• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!


Archon Basileus

First Post

[Ok, I'm splitting the rolls for distinct purposes!]

The group moves forward, covering ground with ease. The area seems to have been softened, so navigation wouldn't become a problem. Beyond the small pond and the glittering stones, a long corridor twists slightly to the right, certainly excavated by suits in a long, distant past. As it follows, it also opens up, profiting from a huge opening on the rock. The place is drenched in darkness, making it hard to see far away even through the use of torches and other light sources. The flashlights can only do so much, and vision is reduced to a few feet beyond the groups position.

A few more steps forward, and the heroes see an old room. Barely illuminated by their own efforts, the pavement drops down some ten feet. The place's divided in two by the presence of a huge natural column right in the center of a tall and ample hall. Four huge shapes are sprung around as well, vaguely suggesting ancient statues. The entire area is covered in moss and mushrooms, making it look quite alive - at least, as far as the heroes can see. A great deal of the room remains thrown in the dark.

Something feels off, everyone can tell... An unnatural silence falls upon the area. Except for certain noises, unusual and rhythmic, as both Icosa and Aanzu identify. The sounds are like brief clicks and cracks. Probably some kind of insect, judging by the looks of the area...

Crossing this room should bring the group closer to a way down, Thulwar is sure of that. Harfik, on the other hand, can see that most of the things growing around probably won't pose any immediate danger, but that also means that they might be food, inviting to other creatures. Any further conclusions would demand a closer look - down in the hall.

[To continue, the group must drop down first. An automatic success for a longer, careful climb. For a direct one, a DC 10 roll will do. Vision is restricted to 10 feet. Those with dark vision can see up to 20 feet in here. Something strange lingers in the air, as a dark cloud of sorts, impairing vision.]

@Neurotic @Shayuri @JustinCase @Greenmtn @industrygothica
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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"Guards, keep the miners and the giantess away and safe. Tink, forward. Prepare lights everyone, Tink and I will draw them out."
Thulwar takes the point, dark tunnels holding no fear to him. Still, he keeps his machine close until this point, not used to having his vision impaired. Quaffing an elixir, he scrambles down half-hanging from Tink, half moving on his own. Incredibly (but something the group has already seen), great predator lands quietly and unnoticed, while little alchemist makes attention grabbing noise as he rolls with some pebbles dislodged while going down and slight grunt as he hits the ground. Not as bad as when they entered the complex, but still, loud enough to be easily noticed.

Tink Athletics: 1D20+4 = [11]+4 = 15
Tink Stealth: 1D20+6 = [20]+6 = 26
Thulwar Acrobatics: 1D20+5 = [12]+5 = 17
Thulwar Stealth: 1D20+8 = [5]+8 = 13

Tinks aided perception: 2D20.HIGH(1)+3 = [6, 19]+3 = 22

The idea is to draw whatevers waiting onto Tink - it can take some beating and, being a machine, should be uninteresting to normal bugs and critters.
Elixir = Swift Step Draught - increase speed by 20' for 1 minute
[MENTION=4936]Shayuri[/MENTION], Icosa can use:
Repelling Shield (Complex Property). Over the course of a short rest, you inscribe this rune onto a normal sized shield or buckler as you expend a spell slot. The air around the shield takes on a distorted appearance. If someone defending with the shield is attacked and missed in combat, they may spend their reaction to block. This will deal 1d6 force damage per level of the spell slot to the attacker, and they must make a Strength saving throw (DC 12 + the level of the expended spell slot) or be knocked prone
2nd level, 2d6 damage, DC 14


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Aanzu stands perfectly still. His intuition tells him there is something in here; his senses have not detected it yet, but the warrior knows better than to ignore his instincts.

He closes his eyes and instead focuses on his other senses - his nostrils filling with the air and shifting through the now familiar scents of his companions, his ears alert for the smallest of noises, his scaly skin aware of every subtle shift of air, his feet connecting to the floor to sense tremors if anything moves. In this state, the prince is aware of Thulwar and Tink moving forwards and down, trying to draw out the hidden.

Remembering the lessons of the Great Blue Dragon, Aanzu waits in motionless silence. The thieves always come when they think the dragon is asleep, and Aanzu will allow them to come very close before he catches them.

OOC: Full round Perception: [roll0]
Does that grant advantage? If so: [roll1]


First Post
Icosa observes the preparations, but realizes that even if anything hostile takes Tink's bait, he'll have trouble targeting them from this far away. He begins climbing carefully down, intending to back Tink up should an attack begin.


Harfik Human Monk

Harfik steps up to the ledge, crouching down and holding the sword Aanzu gave him in one hand. Waiting with patience to see what happens.
He thinks for a moment about about warning of creatures in this area, but is confident that his allies are already prepared.

Archon Basileus

First Post

As Thulwar and Tink descend, the noises become even more vague, as if somehow the heroes' presence had been noticed. The darkness is intense and unnatural, but Thulwar's sight grant him some advantage, even here. The gnome knows it is magical, for no other force could limit his sight in such a way.

Under closer inspection, the area shows a most peculiar composition. Thulwar can see the outlines of a nearby statue, rustic and covered in spiral lines, as well as several distinct patterns. The same engravings cover the floor as well, as if placed there to build a trail of sorts. Thulwar can feel the distinct textures under his feet, beneath the thick soles of his shoes. The trails, marked on the floor, might serve as guiding lines through the darkness, at least for anyone familiarized with the traces carved into the stone.

As the duo contemplates the situation, a small shard of shining material becomes apparent, some ten feet beyond. It seems to be a piece of blade, left there after some confrontation - recent, by the looks of it. Some sort of fight has happened in here, but the signs left behind suggest ambushes and silent strikes instead of open attacks. No blood, no traces of a bigger charge, only that blade shard, nothing more...


Above, Aanzu focuses his senses. He feels distant vibrations as the floor rumbles - they seem to come from beyond this room, though, emanating from an unknown location, beyond the darkness. There, something seems to hum, like a dragon in its slumber.

Within the hall, though, the prince overhears the sound of metal dragging around, as if the pieces of an armor were being dragged against the stone. the sound comes predominantly from the left area in front of him and beyond the darkness. He also hears the sound of clattering bones - or maybe carapaces. The sounds are coordinated, and even though the pattern is hard to discern, he uncovers a rudimentary form of communication beneath the short strikes. One side brings up a small code, trying to disguise it as a natural sound, and the other answers in the same way as it goes. It also seems that the sources are constantly shifting positions, as if they refused to remain in the same place for too long.

On the right side, Aanzu overhears slow, calculated hisses. Sometime guttural, sometimes snake-like, these signs behave mostly on the same way that the drags and clatters do. They emulate a natural, irregular pattern, with moving sources. All the same, they seem to be communicating with each other.

Every sound is so low that only by focusing he can capture these small patterns. He can, however, pinpoint the general areas from which each of these sound groups emanate. They seem to occupy opposite sides of the room, always thrown in darkness.

Two other things are caught by Aanzu's attention: first, the size of these creatures. Judging by the intensity of the noises, they are bigger than bugs. Certainly, they're at least human-sized. The other thing is the smell: the place seems to hold something old and rancid, past the point of rotting, almost as something mummified within the room...


The monk studies the area as his companions advance. The darkness is dense. No doubt, magical in nature. The textures on the floor and on the outlined statues have been placed there later on, clearly as means for someone to move around without having to resort to sight. The smell of decay fills the nostrils, suggesting the presence of long dead things within this room. Going forward is a certain way of springing an ambush. Maybe this is how the creatures within hunt, nothing more, but the darkness is so thick that it renders any sort of action difficult.


Seeing the same signs as the others, Icosa seems to realize a simple truth: whatever lies within is by no means a united collective. If these are bugs, they struggle against each other. If they are something else, surely they have been fighting among each other, perhaps for food, perhaps for something else. The trails on the floor suggest awareness, a nature that transcends that of a mere beast. Perhaps the creatures are smart enough to adapt to the shadows, or perhaps they're simply using this area for a hinting ground, ignoring the marks on the floor for the most part. It certainly doesn't look like it, though.


As the gnome observes the darkness conjured within the room, a familiar sensation pervades her. Her body responds to the presence of the dead. They are here, no doubt, and she can sense spirits observing beyond darkness. Suddenly, a face form just by her side, intangible and emanating a faint glow... The vague figure roams around, moaning and complaining about "mongrels" and how it was forced to relinquish immortality for what it calls a "silent war". It shivers for a bit, floating just above the floor, not far from the edge of the darkness, and there it remains, lingering before the gnome's vision.


Suddenly, the small hisses and clatters more pronounced. Not far from the party, it seems that something moves, trying to reach the group's flank!

Turning towards the area, the heroes catch a glimpse of green smoke and luminosity at the edges of darkness, as if a pair of obscured eyes burned green fires behind empty bone sockets. The things seem to provoke them at first, taunting them to reach into the darkness to grab them... That lasts for only a second though. They realize the heroes' awareness and leap back, the strange mixture of fire and smoke still shining vaguely within the darkness as a pair of eyes... A whispering voice comes from the fading lights, strange and inviting. It crosses paths with the lingering spirit - something that only Lyllie notices, since she's the only one that sees the moaning spirit - and continues trailing at the edge of darkness.

"Coooome..." - the voice says. "We shall guiiiide... You can't traverse the darknessss and live.... But we are willinnng..." - the entity continues. "Come... All you gotta do is step inside... Come..." - the strange lights keep floating around, as if disembodied and unimpeded by any sorts of obstacles. "We are the emissaries of the Lost City of Amberilan. We can grant you passage. You, and the Teraphim, can cross the dead city.... No harm... No harm... Come with usss... We shall bring you to your home... That we promise..."

Around, the clattering and tattering goes on, strange, irregular and vague...

[Now, will you follow? ;)

Sorry, I had to edit the post... I was grading papers by the time I wrote and I dropped lines that I had to re-write later on. :) Also, I made a few mechanical decisions that I think will help with pacing. I'm ditching initiative in order to work over your actions - responding to your own action orders and using their content in a more intense way. Go ahead and push things as far as you want. :)]



@Neurotic @JustinCase @Shayuri @industrygothica @Greenmtn
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First Post
Icosa brings up his shield arm, and a softly glowing blade of force manifests from his right arm, casting his armored features into relief in the artificial gloom of the pit.

"Previous entities of this taxonomy have been hostile," he reminds the party. "I recommend caution."

Even so, he does not initiate hostilities, instead of preparing himself to repel an attack, if any were incoming.

(Full Defense!)


"So," Lyllie says. "There's something dead in here. A spirit. I see one, just there," she points. "But there may be more."

OOC: Sorry for the long delay, but I'm back at home now.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.

Under closer inspection, the area shows a most peculiar composition. Thulwar can see the outlines of a nearby statue, rustic and covered in spiral lines, as well as several distinct patterns. The same engravings cover the floor as well, as if placed there to build a trail of sorts. Thulwar can feel the distinct textures under his feet, beneath the thick soles of his shoes. The trails, marked on the floor, might serve as guiding lines through the darkness, at least for anyone familiarized with the traces carved into the stone.

As the duo contemplates the situation, a small shard of shining material becomes apparent, some ten feet beyond. It seems to be a piece of blade, left there after some confrontation - recent, by the looks of it. Some sort of fight has happened in here, but the signs left behind suggest ambushes and silent strikes instead of open attacks. No blood, no traces of a bigger charge, only that blade shard, nothing more...

Thulwar pays attention to the runes first and foremost. Confirming that they for a path, he checks in his natural tendency to go and inspect the item in shining in the dark. Instead he calls out to the others "There is a path here, marked by runes. Possibly, the only safe path is to follow the way. If you can come down on the path instead on the side, that would be great! I will just do some testing before you do. Keep an eye out."

Thulwar calls upon his new toy, scribing rune of force in the air. Magical force stretches away from him and touches the shining item before snapping back like streched spring coil.

OOC: Using simple property of the rune - if the item is 10lbs or less it should move toward Thulwar 30 feet


Harfik Human Monk

OOC: Intelligence [roll0] to "remember" this area or something about it.
Ready attack action for the first thing that attacks us.

"This is a hunting ground for sure. Ajax do you know anything about it from your missions? Is there a way around it?" Harfik continues to scan the darkness, sword in one hand and spear in the other. He reverses his grip on the sear and brings it up ready to launch it.

Voidrunner's Codex

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