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First Post
Icosa nods in acknowledgement of the warning. A blade sluices from his right arm, locking into place with a metalling 'ting.'

Then he looks to his right, the movement tracked by the strange weapon on his shoulder, and fires a pair of bursts of brilliant light; blue-white comets that momentarily interrupt the pervasive gloom as they streak across the room at one of the assassins!

(Eldritch Blast on assassin at M9: [roll0] for [roll1] and then [roll2] for [roll3] for second blast.)

Archon Basileus

First Post

The creature falls down, moaning as death closes its clutches around it one last time. Cries of pain and rage rise from the other undead, as if the monk's actions represented a great sacrilege.

"You'll pay!!!" - another one shouts, right before engaging Thulwar and Tink once more! Harfik feels in his bones the weight of his actions. Despite their appearance, these entities consider themselves noble. The creatures do not consider themselves undead. Instead, they might see their state as one of delicate immortality...

From the fallen carcass, a cloud of dust rises, as the shinning scarabs leap forward, biting at Harfik's flesh! The creatures draw blood, but the monk manages to shake them off and avoid most of them as he steps back. The bugs scatter, looking for easier, more promising prey, leaving a few cuts on the monk's skin. [Harfik takes 3 points of damage. You guys can roll for it if you want, no problem!]


The vial breaks, eating through armor and body. Bursts of green flame rise from the creature, and as Tink cuts through, the body doesn't resist. The undead barely has the time to finish his curses against Harfik. It falls down, corroded and cut in half after Tinks, strike. The machine shakes off the melting bugs - their small bodies carrying part of the acid thrown by Thulwar. Heavy steps advance towards the next victim, a proud assassin of graceful movement. Tink charges, cutting the undead by the chest at first. The enemy is agile, though, and dances around the bladed arms, swinging a longsword in response!

"Ancestor beast, you shall not prevail!" - a distant, thick, female voice comes from the flames. "We shall avenge our suffering NOW!" - the blade bashes against Tink's tough armor, resounding through the cave. The skeletal enemy bends the body forward, scarabs rising from a few bruises. "Strong, but not invincible..." - she resents the machine's resilience. Tink's cold, silent expression responds with a titanic swing that clutches the skeleton's legs! She tries to jump, but she miscalculates and falls down heavily on her back. Tink claws against her, but still she dodges, twisting her body on the floor and roaring against the creature! One of her legs seem crooked and broken, largely damaged by the machine.


The gnome mutters a quick incantation in old jargon, a legacy from the days her people roamed the Feywild. Her faerie blood boils as lively flames burst, and a violet explosion surrounds the skeletal assassins up front, shedding even more light against the barrier of darkness. The shadows rescind a bit, revealing a dreadful sight on the floor: signs of the silent battle appear right behind the assassins inflicted by the Faery Fire. Apparently, right before engaging the heroes, they managed to kill a few of the white mutants called the Blind. Aanzu immediately recognizes the shapes on the floor. No doubt, the white goblinoid he killed a while ago belonged to this tribe...


The machineman redesigns his aim, the weapon humming lowly as it seeks out the target. The fallen warrior dances around, trying to avoid Tink's attacks, and doesn't realize the danger represented by Icosa. The weapon shoots, light crossing the cave suddenly, exploding right against the assassin's face! A scream of agony comes from the place once occupied by the head, now engulfed by blue and green flames that surround a severed skull! The creature tries to rise to her feet, covering her destroyed face as Tink swings once more against her. She manages to dodge, stumbling back a few steps.



The silent frontline of the Lost City of Amberilan.

ATTACK: +5/+4
DAMAGE: Thrown dagger (1d4+3 piercing); Longsword (1d8+2/1d10+2 slashing)
AC: 14
HP: 52
MOVEMENT: 50'/turn
SPECIAL: immune to poison/necrotic damage; sneak attack; swarm explosion (5' around the warrior, disadvantage; CON save throw DC 13, 1d6+2 damage in case of failure; triggered by choice and/or on death.)


Burning Assassin 1 - 28/52 DEAD
Burning Assassin 2 - -7/52 DEAD
Burning Assassin 3 - 9/52 *prone/faerie fire
Burning Assassin 4 - 31/52
Burning Assassin 5 - 52/52

[So, I'm finally back. Again, I'm so sorry for this prolonged absence. Problems just piled up and I had to address them. I'm resuming normal pacing for all my games, guys! I hope I didn't loose you! Please, give me a shout and let's continue! I have plenty of cool plans for your characters! As for the scene, you guys can place your next actions! I'll update the map later on today. @JustinCase has an extra one from this round!]

@industrygothica @Shayuri @Neurotic @Greenmtn @JustinCase
Last edited:


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Curiosity about the fallen albino goblinoids rises within Aanzu, but there is a more powerful force going through his mind; the Thunder Dragon is watching him, and it expects a show of absolute dominance over these pitiful undead creatures.

Falling into his familiar battle trance, Prince Sethmek Aanzu of Sethmandu roars proudly as he finally moves forwards, towards those who think to stand a chance against his rage and lineage. Drawing two daggers with his left hand and tossing them in quick succession at one of the strange creatures, the dragonborn then takes his mighty greatsword in both hands, raising it over his head, and using his momentum, throws the blade across the room to another. A bright flash of lightning seems to shoot out of Aanzu's hands, and the blade materializes again on the other side of the undead. Rolling over the floor past the creature's grasping hands, the prince picks up his sword and with a smooth move returns to his feet, ready to swing.

OOC: Alright, so two rounds:

1: Enter Rage (bonus action). Note: Resistance to all damage except psychic. Extra damage on melee attacks.
Attack Burning Assassin #4 (K16) with a dagger (ranged): [roll0] for [roll1] piercing damage
Extra Attack to do the same with a second dagger (ranged): [roll2] for [roll3] piercing damage

2: Hurl the Greatsword of Lightning in a 120 ft line towards (and through) Burning Assassin #5 (G18): All creatures in line take [roll4] lightning damage; DC13 Dex save for half damage
Move 40 feet to G17, pick up sword as free action (object interaction). This assumes, of course, there are no more creatures behind it and the sword is right there; if not, Aanzu stands unarmed but still ready for battle.
If needed, Athletics check to avoid opportunity attack: [roll5]

By the way, does that +4 STR during rage (from the Teraphim blessing) give an extra +2 to attack and damage? I have not included that, because I wasn't sure.


Harfik Human Monk

OOC: Move to I12 and ready action for anything that comes close and is hostile

Harfik rolls around Icosa and runs to their other flank, taking up a defensive stance awaiting the attack he thinks is sure to come.

"You have chosen your enemies poorly. Come and discover that your immortality is an illusion."


First Post
Icosa considers his options. As he continues to track the assassins, he sends a handshake signal to the strange weapon that's integrated itself into his arm. The device has connections, but he can tell that it also has it's own separate processor and sapience. The potential existed, perhaps, to gain access to the weapon's functions via subverting its protocols, but that seems unwise. Short of forcibly removing his arm, he was unsure how to disengage from it at the moment. It would be best to try to keep on civil terms with its governing intelligence.

I am Icosa, he 'said,' though it was really just identifying data in a stream of packets, who and what are you?

In the meantime, the force cannon on his shoulder continued its fusillade, barely slowing as it swiveled to keep the heat on the assassins!

(Eldritch blasts, targeting Assassin 3 first (at disad due to prone, but cancelled by faerie fire for net normal roll), then Assassin 4 if 3 dies. [roll0] to hit, for [roll1] for 1st beam, then [roll2] to hit, for [roll3] for the second.)

Archon Basileus

First Post

The prince allows rage to flow once more through him. Blood flows stringer as talons and fangs protrude, scales rise in anticipation and his body feels electrified...

But it feels different this time. Inside his skull, it is as if a thundering voice explodes. It does not speak intelligible words, but it is enough to ascertain the presence of the Blue Dragon himself! His body surges with an unknown power, coursing through his arms and legs, reaching out for his head an eyes through his spine... And just as his talons projected themselves a moment ago, his back explodes in a shocking feeling, sprouting enormous fingers from below his shoulders! They keep growing, he feels it, and in seconds they turn into fully grown wings, powerful enough to serve as fully-functional fighting limbs!

The daggers fly from AAnzu's hand with terrible precision, striking the assassin directly. It shakes under the power of the attack, scarab s flying from the fresh bruises! Soon after, the greatsword travels as lightning, striking the second creature and forcing it into a succession of spasms! Aanzu moves forward, his eyes clouded by a strange, strong sensation, and as he paces around, everyone sees that the prince has become engulfed in strange mists, like the dark clouds of a storm. From them, small electric tendrils flicker, lighting up his path while clouding his shape from attacks.

[The Blue Dragon chose to reward Aanzu's honor by granting him a stronger rage form: while in it, he can fly or use his newly-acquired winds for one extra attack, dealing a base damage of 1d8+2 - the wings have sharp bones and allow for any strength bonuses applicable at the moment to be summed up; also, Aanzu acquired the ability to control the weather around his own body. He can create clouds that'll bring any attack against him into disadvantage; plus, any attacks that lend on him will deliver 1d4 damage at the attacker per character level. The nature of such damage can be chosen at the time of the attack: either blessed or electric.]


The monk moves towards the frontline, standing ready for any attacks. To his right, the lascannon shoots another round, but this time Ajax misses the target. The assassin dodges the shots as it advances against the monk, scarabs trickling around his face and arms. He rises his curved blade, intoning dark chants of war, long forgotten... The monk recognizes them immediately, not through his own thoughts, but through those of the Teraphim: that was a war chant, heard in forgotten halls as the dead Amberilans charged against the Teraphim! To them, it was also a curse: may the enemy suffer in life, cower in death and linger in the afterlife!

And for a second, before the blade comes down, Harfik feels the hate the assassin nurtures against the Teraphim... And anyone that fights alongside them.

[Ok, [MENTION=6855102]Greenmtn[/MENTION], you can post your response to his attacks before the actions for your next turn. I'll post his own after that. I prefer to do so because I'd rather leave the attack choices and descriptions to you. :)]


I am Icosa, he 'said,' though it was really just identifying data in a stream of packets, who and what are you?

As the cannon blasts away, the small, broken voice crosses Icosa's mind, as a filtered, robotic voice.

"This one is Ward-227, dedicated AI that controls the corresponding lasrifle functions. This one does not identify inquiring entity. Scanning... Inquiring entity's structure suggests affiliation to the Silver Knights in their original state, but any other branches of the Hipias Mechanos might hold patronage over it. Requiring clarification..." - the last line sounds like a stiff way to ask 'who are you'.

Before the dialogue ends, the cannon has blasted the assassin's body from this world to the next. His bones still burn, but the body - as well as the armor - got disintegrated by the strength of the attacks. Scarabs run loose, hiding in the shadows as they do not find a target for their hunger...


Aanzu's race finishes with an assassin jumping from the shadows. He cries loudly, voicing the same curse uttered against harfik by his peer. The very nature of the words enrages the Blue Dragon, and the spirit shakes within Aanzu's body, uttering stern words in draconian. They're not hard to discern, even though in this state Aanzu can'1t tell if they are his own inner thoughts responding to the curse or the will of the spirit, fending off the darker effects of the enemy's destructive intentions.

The blade spins in the assassin's hand. He crouches, dancing, feinting and moving with great speed. He swings once against the Blue Dragon's chest and misses. The second attack returns, though, and this one barely makes it, scratching Aanzu's stomach and bruising his scales. [Aanzu takes 3 points of damage.]
[MENTION=4936]Shayuri[/MENTION] [MENTION=24380]Neurotic[/MENTION] [MENTION=6855102]Greenmtn[/MENTION] [MENTION=6776182]JustinCase[/MENTION]

[So, guys, I'm finally back, building up the games again. It's been a long month and a half and only now I have got a place to work at home once more - and that was problematic, considering the amount of changes around here. From now on, I'll be able to keep up the pacing. I'm sorry for having you all lying in wait in these games till now, and I hope you'll enjoy what's to come!]


the magical equivalent to the number zero
OOC: Aanzu's got wings that can attack, and he's got his own personal thunderstorm that gives disadvantages (and damage) to enemies that attack him? ...wow. He's blessed, indeed!

Just to clarify, those 3 points of damage Aanzu takes, is that after halving for resistance?


Harfik Human Monk

Harfik digests the curse and pushes the potential ramifications of it from his mind to keep it clear for the impending exchange. He replies in the same tongue, one this creature likely hasn't heard a stranger speak in longer than it can remember. The words pulled from memories not Harfiks own, older, spoken by Teraphim in battles forgotten. "Your death as your life. Meaningless."

He is ready for the attack. He has seen this approach many times when fighting for the entertainment of the masses. This attacker, skilled enough to not run forward with his sword up and thus preventing the easy kill still raises it too far, too soon...

Harfiks blade flashes out as he side steps the attack catching the assassin across the body barely cutting through his defenses but managing to leave a long thin glowing green cut in it's wake. Now beside the attacker Harfik allows his momentum to flow and his body to spin, reversing the grip on his sword and dragging the length of the blade across the creatures side. Another long green crack, scarabs falling from the blade and scurrying back to their host as Harfik re-positions himself and the assassin turns to face him once more.

"You have chosen your enemy poorly." He says coldly, his tone threatening as the rattle of a snakes tail.

OOC: OK so if I understand this correctly I have my full action still but no bonus action because of the held action so 2 attacks from a full attack action.
2 attacks with Teraphim sword: 1D20+11 = [3]+11 = 14
1D6+8 = [6]+8 = 14
1D20+11 = [7]+11 = 18
1D6+8 = [5]+8 = 13



I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Thulwar bombs the fallen creature and it dissolves harmlessly in a pool of viscous green liquid that bubbles for couple of seconds before lying still. Tink charges the opposite wall, but the overhang of the cavern wall deflects his claw centimeters from the assassin, throwing impressive number of sparks, but leaving the creature unharmed.

Acid flask vs assassin #3; damage: 1D20+7 = [20]+7 = 27
3D6 = [2, 1, 1] = 4

Crit bonus: 3D6 = [5, 2, 3] = 10 - if it weren't for the crit hit, it wouldn't be a kill
(no disadvantage for prone due faerie fire

Move: 40' to J15 next to #4
Claw; damage; Bite; damage: 1D20+6 = [7]+6 = 13
2D6+5 = [1, 3]+5 = 9
1D20+6 = [19]+6 = 25
1D10+5 = [7]+5 = 12
- miss, no damage

Voidrunner's Codex

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