• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Savage Worlds Rifts [Rogue's Gallery]


James Cahill

[sblock=Stats]Cybernetic Techno-Warrior

Charisma 0
Pace 6" (12yrds)
Parry 2
Toughness 7 (+7 from Combat Mage Armor)
Bennies: 3/3

Agility: d12
Smarts: d6
Spirit: d6
Strength: d6 (from Combat Mage Armor)
Vigor: d6

Increase Agility by 1 die
Upgrade (Targeting Eye)
Edge: Rich
Edge: Two Fisted

Driving: d10 (Started at d6)
Shooting: d10 +2 (d12+2, with Wired Skill Port)
Guts: d6
Notice d6 +2 (D12+3, with Subject Matter Expert Port)
Survival: d6
Tracking: d6

Arcane Background: Superhero (From Human)
Upgradable (From Cybernetic Techno-Warrior)
Upgrade: Reinforced Frame (From Hindrance)
Upgrade: Targeting Eye (From Advance)
Ambidextrous (from Hindrance)
Rich (From Advance)
Two Fisted (From Advance)


Enemy (up to DM)

SFD Huntsman Lightweight Personal Armor
Wilk’s 237 Laser Pistol
Wilk’s 447 Laser Rifle
NG-S2 Survival
4 Step Notice Skill Slot
1 Step Shooting Skill Slot
Pack, 2200 credits.
2 TK Revolvers
Zone Ranger ATV (TW)
Combat Mage Armor (TW)

Fortune and Glory Rolls:
A Mighty Weapon: TK Revolver
A Mighty Weapon: TK Revolver or Trademark Weapon
A Way to Get Around: Waveboard

Cybernetics: 12/12 strain (6 strain from stats, +6 for Upgradable)
• Internal Life Support – 2 (Immune to suffocation, toxins and disease. Gain +4 to resist effects of radiation, intense environmental temps, and other dangerous environmental effects. Only needs 1/5 of nutrition of fully organic person)
• Nano Repair System - 2 (One wound healed per day, and gain +4 to resist Bleeding Out.)
• Cyber-Wired Reflexes – 1 (Increase Agility by 1 die)
• Core Electronics Package – 1 (Implanted mini-computer, computer interface jack for direct linking to other systems, which grants a +4 to appropriate repair checks and Common Knowledge rolls, a radio with a 20 mile range)
• Optics Package - 1 (+2 to all sight based Notice checks, thermal imaging and night vision, 50x magnification for distance, 20x macro lens for up close detail, glare filters that give +2 checks to avoid blinding flashes and related light burst effects, and can record still or moving images and store them for later viewing.
• Range Data Systems – 1 (Offset 2 points of penalties for Shooting)
• Targeting eye – 1 (+2 to all Shooting rolls for weapons that have been calibrated)
• Reinforced Frame – 1 (+2 Toughness)
• Wired Skill Ports – 1
• Subject Matter Expert Port – 1 (Can change out 1 skill package. Currently has a Four Step Notice package.)

Zone Ranger ATV: Size 6, Acc/TS10/50, Toughness 32 (18), Crew 7,Remaining Mods 4 Notes: All-Terrain, EnvironmentalSystems, Handling 1, LL, M.D.C. Armor, Sensor Suite

Hook: Should Old Acquaintances. He was always a lawman, tracking down bad guys using a strange ability he was born with, the ability to find anything he looked for. He came from money, but also used this talent to make him quite a bit more before and after becoming a lawman. A few years ago, he started seeing someone. It got serious. She had a baby. Then something bad happened. Some relatives of some men he'd put to justice found him, and shot up him and the woman. He survived, but only barely. The baby survived, as well. The woman didn't.

He used most of his fortune to fix himself, using cybernetics as a replacement. He replaced one eye, and had to reinforce his torso. The damage was extensive, so he was forced to put quite a bit of strain on his body to become functioning again.

This left him with new skills, but he now has a harder time accessing his original power, the power to find anything he wants. So right now, he's still getting used to these new cybernetic parts, but he still wants to be what he always was. A lawman. .[/sblock]
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First Post
Character Name: Squidge
Rank: Novice Experience: 15 Advances Left: 0
Race: Human
Iconic Framework: Mind Melter
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirit d8, Strength d4, Vigor d6
Charisma: +2; Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 5 (6 +6 in armor) ; ISP: 30
Psionics 1d12 (1)
Knowledge: Electronics 1d6 (2)
Knowledge: Computers 1d6 (2)
Shooting 1d6 (2)
Fighting 1d4 (1)
Driving 1d6 (2)
Streetwise 1d6 (2)
Persuasion 1d4 (1)
Lockpicking 1d6 (2)

Overconfident (Major): "Yep, I can do this."
Delusional (Minor): "If I were in charge, I could get everyone to get along."
Wanted (Minor): A fugitive from a Coalition State.

Attractive (+2 Charisma)
Power Points (+10)
Rapid Recharge (recover 1 ISP/30 minutes)
Telemechanics (+4 to rolls involving electronics and computers)

Armor 2ISP, +4 armor, touch, 3 rnds (1/rnd)
Greater Armor 5ISP, 10MDC, touch, 3rnds (1/rnd)

Entangle 2ISP, -2 Pace and Agi/Str skills (skills unusable on raise), 4ISP target MBT, Smrt "
Greater Entangle +2ISP, targets of Entangle are fully Entangled on any success (-4 to escape on raise)

Telekinesis (Str 1d6), 5ISP, lift creature or wield weapon at range using Spirit, Smrt ", 3 rnds (1/rnd)
Exalted Telekinesis (Str d12+2) 10ISP, really really strong, 2xSmrt ", 3 rnds (1/rnd)

Mind Reading 3ISP, vs target Smart, one truthful answer per use; target is aware unless raise
Mind Walk 6ISP, can explore deep memories or ask any question, 2xSmrt", 5 minutes (1/minute)

Telepathy 2ISP, 2 way mental communication w/willing target, -4 to contact if no sight
Exalted Telepathy 4ISP, within 1 mile contact allies with no roll or search for minds at no penalty or contact all minds at once, 3 rnds (1/rnd)

Illusion 3ISP, vs target Spirit, force target to sense things that aren't there or sense the environment differently, Smrt", 3 rnds (1/rnd)
Deadly Illusion 6ISP, 1 Wound can be done as part of an illusion, 2xSmrt ", 3 rnd (1/rnd)

Triax T-12 Field Medic Body Armor
- +1 Toughness, +6 Armor, no Str min, 10x magnification, thermal vision, night vision, 10 mile radio, full env, +2 Healing rolls
NG-33 laser pistol
- 2d4+1 damage, 15/30/60" rng, RoF 1, AP 2, 20 shots, 4lbs

NG-S2 Survival Pack
2 person tent, +20% water supplies
Sleeping bag
Flashlight w/knife; solar
Inertial compass (+2 to Survival to navigate)
Short range (5 mile) radio
First aid kit (+1 to healing; 3 uses)
Hunting/Fishing kit (+1 to Survival to forage)
Three ‘saw wires’
Fire starter
Survival Knife, hatchet, wooden cross
4 signal flares
Climbing kit w/30 rope
Soap and washcloth
2 weeks rations

Credits: 1300

[sblock=Iconic Framework]Arcane Background: Psionics (20 ISP, d8 psionics, 5 powers)
Expanded Awareness: Detect Arcana at will, free action
Major Psionic: 2ISP +1 psionic skill, 4ISP +2 psionic skill; x2 on ley line, 10ISP per edge
Master Psionic Edge (mega powers)
Mental Resistance: +4 to resist psionics, +4 armor vs psionics
Complication: Quirk
Complication: Enemies
Complication: Feared (-2 Charisma towards those who fear mind melters)[/sblock]

[sblock=Hero’s Journey]Narrative Hook
Roll result 14
Description: Formerly associated with a Coalition State; fugitive now of course.

Hook: 1d20 14

Roll result 8
Description: One power of any rank from own list (Telekinesis)

Roll result 11
Description: 1 power autoraises on success (Armor)

Roll result 11
Description: 1 power autoraises on success (Illusion).

Body Armor
Roll result 20
Description: Choose any one (1 - Choose any armor: Triax T-12 Field Medic)

Hero's Journey: 4#1d20 20 8 11 11[/sblock]

Initial Advances: (From Hindrances): +1d Smarts, Rapid Recharge
Free Edge (Human): Attractive
Novice 1 Advance: Power Points
Novice 2 Advance: +1d Psionics
Novice 3 Advance: +1d Spirit
Seasoned 1 Advance: Telemechanics


First Post
Skelebots - 'Brutes' (the Skelebots must suffer a second Wounds before being destroyed).
Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d12+1, Vigor d10
Skills: Fighting d8, Notice d6, Shooting d8
Cha: −2; Pace: 8; Parry: 6; Toughness: 13 (4)
Hindrances: Ugly, Vow (Major—Obey programming and Coalition commands)
Edges: Ambidextrous, Fleet-Footed, Rock and Roll!, Steady Hands
Gear: CV-212 VLF Laser Rifle (Range 30/60/120, Damage 3d6+2, RoF 3, AP-2, Mega Damage).
Special Abilities:
*Armor +4: Advanced alloy structure.
*Construct: +2 to recover from Shaken; does not breathe; immune to poison and disease; ignores one level of wound penalties.
*Fearless: Skeloboths are programmed without fear.
*Sensor Suite: +4 to Notice checks; can detect chemicals, radiation, and electrical fields up to 500 feet.
*Toughness +2: Hardened interal structures adds +2 to their Toughness scores.
*Weapon Mount: Grenade launcher (Range 24/48/96, Damage 3d6, RoF 1, Mega Damage, LBT)
*Weapon Mount: Retractable vibroblade (Str+d10, AP-4, Mega Damage)
Skelbots.jpg Grunts.jpg

Coalition Grunts – Extras
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Driving d4, Fighting d6, Intimidation d6, Notice d6, Shooting d8, Survival d4, Throwing d6
Cha: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 13 (6)
Hindrances: Loyal, Vow (Minor—Serve the Coalition)
Edges: Connected (Coalition Military)
Gear: CA-1 Heavy Body Armor (+6 Armor, +2 Toughness, Full Environmental), C-12 Heavy Assault Laser Rifle (Range 30/60/120, Damage 3d6+1, RoF 3, AP-2), C-18 Laser Pistol (Range 15/30/60, Damage 2d6, RoF 1, AP-2), vibro-knife (Str+d6, AP-4, Mega Damage), 2× frag grenades (Range 5/10/20, Damage 3d6, LBT, Mega Damage), 4 extra clips each firearm.
One is instead of carrying the C-12 laser rifle is carrying a C-27 Heavy Plasma Cannon (Range 18/36/72, Damage 2d10+2, RoF 1, AP*, Mega Damage, Snapfire. Ignores non-sealed armor. Targets may ignite (6 on a d6), burning for 1d10 continuous damage until doused)

Lieutenant Lowel - Coalition Military Specialist (Wild Card, 1 extra Benny)
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Strength d8, Vigor d8
Skills: Climbing d6, Driving d6, Fighting d8, Healing d4, Intimidation d8, Knowledge (Battle) d4, Notice d6, Persuasion d6, Shooting d10, Stealth d6, Survival d6, Throwing d6, Tracking d6
Cha: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 14 (6)
Hindrances: Loyal, Vow (Minor—Serve the Coalition)
Edges: Brave, Combat Reflexes, Connected (Coalition Military), Marksman
Cybernetics: Core Electronics Package, Cyber-Wired Reflexes, Environmental Sensors, Optics Package (+2 sight-based Notice), Range Data System (reduce Shooting penalties by two), Wilderness Scout Package (+2 Survival and Tracking).
Gear: CA-1 Heavy Body Armor (+6 Armor, +2 Toughness, Full Environmental), C-14 “Fire Breather” Laser Rifle (Range 30/60/120, Damage 3d6, RoF 1, AP-2), C-18 Laser Pistol (Range 15/30/60, Damage 2d6, RoF 1, AP-2), vibro-knife (Str+d6, AP-4, Mega Damage), 4× high explosive grenades (Range 5/10/20, Damage 3d8, MBT, Mega Damage), 4 extra clips each firearm.

Voidrunner's Codex

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