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(IR) IR Interlude, between Turns 2 and Turns 3

We of the UA will not have any embassies in our lands for now. We wish to keep out of the fray and want to see what happens so we can act correctly. We do not wish to make any violent mistakes. And if anyone wants to make a violent mistake against us you will know the wrath of the Swarms.

Vaeregoth will attend the peace convention along with a Unseelie ambasador. The mind flayers and neogi will remain abcent since they remain reluctant about your trustworthyness and the possibility for peace. But they are well in my control and Kalanyr and Vaeregoth do not fear any danger from the convention since they feel they can handle themselves very well if any danger should occur.

We want to remain in the underdark and our mountain territories. I hope you respect our claims and will remain out of our grounds now. We do not allow anyone to pass over our territory without paying for it. We trust no-one and re remain together with the 3 we have now who'm we have always been able to trust.
We will remain our previous ties but we do not side with anyone for now for we seek balance.
But as always, if you seek a conflict you shall have it. We have shown our capability of destruction in the armidio rainforest and the raising of the Sterich Keoland and Yeomanry regions. And that was with 1/3rd of our strengh. We made it hopefully very clear we do not like to be disturbed.

When and where will this covention take place?

And William, you never fought Kalanyr or any serious amounts of Festy. You have been solely fighting my forces and Festies Spelljammer fleet. Festy and Kalanyr have remained for 95% out of the conflict. I hope this makes a little impression that I have been standing almost solely against the onslaught you brought and I still stand atop of the ruins with 110 PL ready to keep the carnage going. I hope this makes you think about what you can really really really have coming down from those mountains if you really want it that bad. So I think a treaty between our forces would come very much in handy for you since I think you don't want to face our full force from the west and the shades and DU from the east. But I think you realise this all to well. And if we make it to 10th level magic I'm sure you do not wants us to be hostile towards you since you attacked us we might still feel that we might still have a score to settle so I hope you will show some good will on this and things might become a bit more peacefull amongst the broken peaks and barrens of the Hellfurnaces and Crystalmists.

Vaeregoth awaits your reply personally atop the cliffs overlooking Loftwick in the Yeomanry.
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The Peace conference

When and where will this covention take place?

The peace conference is held now and during turn 3 in the city of Chathold in Almor in the Dark Union. All delegates will be provided with lavish accomodations adapted to their culture and taste. The banquets will be serving everything from poached eladrin to roasted yugoloth and vegetable curry and a variety of other excuisite dishes from around the multiverse. See the marble halls of the great runied Peloran cathedral. Enjoy the nightly view over the haunted ruins of Old Chathold. Listen to the heavenly choirs of crying imprisoned celestials in the kitchens of the local governor. Bathe in the crystal clear waters of the Denzak gulf, nevermind the occasional corpse floating down the rivers from the abandoned battlefields of Nyrond and the Flinty Hills.

Welcome, and take part in shaping our new futures.

William Ronald

Truce accepted

To Kalanyr, the Forsaken One, and Festy Dog:

I fully accept the truce. Our people will remain where they are and I believe you will keep your people where they are. As a show of good faith, I will share tech (of a non-military nature) this coming turn. (No attacks, therefore I will share tech with you and ask my allies to do so as well. Peace should be profitable.) Also, I would like to offer you some embassy space and talk about possible trade.

I do agree Anabstercorian popping up everywhere is a threat. Also, Edena is going ot play Vecna now.

I figured you were doing some intensive research, but thought that my allies and I were holding on by our bare nails. Well, we have a lot to work on in our lands. Let us avoid misintreprepting each other.

I fully welcome the truce. Each of your characters will be given, in another sign of good faith 40 barrels of wine, ale, or brandy as desired.

Serpenteye: My allies are still considering the peace conference proposal. I will try to get back to you on it.
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Edena... I am still confused. I may keep miscommunicating this, but on turn 0, turn 1, and turn 2 my forces from the Gnarley forest were moving to and staying in the Lortmills (suppossedly to defend them at first, but this was part of the Orc ploy, and then this unit continued to train there with Gnomeworks weapons)

They appear to be poisoned by the shade... but this does not make sense to me. The shade attacked an empty forest, I thought they were supposed to have overan it easily.


Edena I have LFMR on most of my territories. I declared only two territories that were actually participating in this part. The Loftwoods Magic Tower, and the Amedio Rainforest.


And Edena...

Serpenteye is offering to lose 3 PL from somewhere in his forces to trade me adamantium and mithral.

So can he do that. Can he sacrifice 3 PL from somewhere in his forces and I get a little 3 PL tag to add on to any unit of mine I want that says "Mithral and Adamantium Weapons".
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First Post
The Sky-Sea League has desided that the best way to win this war is to stay out of it. We will not attack you if you don't attack us.

William Ronald


The faerie folk are divided between Black Omega (good and neutral) and Valkys (evil and neutral).

As for transportation, if you were using ferry in that sense, Kaboom and Dagger seem to have the best transportation.



Waves. I am sharing tech with the following I am making this public, this is also I list of all those I hope to keep at truce with.

Kevellond League,Turosh Mak, Coalition of Light and Shadow,Forsaken One,Festy,Sollir,Valkys,Iuz,Shade
Darkness, Uvenelei,Gnomeworks , Kaboom, Zelda, Dagger, and creamsteak ,Forrester.

Kalanyr will be attending the peace conference.

Dear Siobhan ,
I will indeed be attending the peace conference, I hope to see you there. Oh and as for the eternally evil dark spawn of the Abyss comment I have been around a long time I have seen Solar Blackguards and Pit Fiend Holy Liberators. Thank you for the brandy. Ok so the Pit Fiends became Eladrin or Planetars and the Solar Abyssal Lords but who's counting?

Looking forward to seeing you
"Eternally Evil Dark Spawn of the Abyss"

Archcleric Hazen ,
My thanks for the wine, with this message I am sending 50 Bottles of Vintage Drow Wine (Year 0) by Greyhawk reckoning. I don't recommend drinking too much of it at a time.
I will see you at the peace treaty
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We Shade, also offer the truce and we will exchange technology with our enemies with the expection of Forrester.

TO Forrester:

You won`t deceive us, Butcher of Evereska! We know of your trachery and we will soon reveal it to all of Oerth! I congratulate you, it was a smart plan, first you order your own robots( who else could bring them to Oerth) to wreak havoc, then you smash them and make yourself a savior! It seems that you changed your mind about not interfering into affairs of Oerth, but it is not the first time you change your mind! First you kill millions of elves, then you subdue and marry their Queen and you make them a part of your decadent society, you make them breed with stinking humanoids and disgusting abominations are born, like this bitch you call your daughter! I am curious, do the proud elves of Celene know about it! And Turrosh Mak, but wait, knowing you you propably made him your lower, didn`t you! We will reveal everything at the conference, goodbye!


First Post

That wins my vote for most vicious in-character insult on another player. Anyway, getting in character again...

I don't drink wine. I prefer fermented cerebral fluid. But I'll be at your peace conference. I think you'll find me very reasonable. I will even, should you desire, come unarmed and psionically dampened.

Voidrunner's Codex

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