Range: Self. Components: V. Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute. The first time you hit with a melee weapon attack during this spell's duration, your weapon rings with thunder that is audible within 300' of you, and the attack deals an extra 2d6 thunder damage to the target. Additionally, if the target is a creature, it must succeed on a Strength saving throw or be pushed 10' away from you and knocked prone.[/sblock][sblock=Wrathful Smite]1st level evocation. Casting Time: 1 bonus action. Range: Self. Components: V. Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute. The next time you hit with a melee weapon attack during this spell's duration, your attack deals an extra 1d6 psychic damage. Additionally, if the target is a creature, it must make a Wisdom saving throw or be frightened of you until the spell ends. As an action, the creature can make a Wisdom check against your spell save DC to steel its resolve and end this spell.[/sblock][/sblock]

Dent gets an extra attack each round as part of his Attack action!
Longsword +7, 1d8+4 S versatile (1d10)
Flail +7, 1d8+4 B
Dagger, melee +7, 1d4+4 P (20/60) finesse, light, thrown
Dagger, thrown +5, 1d4+2
Longbow +5, 1d8+2 P (150/600) heavy, two-handed

Shield inlaid with gilt Mirabar emblem (divine focus) 10 gp
Longsword 15 gp
Flail 10 gp
Dagger 2 gp
Longbow 50 gp
Ammunition (20) 1 gp
Quiver 1 gp
Scale mail 50 gp
Backpack 2 gp
Traveler's clothes 2 gp
Waterskin 2 sp
Whetstone 1 cp
Oil 1 sp
[sblock=Earthplate armor]Armor (plate), very rare (requires attunement). At first glance, this suit of full plate armor looks filthy and ill kept. On closer examination, however, you can see that it is expertly crafted, and that what appears to be dirt is actually the color of the metal itself. While wearing this armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC. In addition, you gain the ability to cast the stoneskin spell once as a 4th-level spell, and you regain the ability to cast it this way when you finish a long rest. As long as the stoneskin effect is active, you also benefit from tremorsense with a range of 5 ft.

Read more: http://www.enworld.org/forum/showth...rinces-of-Elemental-Evil/page50#ixzz3o1TbMIuy[/sblock]95 gp

Acrobatics +2
Animal Handling +3
Arcana +1
Athletics +7
Deception +7
History +1
Insight +6
Intimidation +7
Investigation +1
Medicine +3
Nature +1
Perception +6
Performance +4
Persuasion +7
Religion +1
Sleight of Hand +3
Stealth +2 (disadvantage in scale mail)
Survival +3

325 gp
8 sp
3 cp

10 gp given to Aridha to bankroll the departure of 3 prisoners
75 gp contributed toward Carradoc learning Leomund's tiny hut and haste[/sblock]

[sblock=Paladin 4]
STR 18
DEX 14
CON 18
INT 13
WIS 16
CHA 18

hp: 33/44
Hit Dice: 4d10 (0/4 HD available)
Initiative: +2
AC: 21 (earthplate armor (+1 to AC), shield)
Proficiency Bonus: +2
Saving Throws: Wisdom, Charisma
Alignment: NE
Skill Proficiencies: Athletics, Deception, Insight, Intimidation, Perception, Persuasion
Darkvision: 60' as dim light
Age: 90
Sex: Male
Size: Medium (5' 11", 185 lbs)
Speed: 30
Languages: Common, Elvish, Orc

Background (Custom: Hedge Knight):
Skill Proficiencies: Athletics, Intimidation
Bad Reputation
Personality: My sense of humor is crude. I cuss.
Ideal: I do what I must and obey just authority.
Bond: I'm loyal to my Captain, to everything and everyone else second.
Flaw: By any means necessary. The end justifies the means.

Fey Ancestry: Advantage on saving throws to avoid being charmed, and immune to magical sleep
Feat: Shield Master: 1) If you take the attack action on your turn, you can use a bonus action to try to shove a creature within 5' of you with your shield; 2) If you aren't incapacitated, you can add your shield's AC bonus (+2) to any Dexterity saving throw you make against a spell or other harmful effect that targets only you; and 3) If you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, you can use your reaction to take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, interposing your shield between yourself and the source of the effect.
Divine Health: Immune to disease
Divine Sense (5x): 1 action. Until the end of your next turn, know presence of any desecrated or consecrated place or object; or any celestial, fiend, or undead w/i 60' of you that is not behind total cover. Regain all expended uses with long rest.
Lay on Hands: 1 action. Can heal 0 20 hp, can cure disease and poison (costs 5 hp per). Replenishes all uses with long rest.
Fighting Style (Protection): 1 reaction. When a creature you can see attacks a target other than you that is within 5' of you, you can use your reaction to impose disadvantage on the attack roll. You must be wearing a shield.
Divine Smite: (0/3 available) Expend one paladin spell slot to deal +2d8 additional radiant damage on a melee weapon attack that hits. Can wait until seeing the die result to declare use. Increase by 1d8 for each spell level higher than 1st to a max of 5d8. The dmg increases by 1d8 if the target is undead or a fiend. Replenishes use after long rest.
Sacred Oath: Oath of Vengeance. Use Channel Divinity to invoke either Abjure Enemy or Vow of Enmity. Replenishes after short rest. Abjure Enemy: 1 action. You speak a prayer of denunciation using Channel Divinity; choose one creature w/I 60' of you that you can see, that creature must make a Wisdom saving throw unless it is immune to being frightened (fiends and undead have disadvantage on this saving throw), on a failed save the creature is frightened for 1 minute or until it takes any damage. While frightened, the creature's speed is 0, and it can't benefit from any bonus to its speed. On a successful save, the creature's speed is halved for 1 minute or until the creature takes any damage. Vow of Enmity: 1 bonus action. You can utter a vow of enmity against a creature you can see within 10' of you, using your Channel Divinity. You gain advantage on attack rolls against the creature for 1 minute or until it drops to 0 hit points or falls unconscious.

Spellcasting: Spell Save DC 14 and Spell Attack Modifier +6, replenish after long rest
1st level spells (0/3 spell slots available / 6 spells prepared): compelled duel, cure wounds, searing smite, shield of faith, thunderous smite, wrathful smite.
Oath spells: bane, hunter's mark
Earthplate Armor: Cast stoneskin once as a 4th-level spell. Replenishes after long rest. As long as the stoneskin effect is active, you also benefit from tremorsense with a range of 5 ft.

[sblock][sblock=Bane]1st level enchantment. Casting Time: 1 action. Range: 30'. Components: V, S, M (a drop of blood). Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute. Up to 3 creatures of your choice that you can see within range must make Charisma saving throws. Whenever a target that fails this saving throw makes an attack roll or a saving throw before the spell ends, the target must roll a d4 and subtract the number rolled from the attack roll or saving throw. When cast at 2nd level or higher, you can target one additional creature for each slot level above 1st.[/sblock][sblock=Compelled Duel]1st level enchantment. Casting Time: 1 bonus action. Range: 30'. Components: V. Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute. You attempt to compel a creature into a duel. One creature that you can see within range must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is drawn to you, compelled by your divine demand. For the duration, it has disadvantage on attack rolls against creatures other than you, and must make a Wisdom saving throw each time it attempts to move to a space that is more than 30' away from you; if it succeeds on this saving throw, this spell doesn't restrict the target's movement for that turn. The spell ends if you attack any OTHER creature, if you cast a spell that targets a hostile creature other than the target, if a creature friendly to you damages the target or casts a harmful spell on it, or if you end your turn more than 30' away from the target.[/sblock][sblock=Cure Wounds]1st level evocation. Casting Time: 1 action. Range: Touch. Components: V, S. Duration: Instantaneous. A creature you touch regains a number of hit points equal to 1d8+your spellcasting ability modifier (CHA +4). This spell has no effect on undead or constructs. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the healing increases by 1d8 for each slot above 1st.[/sblock][sblock=Divine Favor]1st level evocation. Casting Time: 1 bonus action. Range: 30'. Components: V. Duration: Instantaneous. Your prayer empowers you with divine radiance. Until the spell ends, your weapon attacks deal an extra 1d4 radiant dmg on a hit.[/sblock][sblock=Heroism]1st level enchantment. Casting Time: 1 action. Range: Touch. Components: V, S. Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute. A willing creature you touch is imbued with bravery. Until the spell ends, the creature is immune to being frightened and gains temporary hit points equal to your spellcasting ability modifier at the start of each of its turns. When the spell ends, the target loses any remaining temporary hit points from this spell.[/sblock][sblock=Searing Smite]1st level evocation. Casting Time: 1 bonus action. Range: Self. Components: V. Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute. The next time you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack during the spell's duration, your weapon flares with white-hot intensity, and the attack deals an extra 1d6 fire dmg to the target and causes the target to ignite in flames. At the start of each of its turns until the spell ends, the target must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, it takes 1d6 fire damage. On a successful save, the spell ends. If the target or a creature within 5' of it used an action to put out the flames, or if some other effect douses the flames, the spell ends. Increases by 1d6 initial dmg if using a spell slot higher than 1st.[/sblock][sblock=Shield of Faith]1st level evocation. Casting Time: 1 bonus action. Range: 60'. Components: V, S, M. Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes. A shimmering field appears and surrounds a creature of your choice within range, granting it a +2 bonus to AC for the duration.[/sblock][sblock=Thunderous Smite]1st level evocation. Casting Time: 1 bonus action. Range: Self. Components: V. Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute. The first time you hit with a melee weapon attack during this spell's duration, your weapon rings with thunder that is audible within 300' of you, and the attack deals an extra 2d6 thunder damage to the target. Additionally, if the target is a creature, it must succeed on a Strength saving throw or be pushed 10' away from you and knocked prone.[/sblock][sblock=Wrathful Smite]1st level evocation. Casting Time: 1 bonus action. Range: Self. Components: V. Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute. The next time you hit with a melee weapon attack during this spell's duration, your attack deals an extra 1d6 psychic damage. Additionally, if the target is a creature, it must make a Wisdom saving throw or be frightened of you until the spell ends. As an action, the creature can make a Wisdom check against your spell save DC to steel its resolve and end this spell.[/sblock][/sblock]

Longsword +6, 1d8+4 S versatile (1d10)
Flail +6, 1d8+4 B
Dagger, melee +6, 1d4+4 P (20/60) finesse, light, thrown
Dagger, thrown +4, 1d4+2
Longbow +4, 1d8+3 P (150/600) heavy, two-handed

Shield inlaid with gilt Mirabar emblem (divine focus) 10 gp
Longsword 15 gp
Flail 10 gp
Dagger 2 gp
Longbow 50 gp
Ammunition (20) 1 gp
Quiver 1 gp
Scale mail 50 gp
Backpack 2 gp
Traveler's clothes 2 gp
Waterskin 2 sp
Whetstone 1 cp
Oil 1 sp
[sblock=Earthplate armor]Armor (plate), very rare (requires attunement). At first glance, this suit of full plate armor looks filthy and ill kept. On closer examination, however, you can see that it is expertly crafted, and that what appears to be dirt is actually the color of the metal itself. While wearing this armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC. In addition, you gain the ability to cast the stoneskin spell once as a 4th-level spell, and you regain the ability to cast it this way when you finish a long rest. As long as the stoneskin effect is active, you also benefit from tremorsense with a range of 5 ft.

Read more: http://www.enworld.org/forum/showth...rinces-of-Elemental-Evil/page50#ixzz3o1TbMIuy[/sblock]95 gp

Acrobatics +2
Animal Handling +3
Arcana +1
Athletics +6
Deception +6
History +1
Insight +5
Intimidation +6
Investigation +1
Medicine +3
Nature +1
Perception +5
Performance +4
Persuasion +6
Religion +1
Sleight of Hand +3
Stealth +2 (disadvantage in scale mail)
Survival +3[/sblock]

[sblock=Paladin 3]
STR 18
DEX 14
CON 18
INT 13
WIS 16
CHA 18

hp: 34/34
Initiative: +2
AC: 18 (scale mail, shield)
Proficiency Bonus: +2
Saving Throws: Wisdom, Charisma
Alignment: NE; I promise to work well as a team.
Skill Proficiencies: Athletics, Deception, Insight, Intimidation, Perception, Persuasion
Darkvision: 60' as dim light
Age: 90
Sex: Male
Size: Medium (5' 11", 185 lbs)
Speed: 30
Languages: Common, Elvish, Orc

Background (Custom: Hedge Knight):
Skill Proficiencies: Athletics, Intimidation
Bad Reputation
Personality: My sense of humor is crude. I cuss.
Ideal: I do what I must and obey just authority.
Bond: I'm loyal to my Captain, to everything and everyone else second.
Flaw: By any means necessary. The end justifies the means.

Fey Ancestry: Advantage on saving throws to avoid being charmed, and immune to magical sleep
Divine Health: Immune to disease
Divine Sense (5x): Until the end of your next turn, know presence of any desecrated or consecrated place or object, celestial, fiend, or undead w/i 60' of you that is not behind total cover. Regain all expended uses with long rest.
Lay on Hands: Can heal 15 hp, can cure disease and poison (costs 5 hp per). Replenishes all uses with long rest.
Fighting Style (Protection): When a creature you can see attacks a target other than you that is within 5' of you, you can use your reaction to impose disadvantage on the attack roll. You must be wearing a shield.
Divine Smite: Expend one paladin spell slot to deal +2d8 additional radiant damage on a melee weapon attack. Increase by 1d8 for each spell level higher than 1st to a max of 5d8. The dmg increases by 1d8 if the target is undead or a fiend.
Sacred Oath: Oath of Vengeance. Abjure Enemy: As an action, you speak a prayer of denunciation using Channel Divinity; choose one creature w/I 60' of you that you can see, that creature must make a Wisdom saving throw unless it is immune to being frightened (fiends and undead have disadvantage on this saving throw), on a failed save the creature is frightened for 1 minute or until it takes any damage. While frightened, the creature's speed is 0, and it can't benefit from any bonus to its speed. On a successful save, the creature's speed is halved for 1 minute or until the creature takes any damage. Vow of Enmity: As a bonus action, you can utter a vow of enmity against a creature you can see within 10' of you, using your Channel Divinity. You gain advantage on attack rolls against the creature for 1 minute or until it drops to 0 hit points or falls unconscious.

Spellcasting: Spell Save DC 14 and Spell Attack Modifier +6
1st level spells (5 spells prepared): Bless, cure wounds, divine favor, heroism, searing smite
Oath spells: bane, hunter's mark
[sblock][sblock=Bane]1st level enchantment. Casting Time: 1 action. Range: 30'. Components: V, S, M (a drop of blood). Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute. Up to 3 creatures of your choice that you can see within range must make Charisma saving throws. Whenever a target that fails this saving throw makes an attack roll or a saving throw before the spell ends, the target must roll a d4 and subtract the number rolled from the attack roll or saving throw. When cast at 2nd level or higher, you can target one additional creature for each slot level above 1st.[/sblock][sblock=Divine Favor]1st level evocation. Casting Time: 1 bonus action. Range: 30'. Components: V. Duration: Instantaneous. Your prayer empowers you with divine radiance. Until the spell ends, your weapon attacks deal an extra 1d4 radiant dmg on a hit.[/sblock][sblock=Heroism]1st level enchantment. Casting Time: 1 action. Range: Touch. Components: V, S. Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute. A willing creature you touch is imbued with bravery. Until the spell ends, the creature is immune to being frightened and gains temporary hit points equal to your spellcasting ability modifier at the start of each of its turns. When the spell ends, the target loses any remaining temporary hit points from this spell.[/sblock][sblock=Searing Smite]1st level evocation. Casting Time: 1 bonus action. Range: Self. Components: V. Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute. The next time you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack during the spell's duration, your weapon flares with white-hot intensity, and the attack deals an extra 1d6 fire dmg to the target and causes the target to ignite in flames. At the start of each of its turns until the spell ends, the target must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, it takes 1d6 fire damage. On a successful save, the spell ends. If the target or a creature within 5' of it used an action to put out the flames, or if some other effect douses the flames, the spell ends. Increases by 1d6 initial dmg if using a spell slot higher than 1st.[/sblock][/sblock]

Longsword +6, 1d8+4 S versatile (1d10)
Flail +6, 1d8+4 B
Dagger, melee +6, 1d4+4 P (20/60) finesse, light, thrown
Dagger, thrown +4, 1d4+2
Longbow +4, 1d8+3 P (150/600) heavy, two-handed

Shield 10 gp
Longsword 15 gp
Flail 10 gp
Dagger 2 gp
Longbow 50 gp
Ammunition (20) 1 gp
Quiver 1 gp
Scale mail 50 gp
Backpack 2 gp
Traveler's clothes 2 gp
Waterskin 2 sp
Whetstone 1 cp
Oil 1 sp

Acrobatics +2
Animal Handling +3
Arcana +1
Athletics +6
Deception +6
History +1
Insight +5
Intimidation +6
Investigation +1
Medicine +3
Nature +1
Perception +5
Performance +4
Persuasion +6
Religion +1
Sleight of Hand +3
Stealth +2 (disadvantage in scale mail)
Survival +3[/sblock]

[sblock=Estate Planning]Feat Progression: Shield Master >> Sentinel >> Heavy Armor Master or Mounted Combatant or Mage Slayer (?). Dent will remain a straight-up paladin; no multiclassing. At 12th level, he may take +2 to Constitution instead of Heavy Armor Master.[/sblock]

[sblock=Background]Marcus Dent mistrusted his traveling companions, but he wisely kept his trap shut. The transmuter wasn't so bad--he could hold his own in a fight, Dent had observed--but the wood elves irritated him. He didn't fit in with them any better than he did with the human or the other half-elves, and he felt the constancy of their eyes and their judgment. Watching him. Waiting for a misstep. He tolerated Damien, a man so thoroughly and obviously evil as to incur Dent's scorn when the others seemed to willingly overlook Damien's qualities. Damien he trusted a hair more than the others, if only for the reason that Dent felt one could rely on evil to do evil.

Truth be told, he couldn't wait to be shot of the lot of them. They were useful to him for the moment, however, and had to be tolerated until he could be returned to the Knight Captain's side. Dent didn't much like the Knight Captain, either, but long years of service in the same unit bred at least a modicum of familiarity. He'd stick to the order given him by the Commander, which was to find the Knight Captain and return with him to the unit. By any means necessary, that was Dent's motto. He'd find the Cap'n, right enough. Alive, if possible. Dead if need be. And then the pissants back at the unit would see the truth of his worth. He'd make them see.

Dent smiled. His plans were laid.[/sblock]
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Forged Fury

First Post
Tolan Bladesworn, Wood-Elf Barbarian 5


Name:       Tolan
Class:      Barbarian (Berserker) 5
Race:       Elf (Wood)
Background: Hermit
Size:       Medium (5'5", 128 lb)
Gender:     Male
Alignment:  Neutral     

Str: 20 (+5) Save: +8     HP: 60 (5d12)
Dex: 18 (+4) Save:  *     AC:   18 / 20 with shield
Con: 18 (+4) Save: +7
Int: 14 (+2)              Speed:   45
Wis: 16 (+3)              Init:    +4
Cha: 13 (+1)              Passive Perception:    16

Skills:                    Abilities:
Acrobatics         +4      Darkvision 60'
Animal Handling    +3      Fey Ancestry - ADV vs. Charm, Immune to magic sleep
Arcana             +2      Trance (4hr/night)
*Athletics         +8      Mask of the Wild - May attempt to hide in nature
Deception          +1
History            +2      Rage [3/long rest] (Rage Damage: +2)
Insight            +3      Unarmored Defense
Intimidation       +1      Reckless Attack
Investigation      +2      Danger Sense
*Medicine          +6      Primal Path: Berserker (Frenzy)
Nature             +2      Extra Attack
*Perception        +6      Fast Movement
Performance        +1
Persuasion         +1      Discovery
*Religion          +5
Slight of Hand     +4
Stealth            +4
*Survival          +6

Armor: Light, Medium, Shields
Weapons: Simple, Martial
Tools: Herbalism Kit
Languages: Common, Elven, Sylvan

Durable: +1 CON, Minimum HD recovery = (CON Mod) x 2

Weapon                Attack  Damage     Type  Range
Longsword, 1h          +8     1d8+5        S
Longsword, 2h          +8    1d10+5        S
Dagger                 +8     1d4+5        P
Javelin                +8     1d6+5        P   (30/120)
Shortbow               +7     1d6+4        P   (80/320)

Javelin (4)
Arrows (20)
Scroll Case
Common Clothes
Herbalism Kit
[i]Ring of Fire Resistance[/i]
[I]Potions of Healing[/I] (5)
Explorer's Pack + 5 days rations + 1 waterskin

Money: 100GP

Personality Trait: I often get lost in my own thoughts and contemplation, becoming oblivious to my surroundings.
Ideal: Self-Knowledge. If you know yourself, there’s nothing left to know.
Bond: I’m still seeking the enlightenment I pursued in my seclusion, and it still eludes me.
Flaw: I am dogmatic in my thoughts and philosophy.

[sblock=Background]Tolan grew up watching his mother work at her forge, and that is where he saw a sword for the first time. Starting from seemingly shapeless steel, it was molded into a tool of deadly elegance, and he was fascinated. He kept watching his mother at her work, and when he grew older he would assist her with minor tasks. He understood the first part of the sword's journey, but he was eager to take the next step. He tried his hand at various paths, seeking that which would further his understanding of the sword, but each ultimately felt wrong. His masters all viewed the sword as a means to an end, be it power or protection. But to Tolan the sword was the goal itself.

Seeking his own path to knowledge, Tolan left his home and journeyed deeper into the forest; he crossed plains and sailed oceans. Finally, on top of the mountain, he found his teacher. The man was interminably old, and quite possibly mad. He was too wracked with age to hold a sword in his hand, if indeed he ever had. But he taught Tolan how to block out the world around him, how to focus his mind into a single bright spark. Free of distraction and care, Tolan honed his skills against the wind and stones at the top of the world. He practiced his craft until he could go no further, and the old man bade him go back into the world.

"If the sword is your only answer, then the world becomes your foe. To truly master your path, you must understand your own weaknesses. Go and learn when NOT to draw your blade."

And so Tolan climbed down the mountain and returned to the world, but he has found his path more difficult than he anticipated. The demands that the world places on him have lead him to the life of an adventurer, and all-too-often a blade for hire. The sword remains his way of life, but every time he draws it, he tries to find the other way first. Recently, the rumors of the Feathergale Society have drawn his interest. Rescuing those who may not wish to be rescued sounds like a challenge uniquely unsuited to the sword. And so he contemplates the future, even as his feet carry him to the Dessarin Valley[/sblock]
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River Song

kubebu Ngozi.jpg

Name: Kubeba Ngozi
Sex: Male
Race: Human
Class/Level: barbarian 6 (Totem-Bear))
Alignment: Chaotic Good (Tribal Spirit)
Size: Medium
Init: +3
Senses: -
Passive Perception: 15
Speed : 40

AC: 17 (unarmoured defence)
HP: 96 (7d12) Current: 96
Saves: Str & Con

Attacks: 2
Weapons         Attack Damage      Type      Range      Property
Longsword +1         +9    1d8 +6        S        -              
Greataxe        +8     1d12+5

Greatweapon Master
Tough - Xmas Special

Str 20
Dex 17
Con 18
Int 13
Wis 14
Cha 15

SKILLS Proficiencies with *

+3 (dex) Acrobatics
*+5 (wis) Animal Handling
+1 (int) Arcana
*+8 (str) Athletics
+2 (cha) Deception
+1 (int) History
+2 (wis) Insight
+2 (cha) Intimidation
+1 (int) Investigation
+2 (wis) Medicine
*+4 (int) Nature
*+5 (wis) Perception
+2 (cha) Performance
+2 (cha) Persuasion
+1 (int) Religion
+3 (dex) Sleight of Hand
+3 (dex) Stealth
*+5 (wis) Survival

LANGUAGES:Common, Orc, Gnoll

Greaweapon master feat

Feature: Wanderer

Rage: 4 Used: ​0
unarmoured Defence: 17
Reckless Attack
Danger Sense +4
Totem Spirit: Bear 3 and Bear 6
Feral Instincts: Advantage on Initiative rolls and can act normally on a surprise round if enter rage first

Longsword +1
Great axe
Explorers Pack
Money: =TBD gp

Personality Trait: Driven by wanderlust
Ideal: Glory. I must earn glory in battle
Bond: I suffer awful visions of coming disaster
Flaw: I remember every insult received and nurse a grudge

Physical Appearance:
A muscular dark skinned human with brown eyes and dark hair. Kubeba stands 6’5” tall and weighs 225lbs. He is 25 years old and worships his tribal spirit.

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