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[5E] [OOC] JM's A Bit of Trouble (Closed)


So, Veit is turning into a great savior. I think I have to ban the other two characters from being rescued in some manner by Veit. :)

I meant it much more casually than that, more along the line of "look, a dwarf. He probably won't kill me on sight. Excuse me mister dwarf, do you know the way to the nearest town...north?... that's great, thanks, I owe you a beer or three." I thought of having them cross paths again since then, but not sure how to work an urban bounty hunter and a wilderness ranger together very easily.

As for the second connection I think that Valeria or Breealee or both could know Perin from their wandering in and around the groaning forest. Certainly with Valeria, it could build on the relationship with Viet - it was only one meeting 20 years ago. The three of them could be well acquainted , if not best friends.

And lastly, my dream of a mounted archer died yesterday when I realised what they did with the action economy of the UA beastmaster. The extra attack comes directly from the companion now, and you have no option for the PC to have 2 attacks. It's built around the assumption that your companion attacks. Making him a lancer doesn't work either, as the lance has disadvantage when within 5ft and a wolf doesn't have reach :(

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First Post
I'm happy for Bree to be acquainted with anyone who's spent a decent amount of time in the Groaning Forest (or anyone Veit brought out there once or twice). She probably wouldn't know anyone well unless they actually lived there, but she's got a warlock's cha, so she'd be friendly to anyone she crossed paths with on a regular basis.

I'll get my full stats & background up by the end of the day.


What's your favored enemy? You should put the revised ranger class features in the character sheet to reduce how often we need to find the PDF.

Done, Somehow I left off half the ranger abilities and all the folk hero ones. Goblinoids would be my choice, but you now get all humanoids.

I haven't put in a Defining Event because i hadn't envisaged a single major one but lots of little ones. I will think on it though. I will also tweak the back story to include an introduction to Bree.



I quite like this sheet so I'm adapting this from another character of mine.

[sblock=Everett CG ♂ High Elven Wizard 1]

Size: Medium
Height: 6' 2"
Weight: 165 lb
Skin: fair
Eyes: Green
Hair: Sandy

This six foot tall blonde haired, green eyed, fair skinned, dream boat of a man has success written all over him. One look at this handsome fellow makes men cuff their ladies and ladies cuff their men. Very knowledgeable in matters of the arcane, he regularly gets himself into trouble and has been knocked on his arse on more than one occasion. A mayoral decree forced him to put a glove on his "invisible hand", a cloak on his "unseen servant", and keep his "familiar" on his person to ease the civil unrest amongst the community. Frequents mid-range to upscale establishments and is regularly seen schmoozing unwed noble daughters and bar wenches alike. Despite his unruly behavior he is still popular among the common folk and is not above helping the less fortunate among them with a spell or two. With a loveable (sometimes read "punch-able") face you will spot from across the courtyard, you sure to want him involved in any adventuring schemes you have planned.

[sblock=Ability Scores]
Strength 8 (-1)
Dexterity 14 (+2)
Constitution 13 (+1)
Intelligence 16 (+3)
Wisdom 12 (+1)
Charisma 14 (+2)

Total Hit Points: 7
HD: 1
Speed: 30 ft
Armor Class: 12 = +2 [Dex]
Initiative modifier: 2 = +2 [Dex]
Str save: -1 = -1 [Str]
Dex save: +2 = +2 [Dex]
Con save: +1 = +1 [Con]
Int save: +5 = +3 [Int] +2 [Prof]
Wis save: +3 = +1 [Wis] +2 [Prof]
Cha save: +2 = +2 [Cha]

Languages: Common, Elven, Infernal, Draconic

Quarterstaff [1d8, 4 lb, bludgeoning]

[sblock=Level 0]
Acid Splash
Create Bonfire
Mage Hand
Poison Spray
[sblock=Level 1]
Find Familiar
Fog Cloud
Ice Knife
Tenser's Floating Disk
Unseen Servant
[sblock= Abilities]
Arcane Recovery: Once per day after a short rest, you can choose expended spell slots to recover equal to or less than half your wizard level (rounded up), and none of the slots can be 6th level or higher.

Fey Ancestry: You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can’t put you to sleep.

Trance: You meditate deeply, remaining semiconscious, for 4 hours a day. After resting in this way, you gain the same benefit that a human does from 8 hours of sleep.

Acrobatics +2 = +2 [Dex]
Animal Handling +1 = +1 [Wis]
Arcana 5 = +3 [Int] +2 [Prof]
Athletics -1 = -1 [Str]
Deception +2 = +2 [Cha]
History +5 = +3 [Int] +2 [Prof]
Insight +3 = +1 [Wis] +2 [Prof]
Intimidation +2 = +2 [Cha]
Investigation +3 = +3 [Int]
Medicine +1 = +1 [Wis]
Nature +3 = +3 [Int]
Perception +3 = +2 [Prof] +1 [Wis]
Performance +2 =+2 [Cha]
Persuasion +4 = +2 [Cha] +2 [Prof]
Religion +3 = +3 [Int]
Sleight of Hand +2 = +2 [Dex]
Stealth +2 = +2 [Dex]
Survival +1 = +1 [Wis]

Gold 4gp 7sp
Total 50 lb

10 lb Leather Armor
10 lb Rations (1 day) x10
5 lb Water-skins x1
1 lb Quiver w/ Arrows x20
7 lb Bedroll
5 lb Rope (50', Hempen)
5 lb Backpack
2 lb Lantern (hooded)
3 lb Oil flasks x3
2 lb Horn
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First Post
Alright, here's Breealee.

I think you mentioned wanting to approve custom backgrounds, so:

[sblock=Forest Explorer]Feature: Wanderer (from Outlander)
Skills: Stealth, Acrobatics
Languages: Elvish, Sylvan

Trait: I feel as comfortable around animals as I do around people.
Trait: I'm quick to make friends with most who cross my path.
Ideal: I am a free spirit--no one tells me what to do.
Bond: I owe my newfound abilities to the spirit of the Groaning Wood, and don't yet know what they might cost me.
Flaw: I can become overexcited and act without thinking.[/sblock]

Breealee ("Bree") Topps, Fey-Warlock 1

Breealee is a touch small even for a gnome, but her diminutive frame doesn't stop her from chasing adventure. Her mousy brown hair and moss-green eyes make her seem a living piece of the forest she so enthusiastically explores.

[sblock=Basics & Proficencies]Race: Forest Gnome Gender: Female Class: Fey-Warlock 1 Background: Custom - Forest Explorer Alignment: CG Age: 20

HP: 10 HD: 1 (d8) AC: 15 (12 studded leather +3 dex) Initiative: +3 Passive Perception: 10

Str: 8 (-1) Dex: 16 (+3) Con: 15 (+2) Int: 10 (+0) Wis: 10 (+0) Cha: 15 (+2)


Skills: Nature (+2), Arcana (+2), Stealth (+5), Acrobatics (+5)
Saving throws: Wis, Cha
Weapons: Simple weapons
Armor: Light armor
Tools: None

Languages: Common, Gnomish, Elvish, Sylvan

Gnome features:
Darkvision - You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of grey.

Gnome Cunning - You have advantage on all Int, Wis, and Cha saving throws against magic.

Natural Illusionist - You know the minor illusion cantrip. Int is your spellcasting ability for it.

Speak with Small Beasts - Through sounds and gestures, you can communicate simple ideas with Small or smaller beasts.

Warlock features:
Fey Presence - As an action, you can cause each creature in a 10-foot cube originating from you to make a Wis saving throw against your Warlock spell save DC. The creatures that fail their saving throws are all charmed or frightened by you (your choice) until the end of your next turn. 1/ short or long rest. [/sblock]
[sblock=Spellcasting]Spell attack mod: +4
Spell save DC: 12

Cantrips known: Eldritch Blast, Prestidigitation, Minor Illusion (Minor Illusion cast w/ Int)
Spells known: Hex, Protection from Evil and Good

Spell slots: 1 (1st)[/sblock]
[sblock=Equipment]Dagger x2 (+5 atk, 1d4+3 dmg)

Studded leather armor, staff, explorer's pack, traveler's clothes, tent, pouch containing 16 gp 5 sp[/sblock]
[sblock=History]Breealee grew up in a secluded village of gnomes in the Groaning Wood. She was happy in her youth, but as she grew older, it became increasingly clear that she didn't quite fit in with her fellow gnomes. While her peers took to subjects like the arcane arts or engineering, Bree had no talent for such things, and no amount of study seemed to help. She preferred to spend her days exploring the Groaning Wood, befriending the animals and people she crossed paths with.

One day, after a particularly frustrating afternoon of lessons, Bree packed her knapsack and left the village to clear her head. In her travels she met a fey spirit, an ancient man with a mossy beard and joints like gnarled roots. He listened to her worries, and after a long silence, he spoke. "If you're unhappy here, then leave the forest, little one," he told her. "And take a bit of home with you," he added with a smile. He reached a crooked finger out to her forehead, and she felt the rush of magic in her veins. Too excited for words, she hugged him tightly, and then scampered from the clearing. "And you can always come home!" he called after her with a laugh as she ran.

As Bree approached her village to pack and say goodbye, anxiety began to mingle with her excitement. As much as she enjoyed exploring the forest, she was apprehensive about adventuring beyond its borders. She was glad to have a few acquaintances who lived outside the forest, and hoped to see a familiar face or two when she headed toward town.[/sblock]
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TL;DR on the rest - she'll meet the spirit of the Groaning Forest, who'll take pity on the little black sheep and grant her a bit of magic. She'll decide to head out into the world and use it to find her place.

Shouldn't that be TL;DW? :)

I find it odd that Forest Explorer wouldn't give you Survival but I'll allow it.


First Post
That would've worked too. Ultimately I liked stealth for staying safe from predators (and large blundering folk she just doesn't know yet), and acrobatics for nimble escapes when stealth fails.

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