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Atomic Robo: The Roleplaying Game

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4 out of 5 rating for Atomic Robo: The Roleplaying Game

Atomic Robo has a great style. It begins with an introduction of what it is: Action Science! You know how Indiana Jones is an archaeologist and he is always getting shot at and escaping traps and doing exciting things, and then you watch a documentary about archaeologists and they dig in the dirt with toothbrushes and it's really boring? Atomic Robo takes the Indiana Jones model of archaeology and applies it to every other kind of science out there. The world and theme are great (they're based on comics), and it uses the FATE system, mechanics-wise. The issue I have with it is a standard one I have with most FATE games, and that is that sometimes the lack of structure can slow down the game because players can get overwhelmed by it. Some of the translations from FATE to Atomic Robo aren't the best - you select three "Modes" (which are basically a pre-selected array of skills) and they can get combined in weird ways. Part of the reason for the Modes is to make character creation simpler, but I'm not really sure it enhances the game. However, you could ignore those rules if you like. In conclusion, if you like the FATE system, Atomic Robo RPG is fantastic. If you have some issues with the FATE system, Atomic Robo is a great world and setting and style.

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