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Into the Dragon's Maw (Adventure)

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Zeromaru X

Arkhosian scholar and coffee lover

"Wyrmlings" Faera thought nervously. Well, at least wasn't a horror from the Underdark. Faera took her rod and the petrified eye of a newt she had in her pouch, and pronounced the secret words she had learned from her patron, cursing the little dragon in front of her. After that, she evoked the power of her foul magic to create 3 prominences of crackling light on the tip of her rod that she then shoots to the dragon, while in her mind she thought she was hearing the mad laughter of the Dark Archfey.[/section]

OOC: Faera cast Hex (1d6 extra necrotic damage - bonus action) in the nearest wyrling, after that she attacks it with Eldritch Blast (spell action). All three beams against the same target. The ability I choose for Hex disadvantage is Con.

Attack rolls:

If hit, Damage:
[roll3] + [roll4]
[roll5] + [roll6]
[roll7] + [roll8]

[sblock='Mini-Stat Block']
Faera (Warlock [Pact of the Tome]) 12th level
Initiative: +2 Perception: +4 (Passive: 14)
Darkvision 120 ft.
Speed: 30'

AC: 15 (Glamoured studded armor (studded armor+1)=13 + Dex+2)
HP 87/87

In Hand: Rod of the pact keeper
Off Hand:

Character Sheet
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Zeromaru X

Arkhosian scholar and coffee lover
OOC: Seems ENWorld's dice hates me... rolling again. Also, good, because I forgot to roll the last Eldritch Blast

Attack rolls:

If hit, Damage:
[roll3] + [roll4]
[roll5] + [roll6]
[roll7] + [roll8]

Zeromaru X

Arkhosian scholar and coffee lover
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First Post


The warrior, finding his footing on the watery surface and feeling more confident the spell will not betray him....yet, attacks the creature. He hooks the head of the hammer over it's neck, drawing it in closer and attempts to jam his blade down it's throat. But the wyrmling snapped its teeth on the magical blade and only its strong enchantment saves it from being shattered by the powerful jaws.

Using the pinned sword as a lever he spins around and sweeps his hammer around to the side of its head and the crunching blow forced the jaws apart, releasing the blade.


Attack with Longsword and warhammer hit AC 23 and 14: Warhammer;Flametongue: 1D20+12 = [11]+12 = 23; 1D20+9 = [5]+9 = 14

Damage with warhammer 15: Warhammer damage: 1D8+8 = [7]+8 = 15

[/sblock] [/section]

[sblock='Mini-Stat Block']
Ursus (Fighter 4/Barbarian 8) 12th level
Initiative: +2 Perception: +5
Passive Pereception: 15
Speed: 40'

AC: 17/18 (Half Plate+Dex/Dual Wielder)
HP 120/120

In Hand:Flametongue Longsword
Off Hand: Warhammer +3
Character Sheet


As soon as he began to react and swing at the dragonling which surfaced near him, Ignis shimmers for a split second and blips momentarily out of existence, reappearing several meters further along a fraction later. "Blasted technicalities," he curses under his breath.
'I will attempt to restrain the wyrmling nearest Ursus' the genasi transmits to the others, a hint of anxiety in the submission as he gingerly plants his feet. Raising his staff, tracing the foci along the creatures flight path, he calls out "Zexenuma gherthael!"

The dragonling falters, then goes rigid, breifly gliding from its own momentum before plummeting back toward the watery surface.
[sblock=Draconic] Stay wyrmling![/sblock]
Misty Step cast via Contingency during reaction (retconned). Moving a full 30 feet towards the other side of the water but not more than 90 feet from the Dragonling which surfaced and flew away from Ursus.

spending 5 charges of the Staff of Power to cast Hold Monster, Spell Save DC 17

[sblock='Mini-Stat Block']
Ignis (Wizard) 12th level
Initiative: +2 Perception: +0
Darkvision 60 ft.
Speed: 30'

Str 10, Dex 14 +2, Con 18 +4,Int 20 +5, Wis 10, Cha 8 -1

AC: 19 (Elven chain(Chain Shirt+1)=14+Staff of power+2, Dex+2, Cloak of protection +1)
HP 89/98

In Hand:Staff of Power
Off Hand:
Current ongoing spells
Contingencyset to cast Misty Step on Ignis should any Dragon move to attack him<<TRIGGERED by Dragonling attack
Rary's Telepathic Bond cast on everyone​

Character Sheet
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[SBLOCK=Ursus]Your beastie actually flew away from you, but we’re just going to fold your action into the narrative (because that’s the power of a cool visual.) In my mind, your attack happened directly after the OA and before it managed to really fly away.[/SBLOCK]

Frustrated, the dragonling peels away from Ursus and climbs into the air. It wheels around and begins to tuck its wings in to dive back towards the barbarian when Ignis’ spell reaches it. Its muscles stiffen as it begins to plummet towards the water.

Those who look closely see the briefest flicker of movement around the creature’s eye as it widens in something that you can only believe is terror as it impacts the surface of the water with a resounding crack before sinking below the surface.

Falling damage from Hold Monster on Dragonling: 5D6 = [1, 5, 3, 4, 6] = 19

[SBLOCK=Details]The flying dragonlings were flying 50ft up. 10ft=1d6 of damage. Ursus’ dragonling is now paralyzed on its back with wings pointed and legs tucked into its sides at the bottom of the water about 20ft down. If the dragonlings win, he’s going to be teased mercilessly.[/SBLOCK]


The dragonling that attempted to attack you wheels around briefly in the air before spotting your new position. Scorched and angry from Lakeover's bolt, it dives towards you with jaw opened wide. When it is 20 ft from you, it levels off as it breathes out a cloud of noxious gas all around you.

Constitution Saving Throw for Ignis DC 12 - Save for Half Damage: 1D20+7 = [19]+7 = 26
Poison Breath Attack on Ignis (saved so half damage): 8D6 = [1, 6, 3, 3, 5, 6, 6, 4] = 34
17 poison damage.
Ignis Constitution Saving Throw for Concentration DC 10: 1D20+7 = [7]+7 = 14
Concentration on Hold Monster maintained.


[SBLOCK=Cade]Your dragonling was actually 20ft under the water. I’m going to take your rolls as a readied action against its attack.[/SBLOCK]

You stab at the dragonling as it bursts from the water with its mouth open wide as a billowing cloud of poison shoots out and envelops you.

Cade Constitution saving throw DC 12 -save for half damage: 1D20+7 = [10]+7 = 17
Poison breath damage for Cade - saved for half: 8D6 = [4, 2, 6, 2, 1, 2, 4, 5] = 26
13 poison damage.

[SBLOCK=Details]Cade’s dragonling is hovering directly in front of him.[/SBLOCK]

[SBLOCK=Pell]I believe that I’m missing one attack from you. You had a readied attack and a full round action. I think I only got your full round action. Next post just include an additional weapon attack and we’ll be caught up. I’m going to take your full round action as a readied action since the dragonling was too far underwater to be targeted with melee.[/SBLOCK]

The dragonling circled under Pell for a moment allowing the half-orc an opportunity for a weak slash through the water. Enraged, the beast rose up and breathed its poison over him.

Pell Constitution Saving Throw DC 12 Save for half damage: 1D20+0 = [1]+0 = 1
Poison damage: 8D6 = [5, 6, 4, 2, 4, 6, 5, 5] = 37
37 poison damage

[SBLOCK=Details]Pell’s dragonling has its head out of the water and may be targeted normally.[/SBLOCK]


The dragonling screams in agony as Faera’s magics tear through its body. Each leaves a gaping hole in the dragon’s hide as a black mass seems to eat away at more flesh before a torrent of blood washes it away. Rage fills it eyes as adrenaline surges through its system. It dives towards the dark elf and breathes out its toxins over her.

Faera Constitution Saving Throw DC 12 save for half damage: 1D20+6 = [9]+6 = 15
Faera Poison damage (half for successful save): 8D6 = [4, 1, 2, 4, 2, 5, 2, 2] = 22
11 poison damage

[SBLOCK=Details]Faera’s dragonling is hovering 20ft away from her and over the water.[SBLOCK=Further details only for those who target this dragonling]This dragonling is near death (7hp left), if you target it, kill it, and have multiple attacks (like from eldritch blast) go ahead and tell me how it dies and which other beast(s) you are targeting with your other attacks[/SBLOCK] [/SBLOCK]


As you move towards solid land, you can see the shape of the dragonling trying to follow you, but its movements are sluggish and you easily outpace it as you step onto the path.

[SBLOCK=Detail] Lakeover’s dragonling is still underwater at 20 ft depth. It can be targeted at range with disadvantage.[/SBLOCK]

[SBLOCK=Notes for next round]I am working with the thought that you guys were a little spread out so that none of the breath weapons overlapped onto other characters. The breath weapons are 20 ft cones so I’m assuming that you all are basically 20ft away from each other. It’s theater of the mind so it’s flexible.

Here’s a breakdown of the dragonlings and how they can be targeted.

Ursus’ Dragonling: Paralyzed 20 ft below surface of water on the floor of the pool. Paralyzed condition negates the disadvantage from the murky water so any ranged attacks can be made normally.

Ignis’ Dragonling: 20 ft in the air above Ignis. Can be targeted at range normally.

Cade’s Dragonling: Hovering directly in front of Cade. Can be targeted in melee or range normally.

Pell’s Dragonling: Neck and head raised out of the water directly in front of Pell. Can be targeted in melee or range normally.

Faera’s Dragonling: 20 ft in the air above Faera. Can be targeted at range normally.

Lakeover’s Dragonling: 20ft below the surface of the water moving towards Lakeover. Can be targeted at range at disadvantage.


Blood and bone! poisonous breath and I have nothing to combat it. Anyone?! Coughing, sputtering and feeling the effects of the earlier bite, Cade rises to his feet and, again, strikes at the drake.
The blade flashes, briefly reflecting Ignis' flames in the darkness, then slides deftly between scales and finds the tender flesh beneath.
Attack _: 1D20+9 = [18]+9 = 27

Damage _: 1D8+5 = [8]+5 = 13


Pell attempted but failed to twist out of the way of the cloud of poison breath from the dragonling. Swish and Flick were a fury of steel, stabbing and hacking at the beast as it rose from beneath the water. After landing a series of blows on the dragonling, Pell scooted away from the fell creature.[/section]

[sblock=OOC]If Pell currently has a Reaction available to him, [MENTION=20005]Matthan[/MENTION], I would like to use it on Uncanny Dodge to halve the 37 points of poison damage to 18 points. Because I want you to have all the rolls from me that you need to be able to forward the round, in addition to the Reaction (Uncanny Dodge), I'm including two additional actions, both attack rolls. If you don't need either or both of the attack rolls for Round 3, please ignore them.

Action: Flick -- [roll0] for [roll1] points of damage, and Swish -- [roll2] for [roll3] points of damage
Reaction: Uncanny Dodge to halve damage Pell might take during Round 3
Bonus Action: Cunning Action / Disengage
Move: 30' away from dragonling

Additional Action (if needed):
Flick -- [roll4] for [roll5] points of damage
Swish -- [roll6] for [roll7] points of damage

[sblock=Crunch]hp 25/75
AC 15
Initiative +6
Darkvision 60’
Speed 30’
Passive Perception 17
Investigation +8
Perception +7
Stealth +9
Action: Shortsword +2 (“Flick”), 1d20+10, 1d6+6 piercing, finesse, light
Bonus Action: Shortsword (“Swish”), 1d20+8, 1d6, piercing, finesse, light

Spell save DC 16
Spell attack modifier +8
Cantrips (4): mage hand, fire bolt (10), minor illusion, prestidigitation
Spells Known (8): sleep (3), color spray (3), grease (3), silent image (4), invisibility (7), spider climb (8), blur (10), disguise self (11)
1st lvl (4 slots)
2nd lvl (3 slots)[/sblock]
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