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(IR) The 3rd IR, 2nd Turn (thread 2)

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Turrosh Mak

First Post
Some repleys

After totally, repeat TOTALLY devestating everything we're we went up and into Keoland we indeed pull back to teh mountains with Spelljammers Screaming overhead. (we have 105 PL worth of them and the other about 60. Edena keep that in mind in the skies alot of trenches don't really work well ).
The Gith Spelljammers do not persue the retreating scro, Ilithid, and Neogi spelljamers. They return to bases in the pomarj to be refited with modern armor and armaments.

Edena, Shade are spreading Cult Of Darkness across Oerth.
Any Shade Cults found within the borders of the Pomarj or it's protectoretes are Distroyed with EXTREME harshness.
As the forces of the enemy retake their territories , they find a wasteland.
We will rebuild, somehow...

The Lortmils extend their technological wonders into the Pomarj and the Kevellond League. That includes railroads, technological communications, etc.
The Pomarj thanks you for your continued faith in us and for your aid bring my nation into the future.

Turrosh Mak – Of course, your ambassadors are welcome to establish embassies within any or all of the entities of the IBKSC
I establish an embassie in each of those areas listed

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Turrosh Mak

First Post
Edena_of_Neith said:
(I realize that the Robots of the Barrier Peaks were claimed by Turrosh Mak.
It would appear that Turrosh Mak has lost control of them.
In fact, it would appear that they are now completely out of anyone's control.
In this case, that would be the truth.)

(The robots were traded to the underdark alliance for the dark swamp. So don't blame me for not controling them :p )


First Post
If it's any consolation to the Kevellond League, which has now lost Bissel, a massive force is arriving to aid them.
The combined armies of the Baklunish Confederation and the Alliance of the Crescent have finally deployed in Keoland.
This force is much larger than the humanoid, giant, and formian forces westward.
Another great force of the Baklunish and the Crescent is preparing for another major assault against the Crystalmists, Hellfurnaces, and Barrier Peaks from the west.
Things are looking ill for the entrenched humanoid defenders of those mountains, since their greatest allies, the drow, are nowhere to be found.

In a bitter victory, the forces of the Kevellond League retake Geoff for the second time, despite the fact that that is the one place where the drow actually massed to stop the invasion.
In bitterness, the Kevellond League's main Host retakes all the lands of Dyvvers, only to see what that land has become.
At the least, Furyondy is no longer threatened by a direct land attack, for the Hosts of the Kevellond League block the way.

The Duchy of Urnst manages to throw back all it's attackers, the one nation of the Eastern League to survive the assault against that area.
With the help from the Sky-Sea League, the men and women of that nation drive back the Unholy Knights of the Isles of Woe, halt the armies of the Legion of Warlords, and slaughter any enemy that managed to enter their land.

Irongate continues to hold on, audacious, undefeatable, living up to it's very name: Iron Gate.
It seems that no undead monster or hoard can whelm the great stone city built long ago on the shores of the Azure Sea by the dwarves.

Likewise, the great cities of crystal and rock, living wood and marble, that are the places of power in Delrune prove an unscalable obstacle to the God Emperor and his legions.
The great buildings and towers withstand his arrows and hurled rocks, his magical bolts and fireballs, the might of his great warriors, the determination of his fanatical followers.
Elven archers kill Union troops by the thousands, elven bladesingers carve bloody paths through all the attack, killing champion and mage alike, or firing spells against Union spellcasters, downing them, stopping them cold.
Elven mages pour spellfire into the retreating ranks of the Union, in a grim vengeance for the massacre of the Delrunian Army at the Battle of the Flinty Hills.
The God Emperor and his entire army is forced to retreat with heavy losses back through Calrune and into northern Nyrond, where he has the support of the Legions of Kas.
Only then do the elves break off the pursuit.


First Post
Edena_of_Neith said:
In the north, the elves of Delrune throw back the new assault from the Dark Union, for Gamboge Forest has long prepared for assault, and the wood and wild elves within it aren't pushovers of any sort.
Thousands of Union soldiers go down beneath their shafts.
Undead are destroyed by the shining symbols of the Seldarine, and the crystalline cities of southern Delrune repulse the attackers from their walls.

Well, we didn't actually attack the Gamboge Forest. I sent 30 powerpoints into Seldanora and Delrune (the non wooded parts) With the God Emperor and his four flunkies.


First Post
All other opposition being crushed, Acereraks legions now besiege the single remaining vestigal city of a land plunged into midnight madness, Irongate. The sun is choked from the sky, and all the Iron Hills are camped by the undead horde as far as the eye reaches. Gleefully observing as new meat is steadily fed into the grinder, only enriching the eventual harvest, Acererak nevertheless decides to take personal charge once more to stopper the standing Gate into the city. It is far too valuable an asset to destroy, though.

The nice thing about an active gateway is that the room it is in cannot be shielded from astral travel, or it would not work. Using divinations and observation to determine a point in time when the gate is in use, he teleports, appearing suddenly into the grand Portal Room itself with a number of fell undead shock troups specialised in defense (and making liberal use of Time Stops). Unless the defenders can manage to get over 10 PL in that room immediately, he uses his banshee-like Howl to clear the single room of Kevellond and Ulek troops, and then he and his lieutenants immediately lace the portal and the entire room in vastly powerful Symbols of Death. Any living thing to come through the gate arrives a dead and empty husk, irrevocably slain.

Even as the defenders will undoubtably rally towards the Gate to try to re-open it, war-drums start to sound from outside the city, followed immediately by alarm gongs from the ramparts. Rushing to the crenelations, the Irongaters arrive just in time to see the wave of undead surging forwards in a single, unholy charge.


First Post

The Dark Union of Oerth sues for peace with all our current enemies.
An emissary is sent to Sanctus Punitor.
"We have both suffered heavily in our war, we have both enjoyed sweet victory and bitter defeat but the power of the Dark Union is far greater than your own. Although we could still cause you severe harm we choose not to. We have grown to respect you and your military ingenuity. You have honour and courage and that we respect also. We no longer wish to se you destroyed. All we ask for in exchange for peace is the Grandwood, Celadon and Heimmont. Give us that and we will no longer bother you, I swear it on my honour and my soul."

I encourage all my allies to make peace with their enemies and invite all combatants to a peace conference in the City of Chathold in Almor

"This horrible war must be ended."

_______Lord Melkor wrote:
To Edena and Serpenteye, VERY IMPORTANT

I am going offline for more than 12 hours. I am giving control over my forces to Serpenteye( Serpenteye as I mentioned God of The Shade will sponsor your Demideityhood).

Serpenteye, please do everything possible to posivately end negotiating with Iuz, I feel that Iuz fully supporting us with his armies is CRUCIAL for winning the war. And don`t afraid to be active, you have my permission to use Shade armies to attack where you feel apropariate.

The God Emperor thanks the God of the Shade for his offer and accepts , as long as the sponsorship in mo way involves any kind of subservience to the God of the Shade
I'll try to represent the interests of the Shade in the war, although the geopolitical realities have shifted greatly since you made the offer.
The Shade tries to intensify the poisonous aura around the Shadow Throne so that no living thing can enter. (I guess the embassador from Iuz will have to be a demon or wear a gas-mask.)

Another note: The Dark Union and the Shade enter the construct and monster armsraces.
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First Post
Now, to answer a few posts above ... :)

TO Edena:

Rivalen Tanthul, Archpriest of The Shade will commune wih Melkor The Dark One, his God, and ask him to sponsor God-Emperor`s of Aerdi Divine Ascendance, so he can ascend to Demigodhood( I believe that Dark One, created when many Gods of evil on Toril merged together, is a Greater God).

((And I have said already that the spark of Divinity is already being felt by the God Emperor - even if he is on the run from the elves of Delrune.
As for Melkor, he will not directly involve himself in this, any more than any of the other Gods of Oerth or Toril, or the Gods of anywhere else, are involving themselves.))

- - -

The Forsaken One


And a mail I was sending to Edena didn't arrive.... mail change..? if so can anyone post the new one please?

Thanks in advance.

((I am not responsible for the calamity that is Comcast. My e-mail is anora@comcast.net))

- - -


The armies of the league of warlords will defend against the attackers, along with the ambushers and planar chromatic dragons, demons, and slaads.

((If you don't pull your army attacking the Duchy of Urnst back real soon, the Delrunian elves will be raising their banner over Riftcrag.
They just sent the God Emperor of the Dark Union running, tail between his legs.
You aren't even defending yourself with your main army, so what do you think they are going to do to you?))

- - -


Note to Edena: There is another mix up with my armies names...
The Delrunian Army never participated in the Battle of Flinty Hills... that was the Seldanoran Army which has joined the Swanmay army... The Delrunian army has only been on my front with Sollir...

((Answer and Ruling: Yes, you sent the Seldanoran Army down to meet with the Swanmays.
This army was the one that engaged the God Emperor, and was subsequently routed.
I renamed it the Delrunian Army myself.
You have two armies. The Delrunian Army that just chased the God Emperor out of your lands, and the one that is currently making mincemeat out of Sollir.))

Note to Taxi: I could use a lift next turn... Does it cost extra to get troops past enemy lines?

((A notice here to everyone, so you'd better read.
Flying ships and Flying Citadels can be blown out of the sky, with magic.
And when they fall, everyone on board is killed.
If your ten thousand man army was on board, they are all dead.
That taxi service may be a lot more expensive than you'd care to foot the bill for.))

Question: Can Trebuchets fire into the riftcrag from my lines? Their range is hellaciously farther than a catapult... but I have no clue exactly how far that is...

((Yes, they can. The defenses of Riftcrag are starting to crumble.))

Question to All: Would anyone else like to hold the next IR in Rokugan? It's not that I prefer any campaign settings... it just seems like another place to try...

((This IR, hopefully, will go on a long time, and we can answer that question when we come to it!))

- - -


If Alyx allows it, the fleets of Varnath will become the flying fleets of Varnath shortly.

((You cannot give out the secrets of flying ships and Flying Citadels. I ruled that early on. You must have 10th level magic first, before you can share the secret.))

((If I said anything about castles or other things being made into Flying Citadels or flying ships, forget it, folks.
You're going to have to use Kaboom's flying ships and Flying Citadels, or walk.
And Kaboom does not have an endless supply of those.

You can use the Dwarven spelljamming mountains to ferry troops.
However, they spent this Turn busy in battle, so they aren't ferrying anything until Turn 3.
And there are only 11 of them left.))

- - -


I'm now giving the secrets of the flying citadels to:

((Edena, made a mistake, and is correcting himself. You cannot give out the secrets of flying ships and Flying Citadels.
Let them research 10th level magic, and then they can build all the flying ships and Flying Citadels they want.
Nothing comes for free, especially not in Greyhawk.))

- - -

William Ronald

The Kevellond League and its allies dig in their defenses. They are clearly taking a defensive stance along the Hellfurnaces front. For now, the ground forces will only attack if attacked.

((Your overeager friends from the Baklunish Confederation and Alliance of the Crescent retook Geoff.
Hmmm ... this may provoke the drow into a counterattack, but I'd be more worried about the robots if I were you.))

Any prisoners of war are treated with dignity and respect. Their wounds are treated. While kept under careful watch, they are not abused in any manner. A message of this is sent to all factions, urging the same treatment for all prisoners of war. (Unlikely, but I believe the effort should be made.)

((The Kevellond League is the first Power to announce humane treatment of POWs.))

They are also working on the flying citadels and fortresses. Where possible, rebuilding begins.

((Learn 10th level magic, and you will have them.))

- - -


Restitution is offered for any perceived insult. (At least 50 barrels of wine is sent immediately.) The Sky-Sea League is granted land for a VERY large embassy near Veluna City. It is large enough to land and repair flying ships and citadels. As it is ground of the Sea-Sky League, your laws apply within its borders.

((Considering the robots are now turning their attention to Veluna, the embassy contract may be about to expire, permanently.
Of course, Forrester has a force large enough and strong enough to deal with the robots ... what a shame that the Torilians are all words of friendship, and no actual help. Perhaps the Wanderer was right ...))

If Gnomeworks desires, I will let him build railroads into my lands. Several areas are being set aside as nature preserves to be places to be welcome to the fey.

((GnomeWorks, you are welcome to build railroads into the Kevellond League. You can easily do it, and railroads make for fast troop movement.
They are also easily attacked.))

- - -


Anabstercorian continues to even out conflicts all over Oerth, maximizing casualties for both sides. He is actively attempting to gain levels, hoping now to gain the Divine Agent prestige class to seal his servitude to Ilsensine.

((He gains the Divine Prestige Class. However, he is forced to stop these attacks.
Reason: Everyone is prepared for them, and waiting with special illithid-killing devices.
Several times Anabstercorian is almost killed, before he thinks better of it, and stays home.))

However, his new activities include brutal raids against any missionaries of Melkor who even hint at an attempt to convert Illithids from the worship of Ilsensine. Their molten brains are used to paint the holy symbol of Ilsensine across the walls of their shrines.

((You did this before Anabstercorian stopped attacking.
The Shades are very unhappy with Anabstercorian, I am thinking.))

Information on Ilsensine

He is the creator of the Illithid species, and his avatar appears as a massive and regal
Illithid with six tentacles. He is the god of mental domination and psionics. I actually know very little else about him... If anyone has The Illithiad, I would be very pleased if they could post a description of Ilsensine's worshippers and powers.

((Read the above. If Anabstercorian wins this war, guess who all of you will be worshipping?))

- - -

The Forsaken One


We set fire with as powerfull magic and psionics as we can muster to all the forest in Geoff and the Armidio rainforest.
Just a minor thing but let's see what it does.

((You succeeded in razing a vast part of the Amedio Rainforest, as I previously stated.
You fail to raze any of the woods of Geoff, because massive forces of the Baklunish, Crescent, and others are there, and your forces are driven with great loss from Geoff.))

- - -


Smoke roiled.

The Amedio rainforest, that had stood for generations, was aflame. The sky was pall with choking fumes. Ash scattered on the wind, invading the tightest armour and searing unprotected eyes. It was hot. As hot as furnace.

((Yes, it was, and is. And it is sad, for thousands of types of tropical birds and animals are becoming extinct, because the formians and Underdark Races decided to start a massive forest fire.
This is the most hateful and terrible of all things to elves, in general, and Varnaith is the rule, not the exception.
I hope the elves of Varnaith will remember this destruction and extinction, when they - if ever - come to the peace table with the drow and their allies.))

Edena, I will be enchanting whatever - Varnaithian? - castle you deem best fit to become a flying citadal. It will remain under construction for this turn - I will outfit it with cannons, ballistae, and whatever defenses you see doable. If I get more technology in this effort from my allies, why, so much the better.

((You can't do it. If I gave the impression you could, my regrets. Only with 10th level magic can you do it. Kaboom cannot share the secrets of flying ships and Flying Citadels with anyone.))

- - -


Anabstercorian hovers over the burning rainforest, the sun hot and harsh on his skin.
Once he would have reveled in the devastation of this place, would have laughed and cackled as it burnt to ashes... But today, perhaps he had mellowed, for this devastation held no real joy to him.
It was probably because he wasn't involved in it. He blasts a couple of Sunbusters in to yet-unburned parts of the forest and cackles and laughs! "Whee!" he thinks! "This is great! Burn burn burn."

((Anabstercorian won't think something else very funny. Someone has raided the City of the Gods for a second time. Hmmm ... 2% chance they wake up, and decide to attack, and guess whose land is all around the City of the Gods?))

- - -

The Forsaken One

Let that what lay hidden for so long come forth, stand amonst the beauty of this inferno.
Let the rightious fall before the wicked, and as darkness sweps across the lands the seas become as blood, the skies rain fire and let all tremble before the coming of that what lay hidden for to long.
May the forces of good stand united against the oncoming tides of darkness. Because evil won't go bye easily and for those that know all to well, know that thou shall not escape this hunger for destruction. No running, no place to hind. Stand and fight if you value your life but it won't be enough. To bring a beacon in this darkness you must unit stand together and face the oncoming slaughter of the hordes swarming from places long forgotten.
The evil that lay hidden has arissen and it shall be heard.

((Indeed. Let's hope you don't have to eat those words. The Baklunish and Alliance, and the Coalition of Light and Shadow, are amassing to make you do just that on Turn 3.))

- - -


The Lortmils extend their technological wonders into the Pomarj and the Kevellond League. That includes railroads, technological communications, etc.

((The railroads are going in, the poles and lines are going up, the factories are under construction, and the the Industrial Revolution is under way on Oerth.))

Also, seeing as how we in the Lortmils here are just kind of sitting around, we'll begin transporting around 5 PL worth of tanks (assuming we have that many - I want at least half that amount in there) into the Hellfurnaces to help out our allies there. We'll also start to move in 15 or so PL worth of troops armed to the teeth with technomagical equipment.

((Noted. So you are sending your main force to aid the combined force moving on Forsaken One and Festy Dog ... and Kalanyr. It is looking very bad for all 3 of them on Turn 3 ...))

It also looks like the Iron League needs a little assistance... our planar allies (those that are not building up defenses at the moment) will be shipped over to the Iron League (via kaboom's taxi service, if he allows it) to assist in fighting off whoever is attacking them.

((Your Planar Allies come back and tell you that they need HELP. Like, as in, that army you decided to send westward, they need NOW.
Only Irongate still stands against Acererak, and they are fighting his Minions outside the city.))

Anything we have left that is not defending our borders or the defensive line that was set up by the Pomarj, will be going towards developing more technology. What we've got now is incredibly useful (ie, tanks), but we think that we can do better - and so we shall.

((What you have left is with those holding the line against the Shades to your northeast.
Have you seen what happened to the Wild Coast and Dyvvers?
That will happen to all the Lortmils, if they break through.))

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Registered: Jan 2002
Location: austin, tx
Posts: 131
The Kingdom of Ulek, Kron Hills, and the Wildcoast will gladly accept all technology from the Lortmill mountains of any kind (railroads, weapons, ect..).

((And so, the Industrial Revolution comes to the Kingdom of Keoland.))

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The Lortmils also extends their technological advances (railroads, technological communications, etc.) into the Kingdom of Ulek, Kron Hills, and the Wildcoast.

((Forget the Wild Coast. Nothing remains alive there.
Everywhere else, it is starting to look just like Toril did at the very beginning of the 1st IR.
Railroads are going in, factories are going up, refineries churn, power lines fill the air, and smokestacks rise into the sky.))

- - -

The Forsaken One

We will deploy our robot force with superior tech against any Technomancy invading force that might appear, who will react with lightning reaction wo those who enter us. And teleporting PL5...? 10th level magic Gnome...... else you could just teleport 20 times PL 5 and still get the 100 there. At least I think you can't do it.. everyone seems very keen on bypassing the requirement of 10th level magic. Edena be keen on this please. The traveling times and distances are very very very lightly taken if taken and considered at all. You all have to TRAVEL.

((You have lost control of the Robots of the Barrier Peaks. They are out of control.
As for ferrying forces, only Kaboom can do that, and he has done all the ferrying possible for Turn 2.
If you don't like him ferrying troops, blow his Flying Citadels out of the sky!
Remember the saying: Don't get mad, get even.))

And we are digging in as much as we can. We are going allout defensive. We are preparing defenses deep, DEEP underground if they might even get this far. But we battle if out at full force at the surface now. This is our territory and we rigged and trapped it so you can't even set a step without settiing something off (figurely speaking offcourse ).
We have been prepared for mountain attack for as long as we excisted in these parts. We need no conquest we need to keep what we have in these dangerous times.

((You are going to need every bit of your strength, every trap, and every bit of cleverness and preparation.
They are coming, and I mean they are REALLY coming.
The combined might of the Baklunish and Crescent, along with reinforcements from the Coalition of Light and Shadow, are overwhelming and awesome.))

And Edena I'd like a update on how long it takes to construct certain things ... as railroads.

((Not long. Railroads are easy to lay. In one Turn, GnomeWorks can have railroads extending west through Keoland, south through the Pomarj, and north to Veluna.))

- - -


Also, WHERE IS VECNA? He's too powerful to overlook. Where the blazes is that demi-god?

((He has disappeared into a demiplane.
Along with his entire army.
Nobody has the faintest idea where they are, and no scrying (or wish spells) work to locate them.))

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William Ronald

Registered: Jan 2002
Location: Summit, IL, USA
Posts: 328
The forces of the Kevellond League -especially the druids and other spellcasters - try to stop the forest fires in Geoff.

((They succeed.))

Also, I have proposed a prisoner of war exchange with you, Kalanyr and Festy Dog. They have been well treated.

((Up to you, Kalanyr, Festy Dog. Your Seers say he's telling the truth - he has treated the POWs well.))

- - -

William Ronald

Archcleric Hazen scries the devastated land and a look of horror mingled with sorrow forms on his face.

"Something must be done. I have tried to make peaceful overtures to people -- even with strong evidence that they were planning attacks. I believe it was my right to strike first if threatened."

"There is still no word about a prisoner exchange with the Hellfurnaces Alliance. I will resend the offer. I must consult with my allies for their counsel. I am considered wise, but find myself in need of their wisdom."

A clerk stops by and drops a list on the desk. Hazen turns - the list of the dead and devastated in the Flanaess.

He begins a prayer of mourning for the dead. The prayer goes on for hours.

((News of the robots moving on Veluna reaches him. They have destroyed Bissel, and are moving towards Veluna.
Archcleric Hazen realizes he needs help from a big ally, such as the United Commonwealth of Toril, and he needs that ally NOW.))


First Post
(smirks evilly)

Oh, I forgot something.

Someone raided the City of the Gods a second time, and got the goods.
Now, let's see - that's a 2% chance now of them deciding to wake up and go on a worldwide rampage ... hmmm, where are those dice? ... hmmm, a 42, not yet!

The Robots of the Barrier Peaks devastated Bissel, and they are only an 8 Power Level (or around there) force.
So just what do you think is going to happen when the City of the Gods, PL 300, decides it's tired of being raided???

Now, you all know that Valkys did this, for you told me so yourself.
Unfortunately for all of you, you cannot destroy Valkys, for Valkys holds no country to destroy.
You can chase Valkys around, but the Unseelie can simply return to their own plane, and come back later.
In other words, you cannot easily destroy Valkys, and trying would take many Turns, at the least.

I am told you all refused to help the Unseelie of Valkys, when they asked for help.
It would seem they have you over a barrel.
You don't help them, they raid the City of the Gods.
You DO help them, they may or may not raid the City of the Gods. Up to them.

You cannot stop their raids on the City of the Gods by force.
It is impossible.
Better try talking with Valkys, before the Unseelie bring the wrath of the City of the Gods down on you all.

Turrosh Mak

First Post
The Poisoned lands

The Pomarj takes several samples of the foul water of the Whooly bay and of the desicrated eath of the wild coast. These are delevered to sages, Alchemists, wizards, preists, and scientists throughout the Pomarj, Lortmill confederacy, and the Kevoland leauge.

We ask that this strange shadow poison be examined in hopes that a solution to the sickness which has befell our waters and lands may be found.
We also Urge Rary of the bright lands to look into the strang condition, as the affected area borders his lands, and are thus in danger.

Undead are sent to the Wild coast to begin physicaly cleaning up as much of the polution as possible. The area is otherwised placed under a military Quarintine until the long term dangers of the shadow poisioning are determined.


First Post
So, the Dark Union, now that it holds Almor, Nyrond, the Flinty Hills, Garrel Enkdall, and it's friends the Shades, hold the County of Urnst, while Acererak just destroyed the one Gate to Irongate, dooming that city, now is suing for peace?

Just where will this peace conference be held?
Just what concessions is the Dark Union willing to make?
And just who is willing to come to the peace conference?

Not Irongate. It demands the Dark Union HALT Acererak, NOW.
Not the Duchy of Urnst. It demands the return of the County of Urnst, and reparations for war damage.

Oh yes, the Dark Union might withdraw it's forces from the Delrunian border, for it is making the elves very unhappy.
And the Dark Union might stop it's assault on the Fleet of the Lendores, for it is making the Alliance of the Rising Sun VERY angry.

Then, perhaps, they might come to the peace conference.

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