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Deuce Traveler

I like the idea that coin should be split evenly by the survivors, but I would also support double portions for the survivors and single portions for the new recruits.

Equipment should be grabbed by whoever can benefit the most dependent upon class, but survivors should have first dibs. Just post what you want to claim for your character, and if we have two or more people who want a particular item we can work it out between ourselves in discussion. (I'm fine with the special sword going to someone who will use it, such as Vindar, and I think all fighters should study the manual Gargrim has, and that Gargrim should keep it in storage in case we get more fighters later).

Leftover equipment can then be claimed by any new recruits, who should benefit greatly from the pickings. After all PCs are done with their choice of items, we can sell off the rest and split the coin evenly once more between the new members of the party, go shopping, then hit the dungeon once more. Because newbies will be starting from scratch, the new items (such as armor) they can gain will help their chances of surviving the more deeper sections.
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Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
OK so:

2 shares for Gargrim
2 Climent
1 Vindar
1 Leif's elven character

Are Pieter and Bindar the dwarf staying or going, Imperialus?

Maybe Bindar could act as a retainer to Gargrim, if you're so inclined, Deuce?

Treasure claimed said:
Tyreth Fencing Manual, bookshelves R18 = Gargrim
Fine short sword, cocooned Thulian officer R26 = Vindar

Treasure not yet claimed said:
Rusty iron key, looting-cart mural R25 [M]
Poison sack (1 dose), 3 whole legs, dead spiders R26 [M]
Silver cutlery, large kitchen knife, pot, sack of mushrooms, dried meat, kobold kitchen R35 [M]
Holy phalange, mint in box, secret alcove R36 [P]
1 flasks of azoth, azoth pool R37 [C]
Map of an Unknown Land [K], Tattered Zatrikio handbook [M], bookshelves R18


I've started a sheet for Yrel the Elf Magic-User/Thief in post #5 below, the same post where Klyman is, I've just moved Klyman down some, he was already sblocked. Here's what I have so far:


(High) Elf Magic-User [level 1 of 11] / Thief [level 1 of 12], 5' 3" tall, 118 pouinds, blonde hair, amber eyes, bronze skin
N/G Deity: Correllon Larethian
Infravision: 60 ft
Find secret Doors on 1-2, d6
Immune to paralysis of ghouls
languages: alignment, common, elvish, gnoll, hobgoblin, orc, bonus-dwarvish

S 10
D 12+1=13 (mod +1)
C 11-1 =10 (75% res srv, 70% trans shock)
I 14 (mod +1) (+1 language, 70%, spells/level: 5/9) (language=Dwarvish)
W 9
C 12 (0, 4 retainers, 7 morale)

HP: 5+3=8/2 = 4

Thief Abilities:
Pick Locks (-5% racial) : 12%
Find, Remove Traps : 14%
Pick Pocket (+5% racial) : 28%
Move Silently (+7% racial) : 30%
Climb Walls : 87%
Hide In Shadows (+10% racial) : 23%
Hear Noise (+1 racial) : 1-3 d6

Spells per day: First: 1
Spells known: First - Charm Person, Shield (AC 2-missiles, AC 4-melee)
Second - Knock
Spells prepared: Charm Person

Starting Money = 100 gp -96.5 gp, = 3 gp, 5 sp remaining

Leather Armor (6gp)
Longsword (10gp) [1d8]
3 Daggers (@ 3gp=9gp) [1d4]
Short Bow (7gp)
Quiver and 20 arrows (5gp) [1d6]
Backpack (2gp)
Bedroll (1sp)
Crowbar (2gp)
Flint & Steel (2gp)
Waterskin (1gp)
Small Silver Mirror (25gp)
Large Belt Pouch (18sp)
Silk Rope 50 ft (10gp)
Spellbook (15gp)
3 Large Sacks (@ 2sp = 6sp)

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Does Labyrinth Lord have rules for fighting with a weapon in each hand? I just had a vision of Yrel in battle with a short sword in each hand.


Yrel is finished as per LL rules and posted in the same post where Klyman is now archived. Turns out that Yrel was able to buy everything that he wanted, with a little bit left over, so you guys can keep what treasure you were going to give him. Uh, unless that was for an XP boost for a new guy....

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
How much is a share of treasure worth?

Hey there Leif. We're looking at a total haul of about 650 gp, assuming we don't sell the magical items or the manuals (which I don't think we should). So that would be about 100gp a share, probably.

On another topic, I pitched Imperialus the idea of possibly going on a small wilderness/city/whatever sidequest before returning to the actual dungeon - a change of pace, as it were - and he said sure, if we want.

So would you guys be interested in that? And if so, what should our sidequest be about?

There's the big city of Adamas, for one, though I'd probably be personally most in favor of some sort of wilderness fetch-quest -- really change surroundings for a while. What do you guys think?

Things that might be of interest to Vindar:
- Finding appropriate/special wood for his peg-leg (light/strong/flexible/what-have-you). "Tree-hugger quest". ;)
- Get/rescue a dedicated page to help him with things
- Getting healing potions for the second expedition, and/or ingredients for same
- Something else?

Voidrunner's Codex

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